857 resultados para Flys Visual-system


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It has long been assumed that there is a distorted mapping between real and ‘perceived’ space, based on demonstrations of systematic errors in judgements of slant, curvature, direction and separation. Here, we have applied a direct test to the notion of a coherent visual space. In an immersive virtual environment, participants judged the relative distance of two squares displayed in separate intervals. On some trials, the virtual scene expanded by a factor of four between intervals although, in line with recent results, participants did not report any noticeable change in the scene. We found that there was no consistent depth ordering of objects that can explain the distance matches participants made in this environment (e.g. A > B > D yet also A < C < D) and hence no single one-to-one mapping between participants’ perceived space and any real 3D environment. Instead, factors that affect pairwise comparisons of distances dictate participants’ performance. These data contradict, more directly than previous experiments, the idea that the visual system builds and uses a coherent 3D internal representation of a scene.


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Much is known about the functional mechanisms involved in visual search. Yet, the fundamental question of whether the visual system can perform different types of visual analysis at different spatial resolutions still remains unsettled. In the visual-attention literature, the distinction between different spatial scales of visual processing corresponds to the distinction between distributed and focused attention. Some authors have argued that singleton detection can be performed in distributed attention, whereas others suggest that even such a simple visual operation involves focused attention. Here we showed that microsaccades were spatially biased during singleton discrimination but not during singleton detection. The results provide support to the hypothesis that some coarse visual analysis can be performed in a distributed attention mode.


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This paper describes a visual stimulus generator (VSImG) capable of displaying a gray-scale, 256 x 256 x 8 bitmap image with a frame rate of 500 Hz using a boustrophedonic scanning technique. It is designed for experiments with motion-sensitive neurons of the fly`s visual system, where the flicker fusion frequency of the photoreceptors can reach up to 500 Hz. Devices with such a high frame rate are not commercially available, but are required, if sensory systems with high flicker fusion frequency are to be studied. The implemented hardware approach gives us complete real-time control of the displacement sequence and provides all the signals needed to drive an electrostatic deflection display. With the use of analog signals, very small high-resolution displacements, not limited by the image`s pixel size can be obtained. Very slow image displacements with visually imperceptible steps can also be generated. This can be of interest for other vision research experiments. Two different stimulus files can be used simultaneously, allowing the system to generate X-Y displacements on one display or independent movements on two displays as long as they share the same bitmap image. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Animal color pattern phenotypes evolve rapidly. What influences their evolution? Because color patterns are used in communication, selection for signal efficacy, relative to the intended receiver's visual system, may explain and predict the direction of evolution. We investigated this in bowerbirds, whose color patterns consist of plumage, bower structure, and ornaments and whose visual displays are presented under predictable visual conditions. We used data on avian vision, environmental conditions, color pattern properties, and an estimate of the bowerbird phylogeny to test hypotheses about evolutionary effects of visual processing. Different components of the color pattern evolve differently. Plumage sexual dimorphism increased and then decreased, while overall (plumage plus bower) visual contrast increased. The use of bowers allows relative crypsis of the bird but increased efficacy of the signal as a whole. Ornaments do not elaborate existing plumage features but instead are innovations (new color schemes) that increase signal efficacy. Isolation between species could be facilitated by plumage but not ornaments, because we observed character displacement only in plumage. Bowerbird color pattern evolution is at least partially predictable from the function of the visual system and from knowledge of different functions of different components of the color patterns. This provides clues to how more constrained visual signaling systems may evolve.


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Visual attention is a very important task in autonomous robotics, but, because of its complexity, the processing time required is significant. We propose an architecture for feature selection using foveated images that is guided by visual attention tasks and that reduces the processing time required to perform these tasks. Our system can be applied in bottom-up or top-down visual attention. The foveated model determines which scales are to be used on the feature extraction algorithm. The system is able to discard features that are not extremely necessary for the tasks, thus, reducing the processing time. If the fovea is correctly placed, then it is possible to reduce the processing time without compromising the quality of the tasks outputs. The distance of the fovea from the object is also analyzed. If the visual system loses the tracking in top-down attention, basic strategies of fovea placement can be applied. Experiments have shown that it is possible to reduce up to 60% the processing time with this approach. To validate the method, we tested it with the feature algorithm known as Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF), one of the most efficient approaches for feature extraction. With the proposed architecture, we can accomplish real time requirements of robotics vision, mainly to be applied in autonomous robotics


