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Early psychiatry investigated dreams to understand psychopathologies. Contemporary psychiatry, which neglects dreams, has been criticized for lack of objectivity. In search of quantitative insight into the structure of psychotic speech, we investigated speech graph attributes (SGA) in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder type I, and non-psychotic controls as they reported waking and dream contents. Schizophrenic subjects spoke with reduced connectivity, in tight correlation with negative and cognitive symptoms measured by standard psychometric scales. Bipolar and control subjects were undistinguishable by waking reports, but in dream reports bipolar subjects showed significantly less connectivity. Dream-related SGA outperformed psychometric scores or waking-related data for group sorting. Altogether, the results indicate that online and offline processing, the two most fundamental modes of brain operation, produce nearly opposite effects on recollections: While dreaming exposes differences in the mnemonic records across individuals, waking dampens distinctions. The results also demonstrate the feasibility of the differential diagnosis of psychosis based on the analysis of dream graphs, pointing to a fast, low-cost and language-invariant tool for psychiatric diagnosis and the objective search for biomarkers. The Freudian notion that ‘‘dreams are the royal road to the unconscious’’ is clinically useful, after all.


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The discourse about love, in the Western modern world, is an effect of the power that constructs bodies that matter, paraphrasing Butler, which represents a performative reiterarion of the domination drive, forming and ego of love through the imposition of a cultural super-ego. The domination, a real process of social constraint, is concomitant to its ideological secret, which lead us to the expression domideology , inspired by Sousa Filho, to determine the unconscious domination of the ideological discourse, Through a critical analysis of the bases of Freudian discourse about love, we question, inspired by Foucault, the sexual nature of the drive, to put it in a place insecure of critics to the substance metaphysics expression used by Nietzsche. In our point of view, the domination drive is a critical tool for the individual to think about, as interpellated by the love domideology , making believe the only interpretation of the social interchange is love, nuclear element of our modern Western love complex


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Este artigo expõe ideias de Sigmund Freud sobre temas que são fundamentais para compreender o homem contemporâneo: a constituição do psiquismo; a formação e a resolução das patologias mentais; a cultura em sentido amplo e a educação como elemento mediador entre o indivíduo e a sociedade. O objetivo é apresentar e comparar as análises feitas por John Dewey sobre esses mesmos temas, tomando por base o livro Human nature and conduct. As comparações entre os discursos freudiano e deweyano são feitas por meio da metodologia proposta por Chaïm Perelman no livro Tratado da argumentação (elaborado em coautoria com Olbrechts-Tyteca), que busca esclarecer as estratégias argumentativas usadas por um autor para obter ou aumentar a adesão às teses propostas e, com isso, despertar ações concretas. As conclusões sugerem que, embora Dewey discorde de Freud, existem pontos de concordância entre ambos, especialmente no que diz respeito ao significado dos impulsos e da sublimação e à concepção de que o conhecimento é mutável e impreciso, o que rejeita a crença em certezas absolutas e insere as decisões e ações humanas no âmbito da probabilidade.


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O objetivo central é discutir a possibilidade de uma ética pertinente ao conjunto de ações atualmente realizadas sob o enfoque da Atenção Psicossocial no campo da Saúde Mental Coletiva. Utilizando o método do ensaio, partirei da análise de algumas proposições importantes sobre a ética na Saúde Mental, presentes na literatura recente, e da experiência de vários anos no campo da Atenção Psicossocial como trabalhador, como assessor clínico-institucional do Ministério da Saúde e como formador de psicoterapeutas. Duas vertentes de análise são consideradas: éticas disciplinares, chamadas éticas da psiquiatria, incluindo uma tentativa importante de complementá-las criticamente sob o enfoque da ética do cuidado, e éticas fundadas em concepções psicanalíticas do sujeito e seu sofrimento, que destacam as dimensões do sujeito como entre social e como entre subjetivo ou entre sentido. Com base nas diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde e na psicanálise do campo freudiano, procura-se fundamentar a ética da Clínica na Atenção Psicossocial como ética do cuidar-se - base necessária para a construção do protagonismo dos sujeitos do sofrimento na produção do sentido necessário à superação do sofrimento e demais impasses que motivaram a procura de ajuda, e para a possibilidade de seu reposicionamento no entre social e no entre sentido; componentes da saúde em sintonia com a subjetividade singularizada referenciada nos Ideais socioculturais e no devir desejante. Demonstra-se que essa ética exige dos trabalhadores do campo a superação dialética dos modos de produção de saúde e subjetividade em sintonia com o Modo Capitalista de Produção e seus derivados autoritários.


