601 resultados para Fader, Lester


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Context In Australia, patients at the end of life with complex symptoms and needs are often referred to palliative care services (PCSs), but little is known about the symptoms of patients receiving palliative care in different settings. Objective To explore patients’ levels of pain and other symptoms while receiving care from PCSs. Method PCSs registered through Australia's national Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC) were invited to participate in a survey between 2008 and 2011. Patients (or if unable, a proxy) were invited to complete the Palliative Care Outcome Scale. Results Questionnaires were completed for 1800 patients. One-quarter of participants reported severe pain, 20% reported severe ‘other symptoms’, 20% reported severe patient anxiety, 45% reported severe family anxiety, 66% experienced depressed feelings and 19% reported severe problems with self-worth. Participants receiving care in major cities reported higher levels of depressed feelings than participants in inner regional areas. Participants receiving care in community and combined service settings reported higher levels of need for information, more concerns about wasted time, and lower levels of family anxiety and depressed feelings when compared to inpatients. Participants in community settings had lower levels of concern about practical matters than inpatients. Conclusions Patients receiving care from Australian PCSs have physical and psychosocial concerns that are often complex and rated as ‘severe’. Our findings highlight the importance of routine, comprehensive assessment of patients’ concerns and the need for Specialist Palliative Care clinicians to be vigilant in addressing pain and other symptoms in a timely, systematic and holistic manner, whatever the care setting.


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Research on problem solving in the mathematics curriculum has spanned many decades, yielding pendulum-like swings in recommendations on various issues. Ongoing debates concern the effectiveness of teaching general strategies and heuristics, the role of mathematical content (as the means versus the learning goal of problem solving), the role of context, and the proper emphasis on the social and affective dimensions of problem solving (e.g., Lesh & Zawojewski, 2007; Lester, 2013; Lester & Kehle, 2003; Schoenfeld, 1985, 2008; Silver, 1985). Various scholarly perspectives—including cognitive and behavioral science, neuroscience, the discipline of mathematics, educational philosophy, and sociocultural stances—have informed these debates, often generating divergent resolutions. Perhaps due to this uncertainty, educators’ efforts over the years to improve students’ mathematical problem-solving skills have had disappointing results. Qualitative and quantitative studies consistently reveal mathematics students’ struggles to solve problems more significant than routine exercises (OECD, 2014; Boaler, 2009)...


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The scombrid Scomberomorus semifasciatus is an important component of inshore fisheries in tropical Australia. Data on the parasite fauna of 593 fish from areas off northern and eastern Australia were examined for evidence of discrete fish populations. The parasites used were juveniles of Pterobothrium pearsoni, Callitetrarhynchus gracilis, Anisakis simplex (sensu latu) and Terranova sp. Tukey Kramer pairwise comparisons gave significant differences in the abundances of two or more parasites between fish from the east coast, the eastern Gulf of Carpentaria and the remainder of northern Australia. Multivariate analysis gave further evidence of differences and the results suggest that at least 4 populations or stocks of grey mackerel occur along the northern and eastern coastline of Australia.


