958 resultados para Fabry-Perot (FP) laser


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A new class of circularly polarized (CP) Fabry-Perot cavity antennas is introduced that maintain the simplicity of a linearly polarized primary feed and a single cavity structure. The proposed antennas employ a double-sided partially reflective surface (PRS), which allows independent control of the magnitude and phase responses for the reflection and transmission coefficients. In conjunction with an anisotropic high-impedance surface (HIS) ground plane, this arrangement allows for the first time a single cavity antenna to produce a specified gain in CP from a linearly polarized primary source. A design procedure for this class of antennas is introduced. The method exploits a simple ray optics model to calculate the magnitude and phase of the electric field in the cavity upon plane wave excitation. Based on this model, analytical expressions are derived, which enforce the resonance condition for both polarizations at a predetermined PRS reflectivity (and hence predetermined antenna gain) together with a 90 degrees differential phase between them. The validity of the concept is confirmed by means of an example entailing an antenna with gain of approximately 21 dB at 15 GHz. Full-wave simulation results and experimental testing on a fabricated prototype are presented and agree well with the theoretical predictions.


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Mikrooptische Filter sind heutzutage in vielen Bereichen in der Telekommunikation unersetzlich. Wichtige Einsatzgebiete sind aber auch spektroskopische Systeme in der Medizin-, Prozess- und Umwelttechnik. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Technologieentwicklung und Herstellung von luftspaltbasierenden, vertikal auf einem Substrat angeordneten, oberflächenmikromechanisch hergestellten Fabry-Perot-Filtern. Es werden zwei verschiedene Filtervarianten, basierend auf zwei verschiedenen Materialsystemen, ausführlich untersucht. Zum einen handelt es sich dabei um die Weiterentwicklung von kontinuierlich mikromechanisch durchstimmbaren InP / Luftspaltfiltern; zum anderen werden neuartige, kostengünstige Siliziumnitrid / Luftspaltfilter wissenschaftlich behandelt. Der Inhalt der Arbeit ist so gegliedert, dass nach einer Einleitung mit Vergleichen zu Arbeiten und Ergebnissen anderer Forschergruppen weltweit, zunächst einige theoretische Grundlagen zur Berechnung der spektralen Reflektivität und Transmission von beliebigen optischen Schichtanordnungen aufgezeigt werden. Auß erdem wird ein kurzer theoretischer Ü berblick zu wichtigen Eigenschaften von Fabry-Perot-Filtern sowie der Möglichkeit einer mikromechanischen Durchstimmbarkeit gegeben. Daran anschließ end folgt ein Kapitel, welches sich den grundlegenden technologischen Aspekten der Herstellung von luftspaltbasierenden Filtern widmet. Es wird ein Zusammenhang zu wichtigen Referenzarbeiten hergestellt, auf denen diverse Weiterentwicklungen dieser Arbeit basieren. Die beiden folgenden Kapitel erläutern dann ausführlich das Design, die Herstellung und die Charakterisierung der beiden oben erwähnten Filtervarianten. Abgesehen von der vorangehenden Epitaxie von InP / GaInAs Schichten, ist die Herstellung der InP / Luftspaltfilter komplett im Institut durchgeführt worden. Die Herstellungsschritte sind ausführlich in der Arbeit erläutert, wobei ein Schwerpunktthema das trockenchemische Ä tzen von InP sowie GaInAs, welches als Opferschichtmaterial für die Herstellung der Luftspalte genutzt wurde, behandelt. Im Verlauf der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit konnten sehr wichtige technische Verbesserungen entwickelt und eingesetzt werden, welche zu einer effizienteren technologischen Herstellung der Filter führten und in der vorliegenden Niederschrift ausführlich dokumentiert sind. Die hergestellten, für einen Einsatz in der optischen Telekommunikation entworfenen, elektrostatisch aktuierbaren Filter sind aus zwei luftspaltbasierenden Braggspiegeln aufgebaut, welche wiederum jeweils 3 InP-Schichten