979 resultados para Functional electric stimulation


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Purpose: Hemiplegic shoulder pain can affect up to 70% of stroke patients and can have an adverse impact on rehabilitation outcomes. This article aims to review the literature on the suggested causes of hemiplegic shoulder pain and the therapeutic techniques that can be used to prevent or treat it. On the basis of this review, the components of an optimal management programme for hemiplegic shoulder pain are explored. Method: English language articles in the CINAHL and MEDLINE databases between 1990 and 2000 were reviewed. These were supplemented by citation tracking and manual searches. Results: A management programme for hemiplegic shoulder pain could comprise the following components: provision of an external support for the affected upper limb when the patient is seated, careful positioning in bed, daily static positional stretches, motor retraining and strapping of the scapula to maintain postural tone and symmetry. Conclusions: Research is required to evaluate the effectiveness of the components of the proposed management programme for the prevention and treatment of hemiplegic shoulder pain and to determine in what combination they achieve the best outcomes.


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O Transtorno do pânico (TP) é um transtorno mental comum que afeta até 5% da população em algum momento da vida, sendo caracterizada pela presença de ataques de pânico (AP) recorrentes. Constitui uma psicopatologia que pode ser afetada pela privação do sono (PS), relação que ainda é pouco compreendida. Neste contexto, modelos experimentais de AP e de PS são ferramentas úteis na investigação dessa possível correlação, especialmente motivado pela crescente condição de privação de sono, que tem se tornado cada vez mais frequente na sociedade moderna. Assim, este estudo avaliou os efeitos da privação de sono paradoxal (PSP) sobre os limiares dos comportamentos defensivos induzidos por estimulação intracraniana (EI) da MCPD e CS de ratos num modelo experimental de AP, assim como verificou a influência da corticosterona sobre esses limiares. Foram utilizados 160 ratos Wistar machos (300g), organizados em 4 grupos com 40 animais cada, como se segue: Grupo Controle (CTR) submetido à EI, porém sem PSP; Grupo Privação (PRV), submetido à EI e privado por 96 horas; Grupo Privação + Bloqueio da corticosterona (PRB), submetido ao tratamento com metirapona, EI, e privado por 96 horas, e Grupo Controle + Bloqueio da corticosterona (CTB), submetido ao tratamento com metirapona e EI, porém sem privação de sono. Após 10 dias do implante cirúrgico intracraniano de eletrodo na MCPD e CS, os animais passaram por 5 sessões de estimulação, como se segue: 1ª (TRI) considerada triagem - imediatamente antes da privação, 2ª (P48) após 48h de privação, 3ª (P96) após 96h de privação, 4ª (R48) após 48h de retirada da privação e 5ª (R96) após 96h de retirada da privação. As curvas de limiares das respostas individuais de defesa obtidas nas várias sessões de estimulação da MCPD e CS (TRI, P48, P96, R48 e R96) dos ratos foram comparadas entre si, bem como as curvas de limiares de uma dada resposta nos diferentes grupos (CTR, PRV, CTB e PRB). Além disso, os níveis de corticosterona (CORT) foram dosados nas diferentes sessões de EI, e comparadas num mesmo grupo, bem como nos diferentes grupos. No grupo CTR, todos os comportamentos foram iguais em todas as sessões quando comparados à TRI, entretanto, nos animais privados (PRV), o limiar do galope (GLP) reduziu significativamente em R48 e R96, não ocorrendo xix alterações nos demais comportamentos. Em contraste, no grupo PRB, o Trote (TRT) aumentou a partir de P48, enquanto o GLP não foi alterado em nenhuma sessão de EI. Na comparação entre os grupos, em Salto (SLT), Micção (MIC), Exoftalmia (EXO), Imobilidade (IMO), Defecação (DEF), TRT e GLP, não sofreram alterações decorrentes da CORT produzida decorrente da PSP, sugerindo que a corticosterona não altera os comportamentos defensivos característicos do Ataque de Pânico. Em adição, tais resultados sugerem que os efeitos tardios da PSP sobre os limiares de GLP possivelmente se devam a mecanismos neuroquímicos tempo-dependente.


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In modern society, thiamine deficiency (TD) remains an important medical condition linked to altered cardiac function. There have been contradictory reports about the impact of TD on heart physiology, especially in the context of cardiac excitability. In order to address this particular question, we used a TD rat model and patch-clamp technique to investigate the electrical properties of isolated cardiomyocytes from epicardium and endocardium. Neither cell type showed substantial differences on the action potential waveform and transient outward potassium current. Based on our results we can conclude that TD does not induce major electrical remodeling in isolated cardiac myocytes in either endocardium or epicardium cells.


