91 resultados para Firefighters


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Los bomberos aeronáuticos son los encargados de atender todas las emergencias en los aeropuertos y sus cercanías. Estas emergencias incluyen emergencias aéreas, en tierra, eventos con materiales peligros e incendios, entre otros. Su trabajo tiene como características la realización de actividades durante periodos largos de baja intensidad y periodos cortos de alta intensidad. De acuerdo con estas características, es necesario que los bomberos aeronáuticos tengan una buena condición física. El consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2 máx) como indicador de capacidad aeróbica resulta indispensable para conocer el desempeño de los bomberos en su trabajo. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la capacidad aeróbica de los bomberos aeronáuticos y sus factores determinantes. Por tanto se desarrolló un estudio transversal de tipo descriptivo en una muestra de 23 hombres bomberos aeronáuticos. Se obtuvo información acerca de sus variables socio-demográficas, se determinó el VO2 máx y umbral ventilatorio mediante análisis de gases espirados durante un protocolo de ejercicio máximo sobre tapiz rodante, se evaluó la composición corporal mediante adipometría y se determinó el nivel de actividad física mediante el cuestionario internacional de actividad física IPAQ. Se encontró que la muestra tenia una edad de 32,6 ± 4,8 años, peso de 78,4 ± 9,8 kg, porcentaje de grasa de 14,8 ± 3,8 %, índice de masa corporal de 25,7 ± 2,7 y VO2máx de 44,6 ± 6. No se encontraron cambios significativos del VO2máx con la edad, pero si con la actividad física, porcentaje de grasa e índice de masa corporal. Se sugiere que el entrenamiento de los bomberos aeronáuticos durante su jornada laboral sea de intervalos de alta intensidad y que se monitorice su nivel de actividad física y composición corporal.


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OBJETIVOS: Identificar la percepción del riesgo biológico de los trabajadores asistenciales del Hospital Central de la Policía Nacional en la ciudad de Bogotá. METODOS: se realizó un estudio analítico de corte transversal para describir la percepción acerca del riesgo biológico en 159 trabajadores asistenciales de un hospital de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia), la información se recolectó por medio de la utilización de la encuesta validada nota técnica 578 (Portell M, Solé M, 2001). Se realizó la caracterización de la población por variables de sexo, edad, tiempo de experiencia y servicio al cual pertenece y se promediaron las respuestas obtenidas para cada ítem encuestado, obteniendo una clasificación para cada dimensión de percepción de riesgo baja (1 a 3), media (4 a 5) o alta (6 a 7). Resultados: De los 159 trabajadores asistenciales encuestados el 80.4% eran de género femenino, el 22.2% pertenecían al servicio de urgencias, el 16,5% al servicio de medicina interna y el 9.5% al servicio de pediatría, de los encuestados el 62.9% fueron auxiliares de enfermería, el 21,4% enfermeras jefes y el 6.9% médicos. Se obtuvo una percepción de riesgo alta (media aritmética mayor de 5) para todas las variables incluidas en la encuesta, demostrando conocimiento de todo el personal acerca de la alta exposición a accidentes de tipo biológico. No se encontró asociación entre la labor desempeñada y la percepción del riesgo biológico, sin embargo, se encontró una asociación entre el tiempo de experiencia del trabajador y una disminución en la magnitud del riesgo percibido (Chi cuadrado de asociación, p=0.042). Conclusiones: Los trabajadores asistenciales identifican la magnitud del riesgo biológico al que se encuentran expuestos en sus labores del día a día, sin embargo, es necesaria una mayor participación por parte del personal directivo y de los responsables de la prevención en temas de reacción ante accidentes y en la valoración del riesgo, especialmente en personas que llevan mucho tiempo desempeñando la labor.


