980 resultados para Force control


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A new robotic grinding process has been developed for a low-powered robot system using a spring balancer as a suspension system. To manipulate a robot-arm in the vertical plane, a large actuator torque is required due to the tool weight and enormous gravity effect. But the actuators of the robot system always exhibit a limited torque capacity. This paper presents a cheap and available system for precise grinding tasks by a low-powered robot system using a suspension system. For grinding operations, to achieve position and force-tracking simultaneously, this paper presents an algorithm of the hybrid position/force-tracking scheme with respect to the dynamic behavior of a spring balancer. Material Removal Rate (MRR) is developed for materials SS400 and SUS304. Simulations and experiments have been carried out to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system.


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Traditionally, the control system of a modern teleoperated mobile robot consists of one or more two-dimensional joysticks placed on a control interface. While this simplistic interface allows an operator to remotely drive the platform, feedback is limited to visual information supplied by on-board cameras. Significant advances in the field of haptics have the potential to meaningfully enhance situational awareness of a remote robot. The focus of this research is the augmentation of Deakin University's OzBot trade MkIV mobile platform to include haptic control methodologies. Utilising the platform's inertial measurement unit, a remote operator has the ability to gain knowledge of the vehicle's operating performance and terrain while supplying a finer level of control to the drive motors. Our development of a generic multi-platform ActiveX allows the easy implementation of haptic force feedback to many computer based robot controllers. Furthermore, development of communication protocols has progressed with Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS) compliance in mind. The haptic force control algorithms are presented along with results highlighting the benefits of haptic operator feedback on the MklV OzBot trade chassis.


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This paper reports on robotic and haptic technologies and capabilities developed for the law enforcement and defence community within Australia by the Centre for Intelligent Systems Research (CISR). The OzBot series of small and medium surveillance robots have been designed in Australia and evaluated by law enforcement and defence personnel to determine suitability and ruggedness in a variety of environments. Using custom developed digital electronics and featuring expandable data busses including RS485, I2C, RS232, video and Ethernet, the robots can be directly connected to many off the shelf payloads such as gas sensors, x-ray sources and camera systems including thermal and night vision. Differentiating the OzBot platform from its peers is its ability to be integrated directly with haptic technology or the 'haptic bubble' developed by CISR. Haptic interfaces allow an operator to physically 'feel' remote environments through position-force control and experience realistic force feedback. By adding the capability to remotely grasp an object, feel its weight, texture and other physical properties in real-time from the remote ground control unit, an operator's situational awareness is greatly improved through Haptic augmentation in an environment where remote-system feedback is often limited.


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An overview is given of the design and implementation of a platform for fast external sensor integration in an industrial robot system called ABB S4CPlus. As an application and motivating example, the implementation of force-controlled grinding and deburring within the AUTOFETT-project is discussed. Experiences from industrial usage of the fully developed prototype confirms the appropriateness of the design choices, thus also confirming the fact that control and software need to be tightly integrated. The new sensor can be used for the prototyping and development of a wide variety of new applications


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The past 40 years have seen industrial robots establish their superiority over humans in most areas of manufacturing requiring endurance or repeatability. One important application domain, however, has so far lagged behind the industry’s expectations: mechanical assembly. As fast, precise and dependable as they are, traditional industrial robots just don’t seem able to perform certain assembly operations as well as a skilled human worker. A task as simple as screwing a light bulb into a lamp socket shows why. Applying the right amount of force and turning the bulb at just the right time, at exactly the right angle, is something a human does intuitively. How can a robot be programmed to do this? For robots to successfully emulate humans on an assembly line, they need to have force-sensing capability and exhibit compliance. They must be able to direct forces and moments in a controlled way, and react to contact information. New robot force control technology from ABB shows how.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work investigated the effects of frequency and precision of feedback on the learning of a dual-motor task. One hundred and twenty adults were randomly assigned to six groups of different knowledge of results (KR), frequency (100%, 66% or 33%) and precision (specific or general) levels. In the stabilization phase, participants performed the dual task (combination of linear positioning and manual force control) with the provision of KR. Ten non-KR adaptation trials were performed for the same task, but with the introduction of an electromagnetic opposite traction force. The analysis showed a significant main effect for frequency of KR. The participants who received KR in 66% of the stabilization trials showed superior adaptation performance than those who received 100% or 33%. This finding reinforces that there is an optimal level of information, neither too high nor too low, for motor learning to be effective.