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The requirement for Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australian jurisdictions to ensure sustainable harvest of fish resources and their optimal use relies on robust information on the resource status. For grey mackerel (Scomberomorus semifasciatus) fisheries, each of these jurisdictions has their own management regime in their corresponding waters. The lack of information on stock structure of grey mackerel, however, means that the appropriate spatial scale of management is not known. As well, fishers require assurance of future sustainability to encourage investment and long-term involvement in a fishery that supplies lucrative overseas markets. These management and fisher-unfriendly circumstances must be viewed in the context of recent 3-fold increases in catches of grey mackerel along the Queensland east coast, combined with significant and increasing catches in other parts of the species' northern Australian range. Establishing the stock structure of grey mackerel would also immensely improve the relevance of resource assessments for fishery management of grey mackerel across northern Australia. This highlighted the urgent need for stock structure information for this species. The impetus for this project came from the strategic recommendations of the FRDC review by Ward and Rogers (2003), "Northern mackerel (Scombridae: Scomberomorus): current and future research needs" (Project No. 2002/096), which promoted the urgency for information on the stock structure of grey mackerel. In following these recommendations this project adopted a multi-technique and phased sampling approach as carried out by Buckworth et al (2007), who examined the stock structure of Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson, across northern Australia. The project objectives were to determine the stock structure of grey mackerel across their northern Australian range, and use this information to define management units and their appropriate spatial scales. We used multiple techniques concurrently to determine the stock structure of grey mackerel. These techniques were: genetic analyses (mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite DNA), otolith (ear bones) isotope ratios, parasite abundances, and growth parameters. The advantage of using this type of multi-technique approach was that each of the different methods is informative about the fish’s life history at different spatial and temporal scales. Genetics can inform about the evolutionary patterns as well as rates of mixing of fish from adjacent areas, while parasites and otolith microchemistry are directly influenced by the environment and so will inform about the patterns of movement during the fishes lifetime. Growth patterns are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Due to these differences the use of these techniques concurrently increases the likelihood of detecting different stocks where they exist. We adopted a phased sampling approach whereby sampling was carried out at broad spatial scales in the first year: east coast, eastern Gulf of Carpentaria (GoC), western GoC, and the NW Northern Territory (NW NT). By comparing the fish samples from each of these locations, and using each of the techniques, we tested the null hypothesis that grey mackerel were comprised of a single homogeneous population across northern Australia. Having rejected the null hypothesis we re-sampled the 1st year locations to test for temporal stability in stock structure, and to assess stock structure at finer spatial scales. This included increased spatial coverage on the east coast, the GoC, and WA. From genetic approaches we determined that there at least four genetic stocks of grey mackerel across northern Australia: WA, NW NT (Timor/Arafura), the GoC and the east Grey mackerel management units in northern Australia ix coast. All markers revealed concordant patterns showing WA and NW NT to be clearly divergent stocks. The mtDNA D-loop fragment appeared to have more power to resolve stock boundaries because it was able to show that the GoC and east coast QLD stocks were genetically differentiated. Patterns of stock structure on a finer scale, or where stock boundaries are located, were less clear. From otolith stable isotope analyses four major groups of S. semifasciatus were identified: WA, NT/GoC, northern east coast and central east coast. Differences in the isotopic composition of whole otoliths indicate that these groups must have spent their life history in different locations. The magnitude of the difference between the groups suggests a prolonged separation period at least equal to the fish’s life span. The parasite abundance analyses, although did not include samples from WA, suggest the existence of at least four stocks of grey mackerel in northern Australia: NW NT, the GoC, northern east coast and central east coast. Grey mackerel parasite fauna on the east coast suggests a separation somewhere between Townsville and Mackay. The NW NT region also appears to comprise a separate stock while within the GoC there exists a high degree of variability in parasite faunas among the regions sampled. This may be due to 1. natural variation within the GoC and there is one grey mackerel stock, or 2. the existence of multiple localised adult sub-stocks (metapopulations) within the GoC. Growth parameter comparisons were only possible from four major locations and identified the NW NT, the GoC, and the east coast as having different population growth characteristics. Through the use of multiple techniques, and by integrating the results from each, we were able to determine that there exist at least five stocks of grey mackerel across northern Australia, with some likelihood of additional stock structuring within the GoC. The major management units determined from this study therefore were Western Australia, NW Northern Territory (Timor/Arafura), the Gulf of Carpentaria, northern east Queensland coast and central east Queensland coast. The management implications of these results indicate the possible need for management of grey mackerel fisheries in Australia to be carried out on regional scales finer than are currently in place. In some regions the spatial scales of management might continue as is currently (e.g. WA), while in other regions, such as the GoC and the east coast, managers should at least monitor fisheries on a more local scale dictated by fishing effort and assess accordingly. Stock assessments should also consider the stock divisions identified, particularly on the east coast and for the GoC, and use life history parameters particular to each stock. We also emphasise that where we have not identified different stocks does not preclude the possibility of the occurrence of further stock division. Further, this study did not, nor did it set out to, assess the status of each of the stocks identified. This we identify as a high priority action for research and development of grey mackerel fisheries, as well as a management strategy evaluation that incorporates the conclusions of this work. Until such time that these priorities are addressed, management of grey mackerel fisheries should be cognisant of these uncertainties, particularly for the GoC and the Queensland east coast.


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Temporal and spatial patterns in parasite assemblages were examined to evaluate the degree of movement and connectivity of post-recruitment life-history stages of a large, non-diadromous tropical estuarine teleost, king threadfin Polydactylus macrochir, collected from 18 locations across northern Australia. Ten parasites types (juvenile stages of two nematodes and seven cestodes, and adults of an acanthocephalan) were deemed to be suitable for use as biological tags, in that they were considered to have a long residence time in the fish, were relatively easy to find and were morphologically very different to each other which aided discrimination. Univariate and discriminant function analysis of these parasites revealed little difference in temporal replicates collected from five locations, suggesting that the parasite communities were stable over the timeframes explored. Univariate, discriminant function, and BrayCurtis similarity analyses indicated significant spatial heterogeneity, with BrayCurtis classification accuracies ranging from 55 to 100% for locations in north-western and northern Australia, 24 to 88% in the Gulf of Carpentaria, and 39 to 88% on the east coast of Queensland. Few differences were observed among locations separated by <200 km. The observed patterns of parasite infection are in agreement with concurrent studies of movement and connectivity of P. macrochir in that they indicate a complex population structure across northern Australia. These results should be considered when reviewing the management arrangements for this species.


