865 resultados para Febrile Illnesses
The frequent lack of microbiological documentation of infection by blood cultures (BC) has a major impact on clinical management of febrile neutropenic patients, especially in cases of unexplained persistent fever. We assessed the diagnostic utility of the LightCycler SeptiFast test (SF), a multiplex blood PCR, in febrile neutropenia. Blood for BC and SF was drawn at the onset of fever and every 3 days of persistent fever. SF results were compared with those of BC, clinical documentation of infection, and standard clinical, radiological, and microbiological criteria for invasive fungal infections (IFI). A total of 141 febrile neutropenic episodes in 86 hematological patients were studied: 44 (31%) microbiologically and 49 (35%) clinically documented infections and 48 (34%) unexplained fevers. At the onset of fever, BC detected 44 microorganisms in 35/141 (25%) episodes. Together, BC and SF identified 78 microorganisms in 61/141 (43%) episodes (P = 0.002 versus BC or SF alone): 12 were detected by BC and SF, 32 by BC only, and 34 by SF only. In 19/52 (37%) episodes of persistent fever, SF detected 28 new microorganisms (7 Gram-positive bacterial species, 15 Gram-negative bacterial species, and 6 fungal species [89% with a clinically documented site of infection]) whereas BC detected only 4 pathogens (8%) (P = 0.001). While BC did not detect fungi, SF identified 5 Candida spp. and 1 Aspergillus sp. in 5/7 probable or possible cases of IFI. Using SeptiFast PCR combined with blood cultures improves microbiological documentation in febrile neutropenia, especially when fever persists and invasive fungal infection is suspected. Technical adjustments may enhance the efficiency of this new molecular tool in this specific setting.
Background: Attention to patients with acute minor-illnesses requesting same-day consultation represents a major burden in primary care. The workload is assumed by general practitioners in many countries. A number of reports suggest that care to these patients may be provided, at in least in part, by nurses. However, there is scarce information with respect to the applicability of a program of nurse management for adult patients with acute minor-illnesses in large areas. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a program of nurse algorithm-guided care for adult patients with acute minor illnesses requesting same-day consultation in primary care in a largely populated area. Methods: A cross-sectional study of all adult patients seeking same day consultation for 16 common acute minor illnesses in a large geographical area with 284 primary care practices. Patients were included in a program of nurse case management using management algorithms. The main outcome measure was case resolution, defined as completion of the algorithm by the nurse without need of referral of the patient to the general practitioner. The secondary outcome measure was return to consultation, defined as requirement of new consultation for the same reason as the first one, in primary care within a 7-day period. Results: During a two year period (April 2009-April 2011), a total of 1,209,669 consultations were performed in the program. Case resolution was achieved by nurses in 62.5% of consultations. The remaining cases were referred to a general practitioner. Resolution rates ranged from 94.2% in patients with burns to 42% in patients with upper respiratory symptoms. None of the 16 minor illnesses had a resolution rate below 40%. Return to consultation during a 7-day period was low, only 4.6%. Conclusions: A program of algorithms-guided care is effective for nurse case management of patients requesting same day consultation for minor illnesses in primary care.
Background: Attention to patients with acute minor-illnesses requesting same-day consultation represents a major burden in primary care. The workload is assumed by general practitioners in many countries. A number of reports suggest that care to these patients may be provided, at in least in part, by nurses. However, there is scarce information with respect to the applicability of a program of nurse management for adult patients with acute minor-illnesses in large areas. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a program of nurse algorithm-guided care for adult patients with acute minor illnesses requesting same-day consultation in primary care in a largely populated area. Methods: A cross-sectional study of all adult patients seeking same day consultation for 16 common acute minor illnesses in a large geographical area with 284 primary care practices. Patients were included in a program of nurse case management using management algorithms. The main outcome measure was case resolution, defined as completion of the algorithm by the nurse without need of referral of the patient to the general practitioner. The secondary outcome measure was return to consultation, defined as requirement of new consultation for the same reason as the first one, in primary care within a 7-day period. Results: During a two year period (April 2009-April 2011), a total of 1,209,669 consultations were performed in the program. Case resolution was achieved by nurses in 62.5% of consultations. The remaining cases were referred to a general practitioner. Resolution rates ranged from 94.2% in patients with burns to 42% in patients with upper respiratory symptoms. None of the 16 minor illnesses had a resolution rate below 40%. Return to consultation during a 7-day period was low, only 4.6%. Conclusions: A program of algorithms-guided care is effective for nurse case management of patients requesting same day consultation for minor illnesses in primary care.