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Dielectric Elastomers (DE) are incompressible dielectrics which can experience deviatoric (isochoric) finite deformations in response to applied large electric fields. Thanks to the strong electro-mechanical coupling, DE intrinsically offer great potentialities for conceiving novel solid-state mechatronic devices, in particular linear actuators, which are more integrated, lightweight, economic, silent, resilient and disposable than equivalent devices based on traditional technologies. Such systems may have a huge impact in applications where the traditional technology does not allow coping with the limits of weight or encumbrance, and with problems involving interaction with humans or unknown environments. Fields such as medicine, domotic, entertainment, aerospace and transportation may profit. For actuation usage, DE are typically shaped in thin films coated with compliant electrodes on both sides and piled one on the other to form a multilayered DE. DE-based Linear Actuators (DELA) are entirely constituted by polymeric materials and their overall performance is highly influenced by several interacting factors; firstly by the electromechanical properties of the film, secondly by the mechanical properties and geometry of the polymeric frame designed to support the film, and finally by the driving circuits and activation strategies. In the last decade, much effort has been focused in the devolvement of analytical and numerical models that could explain and predict the hyperelastic behavior of different types of DE materials. Nevertheless, at present, the use of DELA is limited. The main reasons are 1) the lack of quantitative and qualitative models of the actuator as a whole system 2) the lack of a simple and reliable design methodology. In this thesis, a new point of view in the study of DELA is presented which takes into account the interaction between the DE film and the film supporting frame. Hyperelastic models of the DE film are reported which are capable of modeling the DE and the compliant electrodes. The supporting frames are analyzed and designed as compliant mechanisms using pseudo-rigid body models and subsequent finite element analysis. A new design methodology is reported which optimize the actuator performances allowing to specifically choose its inherent stiffness. As a particular case, the methodology focuses on the design of constant force actuators. This class of actuators are an example of how the force control could be highly simplified. Three new DE actuator concepts are proposed which highlight the goodness of the proposed method.


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This PhD thesis focused on nanomaterial (NM) engineering for occupational health and safety, in the frame of the EU project “Safe Nano Worker Exposure Scenarios (SANOWORK)”. Following a safety by design approach, surface engineering (surface coating, purification process, colloidal force control, wet milling, film coating deposition and granulation) were proposed as risk remediation strategies (RRS) to decrease toxicity and emission potential of NMs within real processing lines. In the first case investigated, the PlasmaChem ZrO2 manufacturing, the colloidal force control applied to the washing of synthesis rector, allowed to reduce ZrO2 contamination in wastewater, performing an efficient recycling procedure of ZrO2 recovered. Furthermore, ZrO2 NM was investigated in the ceramic process owned by CNR-ISTEC and GEA-Niro; the spray drying and freeze drying techniques were employed decreasing NM emissivity, but maintaining a reactive surface in dried NM. Considering the handling operation of nanofibers (NFs) obtained through Elmarco electrospinning procedure, the film coating deposition was applied on polyamide non-woven to avoid free fiber release. For TiO2 NF the wet milling was applied to reduce and homogenize the aspect ratio, leading to a significant mitigation of fiber toxicity. In the Colorobbia spray coating line, Ag and TiO2 nanosols, employed to transfer respectively antibacterial or depolluting properties to different substrates, were investigated. Ag was subjected to surface coating and purification, decreasing NM toxicity. TiO2 was modified by surface coating, spray drying and blending with colloidal SiO2, improving its technological performance. In the extrusion of polymeric matrix charged with carbon nanotube (CNTs) owned by Leitat, the CNTs used as filler were granulated by spray drying and freeze spray drying techniques, allowing to reduce their exposure potential. Engineered NMs tested by biologists were further investigated in relevant biological conditions, to improve the knowledge of structure/toxicity mechanisms and obtain new insights for the design of safest NMs.


