970 resultados para FOOD CHOICE


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A recente evolução das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT), possivelmente associadas às mudanças de hábitos alimentares, tem sido um desafio para a promoção da alimentação saudável em vários países, inclusive no Brasil, onde o sódio tem sido o foco de atenção, pela possibilidade da redução da sua elevada ingestão ser uma das medidas com melhor custo benefício para saúde pública. É necessário conhecer o conteúdo de sódio e de componentes específicos, relacionados às DCNT nos alimentos comercializados no país, para orientar o consumidor na seleção adequada dos alimentos e mesmo para modificar sua composição; no entanto, nas bases de dados, o conteúdo desse mineral está presente em um número reduzido de alimentos. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi a elaboração de uma base de dados de alimentos processados com componentes específicos associados às DCNT, dando ênfase ao sódio, e avaliar o uso dessa base de dados para estimar a sua ingestão. Informações nutricionais de rótulos e de websites de indústrias de alimentos foram coletadas para inclusão na base de dados, elaborada de acordo com as diretrizes do International collaborative project to compare and monitor the nutritional composition of processed foods, coordenado pelo The George Institute for Global Health (Austrália). A avaliação da variação do conteúdo de sódio foi realizada para alguns alimentos processados presentes na base de dados, considerando os de maior consumo nacional. O conteúdo de sódio em refeições de restaurantes populares de São Paulo foi analisado por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica de chama e estimado pela base de dados elaborada para comparação. Na base de dados estão incluídas informações de 2.319 alimentos distribuídos em 14 grupos. Foi observada grande variação no conteúdo de sódio entre diferentes tipos de pães de forma industrializados, de salsichas, de linguiças, de queijos e iogurtes. O conteúdo de sódio analisado nas refeições (base integral) variou de 215,9 mg a 427,9 mg por 100 kcal, enquanto que o conteúdo de sódio estimado variou de 204,2 mg a 486,8 mg por 100 kcal (418 kJ). A análise do coeficiente de correlação entre valores analíticos e estimados do conteúdo de sódio em refeições mostrou forte correlação entre esses dados para dois restaurantes (r=0,703 e 0,897) e moderada correlação para outros dois (r=0,513 e 0,622) dos cinco restaurantes estudados, indicando que através da base de dados elaborada é possível obter uma estimativa da ingestão de sódio. A importância de se conhecer o conteúdo de sódio de refeições e/ou alimentos está na possibilidade de uso dessas informações para orientar a redução do sal empregado no preparo da refeição, e ampliar para o consumidor informações que permitam identificar alternativas para redução do consumo de sal.


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It has been estimated that one in four adults have sedentary lifestyles. In addition there appears to be an increase in obesity across the life span. It is of great importance to the health of this nation to understand how to promote more active lifestyles through the identification of lifestyle behaviors of active individuals and potential predictors of physical activity (PA). Seven hundred and seventy-seven college students were surveyed to investigate the relationship between nutrition related variables (i.e., dietary restraint, nutrition knowledge, food choice and body weight concerns) and PA. In this study, over half of the students reported doing 30 minutes of moderate intensity PA daily. Vigorously active males and females chose low fat foods more often than the less active group. Exercisers and non-exercisers had similar nutrition knowledge. The results of this study suggest that students who are more active are more conscience about making healthier food choices.


