871 resultados para Ferroelectric


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Glasses of various compositions in the system (100 - x)Li-2 B-4 O-7 - x (SrO-Bi2O3-Nb2O5) (10 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 60) (in molar ratio) were prepared via a conventional melt-quenching technique. The glassy nature of the as-quenched samples was established by Differential Thermal Analyses (DTA). X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and Transmission Electron Microscopic (TEM) studies confirmed the amorphous nature of the as quenched and crystallinity in the heat-treated samples. The formation of nanocrystalline layered perovskite SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) phase, in the samples heat-treated at temperatures higher than 550degreesC, through an intermediate fluorite phase in the LBO glass matrix was confirmed by both the XRD and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). The samples that were heat-treated at two different temperatures, 550 and 625degreesC, (containing 0.35 and 0.47 mum sized SBN crystallites) exhibited broad dielectric anomalies in the vicinity of ferroelectric to paraelectric transition temperature of the parent SBN ceramics. A downward shift in the phase transition temperature was observed with decreasing crystallite size of SBN. The observation of pyroelectric and ferroelectric properties for the present samples confirmed their polar nature.


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Glass nanocomposites in the system (100 - x)Li2B4O7-xSrBi(2)Ta(2)O(9) (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 22.5, in molar ratio) were fabricated via a melt quenching technique followed by controlled heat-treatment. The as-quenched samples were confirmed to be glassy and amorphous by differential thermal analysis (DTA) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) techniques, respectively. The phase formation and crystallite size of the heat-treated samples (glass nanocomposites) were monitored by XRD and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The relative permittivities (epsilon(tau)') of the glass nanocomposites for different compositions were found to lie in between that of the parent host glass (Li2B4O7) and strontium bismuth tantalate (SBT) ceramic in the frequency range 100 Hz-40 MHz at 300 K, whereas the dielectric loss (D) of the glass nanocomposite was less than that of both the parent phases. Among the various dielectric models employed to predict the effective relative permittivity of the glass nanocomposite, the one obtained using the Maxwell's model was in good agreement with the experimentally observed value. Impedance analysis was employed to rationalize the electrical behavior of the glasses and glass nanocomposites. The pyroelectric response of the glasses and glass nanocomposites was monitored as a function of temperature and the pyroelectric coefficient for glass and glass nanocomposite (x = 20) at 300 K were 27 muC m(-2) K-1 and 53 muC m(-2) K-1, respectively. The ferroelectric behavior of these glass nanocomposites was established by P vs. E hysteresis loop studies. The remnant polarization (P-r) of the glass nanocomposite increases with increase in SBT content. The coercive field (E-c) and P-r for the glass nanocomposite (x = 20) were 727 V cm(-1) and 0.527 muC cm(-2), respectively. The optical transmission properties of these glass nanocomposites were found to be composition dependent. The refractive index (n = 1.722), optical polarizability (am = 1.266 6 10 23 cm 3) and third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility (x(3) = 3.046 6 10(-21) cm(3)) of the glass nanocomposite (x = 15) were larger than those of the as-quenched glass. Second harmonic generation (SHG) was observed in transparent glass nanocomposites and the d(eff) for the glass nanocomposite (x = 20) was found to be 0.373 pm V-1.


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Partially grain-oriented (48%) ceramics of strontium bismuth tantalate (SrBi2Ta2O9) have been fabricated via conventional sintering. The grain-orientation factor of the ceramics was determined, as a function of both the sintering temperature and duration of sintering using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) techniques. Variations in microstructural features (from acircular to plate like morphology) as a function of sintering temperature of the pellets were monitored by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The dielectric constant and loss measurements as functions of both frequency and temperature have been carried out along the directions parallel and perpendicular to the pressing axis. The anisotropy (epsilon(rn)/epsilon(rp)) associated was found to be 2.21. The effective dielectric constant of the samples with varying porosity was predicted using different dielectric mixture formulae. The grain boundary and grain interior contributions to the dielectric properties were rationalized using the impedance spectroscopy. The pyroelectric coefficient for strontium bismuth tantalate ceramic was determined along the parallel and perpendicular directions to the pressing axis and found to be -23 muC/m(2)K and -71 muC/m(2)K, respectively at 300 K. The ferroelectric properties of these partially grain-oriented ceramics are superior in the direction perpendicular to the pressing axis to that in the parallel direction.


