904 resultados para Folkestone (GB)
Recent advances in coherent optical receivers is reviewed. Digital-Signal-Processing (DSP) based phase and polarization management techniques make coherent detection robust and feasible. With coherent detection, the complex field of the received optical signal is fully recovered, allowing compensation of linear and nonlinear optical impairments including chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) using digital filters. Coherent detection and advanced optical modulation formats have become a key ingredient to the design of modern dense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) optical broadband networks. In this paper, firstly we present the different subsystems of a digital coherent optical receiver, and secondly, we will compare the performance of some multi-level and multi-dimensional modulation formats in some physical impairments and in high spectral-efficiency (SE) and high-capacity DWDM transmissions, simulating the DSP with Matlab and the optical network performance with OptiSystem software.
Advanced optical modulation format polarization-division multiplexed quadrature phase shift keying (PDM-QPSK) has become a key ingredient in the design of 100 and 200-Gb/s dense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) networks. The performance of this format varies according to the shape of the pulses employed by the optical carrier: non-return to zero (NRZ), return to zero (RZ) or carrier-suppressed return to zero (CSRZ). In this paper we analyze the tolerance of PDM-QPSK to linear and nonlinear optical impairments: amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise, crosstalk, distortion by optical filtering, chromatic dispersion (CD), polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and fiber Kerr nonlinearities. RZ formats with a low duty cycle value reduce pulse-to-pulse interaction obtaining a higher tolerance to CD, PMD and intrachannel nonlinearities.
A subtractive PCR methodology known as representational difference analysis was used to clone specific nucleotide sequences present in the infectious plasma from a tamarin infected with the GB hepatitis agent. Eleven unique clones were identified, seven of which were examined extensively. All seven clones appeared to be derived from sequences exogenous to the genomes of humans, tamarins, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Escherichia coli. In addition, sequences from these clones were not detected in plasma or liver tissue of tamarins prior to their inoculation with the GB agent. These sequences were detected by reverse transcription-PCR in acute-phase plasma of tamarins inoculated with the GB agent. Probes derived from two of the seven clones detected an RNA species of > or = 8.3 kb in the liver of a GB-agent-infected tamarin by Northern blot hybridization. Sequence analysis indicated that five of the seven clones encode polypeptides that possess limited amino acid identity with the nonstructural proteins of hepatitis C virus. Extension of the sequences found in the seven clones revealed that plasma from an infected tamarin contained two RNA molecules > 9 kb long. Limited sequence identity with various isolates of hepatitis C virus and the relative positions of putative RNA helicases and RNA-dependent RNA polymerases in the predicted protein products of these molecules suggested that the GB agent contains two unique flavivirus-like genomes.
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The transmission of a 10-Gb/s data stream was demonstrated experimentally over a practically unlimited distance in a standard single-mode fiber system using nonlinear optical loop mirrors as simple in-line 2R regenerators. Error-free propagation over 100 000 km has been achieved with terrestrial amplifier spacing. © 2004 IEEE.
We experimentally investigate a long-distance, high-bit-rate transmission system which combines optical-phase-conjugation with quasi-lossless amplification. Comparison with a conventional system configuration demonstrates the possibility of obtaining both dispersion compensation and improved nonlinear tolerance using proposed scheme.
Recently, there is a great interest in pushing communication technologies to 100 Gb/s. However, there are still many challenges to perform high speed (> 40 Gb/s) clock and data recovery, and data time-division-multiplexing (TDM). Here, we propose and numerically analyze an asynchronous optical packet retimer using parabolic or sinusoidal phase modulation and linear dispersion. This scheme is named pulse position locking (PPL). Numerical simulation shows that this scheme can effectively resynchronize input signals with arbitrary delays to the local clock, and reduce input jitter. The scheme can also be applied to TDM 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s signals to over 100 Gb/s.
The optimization of a wavelength tunable RZ transmitter, consisting of an electro-absorption modulator and a SG DBR tunable laser, is carried out using a linear spectrogram based characterization and leads to 1500 km transmission at 42.7 Gb/s independent of the operating wavelength. We demonstrate that, to ensure optimum and consistent transmission performance over a portion of the C-band, the RF drive and bias conditions of the EAM must be varied at each wavelength. The sign and magnitude of the pulse chirp (characterized using the linear spectrographic technique) is therefore tailored to suit the dispersion map of the transmission link. Results achieved show that by optimizing the drive and DC bias applied to the EAM, consistent transmission performance can be achieved over a wide wavelength range. Failure to optimize the EAM drive conditions at each wavelength can lead to serious degradation in system performance.
Limitations in the performance of coherent transmission systems employing digital back-propagation due to four-wave mixing impairments are reported for the first time. A significant performance constraint is identified, originating from four-wave mixing between signals and amplified spontaneous emission noise which induces a linear increase in the standard deviation of the received field with signal power, and linear dependence on transmission distance.
Transmission of a 73.7 Tb/s (96x3x256-Gb/s) DP-16QAM mode-division-multiplexed signal over 119km of few-mode fiber transmission line incorporating an inline multi mode EDFA and a phase plate based mode (de-)multiplexer is demonstrated. Data-aided 6x6 MIMO digital signal processing was used to demodulate the signal. The total demonstrated net capacity, taking into account 20% of FEC-overhead and 7.5% additional overhead (Ethernet and training sequences), is 57.6 Tb/s, corresponding to a spectral efficiency of 12 bits/s/Hz.
We show transmission of a 3x112-Gb/s DP-QPSK mode-division-multiplexed signal up to 80km, with and without multi-mode EDFA, using blind 6x6 MIMO digital signal processing. We show that the OSNR-penalty induced by mode-mixing in the multi-mode EDFA is negligible.
Applying direct error counting, we compare the accuracy and evaluate the validity of different available numerical approaches to the estimation of the bit-error rate (BER) in 40-Gb/s return-to-zero differential phase-shift-keying transmission. As a particular example, we consider a system with in-line semiconductor optical amplifiers. We demonstrate that none of the existing models has an absolute superiority over the others. We also reveal the impact of the duty cycle on the accuracy of the BER estimates through the differently introduced Q-factors.