837 resultados para FESTIVAL ROCK AL PARQUE 2008-2009


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Se ha descrito en la literatura como el fútbol es un deporte en cuya práctica existe una alta incidencia de lesión. Sin embargo, en España, hasta el momento no se había llevado a cabo ningún estudio que analizara la incidencia de lesión de los jugadores de fútbol profesional. Para poder prevenir lesiones, en primer lugar debemos de identificar la magnitud del problema, así como conocer aquellos factores que pueden influir sobre la producción de lesiones, Éste es principal objetivo de nuestro estudio para, a partir de él, poder diseñar e introducir en la práctica deportiva medidas preventivas con el objetivo de disminuir la incidencia de lesión en el fútbol. Hay que considerar que nos encontramos ante un estudio descriptivo, el cual se caracteriza, por no tener una hipótesis previa. En él nos planteamos como principal objetivo el conocer la influencia de los diferentes factores que influyen en la posibilidad de sufrir una lesión en el fútbol, además de realizar un análisis que describiera las lesiones sufridas, así como sus periodos de recuperación, en el fútbol profesional español, En esta investigación, participaron 27 equipos pertenecientes a la primera y segunda división española (728 jugadores), registrándose durante la temporada 2008- 2009 un total de 2184 lesiones. Para el registro de las lesiones, se utilizó el cuestionario REINLE cumplimentado de forma confidencial por miembros del equipo técnico de los clubes colaboradores, a través de la base de datos LEFUTPRO con acceso vía internet. Como dato general, encontramos que en la práctica del fútbol profesional existe una elevada incidencia de lesión con 8,92 les.*1000h. de exposición, siendo ésta mayor en competición (41,33 les.*1000h.) que en entrenamiento (6,02 les.*1000h.), valores muy acordes a los encontrados en la literatura científica especifica. Se registraron un promedio de 81 lesiones que causaron baja por equipo y temporada, provocando una ausencia media por lesión de 11,3 días. De estas lesiones, el 11,9% de ellas fueron de carácter recidivante, las cuales causaron periodos de baja superiores a las lesiones iníciales, alcanzando un valor promedio de 17,9 días de baja por lesión. El 84,4% las lesiones que se registraron, se localizaron en la extremidad inferior, siendo el muslo, con un 30,5% de todas las lesiones, la región corporal más afectada. A su vez, dentro del muslo, el 53% de las lesiones se localizaron en la región posterior, dentro de la cual, en el 73% de los casos la lesión afectó al bíceps femoral. Además, se encontró una mayor frecuencia de lesión en la pierna dominante (54,4% de las todas las lesiones) frente a la no dominante (36,5% de las todas las lesiones). Desde el punto de vista de la tipología de la lesión, las lesiones de carácter muscular con un 49,1% de los casos, fueron las más frecuentes, seguidas de las lesiones ligamentosas con un 15,1% de los casos. Los mecanismos de producción de lesiones en el jugador sin contacto, fueron más frecuentes (69,1% de todos los casos), que aquellos mecanismos de lesión en los que si hubo contacto (30,9%). En relación al momento de producción de lesión a lo largo de la temporada, se encontró que las lesiones sufridas en entrenamiento fueron progresivamente menos frecuentes con el transcurso de la temporada, mientras que en la competición se fueron incrementando, siendo los últimos meses de la temporada cuando se registraron la mayor parte de las lesiones. A partir de este estudio, proponemos ampliar la investigación en esta línea, concretando algunos de los aspectos que hemos podido identificar a través de nuestros resultados, y que en un futuro puedan tener alguna aplicación práctica en el objetivo común de reducir la incidencia de lesión existente en la práctica deportiva del fútbol. ABSTRACT Football has been described in literature as a sport in which there is a high incidence of injuries. Nevertheless, in Spain, to date, not a single study analyzing the incidence of lesions in professional football players has been carried out. In order to prevent lesions, in the first place we must identify the magnitude of the problem, as well as discover those factors that may influence on the production of lesions, being the latter the main objective of our study, and hence, starting from this point, be able to design and introduce in sports practice preventive measures with the aim of decreasing the incidence of lesions. We must take into consideration that we are before a study characterized by the fact of not having a previous hypothesis. In the present study, our main areas of focus is finding out the different factors that have influence on the possibility of suffering a lesion in this sports practice, as well as carrying out an analysis that describes the lesions suffered in professional football, as well as the necessary recovery periods. 27 teams (728 players), belonging to Spain’s First and Second Football (soccer) Divisions took part in this research. During the 2008-2009 season, a total of 2,184 lesions were registered. To register the lesions, a REINLE questionnaire, of the LEFUTPRO database was used, with access via internet. Each of the participating teams was given a password in a totally confidential manner. In the first place, we found that in the practice of professional football there exists a high incidence of lesions, with 8.92 lesions per 1000 h. of exposure. We found an increase in lesions during competitions (41.33 lesions per 1000 h.) with respect to those occurring during training (6.02 lesions per 1000 h.); these values being in accordance with those found in specific scientific literature. An average of 81 lesions that implied sick leaves were registered per team and season, causing an average of 11.3 days of absence per lesion. Of these, 11.9% of all the lesions studied were recurrent, causing longer sick leave periods than the ones due to the initial lesions and reaching an average of 17.9 days of sick leave per lesion. 84.4% of the lesions registered were located in the inferior extremities, the thigh being the anatomical region, with 30.5% of all the lesions, the most affected body region. In turn, 53% of the lesions to the thigh occurred in the posterior area, and within the latter, in 73% of the cases, the lesion affected the femoral biceps. In addition, we found a greater frequency of lesions in the dominant leg (54.4% of all the lesions), in contrast with the non dominant leg (36.5% of all the lesions). From the point of view of lesion type the most frequent lesions were muscular (49.1% of all cases), followed by ligament lesions (15.1%). Most of the lesions were produced during moments in which the players were not in physical contact at the moment of suffering the injury (69.1%), in comparison with those produced when there was physical contact (30.9%). With relation to the instance in which the injuries were produced along the season, we found that those lesions suffered during training were progressively less frequent as the season wore on, whilst those suffered during competitions gradually incremented, being the last months of the season when most of the injuries were registered. From the research of this study, we propose the need to carry out more research in this same line, focalizing on some more concrete aspects, which, through our results, we have been able to realize that would be interesting to study in greater depth, and that in the future, our results may have a practical application, helping reduce the incidence of injuries that exist in this sport practice.


