986 resultados para GEOGRAPHIC RANGE


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The extent of genetic diversity and the genetic relationships among 94 coconut varieties/populations (51 Talls and 43 Dwarfs) representing the entire geographic range of cultivation/distribution of the coconut was assessed using 12 pairs of coconut microsatellite primers. A high level of genetic diversity was observed in the collection with the mean gene diversity of 0.647+/-0.139, with that of the mean gene diversity of Talls 0.703+/-0.125 and 0.374+/-0.204 of Dwarfs. A phenetic tree based on DAD genetic distances clustered all the 94 varieties/ populations into two main groups, with one group composed of all the Talls from southeast Asia, the Pacific, west coast of Panama, and all Dwarfs and the other of all Talls from south Asia, Africa, and the Indian Ocean coast of Thailand. The allele distribution of Dwarfs highlighted a unique position of Dwarf palms from the Philippines exhibiting as much variation as that in the Tall group. The grouping of all Dwarfs representing the entire geographic distribution of the crop with Talls from southeast Asia and the Pacific and the allele distribution between the Tall and Dwarf suggest that the Dwarfs originated from the Tall forms and that too from the Talls of southeast Asia and the Pacific. Talls from Pacific Islands recorded the highest level of genetic diversity (0.6+/-0.26) with the highest number of alleles (51) among all the regions.


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Sweat bees (Halictidae) exhibit great interspecific and intraspecific diversity in their social organisation, yet there is remarkably little information on the sociogenetic organisation of any species. Lasioglossum malachurum is a eusocial sweat bee with an annual lifecycle that exhibits considerable variation in its social organisation across its wide geographic range from northern to southern Europe. We collected all adults from 31 L. malachurum nests at Eichkogl, Austria, near the latitudinal centre of its distribution, and genotyped 148 workers using 5 highly variable microsatellite loci developed for this species. Nests were often queenless (48% of nests) during the second phase of worker activity, when colonies were provisioning the sexual brood. Pedigree reconstruction and estimates of nestmate genetic relatedness demonstrated that nests often (32% of nests) contained alien workers, probably as a result of worker drifting from their natal to a foreign nest. Queen effective mating frequency was variable (harmonic mean m(e) = 1.24), but sometimes high (maximum 2.7). These data demonstrate that nests of L. malachurum do not have a classical eusocial sociogenetic organisation (monogyny, monandry) and thereby pose a challenge to exclusively relatedness based arguments for the evolution of eusociality in the taxon.


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A quarter of all lagomorphs (pikas, rabbits, hares and jackrabbits) are threatened with extinction, including several genera that contain only one species. The number of species in a genus correlates with extinction risk in lagomorphs, but not in other mammal groups, and this is concerning because the non-random extinction of small clades disproportionately threatens genetic diversity and phylogenetic history. Here, we use phylogenetic analyses to explore the properties of the lagomorph phylogeny and test if variation in evolution, biogeography and ecology between taxa explains current patterns of diversity and extinction risk. Threat status was not related to body size (and, by inference, its biological correlates), and there was no phylogenetic signal in extinction risk. We show that the lagomorph phylogeny has a similar clade-size distribution to other mammals, and found that genus size was unrelated to present climate, topography, or geographic range size. Extinction risk was greater in areas of higher human population density and negatively correlated with anthropogenically modified habitat. Consistent with this, habitat generalists were less likely to be threatened. Our models did not predict threat status accurately for taxa that experience region-specific threats. We suggest that pressure from human populations is so severe and widespread that it overrides ecological, biological, and geographic variation in extant lagomorphs.


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We derive the species-area relationship (SAR) expected from an assemblage of fractally distributed species. If species have truly fractal spatial distributions with different fractal dimensions, we show that the expected SAR is not the classical power-law function, as suggested recently in the literature. This analytically derived SAR has a distinctive shape that is not commonly observed in nature: upward-accelerating richness with increasing area (when plotted on log-log axes). This suggests that, in reality, most species depart from true fractal spatial structure. We demonstrate the fitting of a fractal SAR using two plant assemblages (Alaskan trees and British grasses). We show that in both cases, when modelled as fractal patterns, the modelled SAR departs from the observed SAR in the same way, in accord with the theory developed here. The challenge is to identify how species depart from fractality, either individually or within assemblages, and more importantly to suggest reasons why species distributions are not self-similar and what, if anything, this can tell us about the spatial processes involved in their generation.


