969 resultados para Fragmented landscapes


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This chapter begins by summarizing the conceptual approaches used to understand conservation in fragmented landscapes. We then examine the biophysical aspects of landscape change, and how such change affects species and communities, posing two main questions: (i) what are the implications for the patterns of occurrence of species and communities?; and (ii) how does landscape change affect processes that influence the distribution and viability of species and communities. The chapter concludes by identifying the kinds of actions that will enhance the conservation of biota in fragmented landscapes.


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Habitat loss and associated fragmentation effects are well-recognised threats to biodiversity. Loss of functional connectivity (mobility, gene flow and demographic continuity) could result in population decline in altered habitat, because smaller, isolated populations are more vulnerable to extinction. We tested whether substantial habitat reduction plus fragmentation is associated with reduced gene flow in three 'decliner' woodland-dependent bird species (eastern yellow robin, weebill and spotted pardalote) identified in earlier work to have declined disproportionately in heavily fragmented landscapes in the Box-Ironbark forest region in north-central Victoria, Australia. For these three decliners, and one 'tolerant' species (striated pardalote), we compared patterns of genetic diversity, relatedness, effective population size, sex-ratios and genic (allele frequency) differentiation among landscapes of different total tree cover, identified population subdivision at the regional scale, and explored fine-scale genotypic (individual-based genetic signature) structure. Unexpectedly high genetic connectivity across the study region was detected for 'decliner' and 'tolerant' species. Power analysis simulations suggest that moderate reductions in gene flow should have been detectable. However, there was evidence of local negative effects of reduced habitat extent and structural connectivity: slightly lower effective population sizes, lower genetic diversity, higher within-site relatedness and altered sex-ratios (for weebill and eastern yellow robin) in 10 x 10 km 'landscapes' with low vegetation cover. We conclude that reduced structural connectivity in the Box-Ironbark ecosystem may still allow sufficient gene flow to avoid the harmful effects of inbreeding in our study species. Although there may still be negative consequences of fragmentation for demographic connectivity, the high genetic connectivity of mobile bird species in this system suggests that reconnecting isolated habitat patches may be less important than increasing habitat extent and/or quality if these need to be traded off.


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Following landscape change, species invasions and extinctions may lead to biotic homogenisation, resulting in increased taxonomic and functional similarity between previously distinct biotas. Biotic homogenisation is more likely to occur in landscapes where the matrix contrasts strongly with native vegetation patches. To test this, we examined the distribution of ground-active beetles in a landscape of remnant Eucalyptus open woodland patches where large areas of lower contrast matrix (farmland) are being transformed to high-contrast pine plantations in south-eastern Australia. We sampled beetles from 30 sites including six replicates of five categories; (1) remnants adjacent to farmland, (2) remnants adjacent to plantation, (3) farmland, (4) plantation, and, (5) remnants between pine plantation and farmland. Community composition in the pine matrix was similar to native patches embedded in pine (ANOSIM, Global R=. 0.49, P<. 0.000), which we suggest is due to biotic homogenisation. Remnant patches with edges of both farmland and pine plantation did not represent an intermediate community composition between patches surrounded by either matrix type, but rather a unique habitat with unique species. Farmland supported the greatest number of individuals (. F=. 9.049, df. =. 25, P<. 0.000) and species (. F=. 5.875, df. =. 25, P=. 