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Aquesta nota mostra la tendència poblacional de la garsa (Pica pica) al llarg del kilòmetre 1 (des de la línea de costa, riu amunt) del paisatge protegit de la Desembocadura del riu Millars (Castelló), per al període comprés de 1994-2009 (16 anys). Els resultats se centren en censos realitzats a la zona mitjançant el mètode del transecte lineal duts a terme 3 o 4 vegades al mes. L’espècie se censa per primera vegada l’any 1997 i des l’aleshores mostra una tendència a l’alça sobretot a partir de 2003 i molt especialment en els dos últims (2008-2009). S’ha estabilitzat una abundància mitjana de 8,3 aus/km. Pel que fa a les correlacions amb la meteorologia, en els anys més freds presenta menor abundància que en els càlids. Els hiverns càlids podrien permetre major supervivència i, a més, major disponibilitat de recursos amb els quals assegurar un bon nombre de polls. L’espècie troba en la zona suficients recursos tròfics per sobreviure i un lloc excel·lent on lliurar-se de la pressió cinegètica.


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Monitoring of permafrost has been ongoing since 1978 in the Abisko area, northernmost Sweden, when measurements of active layer thickness started. In 1980, boreholes were drilled in three mires in the area to record permafrost temperatures. Recordings were made twice per year, and the last data were obtained in 2002. During the International Polar Year (2007-2008), new boreholes were drilled within the 'Back to the Future' (BTF) and 'Thermal State of Permafrost' (TSP) projects that enabled year-round temperature monitoring. Mean annual ground temperatures (MAGT) in the mires are close to 0°C, ranging from -0.16 to -0.47°C at 5 m depth. Data from the boreholes show increasing ground temperatures in the upper and lower part by 0.4 to 1°C between 1980 and 2002. At one mire, permafrost thickness has decreased from 15 m in 1980 to ca. 9 m in 2009, with an accelerating thawing trend during the last decade.


