997 resultados para Forest regeneration


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A crença na capacidade de regeneração florestal é um dos principais sustentáculos da concepção de manejo madeireiro sustentável em longo prazo. O desempenho do processo regenerativo, por sua vez, depende da intensidade dos danos causados pela atividade madeireira, os quais podem ser reduzidos desde que se disponha de dados sistemáticos que orientem critérios adequados ao bom manejo florestal. O presente estudo, realizado em Paragominas, Pará, tem como objetivo avaliar como o tamanho das clareiras afeta a regeneração florestal. Para efetivar essa avaliação, foram monitorados elos do processo regenerativo (e. g., herbívoros vertebrados, chuva de sementes, fatores físicos) e/ou vários atributos diretos da regeneração (e. g., densidade, riqueza, crescimento, recrutamento, mortalidade de plantas) em dois sítios do referido município. Na Fazenda Rio Capim, com exploração recente, quinze clareiras com idade de 1,3 ano foram selecionadas em cerca de 300 ha de floresta explorada sob impacto reduzido e monitoradas durante 15 meses. As clareiras compreenderam três categorias de tamanho: 05 pequenas (30-100 m2), 05 médias (500-800 m2) e 05 grandes (> 1.500 m2). Na Fazenda Cauaxi, com exploração antiga, somente os atributos diretos da regeneração foram avaliados em doze clareiras com 8,5 anos de idade, sendo quatro de cada categoria de tamanho acima mencionada, exceto as clareiras grandes que foram menores (1.000-1.400 m2). A hipótese geral deste estudo é que o comportamento dos diversos fatores analisados favorecerá maior riqueza de espécies em regime de distúrbios intermediários, neste caso, em clareiras médias (sensu Connell, 1978). De modo geral, essa hipótese não foi corroborada. Na Fazenda Rio Capim (1,3 ano pós-exploração), apesar das clareiras grandes terem sido significativamente mais pobres em espécies do que todos os demais ambientes, as clareiras médias não foram aquelas que apresentaram maior riqueza. Dentre os tamanhos de clareiras analisados, as clareiras grandes foram as que mais se diferenciaram da condição controle (floresta fechada), apresentando maiores temperaturas, maior densidade e crescimento da regeneração e maior taxa de crescimento de cipós. Nas clareiras médias, os cipós e espécies pioneiras também cresceram significativamente mais rápido do que nas clareiras pequenas e floresta fechada. As clareiras pequenas foram mais semelhantes à floresta fechada, diferindo apenas por sua maior densidade de indivíduos de espécies pioneiras e maior taxa de crescimento da regeneração (exceto cipós). A chuva de sementes e o impacto de mamíferos herbívoros sobre a regeneração foram indiferentes ao tamanho das clareiras, mas mostraram-se dependentes de características pontuais, como presença de fontes alimentares para atrair fauna e fornecer sementes. As clareiras antigas (8,5 anos) da Fazenda Cauaxi não apresentaram nenhuma divergência significativa entre si nem com a amostra controle. Comparativamente com as clareiras jovens, as clareiras antigas denotaram menor densidade e maior riqueza relativa. Considerando-se todas as diferenças observadas entre os diferentes tamanhos de clareiras e floresta fechada e suas potenciais implicações sobre o processo regenerativo, recomenda-se que grandes clareiras sejam evitadas. As clareiras pequenas e médias reúnem mais atributos favoráveis à sustentabilidade do manejo madeireiro.