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The pathogenesis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), characterised by lack of the cytoskeletal protein dystrophin, is not completely understood. An early event in the degenerative process of DMD muscle could be a rise in cytosolic calcium concentration. In order to investigate whether this leads to alterations of contractile behaviour, we studied the excitability and contractile properties of cultured myotubes from control (C57BL/10) and mdx mice, an animal model for DMD. The myotubes were stimulated electrically and their motion was recorded photometrically. No significant differences were found between control and mdx myotubes with respect to the following parameters: chronaxy and rheobase (0.33 +/- 0.03 ms and 23 +/- 4 V vs. 0.39 +/- 0.07 ms and 22 +/- 2 V for C57 and mdx myotubes, respectively), tetanisation frequency (a similar distribution pattern was found between 5 and 30 Hz), fatigue during tetanus (found in 35% of both types of myotubes) and post-tetanic contracture. In contrast, contraction and relaxation times were longer (P < 0.005) in mdx (36 +/- 2 and 142 +/- 13 ms, respectively) than in control myotubes (26 +/- 1 and 85 +/- 9 ms, respectively). Together with our earlier findings, these results suggest a decreased capacity for calcium removal in mdx cells leading, in particular, to alterations of muscle relaxation.


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T-type Ca2+ channels (T channels) underlie rhythmic burst discharges during neuronal oscillations that are typical during sleep. However, the Ca2+-dependent effectors that are selectively regulated by T currents remain unknown. We found that, in dendrites of nucleus reticularis thalami (nRt), intracellular Ca2+ concentration increases were dominated by Ca2+ influx through T channels and shaped rhythmic bursting via competition between Ca2+-dependent small-conductance (SK)-type K+ channels and Ca2+ uptake pumps. Oscillatory bursting was initiated via selective activation of dendritically located SK2 channels, whereas Ca2+ sequestration by sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases (SERCAs) and cumulative T channel inactivation dampened oscillations. Sk2-/- (also known as Kcnn2) mice lacked cellular oscillations, showed a greater than threefold reduction in low-frequency rhythms in the electroencephalogram of non-rapid-eye-movement sleep and had disrupted sleep. Thus, the interplay of T channels, SK2 channels and SERCAs in nRt dendrites comprises a specialized Ca2+ signaling triad to regulate oscillatory dynamics related to sleep.


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In some patients with refractory epilepsy, no resective surgery of the epileptogenic zone can be offered. This is the case when for instance the epileptogenic zone is located in an eloquent region (motor, language or visual) or when there are several epileptogenic zones. When disabling seizures persist despite the medical treatment, several surgical procedures can be proposed with the aim of decreasing the seizure frequency. Among these procedures, we review briefly here vagus nerve stimulation, the various brain stimulations procedures, multiples subpial transsections, and the corpus callosotomy. For each procedure, we will discuss its indication and outcome.


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We aimed to determine whether human subjects' reliance on different sources of spatial information encoded in different frames of reference (i.e., egocentric versus allocentric) affects their performance, decision time and memory capacity in a short-term spatial memory task performed in the real world. Subjects were asked to play the Memory game (a.k.a. the Concentration game) without an opponent, in four different conditions that controlled for the subjects' reliance on egocentric and/or allocentric frames of reference for the elaboration of a spatial representation of the image locations enabling maximal efficiency. We report experimental data from young adult men and women, and describe a mathematical model to estimate human short-term spatial memory capacity. We found that short-term spatial memory capacity was greatest when an egocentric spatial frame of reference enabled subjects to encode and remember the image locations. However, when egocentric information was not reliable, short-term spatial memory capacity was greater and decision time shorter when an allocentric representation of the image locations with respect to distant objects in the surrounding environment was available, as compared to when only a spatial representation encoding the relationships between the individual images, independent of the surrounding environment, was available. Our findings thus further demonstrate that changes in viewpoint produced by the movement of images placed in front of a stationary subject is not equivalent to the movement of the subject around stationary images. We discuss possible limitations of classical neuropsychological and virtual reality experiments of spatial memory, which typically restrict the sensory information normally available to human subjects in the real world.