0.002), even compared to native remnant patches. Our results suggest that matrix transformations can reduce species richness and homogenise within-patch populations. This may increase the risk of species declines in fragmented landscapes where plantations are not only replacing native vegetation patches, but also other matrix types that may better support biodiversity. Our findings are particularly concerning given expanding plantation establishment worldwide.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Habitat split is a major force behind the worldwide decline of amphibian populations, causing community change in richness and species composition. In fragmented landscapes, natural remnants, the terrestrial habitat of the adults, are frequently separated from streams, the aquatic habitat of the larvae. An important question is how this landscape configuration affects population levels and if it can drive species to extinction locally. Here, we put forward the first theoretical model on habitat split which is particularly concerned on how split distance - the distance between the two required habitats - affects population size and persistence in isolated fragments. Our diffusive model shows that habitat split alone is able to generate extinction thresholds. Fragments occurring between the aquatic habitat and a given critical split distance are expected to hold viable populations, while fragments located farther away are expected to be unoccupied. Species with higher reproductive success and higher diffusion rate of post-metamorphic youngs are expected to have farther critical split distances. Furthermore, the model indicates that negative effects of habitat split are poorly compensated by positive effects of fragment size. The habitat split model improves our understanding about spatially structured populations and has relevant implications for landscape design for conservation. It puts on a firm theoretical basis the relation between habitat split and the decline of amphibian populations. © 2013 Fonseca et al.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC


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Cuxiús são primatas frugívoros especializados na predação de sementes. O cuxiú-preto (Chiropotes satanas), atualmente ameaçado de extinção, é endêmico de uma área da Amazônia oriental brasileira bastante povoada e desmatada. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi pesquisar o comportamento e a ecologia de dois grupos de cuxiús-pretos vivendo sob diferentes graus de fragmentação de hábitat, de maneira a entender como parâmetros ecológicos nestes diferentes contextos influenciam estratégias comportamentais. Além disso, o estudo procurou identificar fatores que limitam a viabilidade a longo prazo do cuxiú-preto e coletar informações que possam contribuir com planos de manejo e conservação. O estudo foi realizado na margem direita do rio Tocantins, no reservatório de Tucuruí, Estado do Pará, Brasil (415'S, 4931'W). Dois grupos de cuxiús-pretos foram estudados: um (denominado T4) em um grande fragmento de floresta situado na margem do reservatório (1.300 ha, 39 indivíduos) e outro numa pequena ilha (19,4 ha, oito indivíduos) coberta por floresta. O comportamento dos dois grupos foi monitorado durante 12 meses (1.153 horas de observação) utilizando metodologias de amostragem por varredura e de todas as ocorrências por 4 a 5 dias consecutivos por mês por grupo. Além de coletar dados sobre seus orçamentos de atividades, todos os recursos alimentares utilizados foram documentados, os percursos diários anotados e as interações sociais intra e interespécies registradas. Transecções botânicas (10 x 100 ha) cobrindo um hectare no sítio T4 e 0,5 ha no sítio Ilha foram estabelecidas e uma subamostra de árvores (DAP ≥ 10 cm) e cipós (DAP ≥ 5 cm) foi marcada e medida para um inventário florístico e para a coleta de dados fenológicos que ocorreu em intervalos de 30 dias durante 14 meses. Os dois grupos diferiram em todos os aspectos de seu comportamento e ecologia. O tempo empregado em diferentes atividades variou significativamente entre eles. O deslocamento (35,4%) foi responsável pela maior proporção do orçamento de atividades anual do grupo T4, enquanto o grupo Ilha dedicou mais tempo para a alimentação (30,0%). Interações sociais foram responsáveis por uma proporção relativamente grande do orçamento de atividades dos dois grupos (T4 8,5%; Ilha 15,2%). Ao longo do periodo do estudo ambos os grupos consumiram um grande número de diferentes