893 resultados para Fluorescência de Raios-X


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Neste trabalho realizamos um estudo sobre a influência dos dopantes Mn+2, Mg+2 e Cu+2 nas estruturas cristalinas de cristais de Sulfato de Níquel hexahidratado (NSH) e L Asparagina Monohidratada (LAM). A introdução de dopantes em uma rede cristalina pode alterar suas propriedades físicas ou seu hábito de crescimento. Estas alterações podem favorecer as aplicações tecnológicas destes cristas em diversas áreas como medicina, agricultura, óptica e eletrônica. Os cristais de NSH foram crescidos pelo método da evaporação lenta do solvente e dopados com íons de Mn+2 e Mg+2, resultando em cristais de boa qualidade. Realizamos medidas de Difração de raios X de policristais nos cristais puros e dopados e a partir dos resultados obtidos fizemos refinamentos, usando o método de Rietiveld, onde foi observado que os cristais dopados apresentavam a mesma estrutura tetragonal e grupo espacial que o cristal puro, havendo uma pequena mudança em seus parâmetros de rede e volume de suas células unitárias. Observamos que a introdução de dopantes causou alterações nos comprimentos das ligações e nos ângulos entre os átomos de níquel e oxigênio, isso pode explicar porque as temperaturas de desidratação dos cristais de NSH:Mg e NSH:Mn são maiores que a do NSH puro. Usamos a técnica de Difração Mútipla de raios X com radiação síncroton em diferentes energias na estação de trabalho XRD1, do Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Síncroton (LNLS) a fim de identificarmos possíveis mudanças nas estruturas dos cristais dopados de Sulfato de Níquel e de L Asparagina. Os diagramas Renninger mostram mudanças na intensidade, perfil e posições dos picos secundários dos cristais dopados causadas pela introdução dos dopantes. Os cristais de L Asparagina Monohidratada foram crescidos pelo método da evaporação lenta do solvente, sendo dopados com íons de Cu+2. As medidas de difração múltipla mostram que o cristal dopado possui a mesma estrutura ortorrômbica que o cristal puro. Foram detectadas mudanças nas intensidades, assim como, nas posições e perfil de picos secundários no diagramas Renninger para o cristal dopado. Nossos resultados indicam que o mecanismo de incorporação dos íons de Cu+2 na rede cristalina da L Asparagina Monohidratada ocorre de forma intersticial.


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O alumínio metálico é obtido a partir da bauxita, minério de grande importância industrial, composta por um ou mais tipos de hidróxidos de alumínio, acrescido de uma mistura de compostos contendo sílica, óxido de ferro, titânia e aluminossilicatos. Em virtude da variação na concentração relativa desses componentes, em amostras diferentes de bauxita, a determinação qualitativa e quantitativa da composição mineralógica desse minério, tem importância relevante no que se refere à sua aplicação tecnológica, já que esta está diretamente relacionada com o teor desses componentes. Neste trabalho, aplicou-se em oito amostras de bauxita extraídas de uma mina em Paragominas, o processo de refinamento de espectros de difração de raios X pelo método de Rietveld, onde foram identificadas e quantificadas as fases cristalinas: gibbsita, caulinita, goehtita, anatásio, quartzo e hematita. Realizados os refinamentos das amostras, constatou-se que todas apresentavam alto teor de Gibbsita e baixo teor de Goethita o que confere um excelente tipo de bauxita para ser utilizada em processo de extração de alumina.