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A exploração madeireira na Amazônia atinge anualmente cerca de 1,5 milhões de hectares de floresta. Esta atividade promove mudanças estruturais e microclimáticas na floresta, que potencialmente afetam a diversidade e a composição das espécies animais. Como grande parte das sementes florestais são dispersas por animais, a regeneração dos ambientes explorados pode ser comprometida. Por outro lado, é possível que a fauna de florestas exploradas através de técnicas de extração madeireira com impactos reduzidos, mantenha sua integridade original, não afetando os mecanismos de dispersão de sementes. Tomando as formigas como um grupo animal ecologicamente representativo e integrado aos processos de regeneração, via dispersão e predação de sementes, foi avaliado neste trabalho se (1) a exploração madeireira afeta a fauna (diversidade e composição de espécies) destes insetos, se (2) planos de exploração de baixo impacto são capazes de preservá-la e se (3) a exploração afeta a eficiência ecológica das formigas na remoção (dispersão ou predação) de sementes. Os efeitos da exploração madeireira sobre a diversidade e a composição de espécies de formigas, bem como sobre a remoção de sementes florestais realizada por estes insetos, foram investigados em três ambientes de floresta, no município de Paragominas, estado do Pará: uma floresta que sofreu exploração madeireira convencional (FC), outra floresta explorada por técnicas de extração de baixo impacto (FB) e uma floresta primária, como controle (FP). A fauna de formigas foi amostrada em quatro ocasiões de coleta durante o ano de 1998. Em cada ocasião, as formigas foram coletadas através do método de Winkler, em quatro transecções por área. O experimento de remoção de sementes foi realizado colocando-se sementes de seis espécies madeireiras, distribuídas em 12 pontos por ambiente. Durante o experimento, foi quantificado diariamente o número de formigas e outros artrópodes visitando as sementes. O número total de sementes removidas por ambiente foi contado ao final do experimento. A diversidade e a abundância de espécies de formigas não foram afetadas pela exploração madeireira. Contudo, a composição de espécies foi alterada em 36% na FB e 37% na FC. O gênero Pheidok teve sua riqueza e abundância reduzidas exclusivamente na FC. A remoção de sementes também foi significativamente menor (ca. 33%) na FC se comparada àquela registrada na FB e FP. As formigas representaram 92% dos artrópodes que visitaram as sementes, nos três ambientes. As sementes maiores foram as mais removidas, independente de sua adaptação ao dispersor e do ambiente estudado. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a exploração madeireira pode promover modificações na composição de espécies de formigas, sem, contudo, alterar sua diversidade (exceto de Pheidok). O sistema de exploração com baixo impacto é capaz de preservar a diversidade de espécies de Pheidole, garantindo quantitativamente, uma mobilização de sementes semelhante à de uma floresta primária. Por outro lado, a exploração convencional pode diminuir a diversidade deste gênero, resultando em um menor número de sementes removidas. Tal redução, possivelmente compromete a regeneração da floresta após a retirada da madeira.