espécies vegetais (173 grupo T4; 132 grupo Ilha; 240 ambos) e suas dietas variaram significantemente tanto em termos de itens consumidos quanto em composição taxonômica, sendo que a dieta do grupo T4 foi mais diversa. Ambos os grupos despenderam a maior parte de seu tempo consumindo sementes (T4 54,0%; Ilha 59,9%), apesar de sua dieta também incluir outros itens tais como polpa de frutos (T4 25,0%; Ilha 13,7%), flores (T4 12,3%; Ilha 17,4%) e, em menor grau, medula de galhos e artrópodes. O grupo T4 utilizou uma área de 98,6 ha, enquanto os membros do grupo Ilha utilizaram 17,2 ha. O uso do espaço e o tamanho do percurso diário (T4 4025 m 994 m; Island 2807 m 289 m) variaram entre os grupos e estiveram ligados, no grupo T4, à variação no tamanho do grupo ao longo do ano resultante de seu sistema de organização social de fissão-fusão. Ao contrário, o grupo Ilha foi mais coeso. As diferenças na ecologia e comportamento dos dois grupos estiveram ligadas ás diferenças em seus respectivos hábitats. O tamanho dos sítios foi importante mas também o foi a variação na disponibilidade de alimentos determinada pela composição taxonômica da vegetação dos mesmos. Resultados do inventário florístico revelaram uma maior diversidade de espécies no sítio T4. No entanto importantes espécies alimentares estavam ausentes ou disponíveis em quantidades variáveis em ambos os sítios. Além do valor intrínseco do conhecimento sobre as características ecológicas do cuxiú-preto, o conhecimento detalhado acumulado neste estudo pode contribuir para a formulação de ações de conservação e planos de manejo, assim como para a identificação de fatores que limitam a viabilidade a longo prazo das populações remanescentes nas paisagens fragmentadas da Amazônia oriental.


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A construção de usinas hidrelétricas tem sido um novo vetor de fragmentação florestal no globo, sobretudo na Amazônia, que possui várias barragens em fase de construção atualmente, além das planejadas. A formação de reservatórios em usinas hidrelétricas proporciona paisagens fragmentadas, com a criação de ilhas artificiais (fragmentos), que possuem a peculiaridade de estarem cercada por uma matriz mais resistente para a maioria das espécies, diferente dos fragmentos terrestres, tendo um efeito direto na redução da biodiversidade. Esta pesquisa buscou avaliar a paisagem insular do Lago de Tucuruí, por meio da quantificação da estrutura da paisagem, como subsidio para implicações de conservação. Concomitantemente, avaliou-se os efeitos da fragmentação insular sobre a comunidade arbórea, através da estrutura da paisagem e efeito de borda, ambos têm sido um dos processos ecológicos mais impactantes na diversidade biológica em paisagens fragmentadas. Os resultados indicaram o arranjo espacial pode ser uma abordagem utilizada para os mecanismos de conservação em barragens, mas devendo considerar aspectos específicos das ilhas. Por sua vez, a vegetação ainda não estar respondendo a estrutura da paisagem atual, estando em uma fase de débito de extinção, sendo o efeito de borda o principal fator para formação das comunidades vegetais.


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Population genetics theory predicts loss in genetic variability because of drift and inbreeding in isolated plant populations; however, it has been argued that long-distance pollination and seed dispersal may be able to maintain gene flow, even in highly fragmented landscapes. We tested how historical effective population size, historical migration and contemporary landscape structure, such as forest cover, patch isolation and matrix resistance, affect genetic variability and differentiation of seedlings in a tropical palm (Euterpe edulis) in a human-modified rainforest. We sampled 16 sites within five landscapes in the Brazilian Atlantic forest and assessed genetic variability and differentiation using eight microsatellite loci. Using a model selection approach, none of the covariates explained the variation observed in inbreeding coefficients among populations. The variation in genetic diversity among sites was best explained by historical effective population size. Allelic richness was best explained by historical effective population size and matrix resistance, whereas genetic differentiation was explained by matrix resistance. Coalescence analysis revealed high historical migration between sites within landscapes and constant historical population sizes, showing that the genetic differentiation is most likely due to recent changes caused by habitat loss and fragmentation. Overall, recent landscape changes have a greater influence on among-population genetic variation than historical gene flow process. As immediate restoration actions in landscapes with low forest amount, the development of more permeable matrices to allow the movement of pollinators and seed dispersers may be an effective strategy to maintain microevolutionary processes.