995 resultados para Freshwater fishes


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Snakehead fishes in the family Channidae are obligate freshwater fishes represented by two extant genera, the African Parachannna and the Asian Channa. These species prefer still or slow flowing water bodies, where they are top predators that exercise high levels of parental care, have the ability to breathe air, can tolerate poor water quality, and interestingly, can aestivate or traverse terrestrial habitat in response to seasonal changes in freshwater habitat availability. These attributes suggest that snakehead fishes may possess high dispersal potential, irrespective of the terrestrial barriers that would otherwise constrain the distribution of most freshwater fishes. A number of biogeographical hypotheses have been developed to account for the modern distributions of snakehead fishes across two continents, including ancient vicariance during Gondwanan break-up, or recent colonisation tracking the formation of suitable climatic conditions. Taxonomic uncertainty also surrounds some members of the Channa genus, as geographical distributions for some taxa across southern and Southeast (SE) Asia are very large, and in one case is highly disjunct. The current study adopted a molecular genetics approach to gain an understanding of the evolution of this group of fishes, and in particular how the phylogeography of two Asian species may have been influenced by contemporary versus historical levels of dispersal and vicariance. First, a molecular phylogeny was constructed based on multiple DNA loci and calibrated with fossil evidence to provide a dated chronology of divergence events among extant species, and also within species with widespread geographical distributions. The data provide strong evidence that trans-continental distribution of the Channidae arose as a result of dispersal out of Asia and into Africa in the mid–Eocene. Among Asian Channa, deep divergence among lineages indicates that the Oligocene-Miocene boundary was a time of significant species radiation, potentially associated with historical changes in climate and drainage geomorphology. Mid-Miocene divergence among lineages suggests that a taxonomic revision is warranted for two taxa. Deep intra-specific divergence (~8Mya) was also detected between C. striata lineages that occur sympatrically in the Mekong River Basin. The study then examined the phylogeography and population structure of two major taxa, Channa striata (the chevron snakehead) and the C. micropeltes (the giant snakehead), across SE Asia. Species specific microsatellite loci were developed and used in addition to a mitochondrial DNA marker (Cyt b) to screen neutral genetic variation within and among wild populations. C. striata individuals were sampled across SE Asia (n=988), with the major focus being the Mekong Basin, which is the largest drainage basin in the region. The distributions of two divergent lineages were identified and admixture analysis showed that where they co-occur they are interbreeding, indicating that after long periods of evolution in isolation, divergence has not resulted in reproductive isolation. One lineage is predominantly confined to upland areas of northern Lao PDR to the north of the Khorat Plateau, while the other, which is more closely related to individuals from southern India, has a widespread distribution across mainland SE Asian and Sumatra. The phylogeographical pattern recovered is associated with past river networks, and high diversity and divergence among all populations sampled reveal that contemporary dispersal is very low for this taxon, even where populations occur in contiguous freshwater habitats. C. micropeltes (n=280) were also sampled from across the Mekong River Basin, focusing on the lower basin where it constitutes an important wild fishery resource. In comparison with C. striata, allelic diversity and genetic divergence among populations were extremely low, suggesting very recent colonisation of the greater Mekong region. Populations were significantly structured into at least three discrete populations in the lower Mekong. Results of this study have implications for establishing effective conservation plans for managing both species, that represent economically important wild fishery resources for the region. For C. micropeltes, it is likely that a single fisheries stock in the Tonle Sap Great Lake is being exploited by multiple fisheries operations, and future management initiatives for this species in this region will need to account for this. For C. striata, conservation of natural levels of genetic variation will require management initiatives designed to promote population persistence at very localised spatial scales, as the high level of population structuring uncovered for this species indicates that significant unique diversity is present at this fine spatial scale.


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Determining the genetic bases of adaptations and their roles in speciation is a prominent issue in evolutionary biology. Cichlid fish species flocks are a prime example of recent rapid radiations, often associated with adaptive phenotypic divergence from a common ancestor within a short period of time. In several radiations of freshwater fishes, divergence in ecomorphological traits - including body shape, colour, lips and jaws - is thought to underlie their ecological differentiation, specialization and, ultimately, speciation. The Midas cichlid species complex (Amphilophus spp.) of Nicaragua provides one of the few known examples of sympatric speciation where species have rapidly evolved different but parallel morphologies in young crater lakes. This study identified significant QTL for body shape using SNPs generated via ddRAD sequencing and geometric morphometric analyses of a cross between two ecologically and morphologically divergent, sympatric cichlid species endemic to crater Lake Apoyo: an elongated limnetic species (Amphilophus zaliosus) and a high-bodied benthic species (Amphilophus astorquii). A total of 453 genome-wide informative SNPs were identified in 240 F-2 hybrids. These markers were used to construct a genetic map in which 25 linkage groups were resolved. Seventy-two segregating SNPs were linked to 11 QTL. By annotating the two most highly supported QTL-linked genomic regions, genes that might contribute to divergence in body shape along the benthic-limnetic axis in Midas cichlid sympatric adaptive radiations were identified. These results suggest that few genomic regions of large effect contribute to early stage divergence in Midas cichlids.