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Esta tesis se centra en desarrollo de tecnologías para la interacción hombre-robot en entornos nucleares de fusión. La problemática principal del sector de fusión nuclear radica en las condiciones ambientales tan extremas que hay en el interior del reactor, y la necesidad de que los equipos cumplan requisitos muy restrictivos para poder aguantar esos niveles de radiación, magnetismo, ultravacío, temperatura... Como no es viable la ejecución de tareas directamente por parte de humanos, habrá que utilizar dispositivos de manipulación remota para llevar a cabo los procesos de operación y mantenimiento. En las instalaciones de ITER es obligatorio tener un entorno controlado de extrema seguridad, que necesita de estándares validados. La definición y uso de protocolos es indispensable para regir su buen funcionamiento. Si nos centramos en la telemanipulación con algo grado de escalado, surge la necesidad de definir protocolos para sistemas abiertos que permitan la interacción entre equipos y dispositivos de diversa índole. En este contexto se plantea la definición del Protocolo de Teleoperación que permita la interconexión entre dispositivos maestros y esclavos de distinta tipología, pudiéndose comunicar bilateralmente entre sí y utilizar distintos algoritmos de control según la tarea a desempeñar. Este protocolo y su interconectividad se han puesto a prueba en la Plataforma Abierta de Teleoperación (P.A.T.) que se ha desarrollado e integrado en la ETSII UPM como una herramienta que permita probar, validar y realizar experimentos de telerrobótica. Actualmente, este Protocolo de Teleoperación se ha propuesto a través de AENOR al grupo ISO de Telerobotics como una solución válida al problema existente y se encuentra bajo revisión. Con el diseño de dicho protocolo se ha conseguido enlazar maestro y esclavo, sin embargo con los niveles de radiación tan altos que hay en ITER la electrónica del controlador no puede entrar dentro del tokamak. Por ello se propone que a través de una mínima electrónica convenientemente protegida se puedan multiplexar las señales de control que van a través del cableado umbilical desde el controlador hasta la base del robot. En este ejercicio teórico se demuestra la utilidad y viabilidad de utilizar este tipo de solución para reducir el volumen y peso del cableado umbilical en cifras aproximadas de un 90%, para ello hay que desarrollar una electrónica específica y con certificación RadHard para soportar los enormes niveles de radiación de ITER. Para este manipulador de tipo genérico y con ayuda de la Plataforma Abierta de Teleoperación, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo que mediante un sensor de fuerza/par y una IMU colocados en la muñeca del robot, y convenientemente protegidos ante la radiación, permiten calcular las fuerzas e inercias que produce la carga, esto es necesario para poder transmitirle al operador unas fuerzas escaladas, y que pueda sentir la carga que manipula, y no otras fuerzas que puedan influir en el esclavo remoto, como ocurre con otras técnicas de estimación de fuerzas. Como el blindaje de los sensores no debe ser grande ni pesado, habrá que destinar este tipo de tecnología a las tareas de mantenimiento de las paradas programadas de ITER, que es cuando los niveles de radiación están en sus valores mínimos. Por otro lado para que el operador sienta lo más fielmente posible la fuerza de carga se ha desarrollado una electrónica que mediante el control en corriente de los motores permita realizar un control en fuerza a partir de la caracterización de los motores del maestro. Además para aumentar la percepción del operador se han realizado unos experimentos que demuestran que al aplicar estímulos multimodales (visuales, auditivos y hápticos) aumenta su inmersión y el rendimiento en la consecución de la tarea puesto que influyen directamente en su capacidad de respuesta. Finalmente, y en referencia a la realimentación visual del operador, en ITER se trabaja con cámaras situadas en localizaciones estratégicas, si bien el humano cuando manipula objetos hace uso de su visión binocular cambiando constantemente el punto de vista adecuándose a las necesidades visuales de cada momento durante el desarrollo de la tarea. Por ello, se ha realizado una reconstrucción tridimensional del espacio de la tarea a partir de una cámara-sensor RGB-D, lo cual nos permite obtener un punto de vista binocular virtual móvil a partir de una cámara situada en un punto fijo que se puede proyectar en un dispositivo de visualización 3D para que el operador pueda variar el punto de vista estereoscópico según sus preferencias. La correcta integración de estas tecnologías para la interacción hombre-robot en la P.A.T. ha permitido validar mediante pruebas y experimentos para verificar su utilidad en la aplicación práctica de la telemanipulación con alto grado de escalado en entornos nucleares de fusión. Abstract This thesis focuses on developing technologies for human-robot interaction in nuclear fusion environments. The main problem of nuclear fusion sector resides in such extreme environmental conditions existing in the hot-cell, leading to very restrictive requirements for equipment in order to deal with these high levels of radiation, magnetism, ultravacuum, temperature... Since it is not feasible to carry out tasks directly by humans, we must use remote handling devices for accomplishing operation and maintenance processes. In ITER facilities it is mandatory to have a controlled environment of extreme safety and security with validated standards. The definition and use of protocols is essential to govern its operation. Focusing on Remote Handling with some degree of escalation, protocols must be defined for open systems to allow interaction among different kind of equipment and several multifunctional devices. In this context, a Teleoperation Protocol definition enables interconnection between master and slave devices from different typologies, being able to communicate bilaterally one each other and using different control algorithms depending on the task to perform. This protocol and its interconnectivity have been tested in the Teleoperation Open Platform (T.O.P.) that has been developed and integrated in the ETSII UPM as a tool to test, validate and conduct experiments in Telerobotics. Currently, this protocol has been proposed for Teleoperation through AENOR to the ISO Telerobotics group as a valid solution to the existing problem, and it is under review. Master and slave connection has been achieved with this protocol design, however with such high radiation levels in ITER, the controller electronics cannot enter inside the tokamak. Therefore it is proposed a multiplexed electronic board, that through suitable and RadHard protection processes, to transmit control signals through an umbilical cable from the controller to the robot base. In this theoretical exercise the utility and feasibility of using this type of solution reduce the volume and weight of the umbilical wiring approximate 90% less, although it is necessary to develop specific electronic hardware and validate in RadHard qualifications in order to handle huge levels of ITER radiation. Using generic manipulators does not allow to implement regular sensors for force feedback in ITER conditions. In this line of research, an algorithm to calculate the forces and inertia produced by the load has been developed using a force/torque sensor and IMU, both conveniently protected against radiation and placed on the robot wrist. Scaled forces should be transmitted to the operator, feeling load forces but not other undesirable forces in slave system as those resulting from other force estimation techniques. Since shielding of the sensors should not be large and heavy, it will be necessary to allocate this type of technology for programmed maintenance periods of ITER, when radiation levels are at their lowest levels. Moreover, the operator perception needs to feel load forces as accurate as possible, so some current control electronics were developed to perform a force control of master joint motors going through a correct motor characterization. In addition to increase the perception of the operator, some experiments were conducted to demonstrate applying multimodal stimuli (visual, auditory and haptic) increases immersion and performance in achieving the task since it is directly correlated with response time. Finally, referring to the visual feedback to the operator in ITER, it is usual to work with 2D cameras in strategic locations, while humans use binocular vision in direct object manipulation, constantly changing the point of view adapting it to the visual needs for performing manipulation during task procedures. In this line a three-dimensional reconstruction of non-structured scenarios has been developed using RGB-D sensor instead of cameras in the remote environment. Thus a mobile virtual binocular point of view could be generated from a camera at a fixed point, projecting stereoscopic images in 3D display device according to operator preferences. The successful integration of these technologies for human-robot interaction in the T.O.P., and validating them through tests and experiments, verify its usefulness in practical application of high scaling remote handling at nuclear fusion environments.


