974 resultados para Fire prevention.


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"IB 13-1."


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The report provides information on services and policies that support a safe and secure environment, highlights programs that encourage members of the campus community to seek intervention and assistance for victimization, provides information on the alcohol and drug policies, outlines procedures for handling reports of sexual assault, and identifies campus representatives for reporting crimes and incidents that have impact on the college community. It is also about the College’s safety programs and security procedures and policies. In addition, you will discover our crime and fire safety statistics, who to call and what to do if you witness or are the victim of a crime, and tips to increase your safety awareness.


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Pesquisa realizada em um Hospital Universitário do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, através de uma abordagem quantitativa descritiva, com objetivo de identificar os fatores de riscos ambientais presentes nas situações de trabalho dos profissionais de enfermagem, a partir da observação sistemática dos locais de trabalho pelos profissionais de saúde e segurança do trabalho e dos chefes de enfermagem de clínicas de um Hospital Universitário, visando gerar resultados que possam trazer a discussão, os riscos ocupacionais aos quais estão expostos os profissionais de enfermagem, seu conhecimento a respeito destes riscos e sua atuação na identificação e ação sobre os mesmos. A população foi composta por treis profissionais de saúde e segurança no trabalho e trinta enfermeiros chefes de unidade de internação. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário fechado proposto no Guia de Avaliação de Riscos nos Locais de Trabalho de Boix e Vogel (1997) e adaptado para aplicação em estabelecimentos de saúde por Mauro (2001). Os dados foram analisados através do software Statical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 15.0. Os resultados evidenciaram que os fatores de riscos ocupacionais de maior relevância do estudo foram: os sistemas inadequados de prevenção de incêndio, de saída de emergência e dispositivos e instruções de segurança e manutenção preventiva inadequada, exposição à riscos biológicos, desenho arquitetônico dos locais de trabalho inadequado, distribuição inadequada de pessoal e conhecimento ergonômico insuficiente do trabalhador. Estes fatores atuam de forma direta ou indireta nos locais de trabalho, propiciando aos profissionais um ambiente desfavorável para a realização das atividades, o que pode comprometer a sua saúde e vida profissional. Concluiu-se que os profissionais enfermeiros no cargo de gestores, em sua maioria, não possuem a visibilidade sobre os fatores de riscos aos quais eles próprios e a equipe sob sua gerência encontram-se expostos, mesmo porque desempenham suas tarefas quase em sua integralidade com alto risco de acidentes e doenças. O estudo proporcionou melhor compreensão dos fatores de risco presentes no ambiente, suas repercussões no processo de trabalho de enfermagem e na saúde dos profissionais, da importância da inserção e comprometimento dos gestores sobre os fatores de risco no ambiente de trabalho e da ergonomia participativa na análise e prevenção de riscos ocupacionais.


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Dr Fuchen Jia, Dr Mayer Patel and Professor Edwin Galea explain how advanced fire models were used to unravel the secrets of Swissair Flight 111, which crashed off the coast of Canada in 1998.


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Professor Ed Galea CEng, MIFireE provides a welcome to Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2003, (PED 2003) to be held in London on 20-22 August 2003.


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H. Jiang, S. Gwynne, E.R. Galea, P. Lawrence, F. Jia and H. Ingason model a disco fire in Gothenburg, Sweden to compare the simulation’s predictions with actual events


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This paper presents several combined agricultural data disaggregation models in order to recover the farms' land uses, the livestock numbers and main crops' productions. The proposed approach estimates incomplete information at disaggregated level through entropy, using an information prior, and generating information for a combined calculation use of data in the estimation of other variables. The models were applied to the region of Algarve, to some rural pilot areas (Salir-Ameixial-Cachopo and Alcoutim) for livestock data, since this data in some Algarve's inland areas is needed for a European forest fire prevention project, and to the agrarian zones in a more complex framework. The results are promising. They were validated, in cross reference to real data, having proven to be valid and reliable. The total error was small and a considerable level of information heterogeneity was recovered. The total error was about 27,9% for the counties' land uses and 21% for the agrarian zones, and for the livestock it was also acceptable. The level of heterogeneity recovered was always higher than 50%, revealing some improvements regarding previous studies.


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El present projecte pretén oferir una solució constructiva de les instal•lacions de baixa tensió, mesures contra incendis i climatització d’un supermercat i també l’obtenció d’una qualificació energètica de l’establiment. Aquesta activitat terciari d’ús comercial és classifica com un comerç al detall amb predomini de productes alimentaris, begudes i una altra àmplia gamma de mercaderies (com són els cosmètics, detergents, productes de papereria, etc.)


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This dissertation explores the relationship between the urban rural interface, with particular reference to air pressure, wind patterns, and the build up of hot ash deposits adjacent to combustible surfaces, in order to devise strategies relating to the design of building forms.


