975 resultados para Fitzgerald, Edward, Lord, 1763-1798
Gastos del Colegio Mayor del Rosario entre 1663 – 1798 siendo rectores: Enrique de Caldas Barbosa y Santiago (1667-1668, 1670-1672, 1680-1682), Nicolás de Guzmán y Solanilla (1669 - 1670), Juan de Mosquera Nuguerol y Sotelo (1666-1667,1673-1676), Francisco de Agudelo Arias de Bolívar (1692-1693), Cristóbal de Torres Bravo (1683-1684, 1698-1701), Luis Antonio de Berrio y Mendoza de Castrillón (1715-1717, 1725-1728), Fernando Antonio Camacho de Guzmán y Rojas (1711-1714, 1728-1733), José Joaquín de León y Herrera (1759- 1763), Miguel José Masústegui y Archer Calzada (1745, 1763-1766, 1769-1773, 1778-1780), Bartolomé Ramírez Maldonado de la Parra (1766-1769), Manuel de Caicedo y Vélez Ladrón de Guevara (1772-1775), Pedro José de Leyva y la Madrid (1722-1725), José Joaquín de Guzmán y Franqui (1775-1778), Fernando de Caicedo Y Flórez (1793-1796, 1799-1802).
El contenido del conjunto documental conocido como «Papeles sobre la vacuna» archivado en la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina y generado por Ignacio María Ruiz de Luzuriaga (1763-1822) no ha sido estudiado hasta la fecha de forma exhaustiva. Como parte de una amplia investigación sobre estos manuscritos se describe el hallazgo de un texto inédito producido en 1801 por Ruiz de Luzuriaga que, con forma de ensayo, pretendía recopilar los conocimientos sobre el método vacunal sugerido por Edward Jenner durante los inicios de su introducción en España. Su objetivo era establecer un corpus científico y académico sobre la vacuna que facilitara su comprensión, asimilación y buena práctica entre los vacunadores españoles. El texto, contenido en el volumen 3 de los «Papeles», fue consecutivo a otros dos inmediatamente anteriores, la «Carta a D. Luis» y el «Informe imparcial sobre la vacuna». Este estudio analiza el origen y destinatarios de los tres textos, revelando la identidad de «D. Luis» y describiendo los contenidos del «Ensayo», documento hasta ahora desconocido y en el que destaca por su valor historiográfico la primera traducción al español del «Inquiry» de Jenner, realizada por Ruiz de Luzuriaga.
Handwritten receipt signed by Hull Abbot acknowledging payment by John Sale Jr. of scholarship funds for use by Abbot's son Thomas Abbot (Harvard AB 1764).
Notebook with a handwritten copy of the 1734 College laws and additional laws approved by the Corporation between 1756 and 1760 in English prepared by Harvard undergraduate Benjamin Dolbeare and signed by President Edward Holyoke, Tutors Belcher Hancock and Thomas Marsh, and William Kneeland and Josephus Jackson on January 12, 1760.
Undated and unattributed handwritten Latin salutatory and valedictory orations composed for the Harvard College Commencement. A modern note with the materials suggests Nathaniel Sparhawk (Harvard AB 1765) as the author, but the author was more likely Joseph Hooper (Harvard AB 1763), who delivered the orations for the 1763 Harvard Commencement. While the documents are undated, textual clues include mention of the command of George III in recent war against France and Spain, suggesting the speech was written soon after the Treaty of Paris which was signed in February 1763 to end the Seven Years' War. The speech also celebrates Harvard Tutor William Kneeland, who resigned from his position in July 1763, and mentions the illness of Professor Edward Wigglesworth (who died before the 1765 Commencement). The text also mentions Professor John Winthrop and Massachusetts Governor Francis Bernard.
A handwritten translation of a power of attorney, on two folio-sized leaves, certified by Francis Sales and dated October 10, 1798. The power of attorney authorizes Isaac Whippo, an American citizen living in Bordeaux, France to act as the attorney general and special for his brother, Thomas Whippo, also an American citizen and captain of the ship the Ganges of New York. The power of attorney was created in the Office of Gabriel Duprat in Bordeaux, with William Henry Vernon translating for Thomas Whippo and was notarized by Joseph Fenwick, Consol of the United States of America on April 14, 1798.
These two handwritten letters by Timothy Pickering were written on February 14, 1797 and June 14, 1798 to his brother John Pickering and his father Timothy Pickering, respectively. The letter to his brother, John, discusses mutual friends, classmate Thomas Lee, and John’s recent attendance at a sermon by Dr. Joseph Priestley. The letter from Timothy to his father includes a discussion of Timothy’s expenses and the amount of money needed to pay his debts, a request for new shoes for commencement, the news of Timothy’s invitation to join honor society Phi Beta Kappa, and a few comments on his forensics course at Harvard.
Originaly issued separately as Art annuals for 1884, 1885, and 1897.
Includes index.
Editors: 1876-1890, W. H. Whitmore and W. S. Appleton, record commissioners; 1893-1896, W. H. Whitmore, city registrar; 1894, W. S. Appleton; 1898, E. W. McGlenen; 1900-1909, E. W. McGlenen, city registrar; 1903 (v. 32) W. H. Whitmore, W. K. Watkins, and E. W. McGlenen.
Each book has special t.-p.
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