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Os ninhos de saúva são importantes perturbações naturais capazes de gerar mosaicos de determinados tipos de vegetação e afetar a estrutura e composição dos ecossistemas neotropicais. Nesse sentido, este estudo avaliou os efeitos dos ninhos de saúva (Atta spp.) na dinâmica de crescimento da vegetação de uma floresta de transição Amazônia-Cerrado submetida a um regime de incêndios periódicos, ao sul da bacia amazônica, Estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil. Especificamente, avaliou-se os efeitos dos ninhos: (1) na nutrição e crescimento da vegetação; (2) na proteção da vegetação contra o fogo e (3) na regeneração florestal pós-fogo. Para determinar tais efeitos, ninhos e vegetação associada (em um raio de até 10 m dos ninhos) estabelecidos em áreas de 150 ha da floresta de transição, foram mapeados e monitorados. Tais áreas subdivididas em parcelas de 50 ha com diferentes tratamentos: incêndios tri-anuais; incêndios anuais e proteção do fogo (controle) fazem parte do Projeto “Savanização” sob a coordenação do Instituto de Pesquisas Ambiental da Amazônia, IPAM. Os experimentos sobre os efeitos dos ninhos na nutrição e crescimento da vegetação indicaram que plantas estabelecidas próximas aos ninhos têm a absorção de nutriente facilitada e por isso apresentaram uma maior concentração foliar de Fósforo. Como conseqüência, foi registrado um maior crescimento em diâmetro do caule para estas plantas quando comparadas com aquelas distantes dos ninhos. Os ninhos funcionaram como aceiros (devido ao acúmulo de terra sobre os murundus resultante das escavações das saúvas) reduzindo a área total queimada em seu entorno, principalmente nos locais de bordas (local de maior incidência de ninhos) e protegendo a vegetação circundante da mortalidade pelo fogo. Em oposição a estes benefícios, foi constatado maior herbivoria de plântulas e remoção de sementes por saúvas nas áreas de alta densidade de colônias ativas, um resultado que compromete os estágios iniciais de sucessão florestal pós-fogo. Este estudo revela a importância das saúvas na redistribuição e reciclagem de nutrientes, e revela, pela primeira vez, a proteção da vegetação contra o fogo, por seus ninhos. Por outro lado, também mostra que perturbações antrópicas, como o fogo, aumentam as populações de saúva, o que pode tornar-se uma barreira ao sucesso da regeneração florestal pós-fogo. Com base nesse estudo, pode-se prever que ambientes naturais podem ter o crescimento da vegetação acelerado pela presença dos ninhos de saúva, mas em ambientes sob perturbação, a ação das saúvas pode ser a principal ameaça a regeneração da vegetação original. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que os efeitos (benéficos ou deletérios) das saúvas dependem do nível de perturbação ou maturidade do bioma no qual seus ninhos se estabelecem.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ecological processes in tropical forests are being affected at unprecedented rates by human activities. Yet, the continuity of ecological functions like seed dispersal is crucial for forest regeneration. It thus becomes increasingly urgent to be able to rapidly assess the health status of these processes in order to take appropriate management measures. We tested a method to rapidly evaluate seed removal rates on two animal-dispersed tree species, Virola kwatae and V.michelii (Myristicaceae), at three sites in French Guiana with increasing levels of anthropogenic disturbance. We counted fallen fruits, fruit valves, and seeds of each focal fruiting tree in a single 1m2 quadrat, and calculated two indices: the proportion of seeds removed and the proportion of fruits opened by mammals. They both provide an indirect and rapid assessment of frugivore activity. Our results showed a significant decrease in the proportion of removed seeds (16%) and fruits opened (19%) at the most impacted site in comparison with the other two sites (79% for seeds, 60% and 35% for fruits). This testifies to an increased impoverishment of the primate and toucan communities at the disturbed sites. This standardized protocol provides fast information about the health status of the community of seed dispersers and predators and of their seed removal services. It is time- and cost-effective and is not species-specific, allowing comparisons among sites or over time. We suggest using it with the pantropical Myristicaceae and any other capsule-producing family to rapidly assess the health status of seed removal processes across the tropics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Lianas can change forest dynamics, slowing down forest regeneration after a perturbation. In these cases, it may be necessary to manage these woody climbers. Our aim was to simulate two management strategies: (1) focusing on abundant liana species and (2) focusing on the largest lianas, and contrast them with the random removal of lianas. We applied mathematical simulations for liana removal in three different vegetation types in southeastern Brazil: a Rainforest, a Seasonal Tropical Forest, and a Woodland Savanna. Using these samples, we performed simulations based on two liana removal procedures and compared them with random removal. We also used regression analysis with quasi-Poisson distribution to test whether larger lianas were aggressive, i.e., if they climbed into many trees. The procedure of cutting larger lianas was as effective as cutting them randomly and proved not to be a good method for liana management. Moreover, most of the lianas climbed into one or two trees, i.e., were not aggressive. Cutting the most abundant lianas proved to be a more effective method than cutting lianas randomly. This method could maintain liana richness and presumably should accelerate forest regeneration.


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Few studies have evaluated long-term changes in avian abundance in forest remnants. To compare both species richness and abundance of the bird community in a forest fragment located in the municipality of Gália, state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, we surveyed forest birds using transect counts. We compared our results with a survey conducted 30 years earlier at the same locality and further classified bird species according to their food habits to eventually predict fluctuations of specific abundance. Although species with population declines predominated in the community, all trophic categories had species which increased their abundances. Most species prone to move around remnants decreased in abundance. We suggest that, regarding specific abundances, trophic categories may be equally affected as a result of fragmentation processes and that the forest regeneration of this remnant may have led to the loss of edge species. Species that suffered from abundance loss during this time period may become locally extinct in the near future.


