151 resultados para Fraudulent conveyance


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Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la estrategia política del presidente Roberto M. Ortiz durante el período en actividad (1938-1940) para combatir el fraude electoral y normalizar las prácticas electorales e institucionalidad democrática de la Argentina de fines de los años treinta. Se presume que el presidente orientó su proyecto político de una manera aperturista y de diálogo sincero con la Unión Cívica Radical (UCR). Para ello promovió dos estrategias claras: lograr el apoyo de los sectores liberales del Ejército, e intervenir las provincias con prácticas fraudulentas. Su política contra el fraude provocó una situación inédita de erosión de la coalición de partidos oficialistas, base de sustentación del Poder Ejecutivo. Sin apoyo partidario, Ortiz quedó aislado y en clara confrontación con el Senado, dominado por grupos conservadores.


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Este trabajo analiza el fraude empresarial desde una perspectiva internacional. En los últimos años, ha estado muy presente en casos como el de Enron, WorldCom, Royal Ahold o PARMALAT, en los que se ven afectados la propia empresa, los trabajadores, el gobierno y, especialmente, los inversores, con pérdidas que pueden alcanzar millones de dólares. El fraude también afecta a la imagen de las empresas y en la motivación de los trabajadores, y además a menudo es causa de denuncias y penas de prisión. En función del tamaño de la empresa y del sector, la frecuencia con la que se cometen los actos fraudulentos y las pérdidas causadas varían. Asimismo, estos fraudes afectan a todas las regiones del mundo, aunque de manera desigual. Pero es en aquellas regiones más desarrolladas donde se le presta más atención al tema, y donde se han tomado numerosas medidas para intentar impedir estos actos ilícitos. Algunas de las más importantes son las propuestas por las Naciones Unidas: El Pacto Mundial y la Convención contra la Corrupción. También cabe destacar la Oficina Europea de Lucha Contra el Fraude, a nivel europeo, o la Foreign Corrupt Practices Act y la Ley Sarbanes-Oxley, en Estados Unidos. A pesar de estas medidas, en los últimos años el nivel de fraude ha aumentado.


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O presente estudo é uma investigação empírica de natureza qualitativa e tem por objetivo comparar as características das fraudes praticadas por meio de manipulação nas demonstrações contábeis das empresas Daslu, Kmart e Avestruz Master. Buscou-se verificar diferenças entre fraudes no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, no que se refere às motivações e finalidades da ação fraudulenta, aos métodos de manipulação contábil utilizados e à governança corporativa adotada pelas empresas. O trabalho foi desenvolvido seguindo a metodologia do estudo de casos múltiplos, utilizando-se um protocolo, que contemplou os procedimentos e as regras gerais obedecidas na pesquisa, com a função de incrementar a confiabilidade do estudo e orientar o trabalho do pesquisador. A seleção dos casos estudados foi feita com base em pesquisas anteriores, que mencionaram fraudes praticadas no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, na última década. Os resultados indicam que as fraudes apresentaram diferenças na natureza e na autoria dos atos fraudulentos, com evidências da aplicação das teorias do triângulo da fraude (TTF) e dos escândalos corporativos (TEC). Considerando que as corporações brasileiras estudadas possuíam sistema de governança corporativa concentrado, similar ao de empresas europeias, as diferenças observadas nas fraudes investigadas podem ser explicadas pela teoria dos escândalos corporativos, defendida por Coffee Jr. (2005).


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IDIOMA: ESPAÑOL Mediante el siguiente trabajo se presenta una visión general del fraude empresarial y en particular de la práctica de manipulación contable. Se analiza la evolución del fraude y la influencia de la crisis económico-financiera sobre el mismo y los tipos de fraude. Una vez introducido el tema, el trabajo se centrará en la manipulación contable y las técnicas más habituales. El presente trabajo es un informe sobre la manipulación contable y sus aspectos éticos y legales. Se procederá al análisis de las motivaciones que llevan a los empresarios a realizar este tipo de delito económico. Posteriormente se analizará la difusión del mismo y la relación de la ética con los comportamientos fraudulentos. Finalmente se plantearán medidas a adoptar para acabar con la manipulación contable.


