992 resultados para Fault ride through


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Photovoltaic (PV) solar power generation is proven to be effective and sustainable but is currently hampered by relatively high costs and low conversion efficiency. This paper addresses both issues by presenting a low-cost and efficient temperature distribution analysis for identifying PV module mismatch faults by thermography. Mismatch faults reduce the power output and cause potential damage to PV cells. This paper first defines three fault categories in terms of fault levels, which lead to different terminal characteristics of the PV modules. The investigation of three faults is also conducted analytically and experimentally, and maintenance suggestions are also provided for different fault types. The proposed methodology is developed to combine the electrical and thermal characteristics of PV cells subjected to different fault mechanisms through simulation and experimental tests. Furthermore, the fault diagnosis method can be incorporated into the maximum power point tracking schemes to shift the operating point of the PV string. The developed technology has improved over the existing ones in locating the faulty cell by a thermal camera, providing a remedial measure, and maximizing the power output under faulty conditions.


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Componentised systems, in particular those with fault confinement through address spaces, are currently emerging as a hot topic in embedded systems research. This paper extends the unified rate-based scheduling framework RBED in several dimensions to fit the requirements of such systems: we have removed the requirement that the deadline of a task is equal to its period. The introduction of inter-process communication reflects the need to communicate. Additionally we also discuss server tasks, budget replenishment and the low level details needed to deal with the physical reality of systems. While a number of these issues have been studied in previous work in isolation, we focus on the problems discovered and lessons learned when integrating solutions. We report on our experiences implementing the proposed mechanisms in a commercial grade OKL4 microkernel as well as an application with soft real-time and best-effort tasks on top of it.


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The purpose of the present study is to understand the surface deformation associated with the Killari and Wadakkancheri earthquake and to examine if there are any evidence of occurrence of paleo-earthquakes in this region or its vicinity. The present study is an attempt to characterize active tectonic structures from two areas within penisular India: the sites of 1993 Killari (Latur) (Mb 6.3) and 1994 Wadakkancheri (M 4.3) earthquakes in the Precambrian shield. The main objectives of the study are to isolate structures related to active tectonism, constraint the style of near – surface deformation and identify previous events by interpreting the deformational features. The study indicates the existence of a NW-SE trending pre-existing fault, passing through the epicentral area of the 1993 Killari earthquake. It presents the salient features obtained during the field investigations in and around the rupture zone. Details of mapping of the scrap, trenching, and shallow drilling are discussed here. It presents the geologic and tectonic settings of the Wadakkancheri area and the local seismicity; interpretation of remote sensing data and a detailed geomorphic analysis. Quantitative geomorphic analysis around the epicenter of the Wadakkancheri earthquake indicates suitable neotectonic rejuvenation. Evaluation of remote sensing data shows distinct linear features including the presence of potentially active WNW-ESE trending fault within the Precambrian shear zone. The study concludes that the earthquakes in the shield area are mostly associated with discrete faults that are developed in association with the preexisting shear zones or structurally weak zones


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Cowboy songs: A ride through the lone prairie of the masculine. An ironic wrangle with country and western songs with their rigid take on masculinity - an excerpt from a longer work


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Este trabalho trata da técnica de validação experimental de protocolos de comunicação confiável, através da injeção de falhas de comunicação. São estudadas inicialmente as técnicas de injeção de falhas, por hardware, software e simulação, e então são aprofundados os conceitos de injeção de falhas de comunicação, modelos de falha e especificação de experimentos de injeção de falhas. Em um segundo momento, são estudadas as formas de implementação de injetores de falhas em software, em suas duas formas mais comuns: no nível da aplicação e no nível do sistema operacional. São comentados os impactos da implementação de injetores no código da aplicação, por processos concorrentes à aplicação, em código utilizado pela aplicação e no meta-nível. Por fim, são estudados também que influências sofre a implementação de um injetor de falhas em um sistema operacional, e mais especificamente a de injetores de falhas de comunicação. O objetivo específico deste trabalho é implementar um injetor de falhas de comunicação bastante abrangente e flexível, situado dentro do núcleo do Sistema Operacional Linux. Para viabilizar esta implementação foi estudada também a arquitetura do Sistema Operacional Linux, sua decomposição em subsistemas e a interação entre estes. Foram estudadas também as várias técnicas de programação e mecanismos que o Sistema Operacional Linux fornece aos seus subsistemas. Estando completas a revisão bibliográfica a respeito de injeção de falhas e o estudo do código do Sistema Operacional Linux, são apresentadas a proposta e a implementação da ferramenta ComFIRM—Communication Fault Injection through Operating System Resource Modification, suas características e sua inserção dentro do núcleo do Sistema Operacional Linux. Finalizando este trabalho, são apresentados uma pequena série de testes de funcionamento e experimentos realizados com a ferramenta ComFIRM, visando demonstrar a correção de seu funcionamento, o cumprimento de seus objetivos e também sua praticidade e flexibilidade de uso. São apresentadas as conclusões deste trabalho, propostas de melhorias à ferramenta apresentada, bem como possibilidades de trabalhos futuros.