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Glycine Phosphite [NH3CH2COOH3PO3], abbreviated as GPI, undergoes a para-ferroelectric phase transition from the monoclinic symmetry P2(1)/a to P2(1) at 224.7 K. We report here a systematic study of the polarization switching process in this crystal. Growth of these crystals from aqueous solution has been undertaken employing both solvent evaporation and slow cooling methods. Hysteresis loop measurements along the polar b-axis yielded a spontaneous polarization value of 0.5 muC/cm(2) and a coercive field of 2.5 kV/cm. Conventional Merz technique was employed for polarization switching studies, wherein bipolar square pulses were applied to the sample to induce domain reversal. The transient switching pulse that flows through the sample on application of the field was recorded. The maximum switching time required for domain switching was measured both as a function of electric field and temperature. The experimentally observed switching curves were fitted with the model based on the Pulvari-Kuebler theory of nucleation and growth of domains. From the experimental data, the values of mobility and activation field were obtained. It was observed that switching process in this crystal is predominantly governed by the forward growth of domain walls in the high field region. However, switching process in GPI crystal was found to be slower than that found in other glycine based ferroelectric crystals.


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Glass nanocomposites in the system (1-x)Li2B4O7-xBi(2)WO(6) (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.35, in molar ratio) were fabricated by splat quenching technique. The as-quenched samples were X-ray amorphous. Differential Thermal Analyses (DTA) confirmed their glassy nature. The composites on heat-treatment at 720 K yielded monophasic crystalline bismuth tungstate in lithium borate glass matrix. The average size and the spherical nature of the dispersed crystallites were assessed via High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). The dielectric constants (epsilon(r)) of both the as-quenched and post heat-treated composites were found to increase with increase in x (bismuth tungstate content) at all the frequencies (100 Hz-40 MHz) in the temperature range 300 K-870 K. While the dielectric loss (D) decreased with increasing x. The pyroelectric coefficients of the as-quenched (consisting 20 nm sized crystallites) and 720 K heat-treated sample (x = 0.3) were determined as a function of temperature (300 K-873 K) and the values obtained at room temperature were 20 and 60 muC/m(2) K respectively. The as-quenched and heat-treated (720 K) glass nanocomposites exhibited ferroelectric (P Vs E) hysteresis loops. The remnant polarization and coercive field of the heat-treated glass nanocomposite at 300 K were respectively 2.597 muC/cm(2) and 543 V/cm. These glass nanocomposites were birefringent in the 300-873 K temperature range.


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The results of the studies on the effect of rare earth Nd doping on the phase formation behavior and electrical properties of sol-gel derived Pb-1.05(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3 (PZT) thin films are presented. The perovskite phase is obtained up to 5 at. % doping and beyond that pyrochlore phase was found to coexist with the perovskite phase in all the films. The transition temperature of undoped lead zirconate titanate (PZT) film was found to be reduced with Nd doping. The Nd doped films also exhibited typical relaxor-type behavior and a diffuse phase transition, similar to that observed in relaxor materials. The introduction of Nd into the PZT lattice probably introduces disorder in the B site of ABO(3) lattice, which causes the observed dielectric relaxation. Efforts were made to isolate the irreversible component contributions in low field dielectric and high field polarization switching behavior. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Single crystals of a recent ferroelectric material, glycine phosphite were grown from aqueous solution employing the techniques of slow cooling and controlled evaporation. Powder X-ray diffraction studies as well as thermal analysis were carried out on the grown crystals. The morphology of the crystal has been determined using contact and optical goniometry. The mechanical hardness of the crystal was evaluated by Vickers indentation method. Thickness dependence of the dielectric properties has been investigated and the results can be interpreted in terms of a surface layer of lower dielectric constant.


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A transmission electron microscopy study has been carried out on the domain structures of SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) ferroelectric ceramics which belong to the Aurivillius family of bismuth layered perovskite oxides. SBN is a potential candidate for Ferroelectric Random access memory (FeRAM) applications. The 90° ferroelectric domains and antiphase boundaries (APBs) were identified with dark field imaging techniques using different superlattice reflections which arise as a consequence of octahedral rotations and cationic shifts. The 90° domain walls are irregular in shape without any faceting. The antiphase boundaries are less dense compared to that of SrBi2Ta2O9(SBT). The electron microscopy observations are correlated with the polarization fatigue nature of the ceramic where the domain structures possibly play a key role in the fatigue- free behavior of the Aurivillius family of ferroelectric oxides.