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Pasture rest is a possible strategy for improving land condition in the extensive grazing lands of northern Australia. If pastures currently in poor condition could be improved, then overall animal productivity and the sustainability of grazing could be increased. The scientific literature is examined to assess the strength of the experimental information to support and guide the use of pasture rest, and simulation modelling is undertaken to extend this information to a broader range of resting practices, growing conditions and initial pasture condition. From this, guidelines are developed that can be applied in the management of northern Australia’s grazing lands and also serve as hypotheses for further field experiments. The literature on pasture rest is diverse but there is a paucity of data from much of northern Australia as most experiments have been conducted in southern and central parts of Queensland. Despite this, the limited experimental information and the results from modelling were used to formulate the following guidelines. Rest during the growing season gives the most rapid improvement in the proportion of perennial grasses in pastures; rest during the dormant winter period is ineffective in increasing perennial grasses in a pasture but may have other benefits. Appropriate stocking rates are essential to gain the greatest benefit from rest: if stocking rates are too high, then pasture rest will not lead to improvement; if stocking rates are low, pastures will tend to improve without rest. The lower the initial percentage of perennial grasses, the more frequent the rests should be to give a major improvement within a reasonable management timeframe. Conditions during the growing season also have an impact on responses with the greatest improvement likely to be in years of good growing conditions. The duration and frequency of rest periods can be combined into a single value expressed as the proportion of time during which resting occurs; when this is done the modelling suggests the greater the proportion of time that a pasture is rested, the greater is the improvement but this needs to be tested experimentally. These guidelines should assist land managers to use pasture resting but the challenge remains to integrate pasture rest with other pasture and animal management practices at the whole-property scale.


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A holistic approach to stock structure studies utilises multiple different techniques on the same individuals sampled from selected populations and combines results across spatial and temporal scales to produce a weight of evidence conclusion. It is the most powerful and reliable source of information to use in formulating resource management and monitoring plans. Few examples of the use of a holistic approach in stock structure studies exist, although more recently this is changing. Using such an approach makes integration of results from each technique challenging. An integrated stock definition (ISD) approach for holistic stock structure studies was developed in this study to aid in the appropriate interpretation of stock structure results to guide the determination of fishery management units. The ISD approach is applied herein to a study of the northern Australian endemic grey mackerel, Scomberomorus semifasciatus (Scombridae). Analyses of genetic (mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites), parasite, otolith stable isotope, and growth data are synthesised to determine the stock structure of S. semifasciatus across northern Australia. Integration of the results from all techniques identified at least six S. semifasciatus stocks for management purposes. Further, the use of the ISD approach provided a simple basis for integrating multiple techniques and for their interpretation. The use of this holistic approach was a powerful tool in providing greater certainty about the appropriate management units for S. semifasciatus. Future stock structure studies investigating spatial management questions in the fisheries context should adopt a holistic approach and apply the ISD approach for a more accurate definition of biological stocks to improve fisheries management.


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With potential to accumulate substantial amounts of above-ground biomass, at maturity an irrigated cotton crop can have taken up more than 20 kg/ha phosphorus and often more than 200 kg/ha of potassium. Despite the size of plant accumulation of P and K, recovery of applied P and K fertilisers by the crop in our field experiment program has poor. Processing large amounts of mature cotton plant material to provide a representative sample for chemical analysis has not been without its challenges, but the questions regarding mechanism of where, how and when the plant is acquiring immobile nutrients remain. Dry matter measured early in the growing season (squaring, first white flower) have demonstrated a 50% increase in crop biomass to applied P (in particular), but it represents only 20% of the total P accumulation by the plant. By first open boll (and onwards), no response in dry matter or P concentration could be detected to P application. A glasshouse study indicated P recovery was greater (to FOB) where it was completely mixed through a profile as opposed to a banded application method suggesting cotton prefers a more diffuse distribution. The relative effects of root morphology, mycorrhizal fungi infection, seasonal growth patterns and how irrigation is applied are areas for future investigation on how, when and where cotton acquires immobile nutrients.