Background: Attention to patients with acute minor-illnesses requesting same-day consultation represents a major burden in primary care. The workload is assumed by general practitioners in many countries. A number of reports suggest that care to these patients may be provided, at in least in part, by nurses. However, there is scarce information with respect to the applicability of a program of nurse management for adult patients with acute minor-illnesses in large areas. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a program of nurse algorithm-guided care for adult patients with acute minor illnesses requesting same-day consultation in primary care in a largely populated area. Methods: A cross-sectional study of all adult patients seeking same day consultation for 16 common acute minor illnesses in a large geographical area with 284 primary care practices. Patients were included in a program of nurse case management using management algorithms. The main outcome measure was case resolution, defined as completion of the algorithm by the nurse without need of referral of the patient to the general practitioner. The secondary outcome measure was return to consultation, defined as requirement of new consultation for the same reason as the first one, in primary care within a 7-day period. Results: During a two year period (April 2009-April 2011), a total of 1,209,669 consultations were performed in the program. Case resolution was achieved by nurses in 62.5% of consultations. The remaining cases were referred to a general practitioner. Resolution rates ranged from 94.2% in patients with burns to 42% in patients with upper respiratory symptoms. None of the 16 minor illnesses had a resolution rate below 40%. Return to consultation during a 7-day period was low, only 4.6%. Conclusions: A program of algorithms-guided care is effective for nurse case management of patients requesting same day consultation for minor illnesses in primary care.
Gram-positive infections including those due to methicillin-resistant staphylococci occur frequently in febrile neutropaenic patients. Although few data support the empirical addition of a glycopeptide antibiotic to the standard broad-spectrum antibiotic regimen, these agents are often used in many cancer centres. The emergence of infections due to vancomycin- resistant enterococci and glycopeptide-intermediate staphylococci has led to recommendations for a restricted use of glycopeptide antibiotics. The objective of the present work was to formulate evidence-based guidelines for the empirical use of anti- Gram-positive antibiotics in neutropaenic patients with acute leukaemia.
Leukemiaa sairastavien lasten kuumeiset infektiot, erityisesti respiratoriset virusinfektiot Tausta: Hengitysteiden virusinfektiot ovat lasten tavallisimpia sairauksia. Infektiota aiheuttava virus voidaan uusilla menetelmillä löytää lähes kaikissa tapauksissa. Leukemiaa sairastavilla lapsilla on perustaudin ja leukemian hoitojen takia tavallista suurempi infektioalttius, ja kuumeilu on tavallista leukemiahoidon aikana. Suurin osa syöpähoidon aikaisten kuumejaksojen syistä jää kuitenkin selvittämättä. Tavoitteet: Prospektiivisen 5 vuotta kestäneen monikeskustutkimuksen tavoitteena oli etsiä uusimmilla mikrobiologisilla menetelmillä leukemiaa sairastavien lasten kuumeen syy. Tätä varten tutkittiin 16 virusta virusviljelyllä, antigeeniosoituksella ja nukleiinihappo-osoituksella. Näytteitä otettiin nenästä, ulosteesta, virtsasta ja verestä. Lisäksi tutkittiin MxA-proteiinin kykyä osoittaa virusinfektio syöpälapsella. Tulokset: Tutkimuksen aikana analysoitiin 138 kuumejaksoa 51 leukemialapsella. Kokonaisseuranta-aika oli 1.5 vuotta/lapsi. Kuumejaksojen ilmaantuvuus oli 2.1 jaksoa potilasta kohden suhteutettuna vuoden riskiaikaan. Hengistysteiden virusinfektio voitiin osoittaa 82 kuumejaksossa (59%). Kaksi tai useampi virus löydettiin 12 %:ssa kuumejaksoista. Tavallisimmat virukset olivat rhinovirus (22 %), respiratory syncytial virus eli RS-virus (11 %), human herpes virus 6 (7 %), human bocavirus (5 %), sytomegalovirus (5 %), parainfluenssavirukset (5 %) ja influenssa A -virus (4 %). Kahdelle potilaalle kehittyi pneumonia, muilla oireet olivat lievät. Veriviljely oli positiivinen 19 kuumejaksossa (14 %), ja puolessa tapauksista löydettiin samanaikaisesti respiratorinen virus. MxA proteini ilmeni veren lymfosyyteissä useimmilla virusinfektioon sairastuneilla syöpälapsilla. Päätelmät: Kuumeiset respiratoriset virusinfektiot ovat tavallisia leukemiaa sairastavilla lapsilla. Infektion oireet ovat tavallisesti vähäiset, mutta pienelle osalle voi kehittyä veriviljelypositiivinen sepsis tai pneumonia. Kuumeen syy jäi selvittämättä vain harvoissa tapauksissa.