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Empresas beneficiadoras de caulim geram resíduo caulinítico que é armazenado em lagoas de sedimentação, e ocupam grandes áreas físicas. O´aproveitamento deste resíduo é um fator importante do ponto de vista econômico e ambiental. Aqui é apresentado um estudo da síntese de zeólitas A, X e sodalita utilizando como matéria-prima um resíduo de caulim da Região Amazônica. O resíduo foi pré-tratado para a eliminação de matéria orgânica, cominuído e ativado termicamente a 750 °C por 2 horas. Ensaios de pré-zeolitização foram realizados em várias frações granulométricas do caulim ativado (metacaulim) a fim de se determinar a granulometria de síntese. Após esta etapa, empregou-se comparativamente dois métodos hidrotermais de obtenção de zeólitas: dinâmico e estático. Para a mistura reacional, utilizou-se a relação SiO2/Al2O3 de 2/1 e 3/1 para obtenção das zeólitas. Análises de caracterização por Difração de Raios-X (DRX), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Espectrometria de Fluorescência de Raios-X (FRX) mostraram uma boa formação da fase zeolítica NaA para a razão 2/1, em ambos os métodos de síntese e sem envelhecimento da mistura, e boa formação da fase NaX para a razão 3/1, em síntese estática com envelhecimento de 12 horas. A fase sodalita foi obtida na mesma estequiometria da zeólita NaX, porém empregando síntese estática e sem envelhecimento.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Snakes from Bothrops genus are responsible for more than 90% of the ophidian accidents in Brazil. One of the main complications from this kind of accident is muscular necrosis, which is related to the action of phospholipases A2 and metalloproteases, two groups of enzymes found in the venom of these animals. Although this complication cannot be solved by serum therapy administration, a great number of studies have been performed with the attempt to know the pharmacological sites of these toxins aiming, in the future, the development of complementary treatments to serum therapy. This work proposes structural studies of bothropic phospholipases A2 (PLA2s) in the presence of ions relevant to their activity, using the X-ray crystallography technique. Recently, it was demonstrated ions, as manganese, calcium and others, interfere in the biological activity of the PLA2s. Particularly, Lys49-PLA2s in the presence of manganese ions have miotoxicity reduced. Asp49-PLA2s show catalytic activity dependent of calcium, although structural studies with a miotoxic Asp49-PLA2, BthTX-II, suggest a possible catalytic mechanism independent of calcium. Therefore, co-crystallization of BthTX-II in the presence of calcium ions and of PrTX-I in the presence of manganese ions were performed. Comparative structural studies among obtained results and others already published in the literature were performed aiming a better understanding of the structure-function relationship of these toxins. The BthTX-II with the presence of calcium do not show this ion in the loop of coordination of calcium, presence necessary to develop the catalyses. After comparison of this model with the native one, only one distortion was found, but no apparent relationship with the residues responsible for its activity. In the PrTX-I structure, regions candidates of manganese ions were also found... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death selectively removes abnormal cells, and thus contributes to maintaining the balance of the dynamics of cell reproduction. Therefore the verification of the occurrence of apoptotic cell death after a pathological stimulus is crucial for the analysis of the maintenance of normal cell cycle of a given tissue or organ. In this experiment were used cells lines human mammary tumor MDAMB231, T47, MCF7, which were irradiated with X-rays at a dose of 5 Gy in a time interval of 15 seconds, and filtration of 1mm aluminum. Samples containing the cells were grown in a specific culture medium, containing fetal bovine serum and growth factor, and two samples were prepared with each of the cell lines, one to be irradiated, and another that has not been irradiated, which denoted by negative control of the irradiation. The primary goal of the experiment was to verify and compare the rates of apoptosis in each cell lines, in which were irradiated and that were not irradiated, using flow cytometry as a method for detecting apoptotic cell death in together with specific markers annexin V and propidium iodide. Data from the readings made by flow cytometry were analyzed and interpreted using the software WinMDI statistical graph. By comparing the indices relating to the readings of positive and negative for specific markers of apoptosis, based on differences in the statistical data presented lectures regarding the cellular irradiated and not irradiated, collude cells in question once... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique has been used with very much versatility and success in the structural characterization of nanostructured materials. The present work deals with a study of the principles of the SAXS technique and of some classical models employed in the structural characterization of nanostructured materials. Particularly, the study of the models and of the associated methodologies is applied to a set of samples of silica gels, of varied typical structures, prepared in the Laboratório de Novos Materiais of the Departamento de Física of the IGCE. The work discusses in an introductory chapter the principles of the SAXS technique and the foundation of classical models often used in the structural characterization of materials. The classical models and the associated methodologies were applied to a variety of silica gel structures. The studies include: i) the scattering from a system of particles - Guinier's law; ii) the asymptotic scattering from a two-phase system - Porod's law; iii) systematic deviation from Porod's law - Surface Fractal; iv) heterogeneities in solids with random size distribution - DAB Model; and v) the scattering from mass fractal structures. The analyses were carried out from experimental SAXS data obtained in several opportunities at the Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS)


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The huge demand for procedures involving ionizing radiation promotes the need for safe methods of experimentation considering the danger of their biological e ects with consequent risk to humans. Brazilian's legislation prohibits experiments involving this type of radiation in humans through Decree 453 of Ministry of Health with determines that such procedures comply with the principles of justi cation, optimization and dose limitation. In this line, concurrently with the advancement of available computer processing power, computing simulations have become relevant in those situations where experimental procedures are too cost or impractical. The Monte Carlo method, created along the Manhattan Project duringWorldWar II, is a powerful strategy to simulations in computational physics. In medical physics, this technique has been extensively used with applications in diagnostics and cancer treatment. The objective of this work is to simulate the production and detection of X-rays for the energy range of diagnostic radiology, for molybdenum target, using the Geant4 toolkit. X-ray tubes with this kind of target material are used in diagnostic radiology, speci cally in mammography, one of the most used techniques for screening of breast cancer in women. During the simulations, we used di erent models for bremsstrahlung available in physical models for low energy, in situations already covered by the literature in earlier versions of Geant4. Our results show that although the physical situations seems qualitatively adequate, quantitative comparisons to available analytical data shows aws in the code of Geant4 Low Energy source


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The quality assurance control program (QACP) in clinical radiology is very important to acquire, image quality, patient dose reduction and cost for the institution. The verification of the real tension on the x ray tube, it is one of many parameters that may be determined on a QACP. This act on image quality as absorbed dose in patient. Once proved the importance of this fact, this study come up with the determination of tension to any X ray tube used on medical routine, on quick, safe and low cost manner. To reach the aim of this study, the methodology consisted on measuring expose rates (ER) using different thicknesses of copper (Cu) plates like filters and relating these results with Half Layer Value (HLV). Afterwards, the HLV was associated to real tension that was acquired with kilo voltage of peak (kVp) measurers used on clinical routine. So walking in this path, when performed the ER, on any X ray tube, it’s possible acquire the HLV and consequently the real kVp, considering measures obtained before, on the methodology of kVp estimative development