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This report focuses on forest product users in the COMADEL and FMJ forest concessions, Cabo Delgado, as well as the effects of their combined strategies and activities on sustainable use of natural resources and sustainable socio-economic development of the region. The aim is to contribute to understanding the effects of these strategies and activities on forest regeneration, ecosystem services and on resource sustainability. The study examines the role played by the Committees of Natural Resources in forest exploitation. Data obtained from interviews and observations were used to complement and update a variety of existing data from oral and written sources dealing with forest regeneration in Cabo Delgado. These existing materials originate from previous studies conducted in the context of the ESAPP project that started more than two years ago. They include results from Learning for Sustainability workshops (LforS, http://www.cde.unibe.ch/Pages/Project/2/14/Learningfor- Sustainability-Extension-Approach.aspx), as well as field reports, academic studies, management plans used by concessionaires, and others. The interviews and observations took place more or less continuously from the beginning of this phase of the project in 2008. Interviews were systematically conducted with owners of concessions operating in the region, employees of logging companies, residents of villages within the existing concessions, government officials and others. It was not possible to collect information directly from poachers in part due to the illegal nature of their work. Information on these activities was obtained indirectly through members of the Committees of Natural Resources, the concessionaire, and its workers, as well as by observing the traces of extraction – traps, bones and parts of slaughtered animals, tree stumps, material ready for transportation, etc. The main results indicate that extraction by the logging company MITI Ltd. and others acting in the region, by poachers and by other actors – e.g. sawyers using manual saws – put a lot of pressure on marketable species, particularly Millettia stuhlmannii, Afzelia quanzensis and Swartzia madagascariensis. Natural regeneration of forests in northern Cabo Delgado is being compromised by the combination of various extracting activities and uncontrolled fires. MITI Ltd. continued the pattern of exploitation of forest resources that was characteristic of companies operating in the region earlier, such as COMADEL. MITI Ltd. failed to implement the broad range of development and conservation activities encouraged by the new legislation on forest concessions that was created to promote sustainable use of resources.


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Our study considers the natural resources of the Miombo forests in Cabo Delgado from a broad ecosystems perspective. Thus, our view goes beyond the disciplinary approaches of forestry, agronomy, biology or zoology, and also of the social sciences, namely anthropology, history, sociology, political science or economics. The present study aims to establish a dialogue and create synergies between Miti Ltd. – the logging company and owner of the forest concessions – as well as government and state structures at the various levels and the communities – through the Committees on Natural Resources – in order to promote the sustainable use of resources and ecosystems. The research methodology we used can broadly be described as moderated transdisciplinary interaction for action-research based on the approach known as Learning for Sustainability (LforS, http://www.cde.unibe.ch/Pages/Project/2/14/Learning-for-Sustainability-Extension-Approach.aspx). The research methods used include: LforS seminars; field work; forests observations focusing, among others, on ecosystems, trees, wildlife, and burned areas; visits to farms; and interviews. We conducted both collective interviews and individual interviews, including with key informants. The main results indicate that members of the Committee on Natural Resources have a dual attitude: their statements defend the paradigm of sustainable use of natural resources as well as their own immediate monetary gain. They are willing to apply the values, concepts and theories of sustainable development that underpin the establishment of Committees on Natural Resources if they are paid for their work or if they can derive direct benefits from it, i.e. if they can earn a salary or allowance. If this does not happen, however, they are willing to allow actors to engage in illegal hunting or logging activities. This dual attitude also exists in relation to forestry operators. If the concession workers pay the committee members in cash or provide goods, they can run their business even if they violate the law. Natural forest regeneration in Nkonga and Namiune already shows the impact of such use. Although there are many saplings that could basically ensure continuous regeneration under sustainable management, repeated burning is damaging the young trees, deforming them and killing a great number of them. Campaigns against uncontrolled fires are ineffective because the administrative and political authorities have a dual attitude as well and are also part of the group that uses resources to their own profit and benefit. There are institutional structures within the administration, populations, and communities to perform regulating functions, create and implement rules, punish offenders, and oversee resource use. However, they feel that since they are not paid for performing these functions, they do not have to do so. This attitude shows a lack of awareness, but also indicates a situation where everyone seeks to derive maximum benefits from existing resource use patterns. Anything goes.


