996 resultados para Fasts and feasts.


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This dissertation is a study of the forms and functions of feasts and feasting in the ancient Egyptian village of Deir el-Medina in Thebes (modern Luxor). This particular village, during the New Kingdom (c. 1550 1069 BC), was inhabited by the men (and their families) who constructed the Royal Tombs in the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens. The royal artisans were probably more literate than the average Egyptians and the numerous Ramesside Period (c. 1295 1069 BC) non-literary texts found in the excavations of the village and its surroundings form the source material for this study. In this study, the methods used are mainly Egyptological and the references to feasts and feasting are considered in view of what is known of New Kingdom Egypt, Thebes, and Deir el-Medina. Nevertheless, it is the use of the methodological concept local vernacular religion that has resulted in the division of the research findings into two sections, i.e., references to feasts celebrated both in and outside the community and other references to feasts and feasting in the village. When considering the function of the feasts celebrated at Deir el-Medina, a functional approach to feasts introduced by anthropologists and archaeologists is utilized. The Deir el-Medina feasts which were associated with the official religion form a festival calendar of feasts celebrated annually on the same civil calendar day. The reconstructed festival calendar of Deir el-Medina reflects the feasts celebrated around Thebes or, at least, in Western Thebes. The function of the nationally and regionally observed feasts (which, at least at Deir el-Medina, resulted in a work-free day) may have been to keep people content so that they would continue to work which was to the advantage of the king and the elite surrounding him. Local feasts appear to have been observed more irregularly at Deir el-Medina or perhaps according to the lunar calendar. Feasts celebrated by the community as a whole served to maintain the unity of the group. In addition to feasts celebrated by the entire community, the inhabitants of Deir el-Medina could mark their own personal feasts and organize small gatherings during public feasts. Through such feasts, an individual man might form alliances and advance his chances of a favourable marriage or of acquiring a position on the work crew.


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El proyecto realizado trata fundamentalmente de la recogida de información sobre las principales fiestas y fechas del calendario anglosajón, y posterior presentación en forma de página web para su utilización en todos los niveles educativos en que se imparte idioma. Se han podido conocer algunas fiestas y costumbres de la cultura anglosajona y se han entendido y enriquecido los conocimientos de la lengua extranjera. Se han conocido el vocabulario y las expresiones propias de cada una de esas fiestas. Se han consultado e interpretado distintas fuentes: enciclopedias, textos, revistas en lengua inglesa, internet, etc. Se han captado y contrastado las diferencias y/o semejanzas entre la cultura extranjera y su propia cultura en lo que se refiere a fiestas y costumbres relativizando las propias creencias culturales. Se han apreciado y valorado las costumbres distintas a las nuestras para descubrir la propia identidad y enriquecerla. Se han despertado el interés, curiosidad, respeto y tolerancia por otras culturas y otras maneras de entender la vida. Se han publicado el calendario en la intranet del centro y en la web del centro, para que pueda ser consultado por todo el personal del centro como medio para obtener o ampliar información sobre este tema. El grado de implicación de los alumnos en esta actividad, ha sido bastante elevado y se puede valorar positivamente.


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Mit handschr. Widmung: " ... Für A. Baer in Gotehnburg von A. Kaiser" auf dem Titelblatt


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This article introduces the recent sound works of Heidi Fast, a Finnish voice and performance artist. Fast’s creative practice operates between art and philosophy, and articulates several ‘zones of becoming’: what Fast designates as ‘the clinical’, ‘the virtual’ and ‘vocal thought-material’. Using a methodology of routing, the article shows how these zones emerge as aesthetic, ethical and political concerns within Fast’s work. Since 2005, Fast’s sound works have variously taken shape as miniature concerts, social sculptures, imaginary soundscapes and environmental music performances. Drawing upon the writings of theorists who have helped shape her practice, this article argues that Fast uses sound and voice to propose an ‘actualising philosophy’. This philosophy actualises virtualities (unrealised potentials), affecting transformative shifts through tiny mutations in perceptions and behaviours.