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We have investigated the changes in the responses to noradrenaline of isolated tail arteries of spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and renovascular hypertensive rats (Wistar-Kyoto: two-kidney, one-clip model, WKY:2K1C) compared with normotensive (Wistar-Kyoto, WKY) rats. Renovascular hypertension was induced by 4 weeks' unilateral renal artery clipping. Arteries were vasoconstricted with exogenous noradrenaline, electrical field stimulation or high potassium. The effects of the latter two stimuli were abolished by reserpine and so were presumably dependent on the presence of endogenous noradrenaline. In the SHR the maximal vasoconstriction produced by all three stimuli was greater than in WKY. Dose-response curves were steeper and there was no change in threshold. Vascular mass was greater. We interpret these results as showing an increase in vascular reactivity in the SHR caused by structural adaptation. The WKY:2K1C responses to noradrenaline could also be explained in terms of structural adaptation but there was no increase in vascular mass. Sensitivity to potassium and electrical stimulation was decreased, suggesting a defect in vascular neurotransmission. This was supported by the observations of a decreased arterial noradrenaline content and of decreased sensitivity to cocaine.


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Peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) is one of the distal peripheral neuropathy phenotypes often present in patients affected by type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Through in vivo and ex vivo electrophysiological recordings in db/db mice, a model of T2DM, we observed that, in addition to reduced nerve conduction velocity, db/db mice also develop PNH. By using pharmacological inhibitors, we demonstrated that the PNH is mediated by the decreased activity of K(v)1-channels. In agreement with these data, we observed that the diabetic condition led to a reduced presence of the K(v)1.2-subunits in juxtaparanodal regions of peripheral nerves in db/db mice and in nerve biopsies from T2DM patients. Together, these observations indicate that the T2DM condition leads to potassium channel-mediated PNH, thus identifying them as a potential drug target to treat some of the DPN related symptoms.


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A series of 24 consecutive PD patients were prospectively studied prior to and within 6 months postoperatively for mood, motor, and cognitive status to investigate the effects on mood of subthalamic deep brain stimulation (DBS) in PD. In six patients (25%), mood state worsened significantly, and three were transiently suicidal despite clear motor improvement. Caregivers and patients should be educated about the potential impact of this neurosurgical procedure on mood.


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The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis of the involvement of type II fibres in the V.O (2) slow component phenomenon by using two prior fatiguing protocols on the knee extensor muscles. Nine subjects performed three constant-load cycling exercises at a work rate corresponding to 80 % of their V.O (2) max: (i) preceded by a 20-min fatiguing protocol using electromyostimulation (EMS), (ii) preceded by a 20-min fatiguing protocol using voluntary contractions (VOL), and (iii) without fatiguing protocol (NFP). Voluntary and evoked neuromuscular properties of the knee extensor muscles were tested before (PRE) and after (POST) the two fatiguing protocols. Results show a significant reduction in voluntary force after both fatiguing protocols (-19.9 % and -11.8 %, in EMS and VOL, respectively p<0.01). After EMS, this decrease was greater than after VOL (p<0.05) and was combined with a slackening of muscle contractile properties which was absent after VOL (p<0.05). Regarding the effects on oxygen uptake kinetics, the appearance of the slow component was delayed after EMS and its amplitude was lower than those obtained in VOL and NFP conditions (0.48+/-0.07 vs. 0.75+/-0.09 and 0.69+/-0.08 L . min (-1), respectively; p<0.05). It can thus be concluded that exercises dedicated to preferentially fatiguing type II fibres may alter V.O (2) kinetics.