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Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and impaired or threatened nutritional status seem to be closely related. It is now known that AIDS results in many nutritional disorders including anorexia, vomiting, protein-energy malnutrition (PEM), nutrient deficiencies, and gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic dysfunction (1-7, 8). Reversibly, nutritional status may also have an impact on the development of AIDS among HIV-infected people. Not all individuals who have tested antibody positive for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) have developed AIDS or have even shown clinical symptoms (9, 10). A poor nutritional status, especially PEM, has a depressing effect on immunity which may predispose an individual to infection (11). It has been proposed that a qualitatively or quantitatively deficient diet could be among the factors precipitating the transition from HIV-positive to AIDS (12, 13). The interrelationship between nutrition and AIDS reveals the importance of having a multidisciplinary health care team approach to treatment (11), including having a registered dietitian on the medical team. With regards to alimentation, the main responsibility of a dietitian is to inform the public concerning sound nutritional practices and encourage healthy food habits (14). In individuals with inadequate nutritional behavior, a positive, long-term change has been seen when nutrition education tailored to specific physiological and emotional needs was provided along with psychological support through counseling (14). This has been the case for patients with various illnesses and may also be true in AIDS patients as well. Nutritional education specifically tailored for each AIDS patient could benefit the patient by improving the quality of life and preventing or minimizing weight loss and malnutrition (15-17). Also, it may influence the progression of the disease by delaying the onset of the most severe symptoms and increasing the efficacy of medical treatment (18, 19). Several studies have contributed to a dietary rationale for nutritional intervention in HIV-infected and AIDS patients (2, 4, 20-25). Prospective, randomized clinical research in AIDS patients have not yet been published to support this dietary rationale; however, isolated case reports show its suitability (3). Furthermore, only nutrition intervention as applied by a medical team in an institution or hospital has been evaluated. Research is lacking concerning the evaluation of nutritional education of either non-institutionalized or hospitalized groups of persons who are managing their own food choice and intake. This study compares nutrition knowledge and food intakes in HIV-infected individuals prior to and following nutrition education. It was anticipated that education would increase the knowledge of nutritional care of AIDS patients and lead to better implementation of nutrition education programs.


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The behavioral decisions of animals do not occur randomly, because behaviors are adjusted to ensure the survival and reproduction of the animal. In this research, I examined behavioral decisions in the foraging context of the ant Dinoponera quadriceps with regard to orientation, food avaliation and foraging dynamic to individual level. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Behavioral Biology at UFRN and in an area of secondary Atlantic Forest in FLONA-ICMBio Nísia Floresta/RN. In all observations and experiments, ants were marked individually with an alphanumeric code label fixed on the thorax. In the first part of the study, I analyzed the orientation cues used by D. quadriceps. The tests were performed in a maze of 17 compartments. Each forager was tested for 10 min in three sessions for six different treatments. The treatments consisted of the presence or absence of odor and superior or frontal visual cues. The workers demonstrated that the presence of odor is indispensable and front visual cues are more effective than superior visual cues. In the second part, I investigated the discrimination of food, considering the parameters, size, weight and volume. In a 'cafeteria' experiment, I offered cylindrical pieces of food (mortadella) in a Petri dish, within an experimental arena 1m². Initially, the pieces were of four different sizes; in a second step, the pieces were of the same size but with different weight; in the last step, the pieces had the same weight but different volumes. The results showed the effect of the size and weight parameters for food choice. In the third part of the study, I evaluated the influence of the activity of active foragers on inactive ones. In this part, the colonies were observed in a natural environment. The observations took place on three consecutive days in 10 episodes, total of 30 days for each colony, 12 hours/day. On the first day, I registered the output and input of workers; on the second day, the most active ants on the first day were taken and given back at the end of the observations; on the third day, the observations were similar to the first day. As a result, the workers of D. quadriceps show autostimulation and they do not show social facilitation and the colony compensates the absence of the most active workers. Based on the stated, I conclude that workers of D. quadriceps use chemical, frontal and superior visual orientation cues during their displacements. They discriminate the chosen food by size and weight. The regulation of activity dynamics of foragers is by autostimulation, an active worker does not influence the activity of an inactive worker, the successful search previous is the stimulus to the successful worker itself to continue foraging activity.


