597 resultados para Foeniculum vulgare


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The genetic variation existing in a set of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) landrace samples recently collected in Morocco was estimated. Two kinds of genetic markers, seed storage proteins (hordeins) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), were used. Only six out of 31 landraces were subjected to RAPD analysis. Both kinds of markers, RAPD and storage proteins, yielded similar results, showing that the level of variation observed in Moroccan barley was high: all landraces showed variability; 808 different storage protein patterns (multilocus associations) were observed among 1897 individuals (2.32 seeds per association, on average) with an average of 43 multilocus associations per accession. In general, genetic variation within accessions was higher than between accessions. The 100 polymorphic RAPD bands generated by 21 effective primers were able to generate enough patterns to differentiate between uniform cultivars and even between individuals in variable accessions. One of the aims of this work was to compare the effectiveness of RAPD versus storage protein techniques in assessing the variability of genetic resource collections. On average hordeins were more polymorphic than RAPDs: they showed more alternatives per band on gels and a higher percentage of polymorphic bands, although RAPDs supply a higher number of bands. Although RAPD is an easy and standard technique, storage protein analysis is technically easier, cheaper and needs less sophisticated equipment. Thus, when resources are a limiting factor and considering the cost of consumables and work time, seed storage proteins must be the technique of choice for a first estimation of genetic variation in plant genetic resource collections.


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[Tesis] ( Doctor en Ciencias Agrícolas con Orientación en Agua -Suelo) U.A.N.L.


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Root characteristics of seedlings of five different barley genotypes were analysed in 2D using gel chambers, and in 3D using soil sacs that were destructively harvested and pots of soil that were assessed non-invasively using X-ray microtomography. After 5 days, Chime produced the greatest number of root axes (similar to 6) and Mehola significantly less (similar to 4) in all growing methods. Total root length was longest in GSH01915 and shortest in Mehola for all methods, but both total length and average root diameter were significantly larger for plants grown in gel chambers than those grown in soil. The ranking of particular growth traits (root number, root angular spread) of plants grown in gel plates, soil sacs and X-ray pots was similar, but plants grown in the gel chambers had a different order of ranking for root length to the soil-grown plants. Analysis of angles in soil-grown plants showed that Tadmore had the most even spread of individual roots and Chime had a propensity for non-uniform distribution and root clumping. The roots of Mehola were less well spread than the barley cultivars supporting the suggestion that wild and landrace barleys tend to have a narrower angular spread than modern cultivars. The three dimensional analysis of root systems carried out in this study provides insights into the limitations of screening methods for root traits and useful data for modelling root architecture.


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The deployment of genetic markers is of interest in crop assessment and breeding programmes, due to the potential savings in cost and time afforded. As part of the internationally recognised framework for the awarding of Plant Breeders’ Rights (PBR), new barley variety submissions are evaluated using a suite of morphological traits to ensure they are distinct, uniform and stable (DUS) in comparison to all previous submissions. Increasing knowledge of the genetic control of many of these traits provides the opportunity to assess the potential of deploying diagnostic/perfect genetic markers in place of phenotypic assessment. Here, we identify a suite of 25 genetic markers assaying for 14 DUS traits, and implement them using a single genotyping platform (KASPar). Using a panel of 169 UK barley varieties, we show that phenotypic state at three of these traits can be perfectly predicted by genotype. Predictive values for an additional nine traits ranged from 81 to 99 %. Finally, by comparison of varietal discrimination based on phenotype and genotype resulted in correlation of 0.72, indicating that deployment of molecular markers for varietal discrimination could be feasible in the near future. Due to the flexibility of the genotyping platform used, the genetic markers described here can be used in any number or combination, in-house or by outsourcing, allowing flexible deployment by users. These markers are likely to find application where tracking of specific alleles is required in breeding programmes, or for potential use within national assessment programmes for the awarding of PBRs.


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Glutamine synthetase (GS) is a key enzyme in nitrogen (N) assimilation, particularly during seed development. Three cytosolic GS isoforms (HvGS1) were identified in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Golden Promise). Quantitation of gene expression, localization and response to N supply revealed that each gene plays a non-redundant role in different tissues and during development. Localization of HvGS1_1 in vascular cells of different tissues, combined with its abundance in the stem and its response to changes in N supply, indicate that it is important in N transport and remobilization. HvGS1_1 is located on chromosome 6H at 72.54 cM, close to the marker HVM074 which is associated with a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for grain protein content (GPC). HvGS1_1 may be a potential candidate gene to manipulate barley GPC. HvGS1_2 mRNA was localized to the leaf mesophyll cells, in the cortex and pericycle of roots, and was the dominant HvGS1 isoform in these tissues. HvGS1_2 expression increased in leaves with an increasing supply of N, suggesting its role in the primary assimilation of N. HvGS1_3 was specifically and predominantly localized in the grain, being highly expressed throughout grain development. HvGS1_3 expression increased specifically in the roots of plants grown on high NH+4, suggesting that it has a primary role in grain N assimilation and also in the protection against ammonium toxicity in roots. The expression of HvGS1 genes is directly correlated with protein and enzymatic activity, indicating that transcriptional regulation is of prime importance in the control of GS activity in barley.