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Casos de fraudes têm ocorrido, freqüentemente, no mercado mundial. Diversos são os profissionais envolvidos nestes casos, inclusive os da classe contábil. Os escândalos contábeis, especialmente os mais famosos, como os incididos nas empresas Enron e WordCom, acenderam para uma maior preocupação em relação à conduta ética dos profissionais de contabilidade. Como conseqüência, há uma maior exigência quanto à transparência e a fidedignidade das informações prestadas por estes profissionais. Esta preocupação visa, primordialmente, manter a confiança de empresas, investidores, fornecedores e da sociedade, dentre outras, na responsabilidade ética do contador, denegrida pelo envolvimento nas fraudes detectadas. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a conduta ética dos contadores e técnicos em contabilidade quando, no exercício de suas atividades profissionais, se depararem com questões relacionadas a fraudes. Para tal, são considerados alguns fatores que podem tanto vir a influenciar o processo decisório ético de um indivíduo, demonstrados através do Modelo de tomada de decisão, desenvolvido por Alves, quanto motivar um indivíduo a cometer um ato fraudulento, evidenciados através do Modelo denominado Triângulo da Fraude, desenvolvido por Cressey. Buscando responder a questão norteadora desta pesquisa, executou-se a análise descritiva e estatística dos dados, com a utilização de técnicas não-paramétricas. Para a análise descritiva dos dados foram elaboradas as tabelas de freqüências e calculadas as medidas de posição e dispersão, através do cálculo dos valores da média, moda, mediana e desvio padrão, quando aplicáveis. Em relação à análise estatística dos dados, foram utilizados os testes não-paramétricos de Spearman e a Regressão logística Multivariada. Os resultados demonstraram que a maioria dos profissionais de contabilidade, da amostra pesquisada, reconhece a questão moral inserida nos cenários, discorda dos atos dos agentes de cada cenário e, ainda, classifica esses atos como graves ou muito graves. Entretanto, verificou-se que esses profissionais de contabilidade tendem a ter um posicionamento mais voltado para a teoria teleológica, uma vez que a intenção de agir é influenciada por alguns fatores, como a oportunidade, a racionalização e, principalmente, a pressão. Alguns fatores individuais também apresentaram influência sob o posicionamento ético dos profissionais entrevistados nesta pesquisa.


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Em um contexto de demandas sociais tendencialmente crescentes, uma das alternativas para o aumento da arrecadação de receitas pelo Estado reside no manejo de aplicações financeiras. Os investimentos financeiros estatais, a rigor, já acontecem, mas nem sempre o objetivo claro e explícito de obtenção de resultados financeiramente interessantes e, eventualmente ou mesmo por isso , sob gestão economicamente ineficiente. Às vezes, até se enxerga o foco na obtenção de rendimentos relevantes na ação estatal, mas sem uma disciplina específica, o que pode abrir espaço a uma gestão de ativos desqualificada ou mesmo fraudulenta, com sérios prejuízos aos cofres públicos e, em situações extremas, ampliação ainda maior das despesas públicas. O objetivo desta tese, portanto, é reconhecer que nem sempre o Estado atua na economia com propósito interventivo e que, na qualidade de investidor institucional vale dizer, de ente que tem o dever de proceder aos investimentos e às aplicações financeiras que digam com as melhores práticas de administração dos ativos públicos , precisa atuar sob o jugo de normas jurídicas claras, que permitam ao Estado ampliar suas receitas dentro de limites razoáveis de exposição a risco financeiro e disponibilizem aos órgãos de fiscalização e controle da Administração Pública as ferramentas necessárias para, também quanto a esse aspecto, aferir a eficiência da ação estatal. Para tanto, têm-se como pressupostos o anacronismo da resistência cultural às aplicações financeiras dos entes da Administração Pública e a noção de que quaisquer ferramentas de obtenção de receitas pelo Estado estão sujeitas a algum grau de risco. Com base nas bem-sucedidas experiências nacionais e internacionais, será possível concluir, ao final, que é admissível, do ponto de vista constitucional e legal, a ação do Estado como investidor nos mercados financeiro e de capitais e que é viável a formulação de parâmetros gerais para a disciplina jurídica do Estado investidor.