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Burns are frequent accidents, and they are among the major causes of morbidity and mortality in our society. In Brazil, statistical data on such lesions are relatively scarce, and they are concentrated in a few treatment centers. Data on such accidents allow for specific care to be timely and properly taken in order to provide patients with a better prognosis, in addition to enabling the development of prevention programs as well as fire-prevention safety laws. To characterize the epidemiological profile of users at the Burn Treatment Unit of Bauru State Hospital. Collection of epidemiological data through the e-pront system and from charts of burned inpatients from April 2005 to April 2010. During the studied period, 906 hospitalizations of burned patients occurred, with an annual average of 181.2 individuals. Their mean age was 28.4 years, with a predominance of males. The mean hospitalization period was of 27.6 days, with a median of 16 days and a maximum of 216 days; 14.7% developed to death, with the highest mortality rate in the first two weeks of hospitalization. Second-degree burns were the most frequent; 36.8% of the patients burned less than 10% of their body surface, and there was a gradual frequency reduction when a larger burned surface was taken into account; the greater the affected areas, the higher the number of deaths; 91% resulted from thermal agents, 6% from electric and 2% from chemical agents; scalding was the major cause among all agents, followed by alcohol associated with fire and direct flame. The major area affected areas were the upper limbs. The study shows the need for educational and preventive measures, particularly for the young adult population, by means of educational programs and prevention campaigns


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When the white men first explored Nebraska, they found little erosion taking place. They found the hills, particularly in eastern Nebraska, covered with a dense growth of grass, underlain with a thick mat of decaying debris. The valleys were even more densely covered with the water-loving grasses and sedges. The soil underneath the prairie was black and spongy, the result of centuries of accumulating humus. The valleys bordering the streams were boggy and abounded with springs. Clear water flowed constantly in the streams. The upland draws in the more favorable parts of the state were heavily covered with the big bluestem and slough grass. Springs occurred in many of these. Soil erosion in Nebraska has not progressed to as great an extent as in states to the east and to the south. This is because of the comparatively lower rainfall in Nebraska, because the land has been farmed for fewer years in this state, and because some Nebraska soils are comparatively less erosive. This extension circular covers factors which influence erosion, erosion control practices, and storage of soil moisture.


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When the white men first explored Nebraska, they found little erosion taking place. They found the hills, particularly in eastern Nebraska, covered with a dense growth of grass, underlain with a thick mat of decaying debris. The valleys were even more densely covered with the water-loving grasses and sedges. The soil underneath and prairie was black and soggy, the result of centuries of accumulating humus. The valleys bordernig the streams were boggy and abounded with springs. Clear water flowed constantly in the streams. The upland draws in the more favorable parts of the state were heavily covered with the big bluesteam and slough grass. Springs occurred in many of these. Soil erosion in Nebraska has not progressed to as great an extent as in states to the east and to the south. This is because of the comparatively lower rainfall in Nebraska, because the land has been farmed for fewer years in this state, and because some Nebraska soils are comparatively less erosive. This extension circular covers the factors which influence erosion, erosion control practices and storage of soil moisture.