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The majority, if not all, species have a limited geographic range bounded by a distribution edge. Violent ecotones such as sea coasts clearly produce edges for many species; however such ecotones, while sufficient for the formation of an edge, are not always necessary. We demonstrate this by simulation in discrete time of a spatially structured finite size metapopulation subjected to a spatial gradient in per-unit-time population extinction probability together with spatially structured dispersal and recolonisation. We find that relatively sharp edges separating a homeland or main geographical range from an outland or zone of relatively sparse and ephemeral colonisation can form in gradual environmental gradients. The form and placing of the edge is an emergent property of the metapopulation dynamics. The sharpness of the edge declines with increasing dispersal distance, and is dependent on the relative scales of dispersal distance and gradient length. The space over which the edge develops is short relative to the potential species range. The edge is robust against changes in both the shape of the environmental gradient and to a lesser extent to alterations in the kind of dispersal operating. Persistence times in the absence of environmental gradients are virtually independent of the shape of the dispersal function describing migration. The common finding of bell shaped population density distributions across geographic ranges may occur without the strict necessity of a niche mediated response to a spatially autocorrelated environment.


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The pinewood nematode, is the causal agent of pine wilt disease, a serious threat to native pine forest in eastern Asia (Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan) and some parts of North America (USA, Canada and Mexico). In 1999, this nematode was found and identified for the first time in Portugal and in Europe. The detection of this quarantine pest in Portugal has indicated the need to know more about the distribution of Bursaphelenchus spp. in coniferous trees in Europe in order to describe the geographic range of the species and to act quickly in case of the nematode’s unwanted introduction into other European regions. Pine forest has a wide distribution in Turkey that increases the number of susceptible host trees for pinewood nematode. Because of these resaons, some regions of Turkey were surveyed for the presence of the nematode. Three different species of Bursaphelenchus were found. However, B. xylophilus was not detected. The detection of B. mucronatus, very similar to B. xylophilus biologically and morphologically, is very important. The presence of this species indicates that B. xylophilus could spread easly in conifer forests of Turkey. A study was conducted to determine the pathogenicity of B. mucronatus and 80% of seedlings of P. sylvestris were wilted. Biological characteristics of M. galloprovincialis were compared with M. carolinensis, Nort American vector, and some of them were found to be similar.


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Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Ecologia e Gestão Ambiental). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Ce mémoire porte sur les relations phylogénétiques, géographiques et historiques du genre afro-malgache Delonix qui contient onze espèces et des genres monospécifiques et endémiques Colvillea et Lemuropisum. Les relations intergénériques et interspécifiques entre les espèces de ces trois genres ne sont pas résolues ce qui limite la vérification d’hypothèses taxonomiques, mais également biogéographiques concernant la dispersion de plantes depuis ou vers Madagascar. Une meilleure compréhension des relations évolutives et biogéographiques entre ces espèces menacées d’extinction permettrait une plus grande efficacité quant à leur conservation. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de reconstruire la phylogénie des espèces à l’aide de régions moléculaires des génomes chloroplastique et nucléaire, d’identifier les temps de divergences entre les espèces et de reconstruire l’aire géographique ancestrale pour chacun des groupes. Ce projet démontre que le genre Delonix n’est pas soutenu comme étant monophylétique et qu’une révision taxonomique s’impose. Les relations intergénériques demeurent floues quant à la position phylogénétique de Colvillea et nos résultats suggèrent de l’hybridation ou un assortiment incomplet de cette lignée. Les espèces sont apparues et se sont diversifiées au Miocène à partir d’un ancêtre commun du sud de Madagascar. La phylogénie montre deux clades associés aux aires géographiques de répartition des espèces opposant les espèces largement répandues à celles majoritairement restreintes au fourré aride. Différentes hypothèses afin d’expliquer la dispersion des Delonix africains au Miocène à partir de Madagascar sont discutées. Un point de mire sur les interactions biotiques et abiotiques, passées et présentes, dans le fourré aride de Madagascar est recommandé en terme de conservation.