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In the successful strategic management of the modern companies each function plays their specific role. While today’s businesses in many ways are different from their ancestors, the key fundamentals are derived from the same roots. Their main purpose of existence is to serve the needs of their shareholders and stakeholders by creating value (Pike et al., 1993). To achieve this effectively and efficiently the various functions need to work in close cooperation with each other. The global crisis, starting in 2008, proved that volatility is higher for the financial markets and the ordinary businesses that have been anticipated before. As the recession started as a financial crisis many people started to blame – amongst others – banks and financial institutions for excessive risk taking and taking short profits ahead of long term sustainable growth. Accordingly the lost confidence in the financial institutions has taken a toll on the reputation of other Finance professionals such as accountants, book keepers, treasury, tax people and others. The finance function’s strategic importance is linked to its ability to help interpreting the business performance and provide transparency. In order to restore the trust the finance profession is now facing one of the biggest challenges of its history, the need to reinvent itself. This paper presents the findings of a recent international research conducted in the United Kingdom, France, Hungary and Poland interviewing 169 executives of the business sector plus the review of 237 job descriptions of finance professionals in order to understand the challenges of the modern finance function. The findings of the study could provide relevant answers and help to overcome a very current problem that Finance is facing today, how to rebuild reputation and to stay a trusted partner and enabler for long term business strategy.


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Se realizó un estudio descriptivo para lo que se aplicó dos escalas, la de Zung con un punto de corte de 53 puntos que hace referencia a depresión y la escala de Riesgo Suicida de Plutchik con un punto de corte de 6, que nos informó sobre el riesgo de conducta suicida. Resultados: La muestra estuvo constituida por 325 estudiantes en los que se encontró una frecuencia de depresión de 9.23% de los cuales el 11.26% correspondían al sexo femenino y 6,62% al sexo masculino, la mayor frecuencia de depresión se encontró en el intervalo de edad comprendido entre los 25 y 29 años con un 31.18%, en cuanto al estado civil se encontró una frecuencia de 16.66% en los estudiantes casados, se pudo observar mayores porcentajes de depresión en los estudiantes que se encontraban cursando el año de internado con un 19.35%; el porcentaje de estudiantes con depresión que perdieron años en la carrera fue de 12.33%. En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos mediante el test de Plutchik se pudo apreciar que el 8.92% de los encuestados presentan riesgo de comportamiento suicida con un 10,81% de sexo femenino y 6,42% de sexo masculino siendo mayor en los estudiantes casados con un 11,78% y en aquellos con edades entre 20 a 24 años con un 12,86%, de la misma manera se encontró mayor tendencia suicida en los estudiantes que se encontraban cursando el segundo año de la carrera universitaria con un 18.96%. Se apreció una mayor tendencia al comportamiento suicida en aquellos estudiantes que han perdido años en la carrera con un


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El pie zambo es una deformidad evidente desde el nacimiento. Si no se le corrige, cuando el niño comienza a caminar, lo hace sobre el borde externo del pie desarrollando callosidades en dicha zona y con el tiempo la marcha se hace dolorosa. Se estima que anualmente nacen unos 120,000 niños con pie zambo congénito. Actualmente se puede corregir el pie zambo fácilmente mediante el método de Ponseti. Objetivo: observar la evolución que tienen los pacientes del Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom que fueron diagnósticos con pie Zambo, en quienes se utilizó la técnica de Ponseti, en el período de 2008 al 2010. Metodología: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte retrospectivo, que incluyó a todos los niños con diagnóstico de pie equinovaro congénito, atendidos en la consulta externa de ortopedia del Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom durante los años 2008-2010. Los datos fueron recolectados a partir de revisión de expedientes clínicos, en base a un cuestionario previamente diseñado. Resultados: de los 55 pacientes que se incluyeron en el estudio, la edad más frecuente para consulta e inicio de tratamiento fue entre 1-2 meses de edad (27%), se observó que el pie equinovaro bilateral (47%) era más frecuente. En la evaluación inicial con la escala de Dimeglio se encontró que el 64% de los pacientes presentaban pie equinovaro congénito moderado, el 29% benigno, y el 7% grave, y ninguno grave. En la evaluación posterior al tratamiento con técnica de Ponseti se observó que 91% de los pacientes incluidos en el estudio presento un pie equinovaro benigno o ya corregido, un 9% fue moderado y ninguno grave o muy grave.