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Two large hydrologic issues face the Kings Basin, severe and chronic overdraft of about 0.16M ac-ft annually, and flood risks along the Kings River and the downstream San Joaquin River. Since 1983, these floods have caused over $1B in damage in today’s dollars. Capturing flood flows of sufficient volume could help address these two pressing issues which are relevant to many regions of the Central Valley and will only be exacerbated with climate change. However, the Kings River has high variability associated with flow magnitudes which suggests that standard engineering approaches and acquisition of sufficient acreage through purchase and easements to capture and recharge flood waters would not be cost effective. An alternative approach investigated in this study, termed On-Farm Flood Flow Capture, involved leveraging large areas of private farmland to capture flood flows for both direct and in lieu recharge. This study investigated the technical and logistical feasibility of best management practices (BMPs) associated with On-Farm Flood Flow Capture. The investigation was conducted near Helm, CA, about 20 miles west of Fresno, CA. The experimental design identified a coordinated plan to determine infiltration rates for different soil series and different crops; develop a water budget for water applied throughout the program and estimate direct and in lieu recharge; provide a preliminary assessment of potential water quality impacts; assess logistical issues associated with implementation; and provide an economic summary of the program. At check locations, we measured average infiltration rates of 4.2 in/d for all fields and noted that infiltration rates decreased asymptotically over time to about 2 – 2.5 in/d. Rates did not differ significantly between the different crops and soils tested, but were found to be about an order of magnitude higher in one field. At a 2.5 in/d infiltration rate, 100 acres are required to infiltrate 10 CFS of captured flood flows. Water quality of applied flood flows from the Kings River had concentrations of COC (constituents of concern; i.e. nitrate, electrical conductivity or EC, phosphate, ammonium, total dissolved solids or TDS) one order of magnitude or more lower than for pumped groundwater at Terranova Ranch and similarly for a broader survey of regional groundwater. Applied flood flows flushed the root zone and upper vadose zone of nitrate and salts, leading to much lower EC and nitrate concentrations to a depth of 8 feet when compared to fields in which more limited flood flows were applied or for which drip irrigation with groundwater was the sole water source. In demonstrating this technology on the farm, approximately 3,100 ac-ft was diverted, primarily from April through mid-July, with about 70% towards in lieu and 30% towards direct recharge. Substantial flood flow volumes were applied to alfalfa, wine grapes and pistachio fields. A subset of those fields, primarily wine grapes and pistachios, were used primarily to demonstrate direct recharge. For those fields about 50 – 75% of water applied was calculated going to direct recharge. Data from the check studies suggests more flood flows could have been applied and infiltrated, effectively driving up the amount of water towards direct recharge. Costs to capture flood flows for in lieu and direct recharge for this project were low compared to recharge costs for other nearby systems and in comparison to irrigating with groundwater. Moreover, the potentially high flood capture capacity of this project suggests significant flood avoidance costs savings to downstream communities along the Kings and San Joaquin Rivers. Our analyses for Terranova Ranch suggest that allocating 25% or more flood flow water towards in lieu recharge and the rest toward direct recharge will result in an economically sustainable recharge approach paid through savings from reduced groundwater pumping. Two important issues need further consideration. First, these practices are likely to leach legacy salts and nitrates from the unsaturated zone into groundwater. We develop a conceptual model of EC movement through the unsaturated zone and estimated through mass balance calculations that approximately 10 kilograms per square meter of salts will be flushed into the groundwater through displacing 12 cubic meters per square meter of unsaturated zone pore water. This flux would increase groundwater salinity but an equivalent amount of water added subsequently is predicted as needed to return to current groundwater salinity levels. All subsequent flood flow capture and recharge is expected to further decrease groundwater salinity levels. Second, the project identified important farm-scale logistical issues including irrigator training; developing cropping plans to integrate farming and recharge activities; upgrading conveyance; and quantifying results. Regional logistical issues also exist related to conveyance, integration with agricultural management, economics, required acreage and Operation and Maintenance (O&M).