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effects of habitat configuration on species persistence are predicted to be most apparent when remaining habitat cover is below 30%. We tested this prediction by comparing vertebrate communities in 21 landscapes located in the southern Amazonia, including 7 control landscapes (similar to 100% of forest cover) and 14 fragmented landscapes (4 x 4 km). The fragmented landscapes retained similar proportions of forest (similar to 25%), but had contrasting configurations, resulting from two different deforestation patterns: the "fish-bone pattern" common in small properties, and the large-property pattern generally used by large ranchers. Vertebrates were surveyed in all landscapes in February-July 2009 with interviews (n = 150). We found a significant difference in reported species richness among the fish-bone, large-property, and control areas (mean = 29.3, 38.8 and 43.5 respectively). Control areas and large-properties tended to have a higher number of specialist species (mean = 13.7, and 11.7, respectively), when compared with the fish-bone pattern (5.1). Vertebrate community composition in the control and large-properties was more similar to one another than to those of the fish-bone landscapes. The number of fragments was the main factor affecting the persistence of species, being negatively associated with specialist species richness. Species richness was also positively related with the size of the largest fragment structurally connected to the studied landscapes (i.e., a regional scale effect). Our results demonstrated that the large-property pattern, which results in less fragmented landscapes, can maintain a more diverse community of large vertebrates, including top predators, which are considered fundamental for maintaining ecosystem integrity. These results support the hypothesis that landscape configuration contributes to the persistence and/or extirpation of species.


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Habitat fragmentation strongly affects species distribution and abundance. However, mechanisms underlying fragmentation effects often remain unresolved. Potential mechanisms are (1) reduced dispersal of a species or (2) altered species interactions in fragmented landscapes. We studied if abundance of the spider-hunting and cavity-nesting wasp Trypoxylon figulus Linnaeus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) is affected by fragmentation, and then tested for any effect of larval food (bottom up regulation) and parasitism (top down regulation). Trap nests of T. figulus were studied in 30 agricultural landscapes of the Swiss Plateau. The sites varied in the level of isolation from forest (adjacent, in the open landscape but connected, isolated) and in the amount of woody habitat (from 4 % to 74 %). We recorded wasp abundance (number of occupied reed tubes), determined parasitism of brood cells and analysed the diversity and abundance of spiders that were deposited as larval food. Abundances of T. figulus were negatively related to forest cover in the landscape. In addition, T. figulus abundances were highest at forest edges, reduced by 33.1% in connected sites and by 79.4% in isolated sites. The mean number of spiders per brood cell was lowest in isolated sites. Nevertheless, structural equation modelling revealed that this did not directly determine wasp abundance. Parasitism was neither related to the amount of woody habitat nor to isolation and did not change with host density. Therefore, our study showed that the abundance of T. figulus cannot be fully explained by the studied trophic interactions. Further factors, such as dispersal and habitat preference, seem to play a role in the population dynamics of this widespread secondary carnivore in agricultural landscapes.