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The relationship between workplace absenteeism and adverse lifestyle factors (smoking, physical inactivity and poor dietary patterns) remains ambiguous. Reliance on self-reported absenteeism and obesity measures may contribute to this uncertainty. Using objective absenteeism and health status measures, the present study aimed to investigate what health status outcomes and lifestyle factors influence workplace absenteeism. Cross-sectional data were obtained from a complex workplace dietary intervention trial, the Food Choice at Work Study. Four multinational manufacturing workplaces in Cork, Republic of Ireland. Participants included 540 randomly selected employees from the four workplaces. Annual count absenteeism data were collected. Physical assessments included objective health status measures (BMI, midway waist circumference and blood pressure). FFQ measured diet quality from which DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) scores were constructed. A zero-inflated negative binomial (zinb) regression model examined associations between health status outcomes, lifestyle characteristics and absenteeism. The mean number of absences was 2·5 (sd 4·5) d. After controlling for sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics, the zinb model indicated that absenteeism was positively associated with central obesity, increasing expected absence rate by 72 %. Consuming a high-quality diet and engaging in moderate levels of physical activity were negatively associated with absenteeism and reduced expected frequency by 50 % and 36 %, respectively. Being in a managerial/supervisory position also reduced expected frequency by 50 %. To reduce absenteeism, workplace health promotion policies should incorporate recommendations designed to prevent and manage excess weight, improve diet quality and increase physical activity levels of employees.


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Résumé : Contexte: Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) sont un enjeu contemporain de santé publique. Or, des recherches cliniques démontrent que certaines interventions sont efficaces dans leur traitement et prévention. Il s’agit d’interventions nutritionnelles éducatives priorisant des aliments végétaux minimalement transformés (VMT). Ces interventions promeuvent l’adoption de postures alimentaires se caractérisant par la consommation à volonté d’une grande variété d’aliments d’origine végétale (e.g. légumineuses, céréales entières, fruits, légumes) et par une diminution de la consommation d’aliments d’origine animale (e.g. viandes, œufs et produits laitiers) et ultra-transformés (e.g. riches en sucres, sel ou gras, et faibles en fibres). Objectifs: À l’aide d’un devis mixte concomitant imbriqué, nous avons évalué les effets d’un programme d’interventions éducatives visant à augmenter la consommation de VMT chez des adultes à risque de MCV et exploré les déterminants des modifications comportementales observées. Méthodologie : Divers paramètres physiologiques et anthropométriques ont été mesurés pré-post programme (n = 72) puis analysés avec un test t pour échantillons appariés ou un test signé des rangs de Wilcoxon. D’autre part, 10 entretiens semi-dirigés ont été réalisés post-programme et soutenus par un guide d’entretien basé sur le Food Choice Process Model. Les verbatims intégraux ont été codés selon la méthode d’analyse thématique. Résultats : Après 12 semaines, le poids (-10,5 lb, IC 95 %: 9,0-12,0), le tour de taille (-7,4 cm, IC 95 %:6,5-8,4), la tension artérielle diastolique (-3,2 mmHg, IC 95 %: 0,1-6,3), le cholestérol total (-0,87 mmol/ L, IC 95 %:0,57-1,17), le cholestérol LDL (-0,84 mmol/ L, IC 95 %: 0,55-1,13) et l’hémoglobine glyquée (-1,32 %, IC 95 %:-0,17-2,80) se sont significativement améliorés. L’analyse thématique des données qualitatives révèle que le programme, par la stimulation de valeurs de santé, d’éthique et d’intégrité, favorise la transformation des choix alimentaires vers une posture davantage axée sur les VMT durant une période clé du parcours de vie (i.e. pré-retraite). D’autres déterminants pouvant favoriser l’adoption d’une alimentation VMT ont été identifiés, dont les bénéfices importants observables à court terme, l’absence de restriction à l’égard de la quantité d’aliments VMT et le développement de compétences de planification dans l’acquisition et la préparation des aliments. Conclusion : Une intervention priorisant les VMT permet d’améliorer le profil cardiométabolique d’individus pré-retraités en raison de ses caractéristiques intrinsèques, mais aussi parce qu’elle modifie les valeurs impliquées dans les choix alimentaires.


