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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde erstmalig eine in vivo Methylierung von Quecksilber in Insekten nachgewiesen. Des Weiteren wurde die Kinetik der Quecksilbermethylierung im Faulschlamm untersucht und eine Identifizierung der für die Methylierung verantwortlichen Bakteriengruppe durchgeführt. Die Methylquecksilberbestimmung erfolgte mittels Purge&Trap Gaschromatographie-Atomfluoreszenzspektrometrie nach einer sauren Phasenextraktion. Zur Untersuchung einer in vivo Methylquecksilberbildung in Insekten wurde die australischen Termite Mastotermes darwiniensis als Modellorganismus verwandt. Den Tieren wurde über einen Zeitraum von vierzehn Tagen Quecksilber(II)chlorid in unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen mit der Nahrung zugeführt und anschließend die Methylquecksilberkonzentration in den Termiten bestimmt. Mit zunehmender Quecksilberkonzentration in der Nahrung (0 µg bis 150 µg Hg2+/g) stieg die Methylquecksilberkonzentration von ca. 5 ng auf 53,8 ng pro g Termite Trockengewicht. Bei höheren Quecksilberkonzentrationen in der Nahrung wurde kein weiterer Anstieg in der Methylquecksilberkonzentration in den Termiten festgestellt. Die Untersuchung der Methylquecksilberbildung im Faulschlamm des Klärwerks Mainz-Mombach zeigte, dass die Methylquecksilberkonzentration zu Beginn der Inkubationsphase rasch anstieg und mit zunehmender Inkubationsdauer eine Sätti-gung erreichte. Nach 164 Stunden waren insgesamt 2,6 % des eingesetzten Quecksilbers zu Methylquecksilber umgesetzt. Anhand von Hemmstoffversuchen wurden Sulfat-reduzierende Bakterien als hauptverantwortliche Organismengruppe für die Quecksilbermethylierung identifiziert.