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Barley can be classified into three major agronomic types, based on its seasonal growth habit (SGH): spring, winter and alternative. Winter varieties require exposure to vernalization to promote subsequent flowering and are autumn-sown. Spring varieties proceed to flowering in the absence of vernalization and are sown in the spring. The ‘alternative’ (also known as ‘facultative’) SGH is only loosely defined and can be sown in autumn or spring. Here, we investigate the molecular genetic basis of alternative barley. Analysis of the major barley vernalization (VRN-H1, VRN-H2) and photoperiod (PPD-H1, PPD-H2) response genes in a collection of 386 varieties found alternative SGH to be characterized by specific allelic combinations. Spring varieties possessed spring loci at one or both of the vernalization response loci, combined with long-day non-responsive ppd-H1 alleles and wild-type alleles at the short-day photoperiod response locus, PPD-H2. Winter varieties possessed winter alleles at both vernalization loci, in combination with the mutant ppd-H2 allele conferring delayed flowering under short-day photoperiods. In contrast, all alternative varieties investigated possessed a single spring allele (either at VRN-H1 or at VRN-H2) combined with mutant ppd-H2 alleles. This allelic combination is found only in alternative types and is diagnostic for alternative SGH in the collection studied. Analysis of flowering time under controlled environment found alternative varieties flowered later than spring control lines, with the difference most pronounced under short-day photoperiods. This work provides genetic characterization of the alternative SGH phenotype, allowing precise manipulation of SGH and flowering time within breeding programmes, and provides the molecular tools for classification of all three SGH categories within national variety registration processes.


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A eficiência da técnica de cultura de anteras, em escala comercial, ainda pode ser considerada baixa quando medida em número de plantas duplo-haplóides férteis obtidas para cada antera estabelecida in vitro. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho é pioneiro no estudo detalhado da embriogênese in vitro do micrósporo e do grão de pólen de cevada (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare). Com o objetivo de contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da técnica de cultura de anteras foi analisada a embriogênese, com especial ênfase na etapa da indução, através de análises citológicas e histológicas de anteras cultivadas in vitro. Foram analisadas uma cultivar brasileira de cevada, em comparação com linhagens de duas outras cultivares brasileiras, que foram selecionadas, por seleção divergente para maior ou para menor resposta na indução da rota embriogênica e, respectivamente, para menor ou para maior capacidade de regenerar plântulas verdes. Somente foram estabelecidas em cultivo in vitro as anteras que apresentaram micrósporos e pólens jovens, das linhagens selecionadas da cultivar A-05 (S3A22 e S3A23), e da cultivar BR-2(S3B63 e, apenas na cultura de anteras, S3B61), bem como da cultivar MN-599 (nãoselecionada). Para as análises histológicas, foram fixadas, a cada dois dias, duas anteras, correspondentes a cada fileira da mesma espiga, após o início do cultivo in vitro. As anteras em cultivo e respectivas estruturas multicelulares foram fixadas em FAA 50%, desidratadas em série etílica e incluídas em hidroxietilmetacrilato. Os blocos de resina polimerizada foram secionados longitudinalmente com 3 mm de espessura. Para as análises citológicas foram fixadas, de cada espiga recém-coletada, três espiguetas sendo uma da base, outra do meio e outra do ápice. Após o pré-tratamento à baixa temperatura (5 °C), porém antes do cultivo in vitro, foram fixadas três anteras (amostras utilizadas como controles). A cada três dias, durante o cultivo, três anteras foram fixadas (até 18 dias). As anteras em cultivo e estruturas multicelulares foram fixadas em Farmer e FAA 50%, transferidas após 24 horas para etanol 70%. Na cultura in vitro das anteras houve diferenças entre uma das linhagens da cultivar A-05 em relação a cultivar MN- 599, na produção inicial de estruturas embriogênicas, diferença que desapareceu na produção total. Entretanto, houve diferenças na formação dos xiii embriões: a cv.MN-599 formou embriões bem diferenciados ao passo que a linhagem S3A22 produziu um número aparentemente menor, sendo que os embriões não eram bem diferenciados. A linhagem S3B63 não apresentou embriões até o final da análise histológica. Considerando que a amostra dessa linhagem, mantida em cultura, formou plantas verdes, pode-se propor que a formação de embriões deve ocorrer posteriormente ao desenvolvimento da cv.MN-599. Cabe destacar que houve diferenças significativas entre as cultivares A-05 e BR-2 quanto à regeneração de plântulas verdes. Esses resultados indicam ter havido maior eficiência da seleção em relação à etapa da regeneração. Com relação às categorias classificatórias dos micrósporos e grãos de pólen, constatou-se que desde o início da análise histológica (2o dia de cultivo in vitro) até o final (34o dia), foram observados micrósporos, o mesmo tendo sido observado na análise citológica. Os grãos de pólen multinucleados ocorreram praticamente em todo o período de cultivo in vitro, em ambas análises; não ocorrendo nos controles da citologia (antes do cultivo); os multinucleados foram observados a partir do 3o dia, enquanto que os multicelulares a partir do 4o dia de cultivo. As estruturas multicelulares foram observadas a partir do 8o dia. A quantidade e o tamanho das estruturas multicelulares foram variáveis ao longo da análise histológica, sendo que do 14o ao 20o dia foram encontradas as de maiores dimensões, resultantes da proliferação celular por mitoses sucessivas. A partir do 22o dia (cultivar MN- 599), a ocorrência de estruturas multicelulares no interior dos lóculos da antera diminuiu, predominando o processo de proliferação externo às anteras. Para as linhagens, a partir do 18o dia foram observadas estruturas multicelulares liberadas das anteras. A análise das estruturas multicelulares permitiu classificá-las em quatro categorias: 1. SFD: Sem forma definida; 2. MAC: meristema apical caulinar; 3. MAR: meristema apical radical embrionário adventício; e 4. Embriões. As estruturas amorfas apareceram em maior número, quando comparadas com as outras categorias. Em síntese: as linhagens selecionadas e a cultivar diferiram não apenas no tempo necessário para a formação dos embriões, mas também no desenvolvimento dos mesmos, que foi mais diferenciado na cultivar MN-599, porém sendo observados mais cedo na linhagem S3A22 e S3A23, do que na cultivar MN-599.