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BACKGROUND: Psychological stress negatively influences food intake and food choices, thereby contributing to the development of childhood obesity. Physical activity can also moderate eating behavior and influence calorie intake. However, it is unknown if acute physical activity influences food intake and overall energy balance after acute stress exposure in children. We therefore investigated the impact of acute physical activity on overall energy balance (food intake minus energy expenditure), food intake, and choice in the setting of acute social stress in normal weight (NW) and overweight/obese (OW/OB) children as well as the impact of psychological risk factors. METHOD: After receiving written consent from their parents, 26 NW (BMI < 90(th) percentile) and 24 7-to 11-year-old OW (n = 5)/OB (n = 19, BMI ≥ 90(th) percentile) children were randomly allocated using computer-generated numbers (1:1, after stratification for weight status) to acute moderate physical or to sedentary activity for 30 min. Afterwards, all children were exposed to an acute social stressor. Children and their parents completed self-report questionnaires. At the end of the stressor, children were allowed to eat freely from a range of 12 different foods (6 sweet/6 salty; each of low/high caloric density). Energy balance, food intake/choice and obesity-related psychological risk factors were assessed. RESULTS: Lower overall energy balance (p = 0.019) and a decreased choice of low density salty foods (p < 0.001) in NW children compared with OW/OB children was found after acute moderate physical activity but not sedentary activity. Independent of their allocation, OW/OB children ate more high density salty foods (104 kcal (34 to 173), p = 0.004) following stress. They scored higher on impulsive behavior (p = 0.005), restrained eating (p < 0.001) and parental corporal punishment (p = 0.03), but these psychological factors were not related to stress-induced food intake/choice. Positive parenting tended to be related to lower intake of sweet high density food (-132 kcal, -277 to 2, p = 0.054). CONCLUSIONS: In the setting of stress, acute moderate physical activity can address energy balance in children, a benefit which is especially pronounced in the OW/OB. Positive parenting may act as a protective factor preventing stress-induced eating of comfort food. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov NCT01693926 The study was a pilot study of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (CRSII3_147673).


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After the “European” experience of BSE and further food safety crises consumer trust is playing an increasingly important role in political and marketing decision making. This also relates to the area of consumer acceptance of GM food. This paper integrates consumer trust with the theory of planned behavior and a stated choice model to gain a more complete picture of consumer decision making. Preliminary results indicate that when GM products offer practical benefits to consumers acceptance may increase considerably. Furthermore, both trust and perceived benefits contribute significantly to explaining the level of acceptance.


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The rise of new food assistance instruments, including local and regional procurement, cash, and vouchers, has surpassed increase in understanding of the tradeoffs among and impacts of these options relative to traditional food aid. Response choices rarely appear to result from systematic response analyses. Further, impacts along multiple dimensions-timeliness, cost-effectiveness, local market effects, recipient satisfaction, food quality, impact on smallholder suppliers, etc.-may be competing or synergistic. No single food assistance tool is always and everywhere preferable. A growing body of evidence, including the papers in this special section, nonetheless demonstrates the clear value-added of new food assistance instruments. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the European Retail Digest, Tenbusch (2002) advised us that, "over the last decade, only discounters have been able to achieve significant revenue growth". The most casual observer of the retail scene in Europe would quickly realise that the author was most certainly not writing about Britain. Indeed he compared the situation in Germany with Britain by noting that grocery prices in the former were on average 20% lower. Interestingly, it was, at least in part, just those types of price comparison data that sparked the current British debate on the state of our market for food shopping. Soon, however, there were other factors brought into consideration. Market power of supermarket/ superstore operators, prices offered to small local farmers, the apparent permanent global summertime for food, food miles and eco-efficiency all became part of the debate. What might be the competing influence of any or all of these factors in the name of better 'choice' for consumers? Are British consumers really being offered better choice compared to what was available in the early 1980s, and might that explain the price differential with Germany and other countries? Or are we simply not comparing like with like? Indeed, as we will shortly argue, can we generalise about Britain at all when we accept, for example, that the Scottish market IS different?