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The primary and accessory optic systems comprise two set of retinorecipient neural clusters. In this study, these visual related centers in the rock cavy were evaluated by using the retinal innervations pattern and Nissl staining cytoarchigtecture. After unilateral intraocular injection of cholera toxin B subunit and immunohistochemical reaction of coronal and sagittal sections from the diencephalon and midbrain region of rock cavy. Three subcortical centres of primary visual system were identified, superior colliculus, lateral geniculate complex and pretectal complex. The lateral geniculate complex is formed by a series of nuclei receiving direct visual information from the retina, dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, intergeniculate leaflet and ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. The pretectal complex is formed by series of pretectal nuclei, medial pretectal nucleus, olivary pretectal nucleus, posterior pretectal nucleus, nucleus of the optic tract and anterior pretectal nucleus. In the accessory optic system, retinal terminals were observed in the dorsal terminal, lateral terminal and medial terminal nuclei as well as in the interstitial nucleus of the superior fasciculus, posterior fibres. All retinorecipient nuclei received bilateral input, with a contralateral predominance. This is the first study of this nature in the rock cavy and the results are compared with the data obtained for other species. The investigation represents a contribution to the knowledge regarding the organization of visual optic systems in relation to the biology of species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The maintenance of a given body orientation is obtained by the complex relation between sensory information and muscle activity. Therefore, this study purpose was to review the role of visual, somatosensory, vestibular and auditory information in the maintenance and control of the posture. Method. a search by papers for the last 24 years was done in the PubMed and CAPES databases. The following keywords were used: postural control, sensory information, vestibular system, visual system, somatosensory system, auditory system and haptic system. Results. the influence of each sensory system and its integration were analyzed for the maintenance and control of the posture. Conclusion. the literature showed that there is information redundancy provided by sensory channels. Thus, the central nervous system chooses the main source for the posture control.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a entropia conjunta do sistema visual humano no domínio do espaço e no domínio das freqüências espaciais através de funções psicométricas. Estas foram obtidas com testes de discriminação de estímulos com luminância ou cromaticidade moduladas por funções de Gábor. A essência do método consistiu em avaliar a entropia no domínio do espaço, testando-se a capacidade do sujeito em discriminar estímulos que diferiam apenas em extensão espacial, e avaliar a entropia no domínio das freqüências espaciais, testando-se a capacidade do sujeito em discriminar estímulos que diferiam apenas em freqüência espacial. A entropia conjunta foi calculada, então, a partir desses dois valores individuais de entropia. Três condições visuais foram estudadas: acromática, cromática sem correção fina para eqüiluminância e cromática com correção para eqüiluminância através de fotometria com flicker heterocromático. Quatro sujeitos foram testados nas três condições, dois sujeitos adicionais foram testados na condição cromática sem eqüiluminância fina e um sétimo sujeito também fez o teste acromático. Todos os sujeitos foram examinados por oftalmologista e considerados normais do ponto de vista oftálmico, não apresentando relato, sintomas ou sinais de disfunções visuais ou de moléstias potencialmente capazes de afetar o sistema visual. Eles tinham acuidade visual normal ou corrigida de no mínimo 20/30. O trabalho foi aprovado pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa do Núcleo de Medicina Tropical da UFPA e obedeceu às recomendações da Declaração de Helsinki. As funções de Gábor usadas para modulação de luminância ou cromaticidade compreenderam