Seizures associated with fever are a common pediatric problem, affecting about 2-7 % of children between 3 months and 5 years of age. Differentiation of febrile seizures from acute symptomatic seizures secondary to central nervous system infections or seizures associated with fever in children with epilepsy is essential to provide appropriate treatment and follow-up care. Here, we tested the hypothesis that children who exhibit simple febrile seizures during early childhood, but do not develop epileptic seizures later in life, might preferentially carry the ApoE2 allele of the gene coding for the apolipoprotein E. We did not find any differences in the distribution of ApoE alleles or genotypes between individuals who exhibited simple febrile seizures (n = 93) and age-matched, typically developing subjects (n = 80). We found that the observed allele and genotype frequencies did not deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which suggests that the frequencies of ApoE alleles and genotypes are stable in the Swiss population from which our samples were derived. Across both groups of subjects (n = 173), we found an ApoE2 allele frequency of 0.064, an ApoE3 frequency of 0.829 and an ApoE4 frequency of 0.107. Our findings are consistent with previous reports of the distribution of ApoE polymorphism for European subjects free of any neurological disorders, and show that the different alleles of the gene coding for the apolipoprotein E are not associated with the occurrence of simple febrile seizures.
BACKGROUND: Fever is a frequent cause of medical consultation among returning travelers. The objectives of this study were to assess whether physicians were able to identify patients with influenza and whether the use of an influenza rapid diagnostic test (iRDT) modified the clinical management of such patients. METHODS: Randomized controlled trial conducted at 2 different Swiss hospitals between December 2008 and November 2012. Inclusion criteria were 1) age ≥18 years, 2) documented fever of ≥38 °C or anamnestic fever + cough or sore throat within the last 4 days, 3) illness occurring within 14 days after returning from a trip abroad, 4) no definitive alternative diagnosis. Physicians were asked to estimate the likelihood of influenza on clinical grounds, and a single nasopharyngeal swab was taken. Thereafter patients were randomized into 2 groups: i) patients with iRDT (BD Directigen A + B) performed on the nasopharyngeal swab, ii) patients receiving usual care. A quantitative PCR to detect influenza was done on all nasopharyngeal swabs after the recruitment period. Clinical management was evaluated on the basis of cost of medical care, number of X-rays requested and prescription of anti-infective drugs. RESULTS: 100 eligible patients were referred to the investigators. 93 patients had a naso-pharyngeal swab for a PCR and 28 (30%) swabs were positive for influenza. The median probability of influenza estimated by the physician was 70% for the PCR positive cases and 30% for the PCR negative cases (p < 0.001). The sensitivity of the iRDT was only 20%, and specificity 100%. Mean medical cost for the patients managed with iRDT and without iRDT were USD 581 (95%CI 454-707) and USD 661 (95%CI 522-800) respectively. 14/60 (23%) of the patients managed with iRDT were prescribed antibiotics versus 13/33 (39%) in the control group (p = 0.15). No patient received antiviral treatment. CONCLUSION: Influenza was a frequent cause of fever among these febrile returning travelers. Based on their clinical assessment, physicians had a higher level of suspicion for influenza in PCR positive cases. The iRDT used in this study showed a disappointingly low sensitivity and can therefore not be recommended for the management of these patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00821626.
Mental illnesses have long been perceived as the exclusive consequence of abnormalities in neuronal functioning. Until recently, the role of glial cells in the pathophysiology of mental diseases has largely been overlooked. However recently, multiple lines of evidence suggest more diverse and significant functions of glia with behavior-altering effects. The newly ascribed roles of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and microglia have led to their examination in brain pathology and mental illnesses. Indeed, abnormalities in glial function, structure and density have been observed in postmortem brain studies of subjects diagnosed with mental illnesses. In this review, we discuss the newly identified functions of glia and highlight the findings of glial abnormalities in psychiatric disorders. We discuss these preclinical and clinical findings implicating the involvement of glial cells in mental illnesses with the perspective that these cells may represent a new target for treatment.