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The planning of airports has long been contentious because of their localisation of negative impacts. The globalisation, commercialisation and deregulation of the aviation industry has unleashed powerful new economic forces both on and offairport. Over the last two decades, many airports have evolved into airport cities located at the heart of the wider aerotropolis region. This shifts the appropriate scale of planning analysis towards broader regional concerns. However,governments have been slow to respond and airport planning usually remains poorly integrated with local, city and regional planning imperatives. The Australian experience exemplifies the divide. The privatization of major Australian airports from 1996 has seen billions of dollars spent on new airside and landside infrastructure but with little oversight from local and state authorities because the ultimate authority for on-airport development is the Federal Minister for Transport. Consequently, there have been growing tensions in many major airport regions between the private airport lessee and the broader community, exacerbated by both the building of highly conspicuous non-aeronautical developments and growing airport area congestion. This paper examines the urban planning content of Australia’s national aviation policy review (2008-09) with reference to current and potential opportunities for all-of-region collaboration in the planning process.


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The global financial crisis that impacted on all world economies throughout 2008 and 2009. This impact has not been confined to the finance industries but has had a direct and indirect impact on the property industry worldwide from both an ownership and investment perspective. Property markets have experienced various levels of impact from this event, but universally the greatest impact has been on the traditional commercial and industrial property sectors from the investor perspective, with investment and superannuation funds reporting significant declines in the reported value of these investments. Despite the very direct impact of these declining property markets, the GFC has also had a very significant indirect impact on the various property professions and how these professions are now operating in this declining property market. Of particular interest is the comparison of the property market forecasts in late 2007 to the actual results in 2008/2009.


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The individual history of infertile women, as well as their age, may influence their response to in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles. This study examined the associations between women’s histories and two IVF outcomes: eggs aspirated (EA) and proportion with normal, two-pronuclei (2PN), fertilisation. This is a cross-sectional survey of infertile women (n=141, 27-46 years) from a multi-centre clinical sample. Participants completed a survey of socio-demographic, relationship, lifestyle, reproductive and fertility factors, medical conditions and recurrent symptoms. Among participants with heterosexual partners (n=122), associations between women’s histories and EA or 2PN fertilisation were analysed using linear and logistic modelling, respectively, adjusted for age at EA and accounting for multiple IVF cycles (n=313 cycles). Participants aged 35+ years had reproductive histories of miscarriage only (16.9%), termination only (9.9%) or birth+termination (5.6%) that were 2-, 3- and 4-fold higher, respectively, than those aged <35 years (7.1%, 2.9%, 1.4%). More years of oral contraceptive use were associated with a lower mean EA: never used, 14.6 EA; 0-2 years, 11.7 EA; 3-5 years, 8.6 EA; 6þ years, 8.2 EA (p=.04). Participants with polycystic ovary syndrome had a higher mean EA (11.5) than those without the condition (8.3 EA, p<.01). Participants in trade or service occupations had lower proportions of 2PN fertilisation (51.7%) than participants in other occupations (professional, 58.6%; manual/other, 63.6%, p<.02). Increasing women’s age and prolonged used of oral contraceptives were associated with lower EA from IVF cycles; PCOS was associated with higher EA. Occupational exposures may have a detrimental effect on normal fertilisation rates.


