124 resultados para Flourishing


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New understandings arise as we encounter the emergent integration of both rational and emotional, physical and spiritual, masculine and feminine through imagination, myth, and storytelling. This expanded space fosters an iterative spiraling process whereby new personal and collective futures emerge from transformative possibilities. Contemplating love and the situatedness of our being creates a space for seeing differently, more inclusively. Thought Woman tells a story of encounters arising from contemplation, framing an emancipatory path toward wholeness and unity, being shaped through becoming, recognizing the interrelated web of life wherein humankind can flourish. Flourishing represents the central focus of the critical accounting project.


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This paper looks at the recent history of Hulme, Manchester, which during the 1980s was home to many of the most successful bands of the post-punk era. This flourishing of underground music was not planned, however. It emerged, through a complex network of urban forces, some physical, some social. The paper develops the concept of the ‘compost city’ a laissez-faire approach to the management of urban culture, which is oppositional to the current vogue for more hands-on cultural industries management.


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A report provided the initial findings from a research project that examined the resilience of households in Northern Ireland. Drawing on baseline survey data and qualitative interviews with households across four neighbourhoods, it outlined a range of challenges and the strategies used by households to 'get by'. The report said that, for these households, resilience was not about 'bouncing back', 'flourishing', or 'thriving' in the face of adversity, but was about not being overcome, 'getting-by', enduring, surviving, just 'getting on with things', and 'keeping their heads above the water'. The report noted the susceptibility of households to future stressors, such as welfare reform, especially those on means-tested benefits or with long-term illness or disability. Place, and relationships with family and friends, appeared to be important for resilience and future work would investigate this further. The report highlighted issues around the measurement of resilience and noted the importance of qualitative work.


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After the outbreak of war in 1914 and the subsequent blockade implemented by British navy, the German economy faced serious food shortages leading to famine-like conditions, especially towards the end of the war. As a response to these shortages, the German authorities introduced and implemented socialist policies such as price ceilings and food rations. This study focuses on the inefficient use of high-quality foodstuffs by members of lower social strata by discussing consumer decisions during the First World War from a microeconomic perspective. The German rationing system provided small, but valuable – measured by black market prices – quantities of superior foodstuffs. Especially meat could have been traded on flourishing black markets for greater quantities of inferior staple foods such as bread and potatoes. In this paper I argue that a more efficient use of rations by the poor could have improved their nutritional situation.


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The subject of identity continues to attract widespread interest and debate in the social sciences. The nature of who we are, our potential to be different, and our similarity with others, underpins many present-day social issues. This paper contributes to this debate by examining critically the work of Axel Honneth on optimal identity-formation. Although broadly supporting Honneth’s chief construct of inter-personal recognition, a gap in his thinking is highlighted and addressed through proffering a fourth dimension to his tripartite model. This additional dimension requires demonstrations of recognition that instil hope in the face of hardship and empower positive transformations in identity. The implications of this reworked model for social work are then considered in terms of a range of approaches that can be utilised to build flourishing identities characterised by self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect and self-belief.


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Curriculum for Excellence, Scotland’s 3-18 curriculum, has been described as ‘the most significant curricular change in Scotland for a generation’ (McAra, Broadley and McLauchlan, 2013:223). The purpose of the curriculum is ‘encapsulated’ in four capacities in order that learners become i) successful learners, ii) confident individuals, iii) responsible citizens, and iv) effective contributors. With particular reference to these capacities, we explore the principle of autonomy as it pertains to both individual and collective flourishing seeking to disarm commonplace criticisms of autonomy by arguing that it might be put to work in CfE as a potentially multi-dimensional, context-sensitive concept that is relational as well as individual. We conclude that the four capacities lend themselves to re-consideration and re-mapping in pursuit of autonomy and flourishing premised on the principles of liberal personhood.


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BACKGROUND: The health of doctors who work in primary care is threatened by workforce and workload issues. There is a need to find and appraise ways in which to protect their mental health, including how to achieve the broader, positive outcome of well-being. Our primary outcome was to evaluate systematically the research evidence regarding the effectiveness of interventions designed to improve General Practitioner (GP) well-being across two continua; psychopathology (mental ill-health focus) and 'languishing to flourishing' (positive mental health focus). In addition we explored the extent to which developments in well-being research may be integrated within existing approaches to design an intervention that will promote mental health and prevent mental illness among these doctors.