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The present research deals with a philosophical reflection about the constitution of the subject religious and moral in the thought of Freud, starting from of question of religion while one of the various spaces concretion of the individual morality. Our hypothesis is that religion presents itself as a space of revival of the primary relationship with the mother of the subject and as a moral agency. That primary relationship corresponds to the period before the Oedipus complex. The cut caused in the Oedipus complex sake in the an emptiness the subject, leading him to a situation of helplessness. In trying to fill the emptiness and consequently out of the situation of displeasure occasioned by the helplessness, the individual seeks diverses means, between which, the religion. The religion, that sense, quest for one part, that support be filling of the existential emptiness, triggered in the Oedipus complex, and on the other, works as a staunch ally of the Superego, which for turn is direct heir of the Oedipus complex and whose function is to require of the subject to moral living, as is established by the social body, where the individual is inserted. Therefore, we seek to draw this subject starting from general ideas of the philosophy, about the moral, as well as some theoretical elements of freudian thought, since his idea of the origin of the culture, morality and religion the more specific elements that pertain to the individual subject, ie, the psychism


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This article intends to offer, in an introductory way, a reflection in order to build an interpretation of the Sigmund Freud's thought, orchestrating notions such as the ones of progress of civilization, which would be his philosophy of history; an investigation on his conceptions about "human nature"; culminating in a brief reflection on some points of philosophy of nature that underlies his thought. We anticipate that we recognize in the latter, characteristics assimilated by analogy to the entropy concept of modern physics. Among other features, such as compared and methodological reference with some of Kant's theses about the same notions, we also present in a short way two metapsychological aspects of Freudian theory on human sexuality, the biological and physiological, both aiming to give support to the reflections on the sense of finality.


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This study investigates the Repetition of movements shown in a stereotypical case of a child three years old. In line with the psychoanalysis model of search, this work presents fragments of the clinic process, the locus for the observation of repetitive, ritualized and choreographically movements of this child who used not to speak. The contrast between their movements and the issuance of a word verbalized at the end of the treatment caused the following question: repetition in this child production would be a reproduction of the same or would be directing for the difference? In the psychiatric speech, the stereotypes are listed as diagnostic criteria for certain mental disorders. In the psychoanalysis studies a question about the psych nature of ritualistic gestures apparently without purpose or direction is included. Thus, the route followed was the reading of the theoretical concept of repetition in the psychoanalytic works of S. Freud and J. Lacan. With Freud, the repetition is linked to the transfer and resistance. In that context, when it appears in act, in the place of the talk, it constitutes a particular way of remembering. But the existence of a force in the psychic apparatus that acts independent and involuntarily of the Principle of pleasure (the repetition compulsion) subsidizes the discovery of Freudian pulsion of death that is the tendency to return to itself. In the Lacan reading, the function of Repetition is magnified, as it fulfils two functions: the automaton - reminders of repetitive signs, and that the service of tiqué - the meeting of the subject with his lack constituent. In this sense, repetition is not simply a reproduction, but the search for new, the difference, caused by the lack of continuity that pushes the circuit. Finally, the clinic process and the theoretical readings made the comprehension of the child repetitive and choreographically movements and the pronouncement of a "good-bye", full of meaning. This repetitive scenario which is full of questions, by this very nature, insists in remains inconclusive


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This paper aims to discuss the concept of symptom in psychopedagogy and psychoanalysis, drawing the consequences for the direction of treatment for each of these fields. Learning Problems has been the name given by various fields of knowledge to what does not happen as expected in the learning process. To address these problems several professionals are called upon. Faced with this demand a new field of knowledge is created: the psycho-pedagogy. In Brazil, it is established as a field of work and research from the contributions of Alicia Fernández. This author, supported by the work of French philosopher and educator Sara Paín, takes the concept of Freudian-Lacanian symptom as a fundamental concept to read the so-called "learning problems". Given this one must question whether the concept of symptom Fernandez is really the same as psychoanalysis. Are they the same? If yes, how to sustain as different fields? If not, what are consequences for the direction of treatment for each of these fields? For this study, the theoretical works of Alicia Fernández and Sara Pain were read aiming to clarify the concept of symptom in psychopedagogy. To discuss the psychoanalytic concept of symptom we turned to the texts of Freud, Lacan and commentators in which this issue is discussed. The results show that Pain and Fernandez seek psychoanalysis as a theory to be coupled with others to solve the learning problems. The concept of symptom as a return of the repressed and as an indicator of a sense to be found in the history of the subject is similar to the psychoanalytical one, however, in psychopedagogy other fields of knowledge and techniques are used as reference and these are sometimes incompatible with the concept of symptom presented. The use of psychological tests for the diagnosis, the idea of transference without the notion of subject supposed to know and the proposed treatment are indications of a different treatment approach from what the ethics of psychoanalysis proposes


