85 resultados para Flatness
Métodos iterativos para a análise de velocidade com migração dependem das funções objetivo medirem a horizontalização dos eventos de reflexão em famílias de ponto imagem comum (CIG). A migração em tempo é um método simples de imageamento para avaliar essas funções objetivo. Usando migração em tempo, estudamos a influência da função objetivo nos resultados da análise de velocidade com migração. Propomos duas novas funções objetivo para a análise velocidade com migração: Semblance Diferencial Estendido e o produto do Semblance Clássico com o Semblance Diferencial Estendido. Experimentos numéricos, utilizando os dados Marmousoft, mostram a eficácia das novas funções objetivo em estimar modelos velocidade produzindo eventos horizontalmente alinhados nas famílias de ponto imagem comum.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We report on infrared supercontinuum (SC) generation through laser filamentation and subsequent nonlinear propagation in a step-index As2S3 fiber. The 100 μm core and high-purity As2S3 fiber used exhibit zero-dispersion wavelength around 4.5 μm, a mid-infrared background loss of 0.2dB/m, and a maximum loss of only 0.55dB/m at the S-H absorption peak around 4.05 μm. When pumping with ultrashort laser pulses slightly above the S-H absorption band, broadband infrared supercontinua were generated with a 20 dB spectral flatness spanning from 1.5 up to 7 μm. The efficiency and spectral shape of the SC produced by ultrashort pulses in large-core As2S3 fiber are mainly determined by its dispersion, the S-H contaminant absorption, and the mid-infrared nonlinear absorption.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Several machining processes have been created and improved in order to achieve the best results ever accomplished in hard and difficult to machine materials. Some of these abrasive manufacturing processes emerging on the science frontier can be defined as ultra-precision grinding. For finishing flat surfaces, researchers have been putting together the main advantages of traditional abrasive processes such as face grinding with constant pressure, fixed abrasives for two-body removal mechanism, total contact of the part with the tool, and lapping kinematics as well as some specific operations to keep grinding wheel sharpness and form. In the present work, both U d-lap grinding process and its machine tool were studied aiming nanometric finishing on flat metallic surfaces. Such hypothesis was investigated on AISI 420 stainless steel workpieces U d-lap ground with different values of overlap factor on dressing (Ud=1, 3, and 5) and grit sizes of conventional grinding wheels (silicon carbide (SiC)=#800, #600, and #300) applying a new machine tool especially designed and built for such finishing. The best results, obtained after 10 min of machining, were average surface roughness (Ra) of 1.92 nm, 1.19-μm flatness deviation of 25.4-mm-diameter workpieces, and mirrored surface finishing. Given the surface quality achieved, the U d-lap grinding process can be included among the ultra-precision abrasive processes and, depending on the application, the chaining steps of grinding, lapping, and polishing can be replaced by the proposed abrasive process.
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Mapping of soil has been highlighted in the scientific community, because as alertness about the environment increases, it is necessary to understand more and more about the distribution of the soil in the landscape, as well as its potential and its limitations for the use. In that way the main aim of this study was to apply indices representing landscape with the use of geoprocessing to give support in the delimitation of different compartments of landscape. Primary indices used were altitude above channel network (AACN) and secondary channel network base level (CNBL), multiresolution index of valley bottom flatness (MRVBF) and Wetness index (ITW), having as object of study the Canguiri Experimental Farm, located in Pinhais, Curitiba's Metropolitan region. To correlate the chemical attributes and granulometric ones in sampling groups, totalizing 17 points (Sugamosto, 2002), a matrix of a simple linear correlation (Pearson) with the indices of the landscape were generated in the Software Statistica. The conclusion is that the indices representing the landscape used in the analysis of groupings were efficient as support to map soil at the level of suborder of Brazilian Soil Classification System.
O mapeamento de solos tem ganhado destaque dentro da comunidade científica, pois, à medida em que a preocupação com o meio ambiente aumenta, ocorre a necessidade de se entender cada vez mais a distribuição dos solos na paisagem, tal como seu potencial e limitações de uso. Desta forma, o principal objetivo do trabalho foi aplicar índices de representação da paisagem com o apoio de geoprocessamento, suporte na delimitação dos diferentes compartimentos da paisagem. Foram utilizados índices primários Altitude above channel network (AACN) e secundários Channel network base level (CNBL, Multiresolution índex of valley bottom flatness (MRVBF) e Wetness índex (ITW), cujo estudo foi a Fazenda Experimental Canguiri, no município de Pinhais, região Metropolitana de Curitiba. Para correlacionar os atributos químicos e granulométricos por grupo de amostragem, totalizando 17 pontos (Sugamosto, 2002) foi gerada, no Software Statistica, uma matriz de correlação linear simples (Pearson) com os índices de representação da paisagem, os quais foram não apenas utilizados na análise de agrupamentos mas também eficientes no apoio do mapeamento dos solos, a nível de subordem do Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solo.