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The first FFDA in Orissa state was established in the year 1976. The study was conducted in Balasore district of the State. The findings revealed that all of the FEOs were not well qualified but trained and experienced. The duration of training obtained varied from 3 to 10 months. An FEO has a large area under his jurisdiction. Cycle was used by most of the FEOs to visit the fish farmers which resulted in infrequent visits. The FEOs were not satisfied with the working conditions, promotion avenues and conveyance facilities. There was interference of political bodies in leasing out ponds. The amount of loan sanctioned was not adequate to start fish farming. They also revealed that marketing aspects were totally neglected by the FFDA.


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A species-specific SCAR marker for rainbow trout, which was used to detect adulteration and fraudulent labeling in Atlantic salmon products, has been developed based on the AFLP analysis and evaluated in this study. The SCAR marker could be amplified and visualized in 1% agarose gel in all tested rainbow trout samples and absent in all salmon samples. Using DNA admixtures, the detection of 1% (0.5 ng), 10% (5 ng) rainbow trout DNA in Atlantic salmon DNA for fresh and processed samples, respectively was readily achieved. The molecular approach was sensitive and demonstrated to be a rapid and reliable method for identifying frauds in salmon products and could be extended for applications of species identification in food industry.


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This thesis is centred on two experimental fields of optical micro- and nanofibre research; higher mode generation/excitation and evanescent field optical manipulation. Standard, commercial, single-mode silica fibre is used throughout most of the experiments; this generally produces high-quality, single-mode, micro- or nanofibres when tapered in a flame-heated, pulling rig in the laboratory. Single mode fibre can also support higher transverse modes, when transmitting wavelengths below that of their defined single-mode regime cut-off. To investigate this, a first-order Laguerre-Gaussian beam, LG01 of 1064 nm wavelength and doughnut-shaped intensity profile is generated free space via spatial light modulation. This technique facilitates coupling to the LP11 fibre mode in two-mode fibre, and convenient, fast switching to the fundamental mode via computer-generated hologram modulation. Following LP11 mode loss when exponentially tapering 125μm diameter fibre, two mode fibre with a cladding diameter of 80μm is selected fir testing since it is more suitable for satisfying the adiabatic criteria for fibre tapering. Proving a fruitful endeavour, experiments show a transmission of 55% of the original LP11 mode set (comprising TE01, TM01, HE21e,o true modes) in submicron fibres. Furthermore, by observing pulling dynamics and progressive mode-lass behaviour, it is possible to produce a nanofibre which supports only the TE01 and TM01 modes, while suppressing the HE21e,o elements of the LP11 group. This result provides a basis for experimental studies of atom trapping via mode-interference, and offers a new set of evanescent field geometries for sensing and particle manipulation applications. The thesis highlights the experimental results of the research unit’s Cold Atom subgroup, who successfully integrated one such higher-mode nanofibre into a cloud of cold Rubidium atoms. This led to the detection of stronger signals of resonance fluorescence coupling into the nanofibre and for light absorption by the atoms due to the presence of higher guided modes within the fibre. Theoretical work on the impact of the curved nanofibre surface on the atomic-surface van der Waals interaction is also presented, showing a clear deviation of the potential from the commonly-used flat-surface approximation. Optical micro- and nanofibres are also useful tools for evanescent-field mediated optical manipulation – this includes propulsion, defect-induced trapping, mass migration and size-sorting of micron-scale particles in dispersion. Similar early trapping experiments are described in this thesis, and resulting motivations for developing a targeted, site-specific particle induction method are given. The integration of optical nanofibres into an optical tweezers is presented, facilitating individual and group isolation of selected particles, and their controlled positioning and conveyance in the evanescent field. The effects of particle size and nanofibre diameter on pronounced scattering is experimentally investigated in this systems, as are optical binding effects between adjacent particles in the evanescent field. Such inter-particle interactions lead to regulated self-positioning and particle-chain speed enhancements.


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This paper drawing from audit reports reflects upon the post-Iraq war administration the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). It argues that the CPA’s compliance with basic levels of decent public administration were akin to Guantanamo’s compliance with basic levels of natural justice. The audit reports demonstrate that the CPA was a chaotic administration which spent billions without proper controls or procedures and left precious Iraqi oil revenues open to fraudulent acts. The CPA failed to comply with its obligations under UN resolutions. It identifies the geopolitical/economic implications of the US government which was partly motivated by economic concerns but it was also motivated by political concerns—the imposition of US hegemony. It then turns to the broader economic imperatives of the falling rate of profit and the imposition of neoliberalism (market fundamentalism).


