56 resultados para Fluoretos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to assess the effect of 0.05% sodium fluoride solutions containing 2.5% or 12.5% xylitol on the number of Streptococcus mutans in the human mouth. Fifty boys between 8 and 16 years of age participated in this double-blind crossover study. Of the original 50 boys, 33 finished the study. Participants were randomly divided into four groups. The following solutions were employed: placebo solution; 0.05% sodium fluoride solution; 0.05% sodium fluoride + 2.5% xylitol + 2% sorbitol; 0.05% sodium fluoride + 12.5% xylitol + 2% sorbitol. Each solution was used for a 28-day period (20 mL/day, twice a day), with a 10-day washout period between solutions. There were no significant differences (P = 0.32) between the two xylitol-containing solutions (2.5% vs. 12.5%) concerning the number of Streptococcus mutans. However, there was a significant difference between these two xylitol-containing solutions and the sodium fluoride and placebo solutions (P < 0.001). Our results suggest that the 0.05% sodium fluoride solutions containing either 2.5% or 12.5% xylitol caused a significant reduction in the number of Streptococcus mutans.


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Fluoridation of water for human consumption is a method of caries prevention that brings great social benefit, if kept at optimal levels. The increase in the production of bottled water emphasizes the need to verify whether fluoride presence in these waters occurs in sufficient quantity to prevent decay, or if it represents a significant risk of fluorosis. Objective: to compare the concentrations of fluoride present in bottled water to those declared on the labels, and to make a critical analysis of legal norms on the subject. Materials and method: this was a cross-sectional study, through which 22 samples of bottled water sold in state of Ceará, Brazil, were analyzed. Analyses were performed in duplicate by the electrometric method, and results were compared to those printed on the labels. Detailed searches by laws, resolutions, ordinances, and other official documents in force, related to the topic were performed. Results: the fluoride concentrations found ranged from 0.01 to 0.36 mgF/l. Although 72.7% of the samples were classified as fluoridated, the fluoride concentrations observed were shown to be insufficient for caries prevention. As for the rules, situations where they are not clear or even divergent were found. Conclusion: the current legislation on the subject requires updates to become more objective and to create new criteria on the use of the term “fluoridated water”.


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This in vitro study evaluated the demineralization around restorations class V made on the buccal and lingual surfaces of teeth when using different restorative materials. Thirty extracted teeth were randomly divided into 3 groups (n=10) according to the restorative material: Group I - Fuji II LC (GC America Inc., Alsip, Illinois, USA), Group II - Tetric (Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein) and Group III - Chelon Fil (3M/ESPE., Seefeld, Germany). The teeth were submitted to a pH-cycling model associated to a thermocycling model. Sections were made and the specimens were analyzed under a polarized light microscopy as for the presence of demineralization. Measurements were performed and the results were subjected to statistical analysis using Anova and Tukey´s Test (α=0.05). Mean values of demineralization depth (µm) according to each positions showed that the demineralization was significantly reduced when Chelon Fil (Group III) was used for all depths, when compared to fluoridated resin materials. Also, it was verified that non-fluoridated resin material, composite resin Tetric, had the lowest inhibitory effect on the development of demineralization.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do tratamento da manipueira de extração de fécula de mandioca, em separado da água de lavagem das raízes, através de biodigestores anaeróbicos de fluxo ascendente, com separação das fases, sem controle de temperatura ou adição de produtos químicos e, avaliar sua adequabilidade, através de suas características físicas e químicas para lançamento em corpo receptor, sistema público coletor de esgotos ou, aplicação em processod e fertirrigação. Depois dos reatores estabilizados, foram realizados ensaios variando a vazão de alimentação com 8,0; 12,0 e 16,0 L/d, correspondentes a um tempo de retenção hidráulica de 8,17; 5,44 e 4,08 dias, respectivamente. Os melhores resultados para redução da carga orgânica foram obtidos com os tempos de retenção hidráulica (TRH) de 8,17 e 5,44 dias com eficiências médias de 89,8% e 80,9%, respectivamente. As características físicas e químicas dos efluentes tratados foram comparadas com os valores estabelecidos na legislação estadual, federal e, com os parâmetros utilizados pelo orgão ambiental fiscalizador. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o efluente tratado atende parcialmente aos requisitos legais para o lançamento em corpos receptores, devido ao teor elevado de nitrogênio amoniacal. Por outro lado, foram atendidos integralmente os requisitos legais para o lançamento na rede pública coletora de esgotos. O efluente tratado não atendeu às recomendações requeridas pelo orgão ambiental fiscalizador para a sua disposição através do processo de fertirrigação devido aos teores elevados de ferro (Fe) e de fluoretos (F). Considerando os resultados obtidos, concluímos que, devido à simplicidade do sistema utilizado, com a implantação de melhorias como um pós-tratamento, poderiam ser atingidos os parâmetros que atenderiam integralmente a legislação.