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The development and characterization of biomolecule sensor formats based on the optical technique Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Spectroscopy and electrochemical methods were investigated. The study can be divided into two parts of different scope. In the first part new novel detection schemes for labeled targets were developed on the basis of the investigations in Surface-plamon Field Enhanced Spectroscopy (SPFS). The first one is SPR fluorescence imaging formats, Surface-plamon Field Enhanced Fluorescence Microscopy (SPFM). Patterned self assembled monolayers (SAMs) were prepared and used to direct the spatial distribution of biomolecules immobilized on surfaces. Here the patterned monolayers would serve as molecular templates to secure different biomolecules to known locations on a surface. The binding processed of labeled target biomolecules from solution to sensor surface were visually and kinetically recorded by the fluorescence microscope, in which fluorescence was excited by the evanescent field of propagating plasmon surface polaritons. The second format which also originates from SPFS technique, Surface-plamon Field Enhanced Fluorescence Spectrometry (SPFSm), concerns the coupling of a fluorometry to normal SPR setup. A spectrograph mounted in place of photomultiplier or microscope can provide the information of fluorescence spectrum as well as fluorescence intensity. This study also firstly demonstrated the analytical combination of surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence detection with analyte tagged by semiconducting nano- crystals (QDs). Electrochemically addressable fabrication of DNA biosensor arrays in aqueous environment was also developed. An electrochemical method was introduced for the directed in-situ assembly of various specific oligonucleotide catcher probes onto different sensing elements of a multi-electrode array in the aqueous environment of a flow cell. Surface plasmon microscopy (SPM) is utilized for the on-line recording of the various functionalization steps. Hybridization reactions between targets from solution to the different surface-bound complementary probes are monitored by surface-plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence microscopy (SPFM) using targets that are either labeled with organic dyes or with semiconducting quantum dots for color-multiplexing. This study provides a new approach for the fabrication of (small) DNA arrays and the recording and quantitative evaluation of parallel hybridization reactions. In the second part of this work, the ideas of combining the SP optical and electrochemical characterization were extended to tethered bilayer lipid membrane (tBLM) format. Tethered bilayer lipid membranes provide a versatile model platform for the study of many membrane related processes. The thiolipids were firstly self-assembled on ultraflat gold substrates. Fusion of the monolayers with small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) formed the distal layer and the membranes thus obtained have the sealing properties comparable to those of natural membranes. The fusion could be monitored optically by SPR as an increase in reflectivity (thickness) upon formation of the outer leaflet of the bilayer. With EIS, a drop in capacitance and a steady increase in resistance could be observed leading to a tightly sealing membrane with low leakage currents. The assembly of tBLMs and the subsequent incorporation of membrane proteins were investigated with respect to their potential use as a biosensing system. In the case of valinomycin the potassium transport mediated by the ion carrier could be shown by a decrease in resistance upon increasing potassium concentration. Potential mediation of membrane pores could be shown for the ion channel forming peptide alamethicin (Alm). It was shown that at high positive dc bias (cis negative) Alm channels stay at relatively low conductance levels and show higher permeability to potassium than to tetramethylammonium. The addition of inhibitor amiloride can partially block the Alm channels and results in increase of membrane resistance. tBLMs are robust and versatile model membrane architectures that can mimic certain properties of biological membranes. tBLMs with incorporated lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and lipid A mimicking bacteria membranes were used to probe the interactions of antibodies against LPS and to investigate the binding and incorporation of the small antimicrobial peptide V4. The influence of membrane composition and charge on the behavior of V4 was also probed. This study displays the possibility of using tBLM platform to record and valuate the efficiency or potency of numerous synthesized antimicrobial peptides as potential drug candidates.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Methylierung von Quecksilber in Intestinaltrakt des Kompostwurms Eisenia foetida untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden aerobe und anaerobe Mikroorganismen aus dem Darmtrakt von Eisenia fotida isoliert, identifiziert und auf ihr Potential zur Methylierung von Quecksilber getestet. Die Bestimmung von Methylquecksilber erfolgte mittels GC-ICPMS (Gaschromatographie mit induktiv gekoppelter Plasma-Massenspektrometrie) und GC-AFS (Gaschromatographie- Atomfluoreszenzspektrometrie). Für die GC-ICPMS erfolgte die Quantifizierung des Methylquecksilbers mittels der Isotopenverdünnungsmethode. Die Extraktion des Methylquecksilbers aus dem Wurmgewebe erfolgte durch einen alkalischen Aufschluss mit TMAH (Tetramethylammoniumhydroxid) und anschließender Derivatisierung des Methylquecksilbers durch Natriumtetrapropylborat. Für die Extraktion des gebildeten Methylquecksilbers aus Bakterienkulturen wurde eine Extraktion mit einer methanolischen Kaliumhydroxidlösung verwendet. Wie bei dem Wurmgewebe wurde das Methylqueckilsber ebenfalls mit Natriumtetrapropylborat derivatisiert.rnrnFür die Untersuchung einer in vivo Methylquecksilberbildung in bodenlebenden Invertebraten wurde der Kompostwurm Eisenia foetida als Modellorganismus verwendet. Die Tiere wurden aus einer Kultur in einen Boden überführt, der mit anorganischem Quecksilber versetzt wurde. Nach zehn Tagen Inkubationszeit wurden die Würmer entnommen und das Methylquecksilber extrahiert. Um eine mögliche Methylierung von Quecksilber durch Bodenorganismen auszuschließen wurde sowohl steriles als auch unsteriles Bodenmaterial verwendet. In den Wurmproben aus dem unsterilen Bodenmaterial konnte eine Konzentration an Methylquecksilber von 17,4 ng/g Trockengewicht (Boden ohne Zugabe von Quecksilber) und 62,4 ng/g Trockengewicht (Boden mit Quecksilberzugabe). Bei den Wurmproben aus sterilem Bodenmaterial lag die Konzentration an Methylquecksilber bei 17,2 ng/g Trockengewicht (Boden ohne Zugabe von Quecksilber) und 51,9 ng/g Trockengewicht (Boden mit Quecksilberzugabe).rnrnBei den Bakterienkulturen konnte in Reinkulturen keine Methylierung von Quecksilber nachgewiesen werden. In einer fakultativ anaeroben Mischkultur konnte eine Methylierung von Quecksilber beobachtet werden. Für die Identifizierung der Mikroorganismen wurde die 16s rDNA mittels PCR amplifiziert und anschließend über eine DGGE aufgetrennt. Die Banden wurden ausgeschnitten und sequenziert. Dabei konnten drei Enterobacteriaceen identifiziert werden.rn