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the main practitioners, goods, customers and locations of secondhand marketing activities in late medieval England. It questions how important was the economic role played by such markets and what was the interaction with more formal market structures?

Design/methodology/approach – A broad range of evidence was examined, covering the period from 1200 to 1500: regulations, court rolls, wills, manorial accounts, literature, and even archaeology. Such material often provided mere scraps of information about marginal marketing activity and it was important to recognise the severe limitations of the evidence. Nevertheless, a wide survey of the available sources can give us an insight into medieval attitudes towards such trade, as well as reminding us that much marketing activity occurred beyond the reach of the surviving documentation.

Findings – Late medieval England had numerous outlets for secondhand items, from sellers of used clothes and furs who wandered the marketplaces to craftsmen who recycled and mended old materials. Secondhand marketing was an important part of the medieval makeshift economy, serving not only the needs of the lower sectors of society but also those aspiring to a higher status. However, it is unlikely that such trade generated much profit and the traders were often viewed as marginal, suspicious and even fraudulent.

Originality/value – There is a distinct lack of research into the extent of and significance of medieval secondhand marketing, which existed in the shadowy margins of formal markets and is thus poorly represented in the primary sources. A broad-based approach to the evidence can highlight a variety of important issues, which impact upon the understanding of the medieval English economy.


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Growth-promoting agents are continually misused for increasing animal growth and fraudulent gain in the meat industry, yet detection rates from conventional targeted testing for drug residues do not reflect this. This is because testing currently relies on direct detection of drugs or related metabolites and administrators of such compounds can take adaptive measures to avoid detection through the use of endogenous or unknown drugs, and low dose or combined mixtures. New detection methods are needed which focus on the screening of biological responses of an animal to such growth-promoting agents as it has been demonstrated that genomic, proteomic and metabolomics profiles are altered by xenobiotic intake. Therefore, an untargeted proteomics approach using comparative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) was carried out to identify putative proteins altered in plasma after treatment with oestradiol, dexamethasone or prednisolone. Twenty-four male cattle were randomly assigned to four groups (n = 6) for experimental treatment over 40 days, namely a control group of non-treated cattle, and three groups administered 17β-oestradiol-3-benzoate (0.01 mg/kg, intramuscular), dexamethasone sodium phosphate (0.7 mg/day, per os) or prednisolone acetate (15 mg/day, per os), respectively. Plasma collected from each animal at day 25 post study initiation was subjected to proteomic analysis by 2DE for comparison of protein expression between treated and untreated animals. Analysis of acquired gel images revealed 22 plasma proteins which differed in expression by more than 50 % (p < 0.05) in treated animals compared to untreated animals. Proteins of interest underwent identification by LC–MS/MS analysis and were found to have associated roles in transport, blood coagulation, immune response and metabolism pathways. In this way, seven proteins are highlighted as novel biomarker candidates including transthyretin which is shown to be significantly increased in all treatment groups compared to control animals and potentially may find use as global markers of suspect anabolic practice.


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The term sports law is fourfold in nature and encompasses: (a) traditional areas of law, such as contract, tort, criminal, administrative and EU law, as applied to disputes of a sporting origin; (b) the particular impact that a range of statutory provisions might have on sport; for example, legislation governing discriminatory and unsafe practices in a workplace or monopolistic or fraudulent behaviour in an industry; (c) issues of public and social policy otherwise influencing the legislature and the courts, from the allocation of resources to the allocation of risk; and (d) lex sportiva, where that term is taken to reflect the various internal administrative regulations and awards by dispute-resolving mechanisms in sport. As a matter of practice, sports law tends to be concerned with the application of contract and commercial law principles to professional sport - and namely the application of such branches of law to disputes relating to the following "three pillars" of modern, professional sport i.e., disputes relating to the payment, sponsorship or endorsement of those who play sport for a living; disputes arising from decisions made by sports governing bodies; and disputes arising from the application of law to the holding of sports events.