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Os valores de vida são um assunto cada vez mais investigado, dado assumirem influência nas atitudes e comportamentos em contexto laboral. As consequências do burnout refletem impactos marcantes quer na pessoa quer na organização. Assim, este estudo procurou identificar os valores cristalizados na função de bombeiro, uma das mais visadas pelo burnout, com o propósito de compreender em que medida podem contribuir para neutralizar e/ou atenuar os riscos psicossociais, em sede daquela síndrome, e desta forma gerar condições de defesa em termos profissionais e pessoais. O estudo, com aplicação do Maslash Burnout Inventory (MBI) e do Life Values Inventory (LVI), foi concretizado na Companhia de Bombeiros Sapadores da Câmara Municipal de Coimbra numa amostra de 84 bombeiros. Os principais resultados foram níveis baixos nas dimensões Exaustão Emocional e Despersonalização e níveis moderados na dimensão Realização Profissional, o que veio confirmar a literatura nomeadamente no que refere à Síndrome de Burnout neste tipo de amostra. Os resultados apontam para uma relação condicionante entre os valores de vida e o burnout.


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This paper discusses noise exposure to firefighters on the job and whether this contributes to noise induced hearing loss.


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Fighting wildland fire is a physically demanding occupation. Wildland firefighters need to be physically fit to work safely and productively. To determine whether personnel are fit for duty, many firefighting agencies employ physical competency tests, such as the pack hike test (PHT). The PHT involves a 4.83-km hike over level terrain carrying a 20.4-kg pack within a 45-min period. The PHT was devised to test the job readiness of US wildland firefighters but is also currently used by some fire agencies in Australia and Canada. This review discusses the history and development of the PHT with emphasis on the process of test validation. Research-based training advice for the PHT is given, as well as discussion of the risks associated with completing the PHT. Different versions and modifications to the PHT have emerged in recent years and these are discussed with regard to their validity. Finally, this review addresses the relevance and validity of the PHT for Australian and Canadian wildland firefighters.


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This thesis quantified the physical demands of Australian rural bushfire suppression and developed a controlled bushfire simulation suitable for ongoing bushfire research. The findings of this thesis will be used to develop physical employment standards and OH&S strategies to protect the 200,000 volunteer firefighters Australia wide.


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The purpose of this study was to examine 1) wildfire fighters' ability to consume the prescribed fluid volume (1200 mL h-1), 2) the effect of fluid intake on plasma sodium and hydration, and 3) the effect of fluid intake on firefighters' heart rate, core temperature and activity during emergency suppression shifts. Methods: Thirty-four firefighters were divided into ad libitum (AD, n = 17) and prescribed (PR, n = 17) drinking groups. Results: PR drinkers did not meet the prescribed fluid target, yet consumed over double the volume of AD drinkers. No differences between groups in plasma sodium or hydration were noted. PR drinking resulted in lower core temperature between 2 and 6 h. This did not coincide with reduced cardiovascular strain, greater work activity or larger distances covered when compared to AD drinkers. Conclusion: Extra fluid consumption (above AD) did not improve firefighter activity or physiological function (though PR firefighters core temperature was lower earlier in their shift). Firefighter can self-regulate their fluid consumption behavior and work rate to leave the fireground euhydrated.


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Fire and rescue staff routinely endure significant psychological and environmental stress exposure on the job. While much has been done to improve understanding of the physiological effects of exposure to these conditions, little has been done to quantify the inflammatory stress response that firefighters are exposed to during wildfire suppression. Therefore the aim of the present study was to explore whether firefighters experienced a change in inflammatory markers following one day, and across two days of wildfire suppression tasks. Twelve male fire-fighters participated in two consecutive days of live-fire prescribed burn operations in Ngarkat National Park, South Australia. Typical work tasks included lighting burns, patrolling containment lines, supressing spot fires, and operating vehicles. A number of the inflammatory markers changed significantly across the course of a shift and several presented with an attenuated response across the second day. This finding implies that there was a compounding effect of repeated exposure to these stressors which could have considerable implications for managing fire-fighters health and wellbeing over a multi-day campaign. Further research is required to see which fire ground stressor, or combination of stressors is causing these changes in the inflammatory markers across consecutive work shifts.