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The distribution of short-circuit current is investigated by means of two methods, one direct and the other analytic; both methods consider uniform probability distribution of line faults. In the direct method, the procedure consists of calculating fault currents at equidistant points along the line, starting from one of the end points and considering the other end open. The magnitude of the current is classified according to Brazilian standards (regulation NBR-7118). The analytic method assumes that the distribution of short-circuit currents through the busbar and the distribution of the line length connected to it are known, as well as the independence of values. The method is designed to determine the probability that fault currents through a line will surpass the pre-established magnitude, thus generating frequency distribution curves of short-circuit currents along the lines.


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No presente trabalho é avaliada uma metodologia de injeção de potência reativa em redes elétricas durante afundamentos de tensão provocados por curto-circuito, em parques eólicos interligados, adotada em alguns países com maturidade tecnológica na produção de energia eólica. Nos estudos desenvolvidos, foi utilizado o aerogerador síncrono a imã permanente com conversor pleno em função da grande controlabilidade do conversor interligado à rede e por possuir elevada capacidade de fornecimento de potência reativa, comparada a outras tecnologias de aerogeradores. No Brasil, os requisitos de interligação de parques eólicos as redes elétricas, definido pelo Operador Nacional do Sistema, ainda não estipula a necessidade de adoção de tal metodologia durante defeitos na rede elétrica, apenas especifica a curva de capacidade de afundamentos de tensão que os aerogeradores devem seguir para evitar o desligamento frente a afundamentos de tensão. Os critérios de proteção do aerogerador síncrono são avaliados a partir de simulações de curto-circuito em uma rede de teste adotando-se os requisitos do Brasil, sem injeção de potência reativa, sendo comparados com o de outros países que adotam curvas de injeção de potência reativa.


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O que seria necessário para que se pudesse dizer que uma partida de futebol semelha de alguma forma a um espetáculo teatral, poético, emocional? O artigo propõe um passeio livre pela história dos diferentes tipos de teatro e pelas mudanças sofridas ao longo dos anos. A autora lembra que existe, da metade do século passado para cá, uma nítida divisão que colocou em campos opostos o teatro dramático e o teatro épico, o drama rigoroso contra o texto quase absolutamente livre, Aristóteles contra Brecht. E volta a apresentar as razões pela qual se pode afirmar que existem certos momentos no futebol que o aproximam ainda mais do espetáculo teatral, da dança, da comédia e do drama


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By the end of the 19th century, geodesy has contributed greatly to the knowledge of regional tectonics and fault movement through its ability to measure, at sub-centimetre precision, the relative positions of points on the Earth’s surface. Nowadays the systematic analysis of geodetic measurements in active deformation regions represents therefore one of the most important tool in the study of crustal deformation over different temporal scales [e.g., Dixon, 1991]. This dissertation focuses on motion that can be observed geodetically with classical terrestrial position measurements, particularly triangulation and leveling observations. The work is divided into two sections: an overview of the principal methods for estimating longterm accumulation of elastic strain from terrestrial observations, and an overview of the principal methods for rigorously inverting surface coseismic deformation fields for source geometry with tests on synthetic deformation data sets and applications in two different tectonically active regions of the Italian peninsula. For the long-term accumulation of elastic strain analysis, triangulation data were available from a geodetic network across the Messina Straits area (southern Italy) for the period 1971 – 2004. From resulting angle changes, the shear strain rates as well as the orientation of the principal axes of the strain rate tensor were estimated. The computed average annual shear strain rates for the time period between 1971 and 2004 are γ˙1 = 113.89 ± 54.96 nanostrain/yr and γ˙2 = -23.38 ± 48.71 nanostrain/yr, with the orientation of the most extensional strain (θ) at N140.80° ± 19.55°E. These results suggests that the first-order strain field of the area is dominated by extension in the direction perpendicular to the trend of the Straits, sustaining the hypothesis that the Messina Straits could represents an area of active concentrated deformation. The orientation of θ agree well with GPS deformation estimates, calculated over shorter time interval, and is consistent with previous preliminary GPS estimates [D’Agostino and Selvaggi, 2004; Serpelloni et al., 2005] and is also similar to the direction of the 1908 (MW 7.1) earthquake slip vector [e.g., Boschi et al., 1989; Valensise and Pantosti, 1992; Pino et al., 2000; Amoruso et al., 2002]. Thus, the measured strain rate can be attributed to an active extension across the Messina Straits, corresponding to a relative extension rate ranges between < 1mm/yr and up to ~ 2 mm/yr, within the portion of the Straits covered by the triangulation network. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the Messina Straits is an important active geological boundary between the Sicilian and the Calabrian domains and support previous preliminary GPS-based estimates of strain rates across the Straits, which show that the active deformation is distributed along a greater area. Finally, the preliminary dislocation modelling has shown that, although the current geodetic measurements do not resolve the geometry of the dislocation models, they solve well the rate of interseismic strain accumulation across the Messina Straits and give useful information about the locking the depth of the shear zone. Geodetic data, triangulation and leveling measurements of the 1976 Friuli (NE Italy) earthquake, were available for the inversion of coseismic source parameters. From observed angle and elevation changes, the source parameters of the seismic sequence were estimated in a join inversion using an algorithm called “simulated annealing”. The computed optimal uniform–slip elastic dislocation model consists of a 30° north-dipping shallow (depth 1.30 ± 0.75 km) fault plane with azimuth of 273° and accommodating reverse dextral slip of about 1.8 m. The hypocentral location and inferred fault plane of the main event are then consistent with the activation of Periadriatic overthrusts or other related thrust faults as the Gemona- Kobarid thrust. Then, the geodetic data set exclude the source solution of Aoudia et al. [2000], Peruzza et al. [2002] and Poli et al. [2002] that considers the Susans-Tricesimo thrust as the May 6 event. The best-fit source model is then more consistent with the solution of Pondrelli et al. [2001], which proposed the activation of other thrusts located more to the North of the Susans-Tricesimo thrust, probably on Periadriatic related thrust faults. The main characteristics of the leveling and triangulation data are then fit by the optimal single fault model, that is, these results are consistent with a first-order rupture process characterized by a progressive rupture of a single fault system. A single uniform-slip fault model seems to not reproduce some minor complexities of the observations, and some residual signals that are not modelled by the optimal single-fault plane solution, were observed. In fact, the single fault plane model does not reproduce some minor features of the leveling deformation field along the route 36 south of the main uplift peak, that is, a second fault seems to be necessary to reproduce these residual signals. By assuming movements along some mapped thrust located southward of the inferred optimal single-plane solution, the residual signal has been successfully modelled. In summary, the inversion results presented in this Thesis, are consistent with the activation of some Periadriatic related thrust for the main events of the sequence, and with a minor importance of the southward thrust systems of the middle Tagliamento plain.