von (je nach Design) 357nm bzw. 367nm Dicke aufweisen. Die Filter bestehen aus im definierten Abstand parallel übereinander angeordneten Membranen, die über Verbindungsbrücken unterschiedlicher Anzahl und Länge an Haltepfosten befestigt sind. Da die mit 357nm bzw. 367nm vergleichsweise sehr dünnen Schichten freitragende Konstrukte mit bis zu 140 nm Länge bilden, aber trotzdem Positionsgenauigkeiten im nm-Bereich einhalten müssen, handelt es sich hierbei um sehr anspruchsvolle mikromechanische Bauelemente. Um den Einfluss der zahlreichen geometrischen Strukturparameter studieren zu können, wurden verschiedene laterale Filterdesigns implementiert. Mit den realisierten Filter konnte ein enorm weiter spektraler Abstimmbereich erzielt werden. Je nach lateralem Design wurden internationale Bestwerte für durchstimmbare Fabry-Perot-Filter von mehr als 140nm erreicht. Die Abstimmung konnte dabei kontinuierlich mit einer angelegten Spannung von nur wenigen Volt durchgeführt werden. Im Vergleich zu früher berichteten Ergebnissen konnten damit sowohl die Wellenlängenabstimmung als auch die dafür benötigte Abstimmungsspannung signifikant verbessert werden. Durch den hohen Brechungsindexkontrast und die geringe Schichtdicke zeigen die Filter ein vorteilhaftes, extrem weites Stopband in der Größ enordnung um 550nm. Die gewählten, sehr kurzen Kavitätslängen ermöglichen einen freien Spektralbereich des Filters welcher ebenfalls in diesen Größ enordnungen liegt, so dass ein weiter spektraler Einsatzbereich ermöglicht wird. Während der Arbeit zeigte sich, dass Verspannungen in den freitragenden InPSchichten die Funktionsweise der mikrooptischen Filter stark beeinflussen bzw. behindern. Insbesondere eine Unterätzung der Haltepfosten und die daraus resultierende Verbiegung der Ecken an denen sich die Verbindungsbrücken befinden, führte zu enormen vertikalen Membranverschiebungen, welche die Filtereigenschaften verändern. Um optimale Ergebnisse zu erreichen, muss eine weitere Verbesserung der Epitaxie erfolgen. Jedoch konnten durch den zusätzlichen Einsatz einer speziellen Schutzmaske die Unterätzung der Haltepfosten und damit starke vertikale Verformungen reduziert werden. Die aus der Verspannung resultierenden Verformungen und die Reaktion einzelner freistehender InP Schichten auf eine angelegte Gleich- oder Wechselspannung wurde detailliert untersucht. Mittels Weisslichtinterferometrie wurden lateral identische Strukturen verglichen, die aus unterschiedlich dicken InP-Schichten (357nm bzw. 1065nm) bestehen. Einen weiteren Hauptteil der Arbeit stellen Siliziumnitrid / Luftspaltfilter dar, welche auf einem neuen, im Rahmen dieser Dissertation entwickelten, technologischen Ansatz basieren. Die Filter bestehen aus zwei Braggspiegeln, die jeweils aus fünf 590nm dicken, freistehenden Siliziumnitridschichten aufgebaut sind und einem Abstand von 390nm untereinander aufweisen. Die Filter wurden auf Glassubstraten hergestellt. Der Herstellungsprozess ist jedoch auch mit vielen anderen Materialien oder Prozessen kompatibel, so dass z.B. eine Integration mit anderen Bauelemente relativ leicht möglich ist. Die Prozesse dieser ebenfalls oberflächenmikromechanisch hergestellten Filter wurden konsequent auf niedrige Herstellungskosten optimiert. Als Opferschichtmaterial wurde hier amorph abgeschiedenes Silizium verwendet. Der Herstellungsprozess beinhaltet die Abscheidung verspannungsoptimierter Schichten (Silizium und Siliziumnitrid) mittels PECVD, die laterale Strukturierung per reaktiven Ionenätzen mit den Gasen SF6 / CHF3 / Ar sowie Fotolack als Maske, die nasschemische Unterätzung der Opferschichten mittels KOH und das Kritisch-Punkt-Trocken der Proben. Die Ergebnisse der optischen Charakterisierung der Filter zeigen eine hohe Ü bereinstimmung zwischen den experimentell ermittelten Daten und den korrespondierenden theoretischen Modellrechnungen. Weisslichtinterferometermessungen der freigeätzten Strukturen zeigen ebene Filterschichten und bestätigen die hohe vertikale Positioniergenauigkeit, die mit diesem technologischen Ansatz erreicht werden kann.