METHODS: Medline, Embase, Cinahl, PsychINFO, Cochrane Register of Trials and Web of Science were searched from inception to January 2015 for studies where General Practitioners and synonyms were the primary participants. Eligible interventions included mental ill-health prevention strategies (e.g. promotion of early help-seeking) and mental health promotion programmes (e.g. targeting the development of protective factors at individual and organizational levels). A control group was the minimum design requirement for study inclusion and primary outcomes had to be assessed by validated measures of well-being or mental ill-health. Titles and abstracts were assessed independently by two reviewers with 99 % agreement and full papers were appraised critically using validated tools.

RESULTS: Only four studies (with a total of 997 GPs) from 5392 titles met inclusion criteria. The studies reported statistically significant improvement in self-reported mental ill-health. Two interventions used cognitive-behavioural techniques, one was mindfulness-based and one fed-back GHQ scores and self-help information.

CONCLUSION: There is an urgent need for high quality, controlled studies in GP well-being. Research on improving GP well-being is limited by focusing mainly on stressors and not giving systematic attention to the development of positive mental health.


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A temática da violência (e do bullying) nas escolas em Portugal tem vindo, nos anos mais recentes, a assumir uma crescente visibilidade fruto de variados fatores, entre os quais podemos destacar o aparente aumento no número de incidentes reportados envolvendo alunos, professores e pessoal não docente ou, ainda, como resultado da maior atenção dispensada ao(s) fenómeno(s) pela comunicação social. Na relação que se estabelece entre alunos, o bullying (e ultimamente o cyberbullying) tem igualmente ocupado um maior espaço de discussão no contexto português pela elevada complexidade que o carateriza e pelas diversas consequências negativas e irreversíveis que acarreta para vítimas, agressores, famílias e escolas. Para que sejam encontradas estratégias e soluções eficazes na abordagem ao(s) fenómeno(s), torna-se necessário aprofundar – e partilhar – o(s) conhecimento(s) em torno dos fatores e das dinâmicas que caraterizam o fenómeno e que contribuem para a sua (re)ocorrência. Procurámos, portanto, refletir sobre o papel que a escola, enquanto organização com uma missão muito própria ‒ e todos os demais elementos que a integram (diretores, docentes, assistentes operacionais, alunos e respetivas famílias) ‒ devem efetivamente desempenhar no sentido de serem promovidas e implementadas políticas e medidas que possam acautelar e solucionar quaisquer manifestações de violência, com especial incidência nos episódios de bullying. Sobressai, em primeira instância, a necessidade de sensibilizar e de mobilizar toda a comunidade escolar, prestando especial atenção ao papel vital que cada sujeito desempenha. Destaque-se, por outro lado, a aposta que deve ser feita na vertente da (in)formação de professores, não docentes, alunos e pais com o claro propósito de serem criados climas de escola positivos e seguros. Dividimos o trabalho empírico da nossa investigação em dois momentos. Do estudo comparativo (resultante da recolha de informação baseada na pesquisa e análise documental) que levámos a cabo na primeira parte a um conjunto de doze programas de prevenção e de intervenção de bullying implementados (e igualmente avaliados) em países anglo-saxónicos, procurámos identificar os seus componentes fundamentais (princípios teóricos subjacentes às intervenções, objetivos pretendidos, destinatários, níveis/fases de ação, componentes/estratégias de atuação e materiais de apoio disponibilizados). Pudemos verificar que essas iniciativas assentaram numa perspetiva sistémica da problemática do bullying que sublinha a necessidade de mudanças persistentes e contibuadas ao nível da sensibilização, da consciencialização e de transformações nas atitudes da população escolar no seu todo. Este exercício possibilitou, por outro lado, a identificação e a assimiliação de algumas das boas práticas experimentadas com esses programas. Na segunda parte, desenvolvemos um projeto-piloto numa escola Secundária com o 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico ao longo do ano letivo de 2010/2011 (envolvendo diretamente na iniciativa duas turmas ‒ uma do 7.º e outra do 10.º ano ‒ e os respetivos professores), sendo de destacar que a temática se tornou mais familiar para a maior parte dos participantes (por via da mobilização, da sensibilização e da formação desses atores). Na sequência da aplicação de dois questionários a 190 alunos no âmbito do projeto-piloto, foi ainda possível apurar que as percentagens de vitimação de bullying presencial moderado se situam abaixo dos 10%, sendo que para as ofensas sofridas de modo mais intenso esses níveis não ultrapassam os 5% para qualquer uma das formas de agressão apresentadas. Os dados indicaram igualmente as ofensas diretas verbais e indiretas como sendo as mais frequentes entre os inquiridos, surgindo em terceiro lugar as de pendor direto físico. Os índices de vitimação apresentam valores superiores junto dos alunos mais novos, independentemente do seu género. Perto de 45% dos sujeitos objeto de agressão admitiu não ter reportado o sucedido a uma terceira pessoa. Cerca de 27% dos jovens confessou assumir uma atitude passiva ou de indiferença perante uma agressão testemunhada. Foi, por outro lado, possível constatar que um conjunto significativo de jovens admitiu conhecer um colega da escola que tenha sido já gozado ou ameaçado no ciberespaço.