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We have performed Rietveld refinements on neutron and synchrotron diffraction patterns and density functional calculations on various ferroelectric lead perovskites and on α lead monoxide (litharge). These structural data have allowed to shed some light on lead stereochemistry in these compounds. In particular, we discuss the changing in the lead behaviour between the paraelectric cubic phases and the low temperature anti or ferroelectric phases in Pb2CoWO6 and Pb2MgTeO6 (both incommensurate), in Pb2MgWO6 (antiferroelectric) and in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 (relaxor). The possible phase transition mechanisms are reviewed and the bonds are compared to those in the aperiodic structure of α-lead monoxide.


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Thin films of Bi2VO5.5 (BVO), a vanadium analog of the n = I member of the Aurivillius family, have been prepared by pulsed laser deposition. The BVO films grow along the [001] direction on LaNiO3(LNO) and YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) electrode buffer layers on LaA- IO3(LAO) substrates as obtained from X-ray diffraction studies. The microstructure of the films and of the interfaces within the film and between the film and the substrate were characterized using transmission electron microscopy. The in-plane epitaxial relationship of the rhombohedral LNO on perovskite LAO was [100] LNO // [100] LAO and [001] LNO // [001] LAO. High resolution lattice images showed a sharp interface between LNO and LAO. However, the LNO film is twinned with a preferred orientation along the growth direction. The BVO layer is single crystalline on both LNO/LAO and YBCO/LAO with the caxis parallel to the growth direction except for a thin layer of about 400 Å at the interface which is polycrystalline.


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Thin films of ferroelectric ABi2Ta2O9 bismuth-layered structure, where A = Ba, Sr and Ca, were prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si(100) substrates. The influence of substrate temperature between 500 to 750°C, and oxygen partial pressure 100-300 mTorr, on the structural and electrical properties of the films was investigated. The films deposited above 650°C substrate temperature showed complete Aurivillius layered structure. Films annealed at 750°C for 1h in oxygen atmosphere have exhibited better electrical properties. Atomic force microscopy study of surface topography shows that the films grown at lower temperature has smaller grains and higher surface roughness. This paper discusses the pronounced influence of A-site cation substitution on the structural and ferroelectric properties with the aid of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and electrical properties. The degradation of ferroelectric properties with Ba and Ca substitution at A-sites is attributed to the higher structural distortion caused by changing tolerance factor. A systematic proportionate variation of coercive field is attributed to electronegativity difference of A-site cations.


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YMnO3 thin films were grown on an n-type Si substrate by nebulized spray pyrolysis in the metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor (MFS) configuration. The capacitance-voltage characteristics of the film in the MFS structure exhibit hysteretic behaviour consistent with the polarization charge switching direction, with the memory window decreasing with increase in temperature. The density of the interface states decreases with increasing annealing temperature. Mapping of the silicon energy band gap with the interface states has been carried out. The leakage current, measured in the accumulation region, is lower in well-crystallized thin films and obeys a space-charge limited conduction mechanism. The calculated activation energy from the dc leakage current characteristics of the Arrhenius plot reveals that the activation energy corresponds to oxygen vacancy motion.


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The ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3 (PZT) and SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) thin films were prepared by laser ablation technique. The dielectric analysis, capacitance-voltage, ferroelectric hysteresis and DC leakage current measurements were performed before and after 50 MeV Li3+ ion irradiation. In both thin films, the irradiation produced some amount of amorphisation, considerable degradation in the ferroelectric properties and change in DC conductivity. On irradiation of these thin films, the phase transition temperature [T-c] of PZT decreased considerably from 628 to 508 K, while SBT exhibited a broad and diffuse transition with its T-c decreased from 573 to 548 K. The capacitance-voltage curve at 100 kHz showed a double butterfly loop with a large decrease in the capacitance and switching voltage. There was decrease in the ferroelectric hysteresis loop, remanant polarisation and coercive field. After annealing at a temperature of 673 K for 10 min while PZT partially regained the ferroelectric properties, while SBT did not. The DC conductivity measurements showed a shift in the onset of non-linear conduction region in irradiated SBT. The degradation of ferroelectric properties of the irradiated thin films is attributed to the irradiation-induced partial amorphization and the pinning of the ferroelectric domains by trapped charges. The regaining of properties after annealing is attributed to the thermal annealing of the defects generated during the irradiation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.