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Qualquer tarefa motora ativa se dá pela ativação de uma população de unidades motoras. Porém, devido a diversas dificuldades, tanto técnicas quanto éticas, não é possível medir a entrada sináptica dos motoneurônios em humanos. Por essas razões, o uso de modelos computacionais realistas de um núcleo de motoneurônios e as suas respectivas fibras musculares tem um importante papel no estudo do controle humano dos músculos. Entretanto, tais modelos são complexos e uma análise matemática é difícil. Neste texto é apresentada uma abordagem baseada em identificação de sistemas de um modelo realista de um núcleo de unidades motoras, com o objetivo de obter um modelo mais simples capaz de representar a transdução das entradas do núcleo de unidades motoras na força do músculo associado ao núcleo. A identificação de sistemas foi baseada em um algoritmo de mínimos quadrados ortogonal para achar um modelo NARMAX, sendo que a entrada considerada foi a condutância sináptica excitatória dendrítica total dos motoneurônios e a saída foi a força dos músculos produzida pelo núcleo de unidades motoras. O modelo identificado reproduziu o comportamento médio da saída do modelo computacional realista, mesmo para pares de sinal de entrada-saída não usados durante o processo de identificação do modelo, como sinais de força muscular modulados senoidalmente. Funções de resposta em frequência generalizada do núcleo de motoneurônios foram obtidas do modelo NARMAX, e levaram a que se inferisse que oscilações corticais na banda-beta (20 Hz) podem influenciar no controle da geração de força pela medula espinhal, comportamento do núcleo de motoneurônios até então desconhecido.