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BACKGROUND: Chronic pain is frequent in persons living with spinal cord injury (SCI). Conventionally, the pain is treated pharmacologically, yet long-term pain medication is often refractory and associated with side effects. Non-pharmacological interventions are frequently advocated, although the benefit and harm profiles of these treatments are not well established, in part because of methodological weaknesses of available studies. OBJECTIVES: To critically appraise and synthesise available research evidence on the effects of non-pharmacological interventions for the treatment of chronic neuropathic and nociceptive pain in people living with SCI. SEARCH METHODS: The search was run on the 1st March 2011. We searched the Cochrane Injuries Group's Specialised Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE (OvidSP), Embase (OvidSP), PsycINFO (OvidSP), four other databases and clinical trials registers. In addition, we manually searched the proceedings of three major scientific conferences on SCI. We updated this search in November 2014 but these results have not yet been incorporated. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials of any intervention not involving intake of medication or other active substances to treat chronic pain in people with SCI. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently extracted data and assessed risk of bias in the included studies. The primary outcome was any measure of pain intensity or pain relief. Secondary outcomes included adverse events, anxiety, depression and quality of life. When possible, meta-analyses were performed to calculate standardised mean differences for each type of intervention. MAIN RESULTS: We identified 16 trials involving a total of 616 participants. Eight different types of interventions were studied. Eight trials investigated the effects of electrical brain stimulation (transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES); five trials) or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS; three trials). Interventions in the remaining studies included exercise programmes (three trials); acupuncture (two trials); self-hypnosis (one trial); transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) (one trial); and a cognitive behavioural programme (one trial). None of the included trials were considered to have low overall risk of bias. Twelve studies had high overall risk of bias, and in four studies risk of bias was unclear. The overall quality of the included studies was weak. Their validity was impaired by methodological weaknesses such as inappropriate choice of control groups. An additional search in November 2014 identified more recent studies that will be included in an update of this review.For tDCS the pooled mean difference between intervention and control groups in pain scores on an 11-point visual analogue scale (VAS) (0-10) was a reduction of -1.90 units (95% confidence interval (CI) -3.48 to -0.33; P value 0.02) in the short term and of -1.87 (95% CI -3.30 to -0.45; P value 0.01) in the mid term. Exercise programmes led to mean reductions in chronic shoulder pain of -1.9 score points for the Short Form (SF)-36 item for pain experience (95% CI -3.4 to -0.4; P value 0.01) and -2.8 pain VAS units (95% CI -3.77 to -1.83; P value < 0.00001); this represented the largest observed treatment effects in the included studies. Trials using rTMS, CES, acupuncture, self-hypnosis, TENS or a cognitive behavioural programme provided no evidence that these interventions reduce chronic pain. Ten trials examined study endpoints other than pain, including anxiety, depression and quality of life, but available data were too scarce for firm conclusions to be drawn. In four trials no side effects were reported with study interventions. Five trials reported transient mild side effects. Overall, a paucity of evidence was found on any serious or long-lasting side effects of the interventions. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Evidence is insufficient to suggest that non-pharmacological treatments are effective in reducing chronic pain in people living with SCI. The benefits and harms of commonly used non-pharmacological pain treatments should be investigated in randomised controlled trials with adequate sample size and study methodology.


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BACKGROUND Although the painful shoulder is one of the most common dysfunctions of the locomotor apparatus, and is frequently treated both at primary healthcare centres and by specialists, little evidence has been reported to support or refute the effectiveness of the treatments most commonly applied. According to the bibliography reviewed, physiotherapy, which is the most common action taken to alleviate this problem, has not yet been proven to be effective, because of the small size of sample groups and the lack of methodological rigor in the papers published on the subject. No reviews have been made to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating this complaint, but in recent years controlled randomised studies have been made and these demonstrate an increasing use of acupuncture to treat pathologies of the soft tissues of the shoulder. In this study, we seek to evaluate the effectiveness of physiotherapy applied jointly with acupuncture, compared with physiotherapy applied with a TENS-placebo, in the treatment of painful shoulder caused by subacromial syndrome (rotator cuff tendinitis and subacromial bursitis). METHODS/DESIGN Randomised controlled multicentre study with blind evaluation by an independent observer and blind, independent analysis. A study will be made of 465 patients referred to the rehabilitation services at participating healthcare centres, belonging to the regional public health systems of Andalusia and Murcia, these patients presenting symptoms of painful shoulder and a diagnosis of subacromial syndrome (rotator cuff tendinitis and subacromial bursitis). The patients will be randomised into two groups: 1) experimental (acupuncture + physiotherapy); 2) control (TENS-placebo + physiotherapy); the administration of rescue medication will also be allowed. The treatment period will have a duration of three weeks. The main result variable will be the change produced on Constant's Shoulder Function Assessment (SFA) Scale; as secondary variables, we will record the changes in diurnal pain intensity on a visual analogue scale (VAS), nocturnal pain intensity on the VAS, doses of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) taken during the study period, credibility scale for the treatment, degree of improvement perceived by the patient and degree of improvement perceived by the evaluator. A follow up examination will be made at 3, 6 and 12 months after the study period has ended. Two types of population will be considered for analysis: per protocol and per intention to treat. DISCUSSION The discussion will take into account the limitations of the study, together with considerations such as the choice of a simple, safe method to treat this shoulder complaint, the choice of the control group, and the blinding of the patients, evaluators and those responsible for carrying out the final analysis.