97 resultados para Figuration


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Schilder(1980) defines body image as the figuration of the body in your mind,ie to the way the body is presented to all. This image is constructed from six months in the infant´s contact with his mother by touch,thought the reflection of his image in the mirror and then in the contexto f activies préschool- didatic educator pedagogical proposes by consolidating the six years age. This importance of stdying the construction of body image pré-school educator is to prevent a failure in the process causing the child to change that image generating blocks and physical or psychological dificulties in the socialization process of children by promoting distortion of body image . O study objective is to understand how such package is the process of building up this image in preschool and your contribution to the process of learning of child. A methodology was a research review on amaig body, enconpassing the overall development of child and adult disorders the failure of the process constructive in this picture and a brief educational propose of how early childhood educator can work with this theme in pré-school. This study concluded that this topic is important to be working in the Field of education encompasses a degree in Physical Education and Pedagogy words.


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This essay intends to point to a possible dialogue between Mário de Andrade and Max Jacob, starting from the books of poems Paulicéia desvairada (1922) and O losango cáqui (1926), Le cornet à dés (1916) and Le laboratoire central (1921). Divided into three parts, it investigates the figuration in the two poets of the harlequin’s image, through which both would operate several displacements. One of them, the resumption of a romantic mythology of the artist, as in Baudelaire, and the conscience of his staging character. Other, through the opposition between reason and madness, legitimating a lyrical state as a way to a different perception of the reality. Lastly, through the proposition of an artistic sincerity, moral of work with deep impact over the literary language.


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This paper presents the development of a scientific investigation that addresses the Latin text using theoretical concepts of Linguistic, Literary Poetic and Semiotic in order to focus mainly on aspects of the figurative expression. Therefore, the meaning effects raised by the perception through the reading of text were taken as baseline data to investigate the particular arrangement of language, responsible for expression of these effects. As a result of this investigation, a metalinguistic discourse was produced about the basic features of the poetic figurativity of the text. This analysis and description had a focus mainly on the first step of the procedures of figurativization, i.e., the figuration of the discourse, when a theme is coated by semiotic figures. In addition, reference notes were drafted to accompany the selected translation of support, with general comments about the culture (mythology, history, geography, philosophy, etc.), necessary data to an more comprehensive understanding of the text (these notes shall provide basic subsidies for reading the original Latin)


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The opening sonnets of Jean de La Ceppède’s Théorèmes (1613, 1622) present an urban vs. rural conflict that mirrors the dialectic between sin and salvation running throughout the work. La Ceppède’s focus for this struggle becomes the stark contrast between Jerusalem and the garden at the Mount of Olives. Jerusalem, as the place where Christ is persecuted and eventually tried, represents a Babylon-like enclave of transgression, while the garden is portrayed as a site of purity and tranquil reflection. From a literary standpoint, La Ceppède’s emphasis on the clash between dystopian and utopian settings comprises part of his adaptation of the pastoral, where this particular struggle becomes one of the genre’s principal motifs. In general, the contrast between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives emerges as the point of departure for the poet’s figuration of nature, both human and physical. A human construct, the city of Jerusalem becomes a metaphor for human corruption. In view of humanity’s fall in paradise and the denaturation it symbolizes, the poet’s goal, on both intellectual and affective levels, is to place the reader/dévot in a position to lift her/himself from the depravity of human nature to the grace of divine nature.