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The present study employed electropalatography (EPG) and a nonspeech measure of lingual function to examine, in detail, the articulatory production deficits of two individuals with Parkinson disease (PD) and hypokinetic dysarthria. Participants read 10 repetitions of CV words contained within the carrier phrase I saw a _ today while wearing an EPG artificial palate. Target consonants included the alveolar stop /t/, lateral approximant /l/, and the alveolar fricative /s/ in the /a/ vowel environment. The results of the two participants were compared to an age-matched control group. Examination of the perceptual features of articulatory production, lingual strength, fine force control and endurance, tongue-palate contact patterns, and segment durations were conducted. Results of the study revealed quite different articulatory deficits in the two participants. Specifically, the articulation of Participant One (P1) was characterized by a fast rate of speech, undershooting of articulatory targets, and reduced duration of consonant closures. In contrast, Participant Two (P2) demonstrated tongue-palate contact patterns indicative of impaired lingual control in the presence of both normal and increased articulatory segment durations. Potential reasons for the differing articulatory deficits were hypothesized. The current study demonstrated that assessment with EPG identified potential causes of consonant imprecision in two individuals with hypokinetic dysarthria. Directions for speech pathology intervention, salient from the results of the study, were also noted.


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While the robots gradually become a part of our daily lives, they already play vital roles in many critical operations. Some of these critical tasks include surgeries, battlefield operations, and tasks that take place in hazardous environments or distant locations such as space missions. In most of these tasks, remotely controlled robots are used instead of autonomous robots. This special area of robotics is called teleoperation. Teleoperation systems must be reliable when used in critical tasks; hence, all of the subsystems must be dependable even under a subsystem or communication line failure. These systems are categorized as unilateral or bilateral teleoperation. A special type of bilateral teleoperation is described as force-reflecting teleoperation, which is further investigated as limited- and unlimited-workspace teleoperation. Teleoperation systems configured in this study are tested both in numerical simulations and experiments. A new method, Virtual Rapid Robot Prototyping, is introduced to create system models rapidly and accurately. This method is then extended to configure experimental setups with actual master systems working with system models of the slave robots accompanied with virtual reality screens as well as the actual slaves. Fault-tolerant design and modeling of the master and slave systems are also addressed at different levels to prevent subsystem failure. Teleoperation controllers are designed to compensate for instabilities due to communication time delays. Modifications to the existing controllers are proposed to configure a controller that is reliable in communication line failures. Position/force controllers are also introduced for master and/or slave robots. Later, controller architecture changes are discussed in order to make these controllers dependable even in systems experiencing communication problems. The customary and proposed controllers for teleoperation systems are tested in numerical simulations on single- and multi-DOF teleoperation systems. Experimental studies are then conducted on seven different systems that included limited- and unlimited-workspace teleoperation to verify and improve simulation studies. Experiments of the proposed controllers were successful relative to the customary controllers. Overall, by employing the fault-tolerance features and the proposed controllers, a more reliable teleoperation system is possible to design and configure which allows these systems to be used in a wider range of critical missions.


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In addition to biomechanical disturbances, peripheral joint injuries (PJIs) can also result in chronic neuromuscular alterations due in part to loss of mechanoreceptor-mediated afferent feedback. An emerging perspective is that PJI should be viewed as a neurophysiological dysfunction, not simply a local injury. Neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies have provided some evidence for central nervous system (CNS) reorganization at both the cortical and spinal levels after PJI. The novel hypothesis proposed is that CNS reorganization is the underlying mechanism for persisting neuromuscular deficits after injury, particularly muscle weakness. There is a lack of direct evidence to support this hypothesis, but future studies utilizing force-matching tasks with superimposed transcranial magnetic stimulation may be help clarify this notion.