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We report the frequency measurements of 18 optically pumped far-infrared (FIR) laser lines generated from CD3OH and (CH3OH)-C-13. We use the heterodyne technique of mixing FIR laser radiations and microwave radiation on a metal-insulator-metal point-contact tunnel diode to determine the FIR laser frequencies. Two FIR laser systems, consisting of CO2 waveguide pump lasers and Fabry-Perot FIR laser cavities, were used as optical sources. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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Hybrid WDM/TDM enabled microstructure based optical fiber sensor network with large capacity is proposed. Assisted by Fabry-Perot filter, the demodulation system with high speed of 500Hz and high wavelength resolution less than 4.91pm is realized. © OSA 2015.


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Opto-Acoustic Endoscopy (OAE) requires sensors with a high sensitivity and small physical dimensions in order to facilitate integration into an endoscope of less than 1mm in diameter. We present fibre Bragg grating (FBG) and Fabry- Perot intrinsic fibre sensors for ultrasound detection. We present a structure profile characterisation setup to analyse tune the fibre sensors in preparation for ultrasonic detection. We evaluate the suitability of the different structures and grating parameters for ultrasonic sensing. By analysing the prepared gratings, we enable the optimisation of the profile and a simplification of the detection regime for an optimal interferometric OAE configuration.


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We propose and demonstrate a microfiber Fabry-Perot interferometer (MFPI) fabricated by taper-drawing microfiber at the center of a uniform fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The MFPI employing the two separated sections of FBG as reflectors and a length of microfiber as its cavity is derived. Theoretic study shows that the reflection spectrum of such MFPI is consisted of two parts-interference fringes induced by multi-beam interference and reflection spectrum envelope induced by FBGs. Temperature affects both interference fringes and reflection wavelength of FBGs while ambient refractive index (RI) only influences the interference fringes, i.e., MFPI has different response to temperature and RI. Therefore, MFPI for simultaneous sensing of RI and temperature is experimentally demonstrated by tracking a reflection peak of interference fringes and the Bragg wavelength of the FBGs, which are respectively assisted by frequency domain processing and Gaussian fitting of the optical spectrum. Consequently, wavelength measurement resolution of 0.5 pm is realized. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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The stress sensitivity of polymer optical fibre (POF) based Fabry-Perot sensors formed by two uniform Bragg gratings with finite dimensions is investigated. POF has received high interest in recent years due to its different material properties compared to its silica counterpart. Biocompatibility, a higher failure strain and the highly elastic nature of POF are some of the main advantages. The much lower Young’s modulus of polymer materials compared to silica offers enhanced stress sensitivity to POF based sensors which renders them great candidates for acoustic wave receivers and any kind of force detection. The main drawback in POF technology is perhaps the high fibre loss. In a lossless fibre the sensitivity of an interferometer is proportional to its cavity length. However, the presence of the attenuation along the optical path can significantly reduce the finesse of the Fabry-Perot interferometer and it can negatively affect its sensitivity at some point. The reflectivity of the two gratings used to form the interferometer can be also reduced as the fibre loss increases. In this work, a numerical model is developed to study the performance of POF based Fabry-Perot sensors formed by two uniform Bragg gratings with finite dimensions. Various optical and physical properties are considered such as grating physical length, grating effective length which indicates the point where the light is effectively reflected, refractive index modulation of the grating, cavity length of the interferometer, attenuation and operating wavelength. Using this model, we are able to identify the regimes in which the PMMA based sensor offer enhanced stress sensitivity compared to silica based one.