redes senoidais unidimensionais horizontais, moduladas na direção vertical, dentro de envelopes gaussianos bidimensionais cuja extensão espacial era medida pelo desvio padrão da gaussiana. Os estímulos foram gerados usando-se uma rotina escrita em Pascal num ambiente Delphi 7 Enterprise. Foi utilizado um microcomputador Dell Precision 390 Workstation e um gerador de estímulos CRS VSG ViSaGe para exibir os estímulos num CRT de 20”, 800 x 600 pixels, 120 Hz, padrão RGB, Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070SB. Nos experimentos acromáticos, os estímulos foram gerados pela modulação de luminância de uma cor branca correspondente à cromaticidade CIE1931 (x = 0,270; y = 0,280) ou CIE1976 (u’ = 0,186; v’= 0,433) e tinha luminância média de 44,5 cd/m2. Nos experimentos cromáticos, a luminância média foi mantida em 15 cd/m2 e foram usadas duas series de estímulos verde-vermelhos. Os estímulos de uma série foram formados por duas cromaticidades definidas no eixo M-L do Espaço de Cores DKL (CIE1976: verde, u’=0,131, v’=0,380; vermelho, u’=0,216, v’=0,371). Os estímulos da outra série foram formados por duas cromaticidades definidas ao longo de um eixo horizontal verde-vermelho definido no Espaço de Cores CIE1976 (verde, u’=0,150, v’=0,480; vermelho, u’=0,255, v’=0,480). Os estímulos de referência eram compostos por redes de três freqüências espaciais diferentes (0,4, 2 e 10 ciclos por grau) e envelope gaussiano com desvio padrão de 1 grau. Os estímulos de testes eram compostos por uma entre 19 freqüências espaciais diferentes em torno da freqüência espacial de referência e um entre 21 envelopes gaussianos diferentes com desvio padrão em torno de 1 grau. Na condição acromática, foram estudados quatro níveis de contraste de Michelson: 2%, 5%, 10% e 100%. Nas duas condições cromáticas foi usado o nível mais alto de contraste agregado de cones permitidos pelo gamut do monitor, 17%. O experimento consistiu numa escolha forçada de dois intervalos, cujo procedimento de testagem compreendeu a seguinte seqüência: i) apresentação de um estímulo de referência por 1 s; ii) substituição do estímulo de referência por um fundo eqüiluminante de mesma cromaticidade por 1 s; iii) apresentação do estímulo de teste também por 1 s, diferindo em relação ao estímulo de referência seja em freqüência espacial, seja em extensão espacial, com um estímulo sonoro sinalizando ao sujeito que era necessário responder se o estímulo de teste era igual ou diferente do estímulo de referência; iv) substituição do estímulo de teste pelo fundo. A extensão espacial ou a freqüência espacial do estímulo de teste foi mudada aleatoriamente de tentativa para tentativa usando o método dos estímulos constantes. Numa série de 300 tentativas, a freqüencia espacial foi variada, noutra série também de 300 tentativas, a extensão espacial foi variada, sendo que cada estímulo de teste em cada série foi apresentado pelo menos 10 vezes. A resposta do indivíduo em cada tentativa era guardada como correta ou errada para posterior construção das curvas psicométricas. Os pontos experimentais das funções psicométricas para espaço e freqüência espacial em cada nível de contraste, correspondentes aos percentuais de acertos, foram ajustados com funções gaussianas usando-se o método dos mínimos quadrados. Para cada nível de contraste, as entropias para espaço e freqüência espacial foram estimadas pelos desvios padrões dessas funções gaussianas e a entropia conjunta foi obtida multiplicando-se a raiz quadrada da entropia para espaço pela entropia para freqüência espacial. Os valores de entropia conjunta foram comparados com o mínimo teórico para sistemas lineares, 1/4π ou 0,0796. Para freqüências espaciais baixas e intermediárias, a entropia conjunta atingiu níveis abaixo do mínimo teórico em contrastes altos, sugerindo interações não lineares entre dois ou mais mecanismos visuais. Este fenômeno occorreu em todas as condições (acromática, cromática e cromática eqüiluminante) e foi mais acentuado para a frequência espacial de 0,4 ciclos / grau. Uma possível explicação para este fenômeno é a interação não linear entre as vias visuais retino-genículo-estriadas, tais como as vias K, M e P, na área visual primária ou em níveis mais altos de processamento neural.