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Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yliopiston yhteiskunnallista vuorovaikutusta koskevaa julkista keskustelua. Aineisto koostuu viiden levikiltään Suomen suurimpien joukkoon kuuluvan sanomalehden yliopiston yhteiskunnallista vuorovaikutusta käsittelevistä pääkirjoituksista ajalta 1.1.2008–31.12.2009. Pääkirjoituksia on aineistossa yhteensä 110. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on täydentää politiikan tutkimuksen alalla laiminlyötyä koulutuspolitiikan tutkimusta paneutuen yliopiston yhteiskunnallista roolia koskeviin merkityksiin, jotka nousivat aktiiviseen julkiseen keskusteluun yliopistolain uudistuksen myötä. Tutkimuskysymyksenä on, minkälaisia representaatioita yliopiston roolista yhteiskunnassa suomalaiset sanomalehdet välittivät pääkirjoituksissaan uuden yliopistolain säätämistä edeltäneessä uutisoinnissaan? Tutkielmassa eritellään pääkirjoituksista löytyviä yliopiston yhteiskunnallista roolia koskevia merkitysjärjestelmiä eli diskursseja käyttäen menetelmänä Teun van Dijkin diskurssianalyysia. Yliopiston roolia koskevia representaatioita tarkastellaan Jürgen Habermasin tiedon intressien teoriaan peilaten. Muita keskeisiä teoreetikkoja ovat Gerard Delanty, Henry Etzkowitz, Helga Nowotny, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Andy Green ja Marek Kwiek. Yliopiston kolmannen tehtävän korostumista pohjustetaan historiallisella kuvauksella modernin yliopiston synnystä ja yliopistoinstituution kehityksestä Euroopassa ja tarkemmin Suomessa. Työssä käydään myös läpi tutkimusta, joka pureutuu kansallisvaltion ja yliopistoinstituution historiallisen siteen purkautumiseen ja yliopiston toiminnan legitimiteetin uudelleenmäärittelyyn. Lisäksi nostetaan esiin näkemyksiä tiedon tuotannon monopolin irtautumisesta yliopistolta yhä suuremmalle joukolle toimijoita. Analyysia taustoitetaan myös uuden yliopistolain ja sen taustalla olleen ylikansallisen koulutuspolitiikan konsensuksen kautta. Pääkirjoituksissa esiintyneitä yliopiston yhteiskunnallisen roolin saamia merkityksiä tarkastellaan ensin lehtikohtaisesti, minkä jälkeen pääkirjoitusten sisältämistä representaatioista muodostetaan diskursseja. Aineistosta muodostui viisi diskurssia: globaalin selviämistaistelun diskurssi, lokaalin identiteetin diskurssi, maineenrakennuksen diskurssi, panos-tuotos-diskurssi ja myyttisen humboldtilaisuuden diskurssi. Yliopisto representoitiin alueellisen identiteetinrakennuksen ja integraation välineenä ja sellaiseksi alueen integraation välineeksi, jolle valtio on prosessin laidalla oleva tukiverkko. Alueen integraation välineeksi representoitu yliopisto esitettiin samalla globaalille huipulle tähtäämisen myötä legitimoituvaksi instituutioksi. Yliopisto representoitiin siis glokaalin huipulle nousun välineenä. Pääkirjoituksissa epäpolitisoitiin yliopiston ja alueen välinen yhteys sekä yliopiston ja elinkeinoelämän välinen yhteys. Globaalin selviämistaistelun ja myyttisen humboldtilaisuuden välinen merkityskamppailu kulki läpi aineiston. Yliopisto representoitiin teknisen tiedon intressin mukaisesti välineeksi globaalin kilpailukyvyn nostamiseksi. Toisaalta yliopisto esitettiin myös myyttisen humboldtilaiseksi puhdasta tutkimusta tekeväksi ympäröivästä yhteiskunnasta eristäytyneeksi instituutioksi. Aineistossa ei representoitu yliopistoa emansipatorista tiedon intressiä toteuttavana instituutiona vaihtoehtona teknisen tiedon intressin mukaisille representaatioille. Myöskään kommunikatiivisen tiedon intressin mukainen yliopisto ei tullut aineistossa esiin. Aineistossa annettiin vastoin tutkimuskirjallisuuden näkemyksiä yliopistolle legitiimin tiedon monopolin haltijan rooli. Pääkirjoituksissa representoitiin valtiovallan, yksityisen sektorin ja tiedeyhteisön yliopistoa koskevia intressejä. Kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja yliopiston välistä vuorovaikutusta aineisto ei nostanut esiin. Keskeisimmäksi jatkotutkimuksen aiheeksi identifioitiin tämän myötä yliopiston ja kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijoiden välisen vuorovaikutuksen tarkastelu.