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The increasing penetration of wind energy into power systems has pushed grid operators to set new requirements for this kind of generating plants in order to keep acceptable and reliable operation of the system. In addition to the low voltage ride through capability, wind farms are required to participate in voltage support, stability enhancement and power quality improvement. This paper presents a solution for wind farms with fixed-speed generators based on the use of STATCOM with braking resistor and additional series impedances, with an adequate control strategy. The focus is put on guaranteeing the grid code compliance when the wind farm faces an extensive series of grid disturbances.


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Photovoltaic (PV) solar power generation is proven to be effective and sustainable but is currently hampered by relatively high costs and low conversion efficiency. This paper addresses both issues by presenting a low-cost and efficient temperature distribution analysis for identifying PV module mismatch faults by thermography. Mismatch faults reduce the power output and cause potential damage to PV cells. This paper first defines three fault categories in terms of fault levels, which lead to different terminal characteristics of the PV modules. The investigation of three faults is also conducted analytically and experimentally, and maintenance suggestions are also provided for different fault types. The proposed methodology is developed to combine the electrical and thermal characteristics of PV cells subjected to different fault mechanisms through simulation and experimental tests. Furthermore, the fault diagnosis method can be incorporated into the maximum power point tracking schemes to shift the operating point of the PV string. The developed technology has improved over the existing ones in locating the faulty cell by a thermal camera, providing a remedial measure, and maximizing the power output under faulty conditions.


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The canals and lagoons dug by George Boeckling in 1905 were put to a new use in 1964 when the Western Cruise opened at Cedar Point. Guests were taken on a boat ride through the early history of Ohio, complete with animated Indians, snarling cougars, and frontier settlers. The ride operated at the park through the 2011 season. The area was then used for the Dinosaurs Alive attraction.


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A novel pitch control design method is proposed for the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine (WT) using linear quadratic regulator (LQR). A seven-order model represents the DFIG WT which is linearized by truncated Taylor series expansion. A systematic approach is adopted to determine the weighting matrices in LQR design for the optimal solution. Simulations have been carried out to compare the performance of the proposed LQR pitch control method against a PI pitch control for small and large disturbances. It is shown that the proposed control method enhances low-voltage ride-through capability and improves system damping under large disturbances.


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This paper investigates the application of neural networks to the recognition of lubrication defects typical to an industrial cold forging process employed by fastener manufacturers. The accurate recognition of lubrication errors, such as coating not being applied properly or damaged during material handling, is very important to the quality of the final product in fastener manufacture. Lubrication errors lead to increased forging loads and premature tool failure, as well as to increased defect sorting and the re-processing of the coated rod. The lubrication coating provides a barrier between the work material and the die during the drawing operation; moreover it needs be sufficiently robust to remain on the wire during the transfer to the cold forging operation. In the cold forging operation the wire undergoes multi-stage deformation without the application of any additional lubrication. Four types of lubrication errors, typical to production of fasteners, were introduced to a set of sample rods, which were subsequently drawn under laboratory conditions. The drawing force was measured, from which a limited set of features was extracted. The neural network based model learned from these features is able to recognize all types of lubrication errors to a high accuracy. The overall accuracy of the neural network model is around 98% with almost uniform distribution of errors between all four errors and the normal condition.