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This study examined the trunk postures and upper-body muscle activations during four physically demanding wildfire suppression tasks. Bilateral, wireless surface electromyography was recorded from the trapezius and erector spinae muscles of nine experienced, wildfire fighters. Synchronised video captured two retroreflective markers to allow for quantification of two-dimensional sagittal trunk flexion. In all tasks, significantly longer time was spent in the mild and severe trunk flexion (p ≤ 0.002) compared to the time spent in a neutral posture. Mean and peak muscle activation in all tasks exceeded previously established safe limits. These activation levels also significantly increased through the performance of each task (p < 0.001). The results suggest that the wildfire suppression tasks analysed impose significant musculoskeletal demand on firefighters. Fire agencies should consider developing interventions to reduce the exposure of their personnel to these potentially injurious musculoskeletal demands.


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Monitoring an individual's thermic state in the workplace requires reliable feedback of their core temperature. However, core temperature measurement technology is expensive, invasive and often impractical in operational environments, warranting investigation of surrogate measures which could be used to predict core temperature. This study examines an alternative measure of an individual's thermic state, thermal sensation, which presents a more manageable and practical solution for Australian firefighters operating on the fireground. Across three environmental conditions (cold, warm, hot & humid), 49 Australian volunteer firefighters performed a 20-min fire suppression activity, immediately followed by 20min of active cooling using hand and forearm immersion techniques. Core temperature (Tc) and thermal sensation (TS) were measured across the rehabilitation period at five minute intervals. Despite the decline in Tc and TS throughout the rehabilitation period, there was little similarity in the magnitude or rate of decline between each measure in any of the ambient conditions. Moderate to strong correlations existed between Tc and TS in the cool (0.41, p<0.05) and hot & humid (0.57, p<0.05) conditions, however this was resultant in strong correlation during the earlier stages of rehabilitation (first five minutes), which were not evident in the latter stages. Linear regression revealed TS to be a poor predictor of Tc in all conditions (SEE=0.45-0.54°C) with a strong trend for TS to over-predict Tc (77-80% of the time). There is minimal evidence to suggest that ratings of thermal sensation, which represent a psychophysical assessment of an individual's thermal comfort, are an accurate reflection of the response of an individual's core temperature. Ratings of thermal sensation can be highly variable amongst individuals, likely moderated by local skin temperature. In account of these findings, fire managers require a more reliable source of information to guide decisions of heat stress management.


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OBJECTIVES: To examine the effects of sleep restriction on firefighters' physical task performance during simulated wildfire suppression. METHODS: Thirty-five firefighters were matched and randomly allocated to either a control condition (8-hour sleep opportunity, n = 18) or a sleep restricted condition (4-hour sleep opportunity, n = 17). Performance on physical work tasks was evaluated across three days. In addition, heart rate, core temperature, and worker activity were measured continuously. Rate of perceived and exertion and effort sensation were evaluated during the physical work periods. RESULTS: There were no differences between the sleep-restricted and control groups in firefighters' task performance, heart rate, core temperature, or perceptual responses during self-paced simulated firefighting work tasks. However, the sleep-restricted group were less active during periods of non-physical work compared to the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Under self-paced work conditions, 4 h of sleep restriction did not adversely affect firefighters' performance on physical work tasks. However, the sleep-restricted group were less physically active throughout the simulation. This may indicate that sleep-restricted participants adapted their behaviour to conserve effort during rest periods, to subsequently ensure they were able to maintain performance during the firefighter work tasks. This work contributes new knowledge to inform fire agencies of firefighters' operational capabilities when their sleep is restricted during multi-day wildfire events. The work also highlights the need for further research to explore how sleep restriction affects physical performance during tasks of varying duration, intensity, and complexity.


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PURPOSE: (i) To evaluate firefighters' pre- and post-shift hydration status across two shifts of wildfire suppression work in hot weather conditions. (ii) To document firefighters' fluid intake during and between two shifts of wildfire suppression work. (iii) To compare firefighters' heart rate, activity, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and core temperature across the two consecutive shifts of wildfire suppression work. METHOD: Across two consecutive days, 12 salaried firefighters' hydration status was measured immediately pre- and post-shift. Hydration status was also measured 2h post-shift. RPE was also measured immediately post-shift on each day. Work activity, heart rate, and core temperature were logged continuously during each shift. Ten firefighters also manually recorded their food and fluid intake before, during, and after both fireground shifts. RESULTS: Firefighters were not euhydrated at all measurement points on Day one (292±1 mOsm l(-1)) and euhydrated across these same time points on Day two (289±0.5 mOsm l(-1)). Fluid consumption following firefighters' shift on Day one (1792±1134ml) trended (P = 0.08) higher than Day two (1108±1142ml). Daily total fluid intake was not different (P = 0.27), averaging 6443±1941ml across both days. Core temperature and the time spent ≥ 70%HRmax were both elevated on Day one (when firefighters were not euhydrated). Firefighters' work activity profile was not different between both days of work. CONCLUSION: There was no difference in firefighters' pre- to post-shift hydration within each shift, suggesting ad libitum drinking was at least sufficient to maintain pre-shift hydration status, even in hot conditions. Firefighters' relative hypohydration on Day one (despite a slightly lower ambient temperature) may have been associated with elevations in core temperature, more time in the higher heart rate zones, and 'post-shift' RPE.