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The thesis presents a detailed study of different Raman fibre laser (RFL) based amplification techniques and their applications in long-haul/unrepeatered coherent transmission systems. RFL based amplifications techniques were characterised from different aspects, including signal/noise power distributions, relative intensity noise (RIN), mode structures of induced Raman fibre lasers, and so on. It was found for the first time that RFL based amplification techniques could be divided into three categories in terms of the fibre laser regime, which were Fabry-Perot fibre laser with two FBGs, weak Fabry-Perot fibre laser with one FBG and very low reflection near the input, and random distributed feedback (DFB) fibre laser with one FBG. It was also found that lowering the reflection near the input could mitigate the RIN of the signal significantly, thanks to the reduced efficiency of the Stokes shift from the FW-propagated pump. In order to evaluate the transmission performance, different RFL based amplifiers were evaluated and optimised in long-haul coherent transmission systems. The results showed that Fabry-Perot fibre laser based amplifier with two FBGs gave >4.15 dB Q factor penalty using symmetrical bidirectional pumping, as the RIN of the signal was increased significantly. However, random distributed feedback fibre laser based amplifier with one FBG could mitigate the RIN of the signal, which enabled the use of bidirectional second order pumping and consequently give the best transmission performance up to 7915 km. Furthermore, using random DFB fibre laser based amplifier was proved to be effective to combat the nonlinear impairment, and the maximum reach was enhanced by >28% in mid-link single/dual band optical phase conjugator (OPC) transmission systems. In addition, unrepeatered transmission over >350 km fibre length using RFL based amplification technique were presented experimentally using DP-QPSK and DP-16QAM transmitter.


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We present a high resolution spectrometer consisting of dual solid Fabry-Perot Interferometers (FPIs). This work is intended to be an all inclusive documentation of the instrument including discussion of the design of this instrument, the methods used in data reduction, and the analysis of these data. Each FPI is made of a single piece of L-BBH2 glass which has a high index of refraction n~2.07 with a thickness on the order of 100 μm. Each is then coated with partially reflective mirrors to create a resonant cavity and thus achieve a spectral resolution of R~30,000. Running the FPIs in tandem reduces the overlapping orders and allows for a much wider free spectral range and higher contrast. We will also discuss the properties of the FPIs which we have measured. This includes the tuning of the FPIs which is achieved by adjusting the temperature and thus changing the FPI gap and the refractive index of the material. The spectrometer then moves spatially in order to get spectral information at every point in the field of view. We select spectral lines for further analysis and create maps of the line depths across the field. Using this technique we are able to measure the fluorescence of chlorophyll in plants and attempt to observe zodiacal light. In the chlorophyll analysis we are able to detect chlorophyll fluorescence using the line depth in a plant using the sky as a reference solar spectrum. This instrument has possible applications in either a cubesat or aerial observations to measure bulk plant activity over large areas.


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Optical filters are crucial elements in optical communications. The influence of cascaded filters in the optical signal will affect the communications quality seriously. In this paper we will study and simulate the optical signal impairment caused by different kinds of filters which include Butterworth, Bessel, Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) and Fabry-Perot (FP). Optical signal impairment is analyzed from an Eye Opening Penalty (EOP) and optical spectrum point of view. The simulation results show that when the center frequency of all filters aligns with the laser’s frequency, the Butterworth has the smallest influence to the signal while the F-P has the biggest. With a -1dB EOP, the amount of cascaded Butterworth optical filters with a bandwidth of 50 GHz is 18 in 40 Gbps NRZ-DQPSK systems and 12 in 100 Gbps PMNRZ- DQPSK systems. The value is reduced to 9 and 6 respectively for Febry-Perot optical filters. In the situation of frequency misalignment, the impairment caused by filters is more serious. Our research shows that with a frequency deviation of 5 GHz, only 12 and 9 Butterworth optical filters can be cascaded in 40 Gbps NRZ-DQPSK and 100 Gbps PM-NRZ-DQPSK systems respectively. We also study the signal impairment caused by different orders of the Butterworth filter model. Our study shows that although the higher-order has a smaller clipping effect in the transmission spectrum, it will introduce a more serious phase ripple which seriously affects the signal. Simulation result shows that the 2nd order Butterworth filter has the best performance.