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Positive psychology has tended to be defined in terms of a concern with ‘positive’ psychological qualities and states. However, critics of the field have highlighted various problems inherent in classifying phenomena as either ‘positive’ or ‘negative.’ For instance, ostensibly positive qualities (e.g., optimism) can sometimes be detrimental to wellbeing, whereas apparently negative processes (like anxiety) may at times be conducive to it. As such, over recent years, a more nuanced ‘second wave’ of positive psychology has been germinating, which explores the philosophical and conceptual complexities of the very idea of the ‘positive.’ The current paper introduces this emergent second wave by examining the ways in which the field is developing a more subtle understanding of the ‘dialectical’ nature of flourishing (i.e., involving a complex and dynamic interplay of positive and negative experiences). The paper does so by problematizing the notions of positive and negative through seven case studies, including five salient dichotomies (such as optimism versus pessimism) and two complex processes (posttraumatic growth and love). These case studies serve to highlight the type of critical, dialectical thinking that characterises this second wave, thereby outlining the contours of the evolving field.


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Hoje, como nunca antes, as ciências humanas e sociais consubstanciam um corpo consistente e unificado de dados rigorosos que sublinham as descrições do “florescimento humano” (flourishing) de quem, surpreendentemente, optou por perdoar, não obstante a complexidade das condições, circunstancias e situações profundamente devastadoras fizessem supor o contrário, e de quem aceitou deixar-se “tocar” pelo acto sublime de ser perdoado. Intacta na densidade do pensamento filosófico e teológico, que irrompeu ao longo da história, a extraordinária arte de perdoar deixou-se escapar dos seus manuais para, também, encontrar o seu devido lugar no sistema de pensamento científico, dentro de um quadro rigoroso e metodológico que configura o actual rumo tomado pelas ciências do funcionamento humano óptimo que consubstancia o emergente movimento da Psicologia Positiva (McCullough, 2000; Peterson & Seligman, 2004; Seligman, 2006). A centralidade deste trabalho inscreve a intencionalidade de analisar a relação entre o fenómeno psicológico do perdão interpessoal e as suas implicações na reconstrução da felicidade daquele cuja praticabilidade dessa “força” positiva se afigura como uma realidade possível, partindo da analise das relações entre variáveis psicológicas (traços de personalidade) e factores sociodemograficos (e.g., a idade, o género, a religiosidade e o envolvimento religioso na práxis da catequese) tanto no perdão disposicional quanto na felicidade ou bem-estar subjectivo e, ainda, na influência que estes dois constructos exercem entre si. Justamente porque uma Psicologia do Perdão encontra não somente a sua raiz no horizonte da Psicologia das Relações Interpessoais mas, na sua inevitabilidade, apela a uma dimensão tanto teológica e espiritual quanto psicossocial (McCullough, 2000, 2001; McCullough et al., 1997, 1998, 2001; McCullough & Worthington, 1999),posicionamos o estudo numa amostra que, por um lado, consubstancia uma forte componente interpessoal na sua profissionalidade (um contexto educativo, um contexto de profissões de ajuda do domínio da saúde e um contexto administrativo) e, por outro lado, inscreve participantes portadores de uma religiosidade que se exprime por um forte envolvimento religioso na práxis da catequese. Foram inquiridos 158 participantes dos três contextos que consubstanciam a amostra global. Para a avaliação das variáveis em estudo que influem na relação entre a “força” do perdão e a felicidade, utilizamos a Escala unifactorial sobre a disposição para o perdão interpessoal (Barros, 2002, 2004), a Escala sobre a propensão para o perdão (Mullet, et al., 2003), o Inventário de Personalidade – NEO-FFI (Costa & McCrae, 1992; Lima & Simões, 2002; Simões et al., 2001), a Escala de satisfação com a Vida (Diener et al., 1985; Simões, 1992) e as Escalas da Afectividade Positiva e da Afectividade Negativa (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988; Simões, 1993). Se, por um lado, os resultados obtidos sugerem que a “força” do perdão está não apenas positivamente associada com a religiosidade e o envolvimento religioso dos sujeitos mas que, encontra uma maior dependência com os traços de personalidade comparativamente aos factores sociodemográficos, por outro lado, apontam que o perdão disposicional é uma variável preditora na felicidade ou bem-estar subjectivo dos participantes. Estes resultados remetem para importantes implicações. A investigação sobre a temática do perdão interpessoal contribui, de forma significativa, não somente para a construção de uma Psicologia do Perdão no quadro global da Psicologia das Relações Interpessoais e, por extensão, da Psicologia da Educação mas, contemporaneamente, configura um processo psicológico sustentável ao florescimento humano e à felicidade autêntica.