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The present study examines the chemical composition and their effects on free radicals, inflammation, angiogenesis, coagulation, VEGF effects and cellular proliferation of a polysaccharides from alga Sargassum vulgare. The sulfated polysaccharide was extracted from brown seaweed by proteolysis with enzymes maxataze. The presence of proteins and sugars were observed in crude polysaccharides. Fractionation of this crude extract was made with growing concentration of acetone (0.3-1.5 v) and produced four groups of polysaccharides. Anionic polysaccharides from brown seaweed Sargassum vulgare, SV1and PSV1 were fractionated (SV1) and purified (PSV1), and displayed with high total sugars and sulfate content and very low level of protein. This fucan SV1 contains low levels of protein and high carbohydrate and sulfate content. This polysaccharides prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) at 50 μg (>240 s). SV1 was found to have no effect on prothrombin time (PT), corresponding to the extrinsic pathway of coagulation. SV1 exhibits high antithrombotic action in vivo, with a concentration ten times higher than heparin. Polysaccharides from S. vulgare promoted direct inhibition enzymatic activity of thrombin and stimulated enzymatic activity of FXa. SV1 showed optimal inhibitory activity of thrombin (50.2±0.28%) at a concentration of 25 μg/mL. Its antioxidant action on scavenging radicals by DPPH was (22%), indicating the polymer has no cytotoxic action (hemolytic) on ABO and Rh blood types in different erythrocyte groups and displays strong anti-inflammatory action on all concentrations tested in the carrageenan-induced paw edema model, demonstrated by reduced edema and cellular infiltration. Angiogenesis is a dynamic process of proliferation and differentiation. It requires endothelial proliferation, migration, and tube formation. In this context, endothelial cells are a preferred target for several studies and therapies. The antiangiogenic efficacy of polysaccharides was examined in vivo in the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model by using fertilized eggs. Decreases in the density of the capillaries were assessed and scored. The results showed that SV1 and PSV1 have an inhibitory effect on angiogenesis. These results were also confirmed by inhibition tubulogenesis in rabbit aorta endothelial cell (RAEC) in matrigel. These compounds were assessed in Apoptosis assay (Annexin V - FITC / PI) and cell viability by MTT assay of RAEC. These polysaccharides do not affect the viability and do not have apoptotic or necrotic action. RAEC cell when incubated with SV1 and PSV1showed inhibition of VEGF secretion, observed when compounds were incubated at 25, 50 and 100 μg/μL. The VEGF secretion with the RAEC cell line for 24 h, was more effective for PSV1 at 50 μg/μL(71.4%) than SV1 100 μg/μL (75.9%). SV1 and PSV1 had an antiproliferative action (47%) against tumor cell line HeLa. Our results indicate that these sulfated polysaccharides have antiangiogenic and antitumoral actions


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Por razões econômicas e de proteção à saúde, pesquisas têm sido dirigidas para ampliar a estabilidade dos óleos vegetais. Existe uma tendência para a adição de antioxidantes naturais, em particular, um crescente interesse em ervas e especiarias. Desta forma, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o potencial antioxidante das oleorresinas de orégano, manjericão e tomilho e seu comportamento ao serem aplicadas ao óleo de soja em diferentes concentrações. Numa primeira etapa foi determinada a atividade antioxidante pelo sistema β-caroteno/ácido linoleico e a quantificação de compostos fenólicos totais. Posteriormente, foram adicionadas ao óleo de soja diferentes concentrações das oleorresinas (500 a 3000 mg.kg-1) e analisado seu potencial antioxidante por meio da estabilidade oxidativa utilizando o Rancimat. A concentração de 3000 mg.kg-1das oleorresinas de orégano e tomilho foi a que apresentou melhor estabilidade oxidativa ao óleo de soja, o que as tornam alternativa natural na conservação de óleos vegetais.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)