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This work seeks to understand the difficulties and dilemmas that pervade the career choice of teenagers. For this, we take investigative via psyquic unconscious determinations that, as observed in present clinical practice, it is also confirmed important in the reviewed literature. In the last one, the most important findings signaled an important relationship between identification processes and the various choices we make throughout life. These findings led us to question about how psychoanalysis understands these processes and how they are involved in building the career choice of teenagers. From the referential Freudian and Lacanian, we have studied the concepts of adolescence and identification, which articulated the process of career choice and fragments of clinical cases, allowed us to reach conclusions that point to the deep involvement of the dimension of desire and the unconscious in issues regarding career choices and the possibility of building a listening, of the difficulties found there, more attentive to the psychic determinations and singular responses that each presents in front of these determinations


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Bien plus qu'on le pense, les prémices reichiennes semblent être basées sur des propositions freudiennes, surtout celles des premiers temps. Basée sur des justificatifs de différents ordres, desquels le plus usuel est que Reich était lié officiellement à l Association Psychanalytique Internationale, certains auteurs cependant exaltent les approches cliniques de cette « période psychanalytique » propre aux premières élaborations reichiennes, sans mentionner d'autres approches possibles dans la polémique en question. Ce n'est pas pour un autre motif que ce texte vise à racheter certaines des réflexions freudiennes sur l'éducation, mettant en évidence « l'éducation des éducateurs », soit comme un présupposé psychanalytique basé sur des textes éducatifs de Freud, soit comme une utopie typiquement reichienne, misant sur la possibilité d'une prophylaxie des névroses étendue au domaine éducatif ou comme un des points communs entre le discours éducatif de Freud ou de Reich, capable donc de favoriser au second le dédoublement de présupposés manifestés dans l uvre du premier.


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Partindo da experiência na enfermaria de um hospital-escola1, do confronto com o status-quo do trabalho dos psicólogos em hospitais e da avaliação da literatura sobre a clínica psicanalítica em hospital, esta pesquisa se propôs a buscar avanços frente a uma questão específica: a escuta psicanalítica no trabalho em enfermarias de hospital geral e as implicações dessa prática com o desejo do psicanalista. Foram entrevistados quinze psicólogos declaradamente de orientação psicanalítica, vinculados a unidades de internação e com experiência mínima de dois anos de trabalho em hospital geral. As entrevistas foram abertas e semi-estruturadas, com o intuito de contemplar de maneira uniforme a coleta de informações de cunho mais objetivo, assim como de facilitar a pertinência ao tema de estudo. A interpretação dos dados foi realizada à luz do referencial clínico psicanalítico (freud-lacaniano), sendo que tal interpretação nos permitiu identificar uma importante interação entre os impasses, presentes na instituição hospitalar, da prática clínica psicanalítica com questões pessoais e de formação do profissional, interação que se vincula à postura de trabalho adotada no hospital. Reafirmamos, através desta pesquisa, a possibilidade de fazer uso de uma escuta analítica no trabalho com pacientes internados, a qual está sempre voltada para as manifestações do inconsciente ao longo da fala, e na qual a direção do tratamento é a emergência do sujeito do inconsciente.


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This article intends to discuss the importance of the ego-psychology towards the psychoanalytical interpretation of the aesthetic experience. Its focus is based on the Ernst Kris original work, therefore it intends to present certain basis of his aesthetical thinking. In this case, however, it will suggest one certain reading which emphasizes the problem of sublimation as a drive destination-and not as a defense mechanism-in within this relationship between art and psychoanalysis; hence, it brings out a phenomenon that crosses the psychoanalytical thinking since its first conception.


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC