283 resultados para GEODESY


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We present a comparison of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS) five-day ocean analyses against in situ daily data from Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA) moorings at locations 90 degrees E, 12 degrees N; 90 degrees E, 8 degrees N; 90 degrees E, 0 degrees N and 90 degrees E, 1.5 degrees S in the equatorial Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal during 2002-2008. We find that the GODAS temperature analysis does not adequately capture a prominent signal of Indian Ocean dipole mode of 2006 seen in the mooring data, particularly at 90 degrees E 0 degrees N and 90 degrees E 1.5 degrees S in the eastern India Ocean. The analysis, using simple statistics such as bias and root-mean-square deviation, indicates that standard GODAS temperature has definite biases and significant differences with observations on both subseasonal and seasonal scales. Subsurface salinity has serious deficiencies as well, but this may not be surprising considering the poorly constrained fresh water forcing, and possible model deficiencies in subsurface vertical mixing. GODAS reanalysis needs improvement to make it more useful for study of climate variability and for creating ocean initial conditions for prediction.


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Contributed to: "Measuring the Changes": 13th FIG International Symposium on Deformation Measurements and Analysis; 4th IAG Symposium on Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Enginering (Lisbon, Portugal, May 12-15, 2008).


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O cálculo da área de poligonais geodésicas é um desafio matemático instigante. Como calcular a área de uma poligonal sobre o elipsóide, se seus lados não possuem parametrização conhecida? Alguns trabalhos já foram desenvolvidos no intuito de solucionar este problema, empregando, em sua maioria, sistemas projetivos equivalentes ou aproximações sobre esferas autálicas. Tais métodos aproximam a superfície de referência elipsoidal por outras de mais fácil tratamento matemático, porém apresentam limitação de emprego, pois uma única superfície não poderia ser empregada para todo o planeta, sem comprometer os cálculos realizados sobre ela. No Código de Processo Civil, Livro IV, Título I, Capítulo VIII, Seção III artigo 971 diz, em seu parágrafo único, que não havendo impugnação, o juiz determinará a divisão geodésica do imóvel. Além deste, existe ainda a Lei 10.267/2001, que regula a obrigatoriedade, para efetivação de registro, dos vértices definidores dos limites dos imóveis rurais terem suas coordenadas georreferenciadas ao Sistema Geodésico Brasileiro (SGB), sendo que áreas de imóveis menores que quatro módulos fiscais terão garantida isenção de custos financeiros.Este trabalho visa fornecer uma metodologia de cálculo de áreas para poligonais geodésicas, ou loxodrômicas, diretamente sobre o elipsóide, bem como fornecer um programa que execute as rotinas elaboradas nesta dissertação. Como a maioria dos levantamentos geodésicos é realizada usando rastreadores GPS, a carga dos dados é pautada em coordenadas (X, Y, Z), empregando o Sistema Geodésico WGS-84, fornecendo a área geodésica sem a necessidade de um produto tipo SIG. Para alcançar o objetivo deste trabalho, foi desenvolvida parametrização diferente da abordagem clássica da Geodésia geométrica, para transformar as coordenadas (X, Y, Z) em geodésicas.


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The AltiKa altimeter records the reflection of Ka-band radar pulses from the Earth’s surface, with the commonly used waveform product involving the summation of 96 returns to provide average echoes at 40 Hz. Occasionally there are one-second recordings of the complex individual echoes (IEs), which facilitate the evaluation of on-board processing and offer the potential for new processing strategies. Our investigation of these IEs over the ocean confirms the on-board operations, whilst noting that data quantization limits the accuracy in the thermal noise region. By constructing average waveforms from 32 IEs at a time, and applying an innovative subwaveform retracker, we demonstrate that accurate height and wave height information can be retrieved from very short sections of data. Early exploration of the complex echoes reveals structure in the phase information similar to that noted for Envisat’s IEs.


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As well as range, the AltiKa altimeter provides estimates of wave height, Hs and normalized backscatter, s0, that need to be assessed prior to statistics based on them being included in climate databases. An analysis of crossovers with the Jason-2 altimeter shows AltiKa Hs values to be biased high by only »0.05m, with a standard deviation (s.d.) of »0.1m for seven-point averages. AltiKa’s s 0 values are 2.5–3 dB less than those from Jason-2, with a s.d. of »0.3 dB, with these relatively large mismatches to be expected as AltiKa measures a different part of the spectrum of sea surface roughness. A new wind speed algorithm is developed through matchinghistogram of s0 values to that for Jason-2 wind speeds. The algorithm is robust to the use of short durations of data, with a consistency at roughly the 0.1 m/s level. Incorporation of Hs as a secondary input reduces the assessed error at crossovers from 0.82 m/s to 0.71 m/s. A comparison across all altimeter frequencies used to date demonstrates that the lowest wind speeds preferentially develop the shortest scales of roughness.


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La necesidad de contar con un mapa de base científica que cubriera todo el territorio español llevó al Estado a crear en paralelo varias Comisiones con cometidos geodésicos, topográficos y cartográficos durante la década de 1850. La labor simultánea de estas Comisiones se prolongó hasta 1859, cuando se aprobó la Ley de Medición del Territorio, que las fusionó en un único organismo. Este artículo analiza aspectos técnicos de los trabajos que realizaron estas Comisiones a partir de la información contenida en algunos documentos que custodia el Archivo Topográfico del IGN. Las conclusiones que se extraen son que estas Comisiones acometieron operaciones geodésicas que resultaron cruciales en el establecimiento ulterior de la red de triangulación peninsular, realizaron mediciones topográficas que fueron reutilizadas veinte años después en el levantamiento del Mapa Topográfico Nacional, e idearon las características catastrales que fueron adoptadas durante todo el siglo posterior para el Catastro de España.