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La tesi analizza la rappresentazione del maquis nella letteratura spagnola contemporanea, scritti in castigliano e pubblicati dal 1985 ad oggi. La tesi si articola in tre capitoli: il primo presenta a livello teorico la metodologia e gli strumenti utilizzati nello svolgimento dello studio, ed è incentrato innanzitutto sul tentativo di definizione e catalogazione dei romanzi del maquis, con una particolare attenzione alla temperie culturale cui fanno riferimento, presentando le estetiche postmoderna e neomoderna e cercando di situare le opere narrative facenti parte del corpus della ricerca. Nel secondo capitolo è centrale in cambio l’analisi dei rapporti tra Storia e narrazione: oltre a concentrarsi sul dibattito interdisciplinare circa le connessioni tra la Storia e la narrativa, si cerca di dar conto dei riflessi di questa riflessione contemporanea all’interno delle opere facenti parte del corpus. Infine, il terzo capitolo riguarda l’analisi delle metafore animali rintracciabili nei romanzi sul maquis scelti, concentrandosi principalmente su Luna de lobos di Julio Llamazares e La agonía del búho chico di Justo Vila. L’impiego di questa figura retorica, che si ritrova in vari gradi in tutte le opere narrative scelte, risponde tanto ad una ricerca di verosimiglianza quanto alle modalità di rappresentazione della realtà empirica, riportando l’attenzione sui metodi atti alla figurazione e all’accesso alla conoscenza del mondo. La proposta di un cambio di paradigma estetico e narrativo in atto nella letteratura contemporanea spagnola cerca quindi una conferma nel momento dell’analisi, attraverso la quale si cerca di indagare se, e in che misura, il romanzo sul maquis si inserisce nel dibattito letterario odierno, e quanto contribuisce allo sviluppo del medesimo paradigma estetico in via di definizione – quello neomoderno –, cercando una conferma che si basa sulla presenza di quelle tematiche segnalate nel momento della discussione teorica e metodologica come tratti basilari e strutturanti le opere.


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Certes la distinction tranchée entre tragédie et comédie n’a plus cours, par contre si vous essayez de ronger les frontières entre essai, roman, théâtre, poésie, quel tollé», écrivait Michel Butor. Pour représenter la multiplicité des frontières, il a pourtant été nécessaire dans ce livre de convoquer une écriture située elle-même aux frontières des genres, polyphonique, procédant par montage et rapprochements de voix éparses, selon un principe de choralité. En est né un genre hybride, le «théâtre-essai» (à la façon dont certains vidéastes pratiquent le «vidéo-essai»). En tant qu’essai, ce livre repose sur une base documentaire, qui a porté d’une part sur la figuration des frontières en littérature et dans les arts, d’autre part sur les approches des frontières par les différents domaines du savoir (géographie, droit, polémologie, sociologie, anthropologie et écologie). Mais c’est à travers le langage théâtral lui-même, tant sur le plan textuel que de l’organisation de l’espace, que les frontières sont ici interrogées : celles qui séparent le littéraire du non-littéraire, ou la salle de la scène.


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Als kulturelle Konstrukte aus Bild, Schrift und Zahl stellten Land- und Weltkarten der Frühen Neuzeit komplexe Repräsentationen der Realität und Ausdrucksformen des abstrakten Denkens dar, die stets in ihrer Wirkungsmacht auf die graphische Wiedergabe angewiesen waren. Das konzeptuelle Ineinandergreifen von kartographischer Abstraktion und künstlerischer Figuration war eine insbesondere den niederländischen Karten des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts eigene Form einer universellen »descriptio orbis«. Aufgrund dieser visuellen Interaktion unterschiedlicher Arten der Beschreibung waren die Topographien nicht nur weltabbildend, sondern vielmehr welterzeugend, indem sie zu Trägern, Vermittlern und Gegenständen zeitgebundener Wissensdiskurse wurden. Dieses Phänomen einer Ästhetik der Geographie, wie sie in den Werken der Amsterdamer Offizin Blaeu und ihres Umkreises zu beobachten ist, bildet erstmalig den Gegenstand einer kunsthistorischen Studie.


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Ground based radial velocity (RV) searches continue to discover exoplanets below Neptune mass down to Earth mass. Furthermore, ground- based transit searches now reach milli-mag photometric precision and can dis- cover Neptune size planets around bright stars. These searches will find exo- planets around bright stars anywhere on the sky, their discoveries representing prime science targets for further study due to the proximity and brightness of their host stars. A mission for transit follow-up measurements of these prime targets is currently lacking. The first ESA S-class mission CHEOPS (CHarac- terizing ExoPlanet Satellite) will fill this gap. It will perform ultra-high preci- sion photometric monitoring of selected bright target stars almost anywhere on the sky with sufficient precision to detect Earth-sized transits. It will be able to detect transits of RV-planets by photometric monitoring if the geometric con- figuration results in a transit. For Hot Neptunes discovered from the ground, CHEOPS will be able to improve the transit light curve so that the radius can be determined precisely. Because of the host stars’ brightness, high precision RV measurements will be possible for all targets. All planets observed in tran- sit by CHEOPS will be validated and their masses will be known. This will provide valuable data for constraining the mass-radius relation of exoplanets, especially in the Neptune-mass regime. During the planned 3.5 year mission, about 500 targets will be observed. There will be 20% of open time available for the community to develop new science programmes.