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Hard real- time multiprocessor scheduling has seen, in recent years, the flourishing of semi-partitioned scheduling algorithms. This category of scheduling schemes combines elements of partitioned and global scheduling for the purposes of achieving efficient utilization of the system’s processing resources with strong schedulability guarantees and with low dispatching overheads. The sub-class of slot-based “task-splitting” scheduling algorithms, in particular, offers very good trade-offs between schedulability guarantees (in the form of high utilization bounds) and the number of preemptions/migrations involved. However, so far there did not exist unified scheduling theory for such algorithms; each one was formulated in its own accompanying analysis. This article changes this fragmented landscape by formulating a more unified schedulability theory covering the two state-of-the-art slot-based semi-partitioned algorithms, S-EKG and NPS-F (both fixed job-priority based). This new theory is based on exact schedulability tests, thus also overcoming many sources of pessimism in existing analysis. In turn, since schedulability testing guides the task assignment under the schemes in consideration, we also formulate an improved task assignment procedure. As the other main contribution of this article, and as a response to the fact that many unrealistic assumptions, present in the original theory, tend to undermine the theoretical potential of such scheduling schemes, we identified and modelled into the new analysis all overheads incurred by the algorithms in consideration. The outcome is a new overhead-aware schedulability analysis that permits increased efficiency and reliability. The merits of this new theory are evaluated by an extensive set of experiments.


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Career adapt-ability has recently gained momentum as a psychosocial construct that not only has much to offer the field of career development, but also contributes to positive coping, adjustment and self-regulation through the four dimensions of concern, control, curiosity and confidence. The positive psychology movement, with concepts such as the orientations to happiness, explores the factors that contribute to human flourishing and optimum functioning. This research has two main contributions; 1) to validate a German version of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS), and 2) to extend the contribution of adapt-abilities to the field of work stress and explore its mediating capacity in the relation between orientations to happiness and work stress. We used a representative sample of the German-speaking Swiss working population including 1204 participants (49.8% women), aged between 26 and 56 (Mage = 42.04). Results indicated that the German version of the CAAS is valid, with overall high levels of model fit suggesting that the conceptual structure of career adapt-ability replicates well in this cultural context. Adapt-abilities showed a negative relationship to work stress, and a positive one with orientations to happiness. The engagement and pleasure scales of orientations to happiness also correlated negatively with work stress. Moreover, career adapt-ability mediates the relationship between orientations to happiness and work stress. In depth analysis of the mediating effect revealed that control is the only significant mediator. Thus control may be acting as a mechanism through which individuals attain their desired life at work subsequently contributing to reduced stress levels.


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In this thesis I sought to capture something of the integrity of John Dewey's larger vision. While recognizing this to be a difficult challenge, I needed to clear some of the debris of an overly narrow reading of Dewey's works by students of education. The tendency of reducing Dewey's larger philosophical vision down to neat theoretical snap shots in order to prop up their particular social scientific research, was in my estimation slowly damaging the larger integrity of Dewey's vast body of work. It was, in short, killing off the desire to read big works, because doing so was not necessary to satisfying the specialized interests of social scientific research. In this thesis then I made a plea for returning the Humanities to the center of higher education. It is there that students learn how to read and to think—skills required to take on someone of Dewey's stature. I set out in this thesis to do just that. I took Dewey's notion of experience as the main thread connecting all of his philosophy, and focused on two large areas of inquiry, science and its relation to philosophy, and aesthetic experience. By exploring in depth Dewey's understanding of human experience as it pertains to day-to-day living, my call was for a heightened mode of artful conduct within our living contexts. By calling on the necessity of appreciating the more qualitative dimensions of lived experience, I was hoping that students engaged in the Social Sciences might begin to bolster their research interests with more breadth and depth of reading and critical insight. I expressed this as being important to the survival and intelligent flourishing of democratic conduct.


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Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 P65 F47 2003