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A solution adpoted in gvSIG for Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) management is shown, like importing form several databases, to the new definition, as well as handing conversion and transformation operations between different CRSs, in particular for ED50 to ETRS89 transition


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Rising sea level is perhaps the most severe consequence of climate warming, as much of the world’s population and infrastructure is located near current sea level (Lemke et al. 2007). A major rise of a metre or more would cause serious problems. Such possibilities have been suggested by Hansen and Sato (2011) who pointed out that sea level was several metres higher than now during the Holsteinian and Eemian interglacials (about 250,000 and 120,000 years ago, respectively), even though the global temperature was then only slightly higher than it is nowadays. It is consequently of the utmost importance to determine whether such a sea level rise could occur and, if so, how fast it might happen. Sea level undergoes considerable changes due to natural processes such as the wind, ocean currents and tidal motions. On longer time scales, the sea level is influenced by steric effects (sea water expansion caused by temperature and salinity changes of the ocean) and by eustatic effects caused by changes in ocean mass. Changes in the Earth’s cryosphere, such as the retreat or expansion of glaciers and land ice areas, have been the dominant cause of sea level change during the Earth’s recent history. During the glacial cycles of the last million years, the sea level varied by a large amount, of the order of 100 m. If the Earth’s cryosphere were to disappear completely, the sea level would rise by some 65 m. The scientific papers in the present volume address the different aspects of the Earth’s cryosphere and how the different changes in the cryosphere affect sea level change. It represents the outcome of the first workshop held within the new ISSI Earth Science Programme. The workshop took place from 22 to 26 March, 2010, in Bern, Switzerland, with the objective of providing an in-depth insight into the future of mountain glaciers and the large land ice areas of Antarctica and Greenland, which are exposed to natural and anthropogenic climate influences, and their effects on sea level change. The participants of the workshop are experts in different fields including meteorology, climatology, oceanography, glaciology and geodesy; they use advanced space-based observational studies and state-of-the-art numerical modelling.


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Considerable efforts are currently invested into the setup of a Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) for monitoring climate change over the coming decades, which is of high relevance given concerns on increasing human influences. A promising potential contribution to the GCOS is a suite of spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) occultation sensors for global long-term monitoring of atmospheric change in temperature and other variables with high vertical resolution and accuracy. Besides the great importance with respect to climate change, the provision of high quality data is essential for the improvement of numerical weather prediction and for reanalysis efforts. We review the significance of GNSS radio occultation sounding in the climate observations context. In order to investigate the climate change detection capability of GNSS occultation sensors, we are currently performing an end-to-end GNSS occultation observing system simulation experiment over the 25-year period 2001 to 2025. We report on this integrated analysis, which involves in a realistic manner all aspects from modeling the atmosphere via generating a significant set of stimulated measurements to an objective statistical analysis and assessment of 2001–2025 temporal trends.


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Esta dissertação descreve a implementação de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) para a Área Antártica Especialmente Gerenciada (AAEG) da Baía do Almirantado, Ilha Rei George, Arquipélago das Schetland do Sul, Antártica. O trabalho constituiu na definição de equipamentos e do SIG (ARC/INFO) necessários para a operação do sistema e integração dos dados nos diferentes formatos. Os primeiros planos de informação para este SIG estão prontos: (1) altimetria; (2) batimetria; (3) linha de costa; (4) glaciologia; (5) áreas livres de gelo; (6) ocupação humana (feições antropogênicas); e (7) toponímias. Os resultados são apresentados através de quatro estudos, exemplificando algumas de suas aplicações no gerenciamento da área. Inicialmente realizou-se a revisão dos limites da AAEG, conforme sugestões do Protocolo ao Tratado Antártico sobre Proteção ao Meio Ambiente (Protocolo de Madri), a área total foi recalculada em 362km2 (anteriormente calculada em 370 km2). A partir da geração de um Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE) obteve-se a visualização tridimensional da área, que possibilitou a descrição de algumas de suas características geomorfológicas e revisão de cálculos morfométricos. As águas da AAEG possuem um volume de 24,1km3, sendo 22,7 km3 pertencentes a Baía do Almirantado e 1,4km3 ao Estreito de Bransfield. Com a integração de dados multitemporais, quantificou-se a retração das frentes de gelo da Baía do Almiratado, constatando-se a perda de 22,5km2 de gelo (12% da cobertura atual) entre 1956 e 2000. E, finalmente, a Península Keller serviu como área teste para um pequeno estudo de impacto ambiental, sendo identificado conflito da ocupação humana com áreas de reprodução, constatando-se a ocorrência de impacto superior a um impacto menor ou transitório, segundo as definições do Protocolo Madri. A implementação do sistema seguiu os padrões de Working Group of Geodesy and Geographic Information (WG-GGI) do Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), permitindo a compatibilidade com projetos internacionais. O SIG serve como importante ferramenta de apoio ao gerenciamento da AAEG, podendo ser utilizado no planejamento de atividades científicas e logísticas, monitoramento e avaliações de impacto ambiental.