The distribution of psychiatric disorders and of chronic medical illnesses was studied in a population-based sample to determine whether these conditions co-occur in the same individual. A representative sample (N = 1464) of adults living in households was assessed by the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, version 1.1, as part of the São Paulo Epidemiological Catchment Area Study. The association of sociodemographic variables and psychological symptoms regarding medical illness multimorbidity (8 lifetime somatic conditions) and psychiatric multimorbidity (15 lifetime psychiatric disorders) was determined by negative binomial regression. A total of 1785 chronic medical conditions and 1163 psychiatric conditions were detected in the population concentrated in 34.1 and 20% of respondents, respectively. Subjects reporting more psychiatric disorders had more medical illnesses. Characteristics such as age range (35-59 years, risk ratio (RR) = 1.3, and more than 60 years, RR = 1.7), being separated (RR = 1.2), being a student (protective effect, RR = 0.7), being of low educational level (RR = 1.2) and being psychologically distressed (RR = 1.1) were determinants of medical conditions. Age (35-59 years, RR = 1.2, and more than 60 years, RR = 0.5), being retired (RR = 2.5), and being psychologically distressed (females, RR = 1.5, and males, RR = 1.4) were determinants of psychiatric disorders. In conclusion, psychological distress and some sociodemographic features such as age, marital status, occupational status, educational level, and gender are associated with psychiatric and medical multimorbidity. The distribution of both types of morbidity suggests the need of integrating mental health into general clinical settings.
Health education is essential to the successful treatment of individuals with chronic illnesses. Self-management is a philosophical model of health education that has been shown to be effective in teaching individuals with chronic arthritis to manage their illness as part of their daily lives. Despite the proven results of arthritis self-management programs, some limitations of this form of health education were apparent in the literature. The present study attempted to address the problems of the self-management approach of health education such as reasons for lack of participation in programs and poor course outcomes. In addition, the study served to investigate the relationship between course outcomes and participation in programs with the theory upon which arthritis self-management programs are based, known as self-efficacy theory. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, data collection, and analysis, a deeper understanding of the self-management phenomenon in the treatment of chronic arthritic conditions was established. Findings of the study confirm findings of previous studies that suggest that arthritis self-management programs result in enhanced levels of self-efficacy and are effective in teaching individuals with arthritis to self-manage their health and health care. Findings of the study suggest that there are many factors that determine the choice of participants to participate in programs and the outcomes for the individuals who do choose to participate in programs. Some of the major determinants of enrollment and outcomes of programs include: the participant's personality, beliefs, attitudes and abilities, and the degree of emotional acceptance of the illness. Other determinants of course enrollment and outcomes included class size and length of time, timing of participation, and ongoing support after the program. The results of the study are consistent with the self-management literature and confirm the relationship between the underlying philosophies of adult education and Freire's model of education and self-management.
HHV-6 is a ubiquitous human herpesvirus. Most individuals become infected at the age of 2 years. Primary infection by the virus causes a self-limiting febrile illness called exanthem subitum or roseola. In adults, primary infection may cause mononucleosis-like illnesses. The infection usually remains latent in healthy individuals, but often reactivates in immunocompromised individuals, for example, transplant patients and AIDS patients. The virus has also been associated with cancers and lymphoproliferative disorders. The virus encodes two proteins that interact with p53. However, little is known concerning the impact of the virus on cell cycle progression in human cells. The investigations reported in the thesis were focused on this issue. We show here that that HHV-6 infection delays the cell cycle progression in human T cell line HSB-2, as well as in primary human T cells and causes their accumulation in S and G2/M phase. By degrading the viral DNA in the virus-infected cells, we show that the infected cells accumulate in the G2/M and not in the S phase. We observed an increase in the kinase activity of cdc2 in virus-infected cells despite lower levels of its catalytic partners, cyclin A and cyclin B. We show here that the viral early antigen p41 associates with, and increases the kinase activity of, CDK1. Our studies have shown that there is a drastic reduction of p21 protein, despite the virus-induced stabilization and activation of p53 suggesting that p53 may be transcriptionally inactivated in the virus-infected cells. This decrease of p21 in infected cells was partially restored by proteasome inhibitors. These results suggest that HHV-6 causes perturbations in the normal progression of cell cycle in human T cells. Autophagy is a physiological cell process during which old cellular constituents and long-lived proteins in cells are degraded. This process is regulated in a cell cycle-dependent manner. We show here that infection with HHV-6 induces autophagy in HSB-2 cells. This was shown by the induction of LC-3 II as well as by the appearance of autophagic vacuoles in the virus-infected cells. However, we found that the virus inhibits fusion between autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes formed in infected cells, thus evading the autophagic response of infected host cells. Finally we tried to investigate replication of the virus in human cells in the absence of P53; a tumor suppressor gene which is also known as "the guardian of the genome ". During these investigations, we found that that inhibition of p53 gene expression mediated by siRNA as well as its inhibition by pharmacological inhibitors leads to massive cell death in human T cell line HSB-2 that carries a wild-type p53. We show that this death also occurs in another cell line CEM, which carries a transcriptionally mutated p53. Interestingly, the cell death could be prevented by pharmacological inhibitors of autophagy and necroptosis. Taken together, our results provide important novel insights concerning the impact of HHV-6 on cell cycle regulation and autophagy as well as of basal level p53 in cell survival.