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La aparición y avance de la enfermedad del marchitamiento del pino (Pine Wilt Desease, PWD), causada por Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda; Aphelenchoididae), el nematodo de la madera del pino (NMP), en el suroeste de Europa, ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de estudiar la fenología y la dispersión de su único vector conocido en Europa, Monochamus galloprovincialis (Col., Cerambycidae). El análisis de 12 series de emergencias entre 2010 y 2014, registradas en Palencia, València y Teruel, con material procedente de diversos puntos de la península ibérica, demostró una alta variabilidad en la fenología de M. galloprovincialis y la divergencia térmica respecto de las poblaciones portuguesas. Para éstas, el establecimiento de los umbrales térmicos de desarrollo de las larvas post-dormantes del vector (12,2 y 33,5ºC) permitió la predicción de la emergencia mediana para la fecha en la que se acumulaban de 822 grados-día. Ninguna de las series analizadas en este trabajo necesitó de dichos grados-día estimados para la emergencia mediana. Asimismo, la emergencia se adelantó en las regiones más calurosas, mientras que se retrasó en las zonas más templadas. Más allá de la posible variabilidad entre poblaciones locales peninsulares, se detectaron indicios de que la diferencia en la acumulación de calor durante el otoño puede afectar el grado de maduración de las larvas invernantes, y su posterior patrón temporal de emergencia. Por último, también fueron observados comportamientos de protandria en las emergencias. Respecto a la fenología de su vuelo, entre los años 2010 y 2015, fueron ejecutados un total de 8 experimentos de captura de M. galloprovincialis mediante trampas cebadas con atrayentes en diferentes regiones (Castellón, Teruel, Segovia y Alicante) permitiendo el seguimiento del periodo de vuelo. Su análisis permitió constatar la disminución de las capturas y el acortamiento del periodo de vuelo con la altitud, el inicio del vuelo en el mes de mayo/junio a partir de los 14ºC de temperatura media diaria, la influencia de las altas temperaturas en la disminución de las capturas estivales (potencial causante de perfiles bimodales en las curvas de vuelo en las zonas menos frías), la evolución de la proporción de sexos a lo largo del periodo de vuelo (que muestra una mayor captura de hembras al inicio y de machos al final) y el comportamiento diurno y ligado a las altas temperaturas del vuelo circadiano del insecto. Dos redes de muestreo sistemático de insectos saproxílicos instaladas en la Comunitat Valencia (Red MUFFET, 15 parcelas, año 2013) y en Murcia (Red ESFP, 20 parcelas, años 2008-2010) permitieron el estudio de la comunidad de insectos relacionada con M. galloprovincialis. Cada una de las parcelas contaba con una trampa cebada con atrayentes y una estación meteorológica. El registro de más de 250 especies de coleópteros saproxílicos demostró el potencial que tiene el empleo de redes de trampas vigía para la detección temprana de organismos exóticos, además de permitir la caracterización y evaluación de las comunidades de entomofauna útil, representando una de las mejores herramientas de la gestión integrada de plagas. En este caso, la comunidad de saproxílicos estudiada mostró ser muy homogénea respecto a la variación ambiental de las zonas de muestreo, y que pese a las pequeñas variaciones entre las comunidades de los diferentes ecosistemas, el rol que M. galloprovincialis desempeña en ellas a lo largo de todo el gradiente estudiado es el mismo. Con todo, el análisis mediante redes de interacción mostró su relevancia ecológica al actuar de conector entre los diferentes niveles tróficos. Por último, un total de 12 experimentos de marcaje-liberación-recaptura desarrollados entre 2009 y 2012 en Castellón, Teruel, Valencia y Murcia permitieron evaluar el comportamiento dispersivo de M. galloprovincialis. Las detecciones mediante trampas cebadas de los insectos liberados se dieron por lo menos 8 días después de la emergencia. La abundancia de población pareció relacionada con la continuidad, la naturalización de la masa, y con la afección previa de incendios. La dispersión no estuvo influida por la dirección ni la intensidad de los vientos dominantes. La abundancia de material hospedante (en lo referente a las variables de masa y a los índices de competencia) influyó en la captura del insecto en paisajes fragmentados, aunque la ubicación de las trampas optimizó el número de capturas cuando se ubicaron en el límite de la masa y en zonas visibles. Por último también se constató que M. galloprovincialis posee suficiente capacidad de dispersión como para recorrer hasta 1500 m/día, llegando a alcanzar distancias máximas de 13600m o de 22100 m. ABSTRACT The detection and expansion of the Pine Wilt Desease (PWD), caused by Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda; Aphelenchoididae), Pine Wood Nematode (PWN), in southwestern Europe since 1999, has triggered off the study of the phenology and the dispersion of its unique vector