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Two field experiments were established in central Queensland at Capella and Gindie to investigate the immediate and then residual benefit of deep placed (20 cm) nutrients in this opportunity cropping system. The field sites had factorial combinations of P (40 kg P/ha), K (200 kg K/ha) and S (40 kg S/ha) and all plots received 100 kg N/ha. No further K or S fertilizers were added during the experiment but some crops had starter P. The Capella site was sown to chickpea in 2012, wheat in 2013 and then chickpea in 2014. The Gindie site was sown to sorghum in 2011/12, chickpea in 2013 and sorghum in early 2015. There were responses to P alone in the first two crops at each site and there were K responses in half the six site years. In year 1 (a good year) both sites showed a 20% grain yield response to only to deep P. In year 2 (much drier) the effects of deep P were still evident at both sites and the effects of K were clearly evident at Gindie. There was a suggestion of an additive P+K effect at Capella and a 50% increase for P+K at Gindie. Year 3 was dry and chickpeas at Capella showed a larger response to P+K but the sorghum at Gindie only responded to deep K. These results indicate that responses to deep placed P and K are durable over an opportunity cropping system, and meeting both requirements is important to achieve yield responses.


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A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN.


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El presente trabajo se desarrolló dentro del marco del proyecto UNA•IFS, financiado por la lntemational Foundation for Science. Este tuvo como objetivo general: Evaluar cuatro tipos de fertilizantes orgánicos provenientes de cerdos alimentados con concentrado y desperdicios de cocina en la producc1ón de Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Contribuyendo a reducir la contaminación ambiental los siguientes objetivos específicos: l. Evaluar el comportamiento de la ganancia media diaria (G. M.D), peso vivo y talla de las Tilapias producidas en estanques fertilizados con cuatro tipos de fertilizante orgánico. 2. Determinar la relación entre las, variables talla y peso. de acuerdo a los cuatro tipos de fertilizante. 3. Evaluar los parámetros de calidad del agua (OD, pH, T°) en función de los cuatro tipos de fenili.zante orgánico. 4. Evaluar económicamente los cuatro tipos de fertilizantes utilizados en la producción de Tilapia. El experimento se llevó a cabo en la hacienda “ Las Mercedes" de la Universidad Nacional Agraria Se utilizaron cuatro estanques de cemento ya establecidos (4.75x3.55x0.90 m). En cada W10 se sembraron 25 tilapias macho (dos peces/m 1 representc.tdo 2 tilapias; una unidad experimental. El recambio de agua se dio de forma natural. Se midió diariamente –T°, pH, OD. Los muestreos se realizaron cada 14 días. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: T1= Efluente de biodigestores que procesaron estiércol de cerdos alimentados con concentrado; T2= Estiércol fresco de cerdos alimentados con concentrado: T3= Efluente de biodigestores que procesaron estiércol de cerdos alimentados con desperdicios de cocina; T4= Estiércol fresco de cerdos alimentados con desperdicios de cocina. Las variables e.valuadas fueron: peso. talla G.M.D, Calidad del agua (OD, T°, pH). El ensayo se montó y se analizó como un D.C.A. en arreglo bifactorial donde: Factor A== Periodo o muestreo (cada 14 días;) y Factor B: Tipo de Fertilizante. Los cuatro tratamientos orgánicos evaluados constituyen potenciales fertilizantes para el cultivo de tilapia por su buen comportamiento productivo y económico. Para todas las variables analizadas (peso, talla, GMD) el tratamiento que mejor comportamiento presentó fue el T2.seguido del T4. Asimismo el peso y la talla fueron aumentando conforme el tiempo de muestreo. El peso de las tilapias utilizadas en el ensayo se \lo afectado en un 91 %por el comportamiento de la talla. Todos los parámetros de calidad del agua (0.D, pH y T°), estuvieron dentro de los parámetros recomendados para la producción de tilapias. Económicamente considerando el proceso de los tratamientos, tanto el que procedió de animales alimentados con concentrados como el que procedió de desperdicios de cocina. repor1ó mayores utilidades aplicar el estiércol fresco directamente a los estanques, que al procesarlo por biodigestión. Considerando el origen de los tratamientos, tanto utilizando los efluentes como estiércol fresco. El productor obtiene más utilidades cuando provienen de cerdos alimentados con desperdicios de cocina.