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A tese descreve a ingestão de nutrientes segundo variáveis demográficas e socioeconômicas em adultos brasileiros, com base nos dados da primeira avaliação nacional do consumo alimentar individual, o Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação (INA), realizado entre 2008 e 2009. Um total de 34.003 indivíduos com pelo menos 10 anos de idade participaram do estudo. O presente estudo incluiu 21.003 indivíduos adultos, de 20 a 59 anos de idade, com exceção das mulheres gestantes e lactantes (n=1.065). O consumo alimentar individual foi estimado utilizando dois dias de registros alimentares não consecutivos. O consumo usual de nutrientes foi estimado pelo método do National Cancer Institute que permitiu a correção da variabilidade intraindividual. As prevalências de ingestão inadequada de nutrientes foram estimadas segundo o sexo e faixas etárias utilizando o método da necessidade média estimada como ponte de corte. A inadequação de sódio foi avaliada pelo consumo acima do nível de ingestão máximo tolerável. Os resultados são apresentados na forma de dois artigos. No primeiro artigo, estimaram-se as prevalências de inadequação segundo as cinco grandes regiões (Norte, Nordeste, Sudeste, Sul e Centro-Oeste) e a situação do domicílio (urbano e rural). Observaram-se prevalências de inadequação maiores ou iguais a 70% para cálcio entre os homens e magnésio, vitamina A, sódio em ambos os sexos. Prevalências maiores ou iguais a 90% foram encontradas para cálcio entre as mulheres e vitaminas D e E em ambos os sexos. No geral, os grupos com maior risco de inadequação de micronutrientes foram as mulheres e os que residem na área rural e na região Nordeste. No segundo artigo, estimaram-se as prevalências de inadequação do consumo segundo renda e escolaridade. A renda foi caracterizada pela renda mensal familiar per capita e a escolaridade definida pelo número de anos completos de estudo. Ambas variáveis foram categorizadas em quartis. Modelos de regressão linear simples e mutuamente ajustados foram estimados para verificar a associação independente entre o consumo de nutrientes e as variáveis socioeconômicas. Foram testadas as interações entre renda e escolaridade. Verificou-se que a inadequação da maioria dos nutrientes diminuiu com o aumento da renda e escolaridade; porém, o consumo excessivo de gordura saturada e o baixo consumo de fibra aumentaram com ambas variáveis. Grande parte dos nutrientes foi independentemente associada à renda e escolaridade, contudo, o consumo de ferro, vitamina B12 e sódio entre mulheres foi associado somente com a educação. Observou-se interação entre renda e escolaridade na associação com o consumo de sódio em homens, fósforo em mulheres e cálcio em ambos os sexos. Os achados indicam que melhorar a educação é um passo importante na melhoria do consumo de nutrientes no Brasil, além da necessidade de formulação de estratégias econômicas que permitam que indivíduos de baixa renda adotem uma dieta saudável. Nossos resultados mostram também um grande desafio das ações de saúde pública na área de nutrição, com importantes inadequações de consumo em toda população adulta brasileira e particularmente em grupos populacionais e regiões mais vulneráveis do país.


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P>In the Yellow Sea of China, large-scale green tides have broken out for three consecutive years from 2007 to 2009. As part of the efforts to localize the algal source, two cruises were conducted in the early stage and the outbreak stage of the bloom in 2009. We analyzed the morphological and genetic diversity of drifting Ulva specimens and culture-derived isolates from seawater sampled in different localities. For phylogenetic analyses, the nuclear encoded ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS nrDNA) and the plastid encoded large subunit of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxgenase gene (rbcL) were used. Our molecular and morphological data indicate that the dominant free-floating Ulva species in 2008 and 2009 possibly belonged to a single strain of the U. linza-procera-prolifera (LPP) clade. The ITS sequences from bloom-forming algal samples with dense branches were identical to those from U. linza-like specimens without branches derived from the Yellow Sea. Microscopic individuals of the dominant Ulva strain were detected in eight stations, revealing that spore dispersal in the water helped to enlarge biomass in the water during the outbreak stage of green tide in the Yellow Sea.