in the continent, Monochamus galloprovincialis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The analysis of 12 emergence series between 2010 and 2014 registered in Palencia, Teruel and Valencia (Spain), registered from field colonized material collected at several locations of the Iberian Peninsula, showed a high variability in the emergence phenology of M. galloprovincialis. In addition, these patterns showed a very acute thermal divergence regarding a development model fitted earlier in Portugal. Such model forecasted the emergence of 50% of M. galloprovincialis individuals in the Setúbal Peninsula (Portugal) when an average of 822 degree-days (DD) were reached, based on the accumulation of heat from the 1st of March until emergence and lower and upper thresholds of 12.2 ºC and 33,5 °C respectively. In our results, all analyzed series needed less than 822 DD to complete the 50% of the emergence. Also, emergency occurred earlier in the hottest regions, while it was delayed in more temperate areas. Beyond the possible variability between local populations, the difference in the heat accumulation during the fall season may have affected the degree of maturation of overwintering larvae, and subsequently, the temporal pattern of M. galloprovincialis emergences. Therefore these results suggest the need to differentiate local management strategies for the PWN vector, depending on the location, and the climatic variables of each region. Finally, protandrous emergence patterns were observed for M. galloprovincialis in most of the studied data-sets. Regarding the flight phenology of M. galloprovincialis, a total of 8 trapping experiments were carried out in different regions of the Iberian Peninsula (Castellón, Teruel, Segovia and Alicante) between 2010 and 2015. The use of commercial lures and traps allowed monitoring of the flight period of M. galloprovincialis. The analyses of such curves, helped confirming different aspects. First, a decline in the number of catches and a shortening of the flight period was observed as the altitude increased. Flight period was recorded to start in May / June when the daily average temperature went over 14 ° C. A significant influence of high temperatures on the decrease of catches in the summer was found in many occasions, which frequently lead to a bimodal profile of the flight curves in warm areas. The evolution of sex ratio along the flight period shows a greater capture of females at the beginning of the period, and of males at the end. In addition, the circadian response of M. galloprovincialis to lured traps was described for the first time, concluding that the insect is diurnal and that such response is linked to high temperatures. Two networks of systematic sampling of saproxylic insects were installed in the Region of Valencia (Red MUFFET, 15 plots, 2013) and Murcia (Red ICPF, 20 plots, 2008-2010). These networks, intended to serve the double purpose of early-detection and long term monitoring of the saproxylic beetle assemblies, allowed the study of insect communities related to M. galloprovincialis. Each of the plots had a trap baited with attractants and a weather station. The registration of almost 300 species of saproxylic beetles demonstrated the potential use of such trapping networks for the early detection of exotic organisms, while at the same time allows the characterization and evaluation of useful entomological fauna communities, representing one of the best tools for the integrated pest management. In this particular case, the studied community of saproxylic beetles was very homogeneous with respect to environmental variation of the sampling areas, and despite small variations between communities of different ecosystems, the role that M. galloprovincialis apparently plays in them across the studied gradient seems to be the same. However, the analysis through food-webs showed the ecological significance of M. galloprovincialis as a connector between different trophic levels. Finally, 12 mark-release-recapture experiments were carried out between 2009 and 2012 in Castellón, Teruel, Valencia and Murcia (Spain) with the aim to describe the dispersive behavior of M. galloprovincialis as well as the stand and landscape characteristics that could influence its abundance and dispersal. No insects younger than 8 days were caught in lured traps. Population abundance estimates from mark-release-recapture data, seemed related to forest continuity, naturalization, and to prior presence of forest fires. On the other hand, M. galloprovincialis dispersal was not found to be significantly influenced by the direction and intensity of prevailing winds. The abundance of host material, very related to stand characteristics and spacing indexes, influenced the insect abundance in fragmented landscapes. In addition, the location of the traps optimized the number of catches when they were placed in the edge of the forest stands and in visible positions. Finally it was also found that M. galloprovincialis is able to fly up to 1500 m / day, reaching maximum distances of up to 13600 m or 22100 m.