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The paper assessed qualitatively the threat status of nigerian freshwater fishes that are presently being exported and those that have potential in aquarium trade using such criteria as rarity, size at maturity, mode of reproduction, human population density, habitat degradation, pollution and range of each species among others. For their conservation captive breeding of these fishes were proffered with information that can assist collectors, exporter and aquaculturists that wants to breed polypterids, Butterfly fish, Knife fish, Elephantfish, Pollymyrus isidori, Arnordichthys spilopterus, Nannaethiops unitaeniatus, Killifishes, Polycentropsis abbreviatta, Cichlids, Ctenpomas, Mastacembelids and Tetraodon lineatus


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Sri Lanka is an island surrounded by the Indian Ocean. Many varieties of marine species of fishes are caught in waters surrounding the island. The catches vary from coast to coast with the monsoonal fluctuations. The island is geographically situated in the tropical latitudes of high rainfall. The topographical landscape presents a central cluster of peaks surrounded by vistas of plains. Hence inland water bodies rise and meander in different directions of the country resulting in heterogeneous habitats yielding a host of freshwater fishes. As the different types of marine and freshwater fishes are manifold, an investigation into the nature and constituents of various species from a chemical standpoint was initiated by Lantz and Gunasekera (1957). Their paper was with a view to rendering possible a better commercial utilization of fishes. The present work is an extension of the above with necessary deviations. Lantz and Gunasekera (1957) had published results of 30 species of Sri Lanka fishes. The present paper introduces results of 5 species and investigations are being continued to cover other species. Investigations appearing in this paper were on fish samples obtained from different sales points in Colombo.


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Evidence of host specificity and congruence between phylogenies of bitterling and freshwater mussels. Zoological Studies 45(3): 428-434. Bitterling (Cyprinidae: Acheilognathinae) are freshwater fishes with a unique spawning relationship with freshwater mussels on whose gills they lay their eggs. During the breeding season of bitterling fishes, we collected 843 mussels belonging to 16 species from Lake Qinglan, central China and examined their gill chambers for the presence of bitterling larvae. Three species of bitterling larvae were identified; Acheilognathus tonkinensis, Ach. cf. meridianus, and Ach. barbatulus, in 3 species of mussel: Unio douglasiae, Lamprotula caveata, and L. tortuosa, suggesting host specialization. Using our own and other published data, we compared the respective phylogenies of bitterling and mussels, but failed to show clear congruence. However, broad specializations are evident, with Acheilognathus and Tanakia showing preferences for mussels with a relatively simple gill structure (Ableminae), and Rhodeus spp. showing preferences for mussels of the Anodontinae and Unioninae, which have more-complex gill structures.


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The present paper comprises a systematic survey of nematodes based on helminthological examinations of 176 specimens of freshwater fishes, belonging to 22 species, from central China (mostly lakes in Hubei Province) collected during the autumn of 2001. The following six species were recorded: Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) fulvidraconis Li, 1935, Camallanus cotti Fujita, 1927, Dentiphilometra monopteri Moravec et Wang, 2002, Pingus sinensis Hsu, 1933, Proleptinae gen. sp. larv., and Eustrongylides sp. larv. Data on their morphology, morphological variability, host range, prevalence, intensity and distribution are provided. SEM studies of P. fulvidraconis and larval Physalopterinae, used for the first time in these species, revealed some additional morphological details and made it possible to redescribe the former. In contrast to the existing description of P. fulvidraconis, this species was found to possess two spicules and a V-shaped gubernaculum with unequal arms (originally mistaken for the left spicule), as well as deirids, whose location can be considered an important taxonomic feature. Larvae of the Physalopterinae have not previously been reported from fishes in China. The finding of larval Eustrongylides in Paramisgurnus dabryanus represents a new host record. All but one nematode species from this zoogeographically interesting region are briefly described and illustrated.