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Esta es la búsqueda de respuestas a esa duda constante: De dónde venimos y que hemos ido dejando por el camino. ¿Está todo claro en este recorrido o hemos actuado por acumulación de errores heredados de procesos anteriores? Es la investigación a través del descubrimiento de nuestro pasado, de nuestros orígenes en materia de seguridad de protección contra incendios, y sobre todo de ejecución de una arquitectura pensada para ser recorrida con mayor seguridad y ser evacuada en un tiempo razonable. El trabajo investiga, a nivel nacional, la evolución de la sociedad y sus efectos sobre la manera de interpretar el problema de la seguridad contra incendios en los edificios. El interés fundamentalmente es poner en claro todos aquellos aspectos que afectan a la evacuación de las personas. Para ello se han estudiado los principales hitos de actuación, las preocupaciones principales surgidas en cada momento y las soluciones adoptadas. Se ha comprobado su aplicación o su demora hasta que se ha producido el siguiente gran suceso que ha motivado una nueva revisión de los procedimientos de diseño y control. En primer lugar, tratando de relacionar los incendios fundamentales que han influido en nuestra forma de abordar el problema en distintos momentos de la historia de España. En segundo lugar, haciendo un recorrido sobre la figura del arquitecto y su participación en los medios de control y legislación sobre la manera de intervenir en el servicio de incendios o de resolver los edificios en materia de protección contra incendios o evacuación de sus ocupantes. En definitiva, descubriendo los escritos de algunos especialistas, fundamentales para entender nuestra manera de abordar el problema de la protección en los edificios, a lo largo de la historia. Se ha revisado como se han producido los siniestros más importantes en teatros y otros locales públicos .Analizando la forma en que los arquitectos implicados han tratado de resolver las posibles deficiencias ante el riesgo. Se trata de la tipología edificatoria donde, por primera vez, surge la preocupación por adoptar medidas y procedimientos de seguridad en caso de incendio. Resultan locales con una importante siniestralidad, donde se desarrolla la principal actividad lúdica del momento, y que por el importante número de personas que albergan, son fuente de preocupación entre el público y las autoridades. Otras cuestiones en un tema tan amplio, que quedan simplemente esbozadas en este trabajo de investigación, son los procedimientos de los sistemas de extinción, la estructura organizativa de la ciudad, las primeras sociedades de seguros de incendios, la aparición de patentes a partir del desarrollo industrial del siglo XIX. Todo ello, con el hilo conductor de la reglamentación que se ha ido elaborando al respecto. Al principio, sobre espectáculos públicos, acotando el punto de partida en la materia de nuestra reglamentación. Anticipando sistemas constructivos y datos dimensionales de la evacuación. Llegados a mediados del siglo XX, abordando otros usos. Haciendo seguimiento de la modernización de los procesos edificatorios y la reglamentación sectorial. Recabando información de las organizaciones profesionales que comienzan a reclamar una coordinación nacional de los sistemas preventivos y que desemboca en el Proyecto de Reglamento de prevención contra el fuego que nunca será publicado. Toda esta etapa, plagada de documentos de carácter voluntario u obligatorio, local y nacional, van definiendo los criterios dimensionales con los que debe resolverse los elementos arquitectónicos susceptibles de servir para la evacuación. Se trata de una etapa intensa en documentación, cambiante, sujeta a los criterios que establecen los países del entorno más avanzados en la materia. Las dos últimas décadas del siglo, acotadas por la transición política y varios siniestros de graves consecuencias, definen el proceso normativo que culmina con el código técnico de la edificación que hoy conocemos. Es un periodo de aprendizaje y asimilación del capítulo de la seguridad, donde los métodos son variados. Donde la intencionalidad última es trasladar un sistema prescriptivo a un modelo prestacional propio de la madurez en el análisis del tema y en las corrientes de los países del entorno. ABSTRACT This is the search for answers to that constant question: Where do we come from and what have left along the way? Has everything been clear on this journey, or have we acted as a result of a collection of errors learned from prior processes? This has been research through exploration of our past, of our origins regarding fire protection safety, and, above all, of the endeavour to utilize architecture aimed at offering the highest level of safety and evacuation in a reasonable time. This project has researched society’s change nationwide and its effects on how to interpret the difficulty of fire protection safety in buildings. Its focus has fundamentally been to clarify those aspects that affect the evacuation of people. To this end, the main milestones of action, the principal concerns that have arisen at each step, and the solutions taken have all been studied. A check was performed on their application; or their delay until a significant event occurred that prompted a new revision of design and control procedures. Firstly, this was done by attempting to connect the main fires that have influenced how we handle the problem at different times in Spain’s history. Secondly, an examination was done on the figure of the architect and his participation in the means of control and legislation on how to intercede in fire services, or how the architect finds solutions for buildings in terms of fire protection, or the evacuation of their occupants. In short, the written works of certain specialists, who are essential to our understanding of how to deal with the problem of protection in buildings, were explored throughout history. A study was done on the most significant disasters in theatres and other public establishments. This was done by analysing the way the architects involved have aimed to solve possible points liable to risk. It is a classification of building where, for the first time, the concern arose to adopt safety measures and procedures in the event of fires. Public establishments with considerable accident rates emerged. Here the main entertainment activities of the time took place. These spaces were a source of worry among the public and authorities due to the high number of persons they accommodated. Other issues in such an extensive subject, which are only outlined in this research study, are procedures in extinguishing systems, the organizational structure of cities, the first fire insurance companies, and the appearance of patents after the industrial development of the 19th century. All of these aspects are joined by the common thread of regulations that have been created in this matter. At the beginning, these regulations were for public shows, thus defining the starting point for our regulations. This was done in anticipation of structural systems and size data of evacuations. With the arrival of the mid-20th century, different uses were addressed. A modernization of construction processes and the industry regulations were tracked. Information was gathered from professional organizations that began to demand a national coordination of prevention systems which led to the Regulation Project on fire prevention which will never be published. Throughout this stage, replete with voluntary and compulsory documents, both on the local and national level, the dimensional criteria to be used in the resolution of architectural elements open to use in evacuation were defined. This was a period that was filled with documentation, change, and subject to the criteria that the most advanced countries in the field established in this regard. The final two decades of the century, marked by political transition and several accidents with grave consequences, defined the regulation process that culminated with the building technical code known today. This was a period of learning and understanding in the chapter of safety, where the methods are varied. In this chapter, the ultimate goal is to insert a prescriptive-based standard into a performance-based code suitable for cultivated experience in analysis of the subject and the tendencies in countries dealing with this field.


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Vol. 2 of a series of smoke detector public education manuals.