887 resultados para Festival, Kultur, Nation, Ghana, Performativität, Regionalismus
This paper has three principal objectives. First, to review the level of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Tanzania over the last two to three decades, and to place this into an economic context. This review includes some comparisons with the experience of Ghana and Uganda. Second, to discuss three major issues for the Tanzanian aid: the position of ODA as budget support, corruption, and alignment with the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. Third, to review the literature on the Tanzanian aid experience, including a range of official evaluation reports produced by the Tanzanian government and by the donor community. The conclusions, broadly, are that ODA has been at a sustained high level for most of the period reviewed, funding a significant amount of government development expenditure, and that economic growth has been strong, with poverty reduction ‘flat-lining’ in Tanzania but being significant in Ghana and Uganda. Experience with budget support in Tanzania has been mixed, corruption continues as a major concern, and improvements to public finance management have been difficult to achieve. In this context governance adjustments come slowly, requiring patience on the part of both recipient governments and the ODA donor community.
Al llarg dels últims 50 anys, el concepte de neocolonialisme ha adquirit una importància central en el debats entre polítics i activistes sobre les dependències que encara afecten les antigues colònies, tot i que no hi ha consens sobre el seu significat exacte ni s’han desenvolupat eines per mesurar-lo. Aquest working paper té l’objectiu d’operativitzar el concepte de neocolonialisme per permetre’ns mesurar, amb una certa precisió, si aquest fenomen és present en un país determinat. Per ferho, es planteja un marc conceptual que inclou indicadors sobre la influència econòmica, política, financera i militar de les antigues potències colonials sobre les excolònies, i que s’aplica a dos casos d’estudi: el Camerun i Ghana. L’article descobreix que França conserva amb el Camerun una relació neocolonial en tots els sentits, mentre que el Regne Unit només manté sobre Ghana una influència econòmica i un lleuger control financer. En termes més generals, aquest paper identifica una tendència cap a la multilateralització i la privatització de les relacions, i estima que el marc conceptual és raonablement funcional.
This is Ireland's third biennial State of the Nation's Children report. These reports,which provide the most up-to-date data on all indicators in the National Set of Child Well-Being Indicators, aim to:- chart the well-being of children in Ireland;- track changes over time;- benchmark progress in Ireland relative to other countries;- highlight policy issues arising. Download document here
The introduction of open educational resources (OER) in two Ghanaian universities through a grant-funded project was embraced with a lot of enthusiasm. The project started on a high note and the Colleges of Health Sciences in the two universities produced a significant number of e-learning materials as health OER in the first year. Growing challenges such as faculty time commitments, technological and infrastructural constraints, shortage of technical expertise, lack of awareness beyond the early adopters and non-existent system for OER dissemination and use set in. These exposed the fact that institutional policy and integration was essential to ensure effective implementation and sustainability of OER efforts. Informed by the early OER experiences at the two institutions, this paper proposes that institutions in low resource settings perhaps need to pay close attention to awareness creation, initiative structuring, funding, capacity building, systemization for scalability and motivation if OER sustainability is to be achieved.