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Recent climatic change has been recorded across the globe. Although environmental change is a characteristic feature of life on Earth and has played a major role in the evolution and global distribution of biodiversity, predicted future rates of climatic change, especially in temperature, are such that they will exceed any that has occurred over recent geological time. Climate change is considered as a key threat to biodiversity and to the structure and function of ecosystems that may already be subject to significant anthropogenic stress. The current understanding of climate change and its likely consequences for the fishes of Britain and Ireland and the surrounding seas are reviewed through a series of case studies detailing the likely response of several marine, diadromous and freshwater fishes to climate change. Changes in climate, and in particular, temperature have and will continue to affect fish at all levels of biological organization: cellular, individual, population, species, community and ecosystem, influencing physiological and ecological processes in a number of direct, indirect and complex ways. The response of fishes and of other aquatic taxa will vary according to their tolerances and life stage and are complex and difficult to predict. Fishes may respond directly to climate-change-related shifts in environmental processes or indirectly to other influences, such as community-level interactions with other taxa. However, the ability to adapt to the predicted changes in climate will vary between species and between habitats and there will be winners and losers. In marine habitats, recent changes in fish community structure will continue as fishes shift their distributions relative to their temperature preferences. This may lead to the loss of some economically important cold-adapted species such as Gadus morhua and Clupea harengus from some areas around Britain and Ireland, and the establishment of some new, warm-adapted species. Increased temperatures are likely to favour cool-adapted (e.g. Perca fluviatilis) and warm-adapted freshwater fishes (e.g. roach Rutilus rutilus and other cyprinids) whose distribution and reproductive success may currently be constrained by temperature rather than by cold-adapted species (e.g. salmonids). Species that occur in Britain and Ireland that are at the edge of their distribution will be most affected, both negatively and positively. Populations of conservation importance (e.g. Salvelinus alpinus and Coregonus spp.) may decline irreversibly. However, changes in food-web dynamics and physiological adaptation, for example because of climate change, may obscure or alter predicted responses. The residual inertia in climate systems is such that even a complete cessation in emissions would still leave fishes exposed to continued climate change for at least half a century. Hence, regardless of the success or failure of programmes aimed at curbing climate change, major changes in fish communities can be expected over the next 50 years with a concomitant need to adapt management strategies accordingly.


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This thesis Entitled Resource abundance and survival of indigenous ornamental fishes of central kerala with emphasis on handling and packing stress in puntius filamentosus (valenciennes).Kerala state is endowed with 41 west flowing and three east flowing rivers originating in the Western Ghats. These rivers and their vast network of tributaries and distributaries harbour rich and diversified fish fauna. Most of the freshwater fishes available in Kerala are highly appreciated as ornamental fishes in the national and international markets.Today the ornamental fish industry is one of the largest industries all over the world. The demand for ornamental fishes has been increasing steadily with the enlargement of the industry, such that the current demand for indigenous ornamental fishes have exceeded the supply. This has led to serious concern about the resources available in the country that can be utilised judiciously for the economic benefit of the state. With an aim to fill up the lacuna, a database of freshwater ornamental fishes of Kerala was created as part of the present study. Ornamental fishes destined for export marketing should thrive well in the aquarium conditions.The study reiterates fishes caught from different environmental conditions and feeding habits have a greater ability to adapt and acclimatise to an entirely new environment and food habits. Marketing studies based on the statistics available with Marine Products Export Development Authority show that these species are not being exported at the required level over the past 6 years, when compared to the availability in the water bodies of Kerala. Sustainable utilisation of these resources from the wild using modern management principles and code of conduct for responsible fishing are advisable until captive breeding technology is popularised.


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Studies on parasitic copepods from freshwater fishes are still in its infancy. In recent years, there- is a renewed enthusiasm in the study of freshwater fish parasites due to rapidly increasing aquaculture practices. The importance of diseases and their control assumes great significance because of the adverse impact of diseases on fish production and its economy. Copepods are one of the most harmful parasites of freshwater fishes. Reports on the damages caused by copepod parasites from different parts on the world are increasing alarmingly. But the information on parasitic copepods of freshwater fishes in India is quite meagre. Knowledge regarding this group of parasites, their Biology and pathology from Kerala. is lacking. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction which deals with the review of literature on various aspects of parasitic copepods viz; systematics, life history, host-parasite relationship, ecology, pathogenicity, prophylaxis and control measures. Systematics of parasitic copepods of freshwater fishes collected during the present study forms the second chapter. The third chapter deals with the life cycle study of the new Lernaeid copepod, Lernaea osphronemi. The fourth chapter contains host-parasite relationship. ecology and treatment of ‘the’ new species of Lernaea On Osphronemus goramy. General observations and a summary of the entire work constitute the fifth chapter