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The problem of dental caries in Brazil and around the world took major considerably over the years. In recent decades, with the advent of fluoridation, this problem has been alleviated. Studies have shown, however, that the lack of control in fluoridation leads to several health of the population. The strict control of fluoride levels in the water distributed, therefore, is essential. The objective of this study is to gather information on the status of fluoridation in some area of Brazil and compare different methods for the quantification of that analyte


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Portland cement being very common construction material has in its composition the natural gypsum. To decrease the costs of manufacturing, the cement industry is substituting the gypsum in its composition by small quantities of phosphogypsum, which is the residue generated by the production of fertilizers and consists essentially of calcium dihydrate and some impurities, such as fluoride, metals in general, and radionuclides. Currently, tons of phosphogypsum are stored in the open air near the fertilizer industries, causing contamination of the environment. The 226 Ra present in these materials, when undergoes radioactive decay, produces the 222Rn gas. This radioactive gas, when inhaled together with its decay products deposited in the lungs, produces the exposure to radiation and can be a potential cause of lung cancer. Thus, the objective of this study was to measure the concentration levels of 222Rn from cylindrical samples of Portland cement, gypsum and phosphogypsum mortar from the state of Paraná, as well as characterizer the material and estimate the radon concentration in an environment of hypothetical dwelling with walls covered by such materials. Experimental setup of 222Rn activity measurements was based on AlphaGUARD detector (Saphymo GmbH). The qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed by gamma spectrometry and EDXRF with Au and Ag targets tubes (AMPTEK), and Mo target (ARTAX) and mechanical testing with x- ray equipment (Gilardoni) and the mechanical press (EMIC). Obtained average values of radon activity from studied materials in the air of containers were of 854 ± 23 Bq/m3, 60,0 ± 7,2 Bq/m3 e 52,9 ± 5,4 Bq/m3 for Portland cement, gypsum and phosphogypsum mortar, respectively. These results extrapolated into the volume of hypothetical dwelling of 36 m3 with the walls covered by such materials were of 3366 ± 91 Bq/m3, 237 ± 28 Bq/m3 e 208 ± 21 Bq/m3for Portland cement, gypsum and phosphogypsum mortar, respectively. Considering the limit of 300 Bq/m3 established by the ICRP, it could be concluded that the use of Portland cement plaster in dwellings is not secure and requires some specific mitigation procedure. Using the results of gamma spectrometry there were calculated the values of radium equivalent activity concentrations (Raeq) for Portland cement, gypsum and phosphogypsum mortar, which were obtained equal to 78,2 ± 0,9 Bq/kg; 58,2 ± 0,9 Bq/kg e 68,2 ± 0,9 Bq/kg, respectively. All values of radium equivalent activity concentrations for studied samples are below the maximum level of 370 Bq/kg. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of EDXRF spectra obtained with studied mortar samples allowed to evaluate quantitate and the elements that constitute the material such as Ca, S, Fe, and others.