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Terrestrial mammals are good dispersers of the fruits and seeds of seasonal rainforest in the Gulf of Mexico. Their importance lies in the huge quantity of fruit and seeds they consume, and their daily and seasonal movement through natural and secondary vegetation and agricultural fields. Their importance is even more noteworthy in the face of increasing deforestation and forest fragmentation, which limits the dispersal of propagules across the landscape and affects, among other things, the potential for forest regeneration. To evaluate fruit and seed consumption and dispersal over 12 months, the droppings of rainforest mammals were analyzed for the rainforest and an abandoned pasture (8,400 m2 respectively) on the coast of central Veracruz, Mexico. In the rainforest 158 droppings were collected and 47 in the pasture from a total of eight mammal species, six of which are known dispersers. The droppings contained 150 seeds belonging to 36 species and 19 families. The deposition of different species and quantities of seeds in the forest and pasture indicates that mammals disperse more rainforest species to the pasture than vice versa.


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Tropical deforestation is the major contemporary threat to global biodiversity, because a diminishing extent of tropical forests supports the majority of the Earth's biodiversity. Forest clearing is often spatially concentrated in regions where human land use pressures, either planned or unplanned, increase the likelihood of deforestation. However, it is not a random process, but often moves in waves originating from settled areas. We investigate the spatial dynamics of land cover change in a tropical deforestation hotspot in the Colombian Amazon. We apply a forest cover zoning approach which permitted: calculation of colonization speed; comparative spatial analysis of patterns of deforestation and regeneration; analysis of spatial patterns of mature and recently regenerated forests; and the identification of local-level hotspots experiencing the fastest deforestation or regeneration. The colonization frontline moved at an average of 0.84 km yr(-1) from 1989 to 2002, resulting in the clearing of 3400 ha yr(-1) of forests beyond the 90% forest cover line. The dynamics of forest clearing varied across the colonization front according to the amount of forest in the landscape, but was spatially concentrated in well-defined 'local hotspots' of deforestation and forest regeneration. Behind the deforestation front, the transformed landscape mosaic is composed of cropping and grazing lands interspersed with mature forest fragments and patches of recently regenerated forests. We discuss the implications of the patterns of forest loss and fragmentation for biodiversity conservation within a framework of dynamic conservation planning.


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Deforestation often occurs as temporal waves and in localized fronts termed 'deforestation hotspots' driven by economic pulses and population pressure. Of particular concern for conservation planning are 'biodiversity hotspots' where high concentrations of endemic species undergo rapid loss and fragmentation of habitat. We investigate the deforestation process in Caqueta, a biodiversity hotspot and major colonization front of the Colombian Amazon using multi-temporal satellite imagery of the periods 1989-1996-1999-2002. The probabilities of deforestation and regeneration were modeled against soil fertility, accessibility and neighborhood terms, using logistic regression analysis. Deforestation and regeneration patterns and rates were highly variable across the colonization front. The regional average annual deforestation rate was 2.6%, but varied locally between -1.8% (regeneration) and 5.3%, with maximum rates in landscapes with 40-60% forest cover and highest edge densities, showing an analogous pattern to the spread of disease. Soil fertility and forest and secondary vegetation neighbors showed positive and significant relationships with the probability of deforestation. For forest regeneration, soil fertility had a significant negative effect while the other parameters were marginally significant. The logistic regression models across all periods showed a high level of discrimination power for both deforestation and forest regeneration, with ROC values > 0.80. We document the effect of policies and institutional changes on the land clearing process, such as the failed peace process between government and guerillas in 1999-2002, which redirected the spread of deforestation and increased forest regeneration. The implications for conservation in biologically rich areas, such as Caqueta are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.