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The “food deserts” debate can be enriched by setting the particular circumstances of food deserts – areas of very limited consumer choice – within a wider context of changing retail provision in other areas. This paper’s combined focus on retail competition and consumer choice shifts the emphasis from changing patterns of retail provision towards a more qualitative understanding of how “choice” is actually experienced by consumers at the local level “on the ground”. This argument has critical implications for current policy debates where the emphasis on monopolies and mergers at the national level needs to be brought together with the planning and regulation of retail provision at the local, neighbourhood level.


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Altricial nestlings solicit food by begging and engaging in scramble competition. Solicitation displays can thus signal both hunger and competitive ability. I examined nestling solicitation and parental responses in crimson rosellas (Platycercus elegans), a species in which parents engage in complex patterns of food allocation and appear to control the distribution of food. By manipulating the hunger of individual chicks and entire broods, I assessed how chick behaviours and parental food allocation varied with hatching rank, level of hunger, and intensity of nestling competition. Last-hatched chicks begged more than first-hatched chicks irrespective of individual hunger levels. The two parents combined fed individually hungry chicks more, but mothers and fathers varied in their responses to begging chicks: fathers fed last-hatched chicks in proportion to their begging intensity, whereas mothers fed chicks equally. Since fathers generally allocate more food to first-hatched chicks, fathers appear to use begging rates to adjust food allocation to non-preferred chicks within the brood. When I manipulated brood hunger levels, begging rates increased for first- and last-hatched chicks suggesting that chick begging rates are sensitive to the level of competition. This study shows that begging by rosella chicks does not correlate with hunger in a straightforward way and that the primary patterns of food allocation by parents art: not influenced by chick begging. Thus the benefits of increased begging may be limited for nestlings in this species.


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Supply and demand largely determine the price of goods on human markets. It has been proposed that in animals, similar forces influence the payoff distribution between trading partners in Sexual selection, intraspecific cooperation and interspecific mutualism. Here we present the first experimental evidence supporting biological market theory in it study on cleaner fish, Labroides dimidiatus. Cleaners interact with two classes of clients: choosy client species with access to several cleaners usually do not queue for service and do not return if ignored, while resident client species with access to only one cleaning station do queue or return. We used plexiglas plates with equal amounts of food to stimulate these behaviours of the two client classes. Cleaners soon inspected 'choosy' plates before 'resident' plates. This supports previous field observations that suggest that client species with access to several cleaners exert choice to receive better(immediate) service.


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Habitat choice by brush-tailed rock-wallabies (Petrogale penicillata) in south-east Queensland was investigated by comparing the attributes of the nocturnal foraging locations that they selected with those of random locations within a radius of 50 m. Brush-tailed rock-wallabies were shown to select foraging locations on the basis of forage quality and/or their ability to see predators, rather than protection from predators amongst vegetation that could conceal them. Habitat choice may have been affected by limited food availability, as this study was conducted in the winter dry season. The attributes of foraging locations that brush- tailed rock-wallabies perceived as increasing their predation risk were assessed by recording the proportion of time that brush- tailed rock-wallabies spent vigilant while foraging. To measure vigilance, focal animals were observed with a night- vision scope for two minutes and the proportions of time spent vigilant and feeding were recorded. No measured feature of foraging locations was related to higher vigilance levels, suggesting that brush- tailed rock-wallabies did not alter their vigilance whether sheltered amongst grass tussocks or in open habitat, or whether feeding on good quality or poorer quality vegetation. Vigilance levels significantly declined as overnight temperatures decreased, which may have resulted from higher energy requirements of brush- tailed rock-wallabies during winter. The only factors that were found to significantly increase vigilance levels were high winds and moonlit nights. On bright nights, brush- tailed rock-wallabies were very unsettled and during high winds they often did not emerge to feed. More information is needed about how macropods detect predators at night before the effects of wind and light intensity upon vigilance can be fully understood.