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Este trabajo se realizó en época de postrera de 1989, en terrenos del programa Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses (REGEN). Con el objetivo de determinar las causas de la baja germinación de tres variedades de sorgo que se producen en el país. Las variedades que se utilizaron durante la investigación fueron: El híbrido D-55, la variedad 1-43 y la Línea SPV-4/5. La razón por la cual se usaron estas variedades, es que dos de alias en esa época estaban en producción y la línea SPV-475 en proceso de liberación comercial. El diseño utilizado fue el de parcelas simples, tres en total con un área de 50 metros cuadrados cada una, se usó como parcela útil el área formada por los seis surcos centrales de cada parcela, dejando un metro de borde. Las variables a medir fueron: Los porcentajes de germinación al momento de la cosecha y después de tres meses de almacenamiento, también los porcentajes de germinación de las semillas afectadas por los diferentes hongos que la atacan en el campe y el porcentaje de semillas latentes. Los resultados indican que el híbrido D-55, tuvo un mayor porcentaje de semillas latentes, seguido de la variedad T-43 y SPV-475 (Pinolero-1). En relación a la infección, tanto las variedades como el híbrido en estudio resultaron fuertemente atacados por los hongos, siendo Fusarium el único que se comprobó afecto la viabilidad de la semilla. Con respecto a la humedad del grano para la cosecha, se recomienda cosechar temprano las variedades de color blanco y cosechar tarde las variedades de color rojo.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en el Centro Experimental laCompañía, ubicado en el municipio de San Marcos, Carazo, Nicaragua. El objetivo fue evaluar diferentes prácticas de manejo de suelos en el crecimiento, desarrollo y el rendimiento del maíz (Zea mays l.). y la concentración y extracción de nutrientes por el cultivo y las malezas. El estudio consistió en un experimento de campo, realizado en la época de primera; En suelos franco arenosos, con buen drenaje, pH 6.5. los sistemas de labranza estudiados fueron: labranza cero, labranza cero más subsoleo, labranza convencional, labranza convencional mas subsoleo, labranza con bueyes y labranza con bueyes más rastrojos. la fertilización consistió en una sola aplicación, a razón de 100 kg/ha de nitrógeno (urea 46 porciento), al momento de la siembra. El diseno utilizado fue bloques completos al azar (BCA), las poblaciones manejadas fue de 35 757 plantas por hectárea. En la cosecha, las muestras de plantas fueron separadas en raíz, tallo, paja, tuza. olote y grano a las cuales se les realizó análisis de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Mn, Zn, B, Fe, Cu y C. la mayor eficiencia obtenida en rendimiento, altura, diámetro del tallo y extracción de N, P, K, S, Ca, Zn y B en la labranza cero, en comparación con el r&sto de labranza fue aparentemente a que esta labranza garantiza un mayor contenido de humedad, la labranza con bueyes, más rastrojos ejerció un efecto positivo en la absorción de Fe, la labranza con bueyes mas rastrojos en Mn y labranza convencional más subsoleo en Cu. los diferentes sistemas de labranza no ejercieron efectos significativos en la concentración de nutrientes de las malezas, así como en su peso seco, sin embargo, se observó que en el sistema convencional fueron estas favorecidas, la menor extracción de los nuitrientes por las malezas en la labranza con bueyes


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Entre el 10 de octubre del 2005 al 15 de abril del 2006 se realizó un diagnóstico sobre la aplicación de Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas (BPA) en seis unidades de producción del cultivo de la Piña ( Ananás comosus L) en el Municipio de Nueva Guinea RAAS, Nicaragua. Para realizar este estudio se utilizó el formato oficial que el Ministerio Agropecuario-Forestal (MAGFOR) emplea para este tipo de diagnostico. Dicho instrumento contiene 15 secciones y por cada sección un número variable de preguntas. Este instrumento esta diseñado paradeterminar la situación actual de cada una de las unidades de producción en lo relativo al cumplimiento de los requisitos mínimos obligatorios establecidos por el estado nicaragüense para otorgar una certificación de BPA. Una vez levantada la información se hizo una verificación in situ de la misma al observar directam ente las condiciones en las unidades productivas. Posteriormente, se procedió a procesar la información, tabulando la misma y estableciendo el porcentaje de cumlimiento por cada sección y productor, así como el cumplimiento promedio de cada sección. En todos los casos (unidades de producción) no hubo el mínimo cumplimiento (80 %) establecido para otorgar la certificación BPA. En general, los sistemas de producción de piña empleados en las fincas en estudio, son poco tecnifica dos, los productores tienen poca o nula capacitación técnica y conocimientos para la implementación de las BPA, así com o pobres recursos para implementar los planes de mejora que el diagnóstico indica. Se recomienda capacitar a los agricultores en los temas: a. Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas, b. Agrotecnia del cultivo de la Piña y c. Manejo Integrado de Plagas con énfasis en el cultivo de la piña. Los agricultores deben de formular un plan de medidas correctivas para alcanzar la certificación BPA definido en relación a las medidas a aplicar y los períodos de tiempo para su cumplimiento. También se recomienda que los agricultores gestionen financiamiento para implementar las medidas correctivas necesarias.