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El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo y caracterización de biosensores ópticos sin marcado basados en celdas sensoras biofotónicas (BICELLs). Éstas son un nuevo concepto de biosensor desarrollado por el grupo de investigación y consiste en la combinación de técnicas de interrogación vertical, junto a estructuras fotónicas producidas usando métodos de micro- y nanofabricación. Varias conclusiones son extraídas de este trabajo. La primera, que se ha definido una BICELL estándar basada en interferómetros Fabry-Perot (FP). Se ha demostrado su capacidad para la comparación de rendimiento entre BICELLs estructuradas y para la realización de inmunoensayos de bajo coste. Se han estudiado diferentes técnicas de fabricación disponibles para la producción de BICELLs. Se determinó que la litografía de contacto a nivel de oblea produce estructuras de bajo coste, reproducibles y de alta calidad. La resolución alcanzada ha sido de 700 nm. El estudio de la respuesta a inmunoensayos de las BICELLs producidas se ha desarrollado en este trabajo. Se estudió la influencia de BICELLs basadas en diferentes geometrías y tamaños. De aquí resulta un nuevo enfoque para predecir el comportamiento de respuesta para la detección biológica de cualquier biosensor óptico estructurado, relacionando su superficie efectiva y su sensibilidad óptica. También se demostró una técnica novedosa y de bajo coste para la caracterización experimental de la sensibilidad óptica, basada en el depósito de películas ultradelgadas. Finalmente, se ha demostrado el uso de BICELLs desarrolladas en esta tesis, en la detección de aplicaciones reales, tales como hormonas, virus y proteínas. ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is the development and characterization of optical label-free biosensors based on Bio-Photonic sensing Cells (BICELLs). BICELL is a novel biosensor concept developed by the research group, and it consists of a combination of vertical interrogation optical techniques and photonic structures produced by using micro- and nano-fabrication methods. Several main conclusions are extracted from this work. Firstly, a standard BICELL is defined based on FP interferometers, which demonstrated its capacity for accomplishing performance comparisons among different structured BICELLs, as well as to achieve low-cost immunoassays. Different available fabrication techniques were studied for BICELL manufacturing. It is found that contact lithography at wafer scale produce cost-effective, reproducible and high quality structures. The resolution achieved was 700 nm. Study on the response of developed BICELLs to immunoassays is performed within this work. It is therefore studied the influence of BICELLs based on different geometries and sizes in the immunoassay, which resulted in a new approach to predict the biosensing behaviour of any structured optical biosensor relating to its effective surface and optical sensitivity. Also, it is demonstrated a novel and low-cost characterization technique of the experimental optical sensitivity, based on ultrathin-film deposition. Finally, it is also demonstrated the capability of using the developed BICELLs in this thesis for real applications detection of hormones, virus and proteins.


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Pulse generation from a mode-locked single-section 1.55μm quantum-dash FP laser is demonstrated under continuous-wave operation. A 270GHz, 580fs pulse train is achieved by applying frequency multiplication using fiber dispersion. ©2009 Optical Society of America.


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Laser Diodes have been employed many times as light sources on different kinds of optical sensors. Their main function in these applications was the emission of an optical radiation impinging onto a certain object and, according to the characteristics of the reflected light, some information about this object was obtained. Laser diodes were acting, in a certain way, just as passive devices where their only function was to provide the adequate radiation to be later measured and analyzed. The objective of this paper is to report a new concept on the use of laser diodes taking into account their optical bistable properties. As it has been shown in several places, different laser diodes as, for example, DFB lasers and FP lasers, offer bistable characteristics being these characteristics a function of different parameters as wavelength, light polarization or temperature. Laser Bistability is strongly dependent on them and any small variation of above parameters gives rise to a strong change in the characteristics of its non-linear properties. These variations are analyzed and their application in sensing reported. The dependence on wavelength, spectral width, input power and phase variations, mainly for a Fabry-Perot Laser structure as basic configuration, is shown in this paper.