Reflection seismic data from the F3 block in the Dutch North Sea exhibits many large-amplitude reflections at shallow horizons, typically categorized as “brightspots ” (Schroot and Schuttenhelm, 2003), mainly because of their bright appearance. In most cases, these bright reflections show a significant “flatness” contrasting with local structural trends. While flatspots are often easily identified in thick reservoirs, we have often occasionally observed apparent flatspot tuning effects at fluid contacts near reservoir edges and in thin reservoir beds, while only poorly understanding them. We conclude that many of the shallow large-amplitude reflections in block F3 are dominated by flatspots, and we investigate the thin-bed tuning effects that such flatspots cause as they interact with the reflection from the reservoir’s upper boundary. There are two possible effects to be considered: (1) the “wedge-model” tuning effects of the flatspot and overlying brightspots, dimspots, or polarity-reversals; and (2) the stacking effects that result from possible inclusion of post-critical flatspot reflections in these shallow sands. We modeled the effects of these two phenomena for the particular stratigraphic sequence in block F3. Our results suggest that stacking of post-critical flatspot reflections can cause similar large-amplitude but flat reflections, in some cases even causing an interface expected to produce a ‘dimspot’ to appear as a ‘brightspot’. Analysis of NMO stretch and muting shows the likely exclusion of critical offset data in stacked output. If post-critical reflections are included in stacking, unusual results will be observed. In the North Sea case, we conclude the tuning effect was the primary reason causing for the brightness and flatness of these reflections. However, it is still important to note that care should be taken while applying muting on reflections with wide range of incidence angles and the inclusion of critical offset data may cause some spurious features in the stacked section.
Audio-visual documents obtained from German TV news are classified according to the IPTC topic categorization scheme. To this end usual text classification techniques are adapted to speech, video, and non-speech audio. For each of the three modalities word analogues are generated: sequences of syllables for speech, “video words” based on low level color features (color moments, color correlogram and color wavelet), and “audio words” based on low-level spectral features (spectral envelope and spectral flatness) for non-speech audio. Such audio and video words provide a means to represent the different modalities in a uniform way. The frequencies of the word analogues represent audio-visual documents: the standard bag-of-words approach. Support vector machines are used for supervised classification in a 1 vs. n setting. Classification based on speech outperforms all other single modalities. Combining speech with non-speech audio improves classification. Classification is further improved by supplementing speech and non-speech audio with video words. Optimal F-scores range between 62% and 94% corresponding to 50% - 84% above chance. The optimal combination of modalities depends on the category to be recognized. The construction of audio and video words from low-level features provide a good basis for the integration of speech, non-speech audio and video.
Grain size, shape and roundness of rock fragments, texture, composition of bottom sediments from the Sea of Okhotsk are under study. These data are compared with parameters of modern lithodynamic conditions of the sea and genetic types of deposits are identified. These criteria are used for partition of Holocene and Upper Pleistocene sediment series and for identifying conditions of their formation. Dependence of structure of different genetic types of deposits on intensity of hydrodynamic processes, of terrigenous contribution, and on direction consedimentational tectonic movements is under consideration.
La presente investigación se presenta como una alternativa para la reducción de la contaminación por nutrientes que produce el vertido de aguas residuales provenientes de núcleos urbanos que acaban en lagos, lagunas o embalses acelerando los procesos de eutrofización de los mismos. El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar la reducción de nutrientes, fundamentalmente nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio, del agua residual doméstica sometida a tratamiento a través de cultivos hidropónicos en un determinado periodo de tiempo, observando a su vez la evolución del cultivo seleccionado. El sistema se diseñó para funcionar en circuito cerrado con el agua residual circulando por entre las raíces de los vegetales estudiados. El cultivo seleccionado fue el “kenaf”, aunque después de mucho tiempo dedicado a la obtención de semillas de “kenaf “por diferentes proveedores, se decidió comenzar un primer ensayo utilizando plantas de aloe vera durante un periodo de un mes de verano. Se procedió a la colocación de plantas en un tubo conteniendo agua residual de una fosa séptica domiciliaria. La reducción de la DBO5 y la DQO fue notable aunque los resultados de la variación de nitratos y fosfatos no fueron concluyentes. Las altas temperaturas alcanzada en esas fechas por el agua circulante, finalmente imposibilitó la continuación del ensayo. Si bien esta primera puesta en marcha no resultó como se esperaba, aportó numerosa información para modificar el planteo del estudio, la forma de llevarlo a cabo y la puesta a punto de la propia instalación. El segundo ensayo se llevó a cabo en otoño con plantas de kenaf obtenidas del ensayo previo en suelo en una parcela piloto en los llanos de Villamartín, en la provincia de Cádiz. Antes de incorporar el agua al sistema hidropónico se analizaron todos los parámetros requeridos por la normativa española del agua para determinar su clasificación como agua residual doméstica. Luego se le dio seguimiento a la variación de los nutrientes, nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio a lo largo de varias semanas para evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento. Las plantas de kenaf continuaron su desarrollo utilizando las sustancias disueltas en el agua residual como única fuente de nutrientes disponible. This research is presented as an alternative to reduce the pollution that wastewater discharges from towns generate when they end in lakes, ponds and reservoirs, by accelerating the eutrophication processes. The objective of this thesis is to analyze the reduction of nutrients, mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, of domestic wastewater treated through hydroponics crops in a given period of time, noting at the same time the evolution of the selected crop. The system was designed to operate in closed circuit with the wastewater circulating through the roots of the studied plants. The selected crop was "kenaf", although after much time spent in obtaining seeds of "kenaf"by different vendors and the impossibility of achieving its germination; it was decided to start a first test using Aloe Vera plants for a period of one month in the summer. The plants were introduced in the holes of a tube containing septic wastewater. The BOD5 and COD reduction was remarkable though the results of the variation in nitrates and phosphates were inconclusive. High temperatures achieved in those dates by circulating water, eventually precluded the continuation of the test. Although this first implementation was not running as expected, it provided information to modify the proposal of the study, the way to carry it out and the development of the installation itself. The second test was conducted in autumn with kenaf plants obtained from the previous test in a pilot plant in the flatness of Villamartín, province of Cádiz. Before adding the water to the hydroponic system all the parameters required by the Spanish water regulations were analyzed to determine their classification as domestic waste water. Then, the variation of nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was tracking over several weeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. Kenaf plants continued its development using the substances dissolved in wastewater as sole source of nutrients available.