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Os solventes orgânicos são substâncias neurotóxicas que podem causar efeitos danosos sobre as funções visuais. É comum a exposição ocupacional a esses tipos de substâncias, pois elas apresentam grande aplicabilidade em inúmeras atividades. Os efeitos podem ser quantificados por testes psicofísicos. Os testes mais usados nesse tipo de avaliação são de ordenamento de matizes, como o Teste D15 Dessaturado de Lanthony e o Teste dos 100 Matizes de Farnsworth-Munsell, e avaliação de sensibilidade ao contraste espacial de luminância, como MCT 8000 Vistech, VCTS 6500 Vistech e FACT 101. Em geral esses testes descrevem perda de discriminação de cores, afetando tanto o eixo azul-amarelo quanto o eixo verde-vermelho, e diminuição da sensibilidade ao contraste de luminância principalmente para as frequências espaciais mais baixas. Existe correlação positiva entre os resultados da avaliação psicofísica e vários marcadores biológicos e ambientais, mas essa correlação depende do marcador e do tipo de solvente ao qual os indivíduos são expostos. Fatores como alcoolismo crônico e tabagismo inveterado podem interferir no processo de correlacionar esses resultados.


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We are included in a society where the use of the Internet became very important to our everyday life. The relationships nowadays usually happen through technological devices instead of face to face contact, for instance, Internet forums where people can discuss online. However, the global analysis is a big challenge, due to the large amount of data. This work investigates the use of visual representations to support an exploratory analysis of contents in messages from discussions forums. This analysis considers the thematic and the chronology. The target forums refer to the educational area and the analysis happens manually, i.e. by direct reading message-by-message. The proprieties of perception and cognition of the human visual system allow a person the capacity to conduct high-level tasks in information extraction from a graphical or visual representation of data. Therefore, this work was based on Visual Analytics, an area that aims create techniques that amplify these human abilities. For that reason we used software that creates a visualization of data from a forum. This software allows a forum content analysis. But, during the work, we identified the necessity to create a new tool to clean the data, because the data had a lot of unnecessary information. After cleaning the data we created a new visualization and held an analysis seeking a new knowledge. In the end we compared the new visualization with the manual analysis that had been made. Analyzing the results, it was evident the potential of visualization use, it provides a better correlation between the information, enabling the acquisition of new knowledge that was not identified in the initial analysis, providing a better use of the forum content


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Amazonian gold mining activity results in human exposure to mercury vapor. We evaluated the visual system of two Amazonian gold miners (29 and 37 years old) by recording the transient pattern electroretinogram (tPERG) and transient pattern visual evoked potential (tPVEP). We compared these results with those obtained from a regional group of control subjects. For both tPERG and tPVEP, checkerboards with 0.5 or 2 cycles per degree (cpd) of spatial frequency were presented in a 16 degrees squared area, 100% Michelson contrast, 50cd/m(2) mean luminance, and 1 Hz square-wave pattern-reversal presentation. Two averaged waveforms (n = 240 sweeps, Is each) were monocularly obtained for each subject in each condition. Both eyes were monocularly tested only in gold miners. Normative data were calculated using a final pooled waveforin with 480 sweeps. The first gold miner, LCS, had normal tPERG responses. The second one, RNP, showed low tPERG (P50 component) amplitudes at 0.5cpd for both eyes, outside the normative data, and absence of response at 2 cpd for his right eye. Delayed tPVEP responses (P 100 component) were found at 2 cpd for LCS but the implicit times were inside the normative data. Subject RNP also showed delayed tPVEP responses (all components), but only the implicit time obtained with his right eye was outside the normative data at 2cpd. We conclude that mercury exposure levels found in the Amazon gold miners is high enough to damage the visual system and can be assessed by non-invasive electrophysiological techniques. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Generic object recognition is an important function of the human visual system and everybody finds it highly useful in their everyday life. For an artificial vision system it is a really hard, complex and challenging task because instances of the same object category can generate very different images, depending of different variables such as illumination conditions, the pose of an object, the viewpoint of the camera, partial occlusions, and unrelated background clutter. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a system that is able to classify objects in 2D images based on the context, and identify to which category the object belongs to. Given an image, the system can classify it and decide the correct categorie of the object. Furthermore the objective of this thesis is also to test the performance and the precision of different supervised Machine Learning algorithms in this specific task of object image categorization. Through different experiments the implemented application reveals good categorization performances despite the difficulty of the problem. However this project is open to future improvement; it is possible to implement new algorithms that has not been invented yet or using other techniques to extract features to make the system more reliable. This application can be installed inside an embedded system and after trained (performed outside the system), so it can become able to classify objects in a real-time. The information given from a 3D stereocamera, developed inside the department of Computer Engineering of the University of Bologna, can be used to improve the accuracy of the classification task. The idea is to segment a single object in a scene using the depth given from a stereocamera and in this way make the classification more accurate.


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Research into visual hallucinations has accelerated over the last decade from around 350 publications per year in 2000 to over 500 in 2010. Increased recognition of the frequent occurrence of visual hallucinations in a number of common disorders, coupled with improvements in the measurement of phenomenology, and more sophisticated imaging techniques have allowed the development and initial testing of sophisticated models. However, key questions remain unanswered. Amongst these are: whether there is a satisfactory definition of hallucinations in a constructive visual system; whether there are one, two or several core varieties of hallucinations; what are the underlying brain mechanisms for hallucinations; and what, if anything, can be done to treat them when they lead to distress? Looking across research in several clinical areas suggests a tentative integrative model that allows the possibility of answering these questions, but much work remains to be done.