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I examined lists of endangered species from northeastern and midwestern United States to assess the extent to which they were dominated by species considered rare due to their vulnerability to anthropogenic stressors or, instead, by species whose rarity might be explained otherwise. Northeastern states had longer species lists than midwestern states, and more species associated with locally rare prairie habitats. More species at the edge of their geographic range appeared on lists from the Northeast than the Midwest. About 70% of listed species overall have shown either no significant population trend, or increases, at the continental scale, but wetland and prairie species were frequently listed, consistent with the generally acknowledged, widespread loss of these habitats. Curiously, midwestern states tended to list fewer forest species, despite evidence that forest fragmentation there has had strongly deleterious effects on regional bird populations. Overall, species appear to be listed locally for a variety of reasons not necessarily related to their risk of extinction generally, potentially contributing to inefficient distributions of limited resources to deal effectively with species that legitimately require conservation attention. I advocate a continental perspective when listing species locally, and propose enhanced criteria for characterizing species as endangered at the local level.


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Although mortality of birds from collisions with vehicles is estimated to be in the millions in the USA, Europe, and the UK, to date, no estimates exist for Canada. To address this, we calculated an estimate of annual avian mortality attributed to vehicular collisions during the breeding and fledging season, in Canadian ecozones, by applying North American literature values for avian mortality to Canadian road networks. Because owls are particularly susceptible to collisions with vehicles, we also estimated the number of roadkilled Barn owls (Tyto alba) in its last remaining range within Canada. (This species is on the IUCN red list and is also listed federally as threatened; Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada 2010, International Union for the Conservation of Nature 2012). Through seven Canadian studies in existence, 80 species and 2,834 specimens have been found dead on roads representing species from 14 orders of birds. On Canadian 1 and 2-lane paved roads outside of major urban centers, the unadjusted number of bird mortalities/yr during an estimated 4-mo (122-d) breeding and fledging season for most birds in Canada was 4,650,137 on roads traversing through deciduous, coniferous, cropland, wetlands and nonagricultural landscapes with less than 10% treed area. On average, this represents 1,167 birds killed/100 km in Canada. Adjusted for scavenging, this estimate was 13,810,906 (3,462 dead birds/100 km). For barn owls, the unadjusted number of birds killed annually on 4-lane roads during the breeding and fledging season, within the species geographic range in southern British Columbia, was estimated as 244 owls and, when adjusted for scavenging and observer bias (3.6 factor), the total was 851 owls.


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The wild common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is widely but discontinuously distributed from northern Mexico to northern Argentina on both sides of the Isthmus of Panama. Little is known on how the species has reached its current disjunct distribution. In this research, chloroplast DNA polymorphisms in seven non-coding regions were used to study the history of migration of wild P. vulgaris between Mesoamerica and South America. A penalized likelihood analysis was applied to previously published Leguminosae ITS data to estimate divergence times between P. vulgaris and its sister taxa from Mesoamerica, and divergence times of populations within P. vulgaris. Fourteen chloroplast haplotypes were identified by PCR-RFLP and their geographical associations were studied by means of a Nested Clade Analysis and Mantel Tests. The results suggest that the haplotypes are not randomly distributed but occupy discrete parts of the geographic range of the species. The current distribution of haplotypes may be explained by isolation by distance and by at least two migration events between Mesoamerica and South America: one from Mesoamerica to South America and another one from northern South America to Mesoamerica. Age estimates place the divergence of P. vulgaris from its sister taxa from Mesoamerica at or before 1.3 Ma, and divergence of populations from Ecuador-northern Peru at or before 0.6 Ma. As these ages are taken as minimum divergence times, the influence of past events, such as the closure of the Isthmus of Panama and the final uplift of the Andes, on the migration history and population structure of this species cannot be disregarded.


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Caughley's contributions to single-species population ecology are here discussed in the light of some of the ideas and studies his work elicited, with particular reference to influences on my own work and that of my collaborators. Major themes are the manner and extent of population regulation; the alternate perspectives on population regulation that are obtained by density-dependence analyses and mechanistic analyses in terms of food availability and other causal factors; and ways in which mechanistic analyses can be elaborated to characterise a species' ecological niche and relate it to the species' geographic range.