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El artículo analiza la filosofía del arte expuesta por Arthur Danto, procurando, conjuntamente, problematizar el principio de representación estética en su figuración dominante en la tradición del pensamiento filosófico sobre el arte. Comprendiendo las valiosas indagaciones de Danto respecto a las “vanguardias intratables" del siglo XX y a las metamorfosis en la estructuración del mundo del arte, así como respecto a la propia filosofía que indaga sobre las obras de arte, el presente análisis se interroga, a su vez, acerca de las consecuencias problemáticas que el pensamiento de Danto abre y que en muchos casos permanecen en discusión y disputa teórica.


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Seguendo le tracce della metologia proposta da Dilthey fino a Heidegger riguardo il concetto di Erlebnis (esperienza vissuta), si rintracciano i rapporti tra vita e opera nella produzione poetica di Giorgio Bassani che si prolunga dal 1939 al 1982. La ricerca evidenzia le conessioni della dinamica tra biografia e produzione artistica e il conseguente processo d’interiorizzazione psicologica che il percorso autobiografico dell’ autore rivela nella sua poesia. L’ impatto sul piano psicologico che lo spazio autorappresentato ha nello stesso autore, diventa nei testi proposti spazi di sperienze interiori [Fremont 1976]. Le proposte metodologiche sopra esposte possono essere un utile riferimento per un’analisi critica della poesia bassaniana, che può essere letta o come esperienza autonoma, con una sua originalità di stile e una sua ampiezza d’occasioni, o come laboratorio di temi e nodi che avranno uno sviluppo narrativo, una volta scorporati dalla matrice originaria e amplificati nella loro carica dinamica di proiezioni e figurazioni.


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Me interesa rastrear en La rambla paralela la tensión entre los procesos de autofiguración y el relato de la propia experiencia de lo íntimo, que en este caso, está asociada con la temporalidad del fantasma y el vacío de la muerte. La potencia de la fantasmagoría está dada por el modo de ser personaje, y por la voz narrativa que no se presenta única ni de forma clara sino en constante desplazamiento. El fantasma está estrechamente vinculado al recuerdo y al proceso melancólico que pone en juego esa particular voz narrativa


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El presente trabajo se propone analizar algunos tópicos recurrentes en la crítica de la obra de Augusto Monterroso, en especial aquél que caracteriza al autor como un renovador de la fábula clásica y un subversor de sus contenidos morales. Nos interesa revisar esos discursos críticos a la luz de una lectura de los aspectos axiológicos de La oveja negra y demás fábulas y de las estrategias autorales desplegadas en otros textos por el propio autor


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El trabajo constituye una primera aproximación a los manuscritos de Prisión perpetua, la consideración de un archivo futuro y las reflexiones teóricas y críticas que suscita ese acontecimiento. Se postula, además, la figuración de una poética basada en el mecanismo de la reescritura y en especial de un tipo de reescritura que denominamos aquí la 'estrategia de Menard', donde las recontextualizaciones de la propia obra conforman un sistema de rentabilidad narrativa que confluye en la multiplicación en el nivel de la producción textual


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En el cuento 'Los cuadros de una exposición' se pone en escena una figuración de la crisis del sujeto dada a partir de los efectos de la mirada en la que se distinguen el plano de lo real y el plano de lo imaginario. En el cruce entre esos dos planos, el sujeto se constituye como un no sujeto, con lo que se reconoce como un sujeto en imposibilidad de sujeción, quien al ver el lugar que ocupa, se ve viendo, se ve viéndose . Estos efectos de la mirada se instauran dentro del proyecto literario de Moreno-Durán que tiene como uno de sus motivos centrales la experiencia de lo extranjero