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PURPOSE: Physical work and sleep restriction are two stressors faced by firefighters, yet the combined impact these demands have on firefighters' acute stress responses is poorly understood. The purpose of the present study was to assess the effect firefighting work and sleep restriction have on firefighters' acute cortisol and heart rate (HR) responses during a simulated 3-day and 2-night fire-ground deployment. METHODS: Firefighters completed multiple days of simulated physical work separated by either an 8-h (control condition; n = 18) or 4-h sleep opportunity (sleep restriction condition; n = 17). Salivary cortisol was sampled every 2 h, and HR was measured continuously each day. RESULTS: On day 2 and day 3 of the deployment, the sleep restriction condition exhibited a significantly higher daily area under the curve cortisol level and an elevated cortisol profile in the afternoon and evening when compared with the control condition. Firefighters' HR decreased across the simulation, but there were no significant differences found between conditions. CONCLUSION: Findings highlight the protective role an 8-h sleep opportunity between shifts of firefighting work has on preserving normal cortisol levels when compared to a 4-h sleep opportunity which resulted in elevated afternoon and evening cortisol. Given the adverse health outcomes associated with chronically high cortisol, especially later in the day, future research should examine how prolonged exposure to firefighting work (including restricted sleep) affects firefighters' cortisol levels long term. Furthermore, monitoring cortisol levels post-deployment will determine the minimum recovery time firefighters need to safely return to the fire-ground.


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OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the effect restricted sleep has on wildland firefighters' acute cytokine levels during 3 days and 2 nights of simulated physical wildfire suppression work. METHODS: Firefighters completed multiple days of physical firefighting work separated by either an 8-h (Control condition; n = 18) or 4-h (Sleep restriction condition; n = 17) sleep opportunity each night. Blood samples were collected 4 times a day (i.e., 06:15, 11:30, 18:15, 21:30) from which plasma cytokine levels (IL-6, IL-8, IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-4, IL-10) were measured. RESULTS: The primary findings for cytokine levels revealed a fixed effect for condition that showed higher IL-8 levels among firefighters who received an 8-h sleep each night. An interaction effect demonstrated differing increases in IL-6 over successive days of work for the SR and CON conditions. Fixed effects for time indicated that IL-6 and IL-4 levels increased, while IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-8 levels decreased. There were no significant effects for IL-10 observed. CONCLUSION: Findings demonstrate increased IL-8 levels among firefighters who received an 8-h sleep when compared to those who had a restricted 4-h sleep. Firefighters' IL-6 levels increased in both conditions which may indicate that a 4-h sleep restriction duration and/or period (i.e., 2 nights) was not a significant enough stressor to affect this cytokine. Considering the immunomodulatory properties of IL-6 and IL-4 that inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines, the rise in IL-6 and IL-4, independent of increases in IL-1β and TNF-α, could indicate a non-damaging response to the stress of simulated physical firefighting work. However, given the link between chronically elevated cytokine levels and several diseases, further research is needed to determine if firefighters' IL-8 and IL-6 levels are elevated following repeated firefighting deployments across a fire season and over multiple fire seasons.


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 During bushfires, firefighters often work long shifts with little sleep. Grace’s research showed that although firefighters’ sleep is restricted, it does not adversely affect their ability to perform physical tasks. This contrasts the cognitive impairments associated with sleep loss and could prompt revision of fatigue management guidelines in physically-demanding occupations.