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The myxozoan, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, exploits freshwater bryozoans as definitive hosts, occurring as cryptic stages in bryozoan colonies during covert infections and as spore-forming sacs during overt infections. Spores released from sacs are infective to salmonid fish, causing the devastating Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD). We undertook laboratory studies using mesocosm systems running at 10, 14 and 20 degrees C to determine how infection by T bryosalmonae and water temperature influence fitness of one of its most important bryozoan hosts, Fredericella sultana, over a period of 4 weeks. The effects of infection were context-dependent and often undetectable. Covert infections appear to pose very low energetic costs. Thus, we found that growth of covertly infected F. sultana colonies was similar to that of uninfected colonies regardless of temperature, as was the propensity to produce dormant resting stages (statoblasts). Production of statoblasts, however, was associated with decreased growth. Overt infections imposed greater effects on correlates of host fitness by: (i) reducing growth rates at the two higher temperatures: (ii) increasing mortality rates at the highest temperature: (iii) inhibiting statoblast production. Our results indicate that parasitism should have a relatively small effect on host fitness in the field as the negative effects of infection were mainly expressed in environmentally extreme conditions (20 degrees C for 4 weeks). The generally low virulence of T. bryosalmonae is similar to that recently demonstrated for another myxozoan endoparasite of freshwater bryozoans. The unique opportunity for extensive vertical transmission in these colonial invertebrate hosts couples the reproductive interests of host and parasite and may well give rise to the low virulence that characterises these systems. Our study implies that climate change can be expected to exacerbate PKD outbreaks and increase the geographic range of PKD as a result of the combined responses of T. bryosalmonae and its bryozoan hosts to higher temperatures. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is one of the most Popular population genetic markers. Its relevance as an indicator Of Population size and history has recently been questioned by several large-scale studies in animals reporting evidence for recurrent adaptive evolution, at least in invertebrates. Here we focus on mammals, a more restricted taxonomic group for which the issue of mtDNA near neutrality is crucial. By analyzing the distribution of mtDNA diversity across species and relating 4 to allozyme diversity, life-history traits, and taxonomy, we show that (i) mtDNA in mammals (toes not reject the nearly neutral model; (ii) mtDNA diversity, however, is unrelated to any of the 14 life-history and ecological variables that we analyzed, including body mass, geographic range, and The World Conservation Union (IUCN) categorization; (iii) mtDNA diversity is highly variable between mammalian orders and families; (iv) this taxonomic effect is most likely explained by variations of mutation rate between lineages. These results are indicative of a strong stochasticity of effective population size in mammalian species. They Suggest that, even in the absence of selection, mtDNA genetic diversity is essentially unpredictable, knowing species biology, and probably uncorrelated to species abundance.


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Inferring the spatial expansion dynamics of invading species from molecular data is notoriously difficult due to the complexity of the processes involved. For these demographic scenarios, genetic data obtained from highly variable markers may be profitably combined with specific sampling schemes and information from other sources using a Bayesian approach. The geographic range of the introduced toad Bufo marinus is still expanding in eastern and northern Australia, in each case from isolates established around 1960. A large amount of demographic and historical information is available on both expansion areas. In each area, samples were collected along a transect representing populations of different ages and genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Five demographic models of expansion, differing in the dispersal pattern for migrants and founders and in the number of founders, were considered. Because the demographic history is complex, we used an approximate Bayesian method, based on a rejection-regression algorithm. to formally test the relative likelihoods of the five models of expansion and to infer demographic parameters. A stepwise migration-foundation model with founder events was statistically better supported than other four models in both expansion areas. Posterior distributions supported different dynamics of expansion in the studied areas. Populations in the eastern expansion area have a lower stable effective population size and have been founded by a smaller number of individuals than those in the northern expansion area. Once demographically stabilized, populations exchange a substantial number of effective migrants per generation in both expansion areas, and such exchanges are larger in northern than in eastern Australia. The effective number of migrants appears to be considerably lower than that of founders in both expansion areas. We found our inferences to be relatively robust to various assumptions on marker. demographic, and historical features. The method presented here is the only robust, model-based method available so far, which allows inferring complex population dynamics over a short time scale. It also provides the basis for investigating the interplay between population dynamics, drift, and selection in invasive species.