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A total of 167 samples distubuted throughout the CRP-3 drillhole from 5.77 to 787.68 mbsf and representing fine to coarse sandstones have been analysed by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) Bulk sample geochemistry (major and trace elements) indicates a dominant provenance of detritus from the Ferrar Supergroup in the uppermost 200 mbsf of the core. A markedly increased contribution from the Beacon sandstones is recognized below 200 mbsf and down to 600 mbsf. In the lower part of CRP-3, down to 787.68 mbsf, geochemical evidence for influxes of Ferrar materials is again recorded. On the basis of preliminary magnetostratigraphic data reported for the lower 447 mbsf of the drillhole, we tentatively evaluated the main periodicities modulating the geochemical records. Our results identify a possible influence of the precession, obliquity and long-eccentricity astronomical components (21, 41, and 400 ky frequency bands) on the deposition mechanisms of the studied glaciomarine sediments.


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Nineteen trace elements, including seven rare earth elements (REE's), and 10 major and minor elements in 76 sediment samples from Sites 798 (Oki Ridge) and 799 (Yamato Trough) were determined by means of instrumental neutron activation analysis and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Most REE patterns (chondrite-normalized) of the sediments from both sites were nearly identical to the patterns of terrigenous materials. The cerium anomaly (slightly positive) frequently appeared in REE patterns of the sediments (200-750 mbsf) from Site 799. Cerium may be selectively incorporated into the sediments with hydrogenous manganese precipitation. However, the degree of the anomaly was not well correlated with manganese content, suggesting that cerium may behave as a trivalent REE (like the other REE's) during diagenesis while manganese is transported in the sediment column accompanied by reduction to a lower oxidation state. The Th/Sc ratio of the sediments from Sites 798 and 799 tended to decrease with penetration depth. Such a depth profile may indicate a decrease in basic volcanism activities from the Pliocene (Site 798) and Miocene (Site 799). The La/Yb ratio and degree of europium anomaly also varied with depth, which may imply that two or more components with different REE patterns were supplied throughout sedimentation at sites in the Japan Sea.


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A technique for onsite application of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry to samples from sediment cores aboard a research vessel was developed and tested. The method is sufficiently simple, precise, and fast to be used routinely for high-resolution analyses of depth profiles as well as surface samples. Analyses were performed with the compact high-performance energy-dispersive polarisation X-ray fluorescence (EDPXRF) analyser Spectro Xepos. Contents of the elements Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, K, Sr, Ba, Rb, Cu, Ni, Zn, P, S, Cl and Br were simultaneously determined on 200-225 samples of each core within 24 h of recovery. This study presents a description of the employed shipboard preparation and analysis technique, along with some example data. We show land-based datasets that support our decisions to use powder samples and to reduce the original measuring time for onboard analyses. We demonstrate how well the results from shipboard measurements for the various elements compare with the land-based findings. The onboard geochemical data enabled us to establish an element stratigraphy already during the cruise. Correlation of iron, calcium and silicon enrichment trends with an older reference core provided an age model for the newly retrieved cores. The Spectro Xepos instrument performed without any analytical and technical difficulties which could have been caused by rougher weather conditions or continuous movement and vibration of the research vessel. By now, this XRF technique has been applied during three RV Meteor cruises to approximately 5,000 Late Quaternary sediment samples from altogether 23 gravity cores, 25 multicorer cores and two box cores from the eastern South Atlantic off South Africa/Namibia and the eastern Atlantic off NW Africa.


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The X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanner provides bulk-sediment chemistry data measured nondestructively at the split core sediment surface. Although this method is widely accepted, there is little known about the effects of physical properties such as density and water content on XRF core scanner data. Comparison of XRF scanner measurements from the sediment surface and dry powder samples of sediment core GeoB7920 indicates strongly reduced element intensities for the lighter elements Al and Si. We relate the lower element intensities of the measurements taken at the sediment surface to the amount of water in the sample volume analyzed by the XRF core scanner. The heavier elements K, Ca, Ti, and Fe remain relatively unaffected by the variation of any physical property within sediment core GeoB7920. Additionally, we successfully use the elemental intensity of Cl as a proxy for the seawater content in the sample volume analyzed by the XRF core scanner. This enables the establishment of a correction function for the elements Al and Si that corrects for the radiation absorption of the water content in sediment core GeoB7920 off Cape Blanc, NW Africa.


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in preparation