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Podeu escriure el text directament o arrossegar-lo des d'un altre document L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a l'ús dels peixos continentals com a indicadors de l'estat ecològic a la conca Mediterrània. En el primer treball es va detectar que encara que tots els índex biològics estaven correlacionats significativament, els peixos integren i expressen els estressos de manera i a una escala diferents, aportant una informació complementària als altres índexs. Al segon article es van estudiar els cabals de sis conques catalanes. S'ha mostrat que els règims hídrics estan alterats amb una tendència a la disminució del cabal i del nivell dels aqüífers. S'ha detectat quatre mètriques de peixos que es troben significativament afectades en zones més castigades per manca d'aigua degut a l'activitat humana. Es discuteix la necessitat de conèixer en profunditat el règim hídric de cada conca abans d'utilitzar els índex biològics. Al tercer article es va detectar que la composició d'espècies capturades va variar significativament al llarg del buidat amb un augment de l'alburn (A. alburnus) a les aigües pelàgiques durant els dies de pitjor qualitat de l'aigua, confirmant que l'alburn és més tolerant a la mala qualitat de l'aigua que la madrilleta vera (R. rutilus) i suggereix el seu potencial com a bioindicador. La condició d'aquestes dues espècies va canviar significativament al llarg del buidat de manera molt estreta amb la qualitat de l'aigua. Al quart capítol es va estudiar la biologia dels peixos d'un embassament altament contaminat (Flix). El percentatge de DELT anomalies i la presència de paràsits externs era major en la zona impactada que als punts de control i els valors més alts de pes eviscerat i pes del fetge estaven als punts de control. Les respostes van ser diferents per cada espècie i la carpa va ser la que va mostrar més clarament els impactes.


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Aspects on biodiversity and conservation of the ichthyofauna in the Asian region, in comparison to that of Africa, Europe and North America have been relatively less documented. This paper attempts to evaluate the above aspects in the East, and South and Southeast Asia based on available information in the literature. The familial diversity in inland waters in Asia (121 families) is considerably higher than in African and Latin American. Also, the finfish faunal diversity of 21 major river basins in East, and South and Southeast Asian indicate that species diversity is not necessarily related to familial diversity. The fish fauna in the region considered presently is highly diverse with an estimated cumulative total of 7447 species. Amongst the freshwater fishes the dominant groups are cyprinids (Cyprinidae, about 1000 species), loaches (about 400 species) of the families Balitoridae and Cobitiidae, gobids (Gobiidae, 300 species), catfishes (Bagridae, about 100 species), and the Osphronemidae (85 species). In the region, 462 freshwater finfish species are reckoned to be threatened, accounting for 17.5% of the all finfish species in this status in the world. In the region there are 66 species that are critically endangered and/or endangered, of which 32 are cyprinids, 14 of which are endemic to Lake Lanao, Mindano Island, Philippines. The diversity of freshwater fish species in the region was significantly related to the land area of the different countries in the following manner:

ln (species ratio) = ln 0.384 (land area in km2) + 0.651( R2 = 0.628; p < 0.001).

In addition, the fish species diversity in the major river basins of the region was also found to be positively related to the basin area:

ln (Species richness index) = - 0.789 ln (Area) + 9.368( R2 = 0.748; p < 0.001).

Based on above relationship, the predicted fish species richness did not necessarily correlate to river basin size, and rivers with small basins were shown to have high indices. The paper also attempts to evaluate the reasons affecting fish species diversity in the region and suggests mitigating measures.


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Natriuretic peptide hormones exert their effects by binding to receptor proteins and activating cellular responses. Fish gills interface with the aquatic environment. Therefore, natriuretic peptide receptor activity in gills from marine and freshwater fishes was examined. The potencies of natriuretic peptides were compared and a novel cellular response was identified.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A general survey of the occurrence of morphologically differentiated sex chromosomes in the neotropical freshwater fishes is presented. The total number of 32 occurrences involving simple XX-XY and ZZ-ZW, and multiple X1X2Y, XY1Y2 and ZW1W2 sex chromosome systems is described, with comments on the aspects of sex chromosome evolution in this fish fauna. The occurrence of different sex chromosome systems in related species of the same genus, or in different populations of the same nominal species, involving male and sometimes female heterogamety, and differences in the molecular composition of sex-linked heterochromatin, are considered as indicative of the early stage of sex chromosomes evolution in fish.