966 resultados para FEMTOSECOND LASERS


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An approach for fabricating large area uniform nanostructures by direct femtosecond (fs) laser ablation is presented. By the simple scanning technique with appropriate irradiation conditions, arbitrary size of uniform, complanate nano-grating, nano-particle, and nano-square structures can be produced on wide bandgap materials as well as graphite. The feature sizes of the formed nanostructures, which can be tuned in a wide range by varying the irradiation wavelength, is about 200 nm with 800 nm fs laser irradiation. The physical properties of the nano-structured surfaces are changed greatly, especially the optical property, which is demonstrated by the extraordinary enhancement of light transmission of the treated area. This technique is efficient, universal, and environmentally friendly, which exhibits great potential for applications in photoelectron devices. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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The damage mechanisms and micromachining of 6H SiC are studied by using femtosecond laser pulses at wavelengths between near infrared (NIR) and near ultraviolet (NUV) delivered from an optical parametric amplifier (OPA). Our experimental results indicate that high quality microstructures can be fabricated in SiC crystals. On the basis of the dependence of the ablated area and the laser pulse energy, the threshold fluence of SiC is found to increase with the incident laser wavelength in the visible region, while it remains almost constant for the NIR laser. For the NIR laser pulses, both photoionization and impact ionization play important roles in electronic excitation, while for visible lasers, photoionization plays a more important role.


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Two collinear femtosecond laser pulses, one at wavelength of 800 nm and the other at 400 nm (double frequency), simultaneously irradiated the surface of ZnSe crystal, which resulted in regular nanograting with period of 180 nm on the whole ablation area. We attribute the formation of the nanograting to be due to the interference between the surface scattered wave of 800 nm lasers and the 400 nm light. The period of the nanograting Lambda is about lambda/2n, where n is refractive index of the sample, and lambda, the laser wavelength. This mechanism is supported by observation of rotation of the nanograting with the polarization of 400 nm light, and by the dependence of Lambda similar to lambda of the nanoripples on the surface of semiconductors and dielectrics.


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We investigated the effect of cerium oxide on the precipitation of Ag nanoparticles in silicate glass via a femtosecond laser irradiation and successive annealing. Absorption spectra show that Ce3+ ions may absorb part of the laser energy via multiphoton absorption and release free electrons, resulting in an increase of the concentration of Ag atoms and a decrease of the concentration of hole-trapped color centers, which influence precipitation of the Ag nanoparticles. In addition, we found that the formed Ag-0 may reduce Ce4+ ions to Ce3+ ions during the annealing process, which inhibits the growth of the Ag nanoparticles.


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Femtosecond pulsed lasers have been widely used for materials microprocessing. Due to their ultrashort pulse width and ultrahigh light intensity, the process is generally characterized by the nonthermal diffusion process. We observed various induced microstructures such as refractive-index-changed structures, color center defects, microvoids and microcracks in transparent materials (e.g., glasses after the femtosecond laser irradiation), and discussed the possible applications of the microstructures in the fabrication of various micro optical devices [e.g., optical waveguides, microgratings, microlenses, fiber attenuators, and three-dimensional (3D) optical memory]. In this paper, we review our recent research developments on single femtosecond-laser-induced nanostructures. We introduce the space-selective valence state manipulation of active ions, precipitation and control of metal nanoparticles and light polarization-dependent permanent nanostructures, and discuss the mechanisms and possible applications of the observed phenomena.


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HfO2 single layers, 800 run high-reflective (HR) coating, and 1064 ran HR coating were prepared by electron-beam evaporation. The laser-induced damage thresholds (LIDTs) and damage morphologies of these samples were investigated with single-pulse femtosecond and nanosecond lasers. It is found that the LIDT of the HfO2 single layer is higher than the HfO2-SiO2 HR coating in the femtosecond regime, while the situation is opposite in the nanosecond regime. Different damage mechanisms are applied to study this phenomenon. Damage morphologies of all samples due to different laser irradiations are displayed. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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We report the generation of 207-fs pulses with 1.2mW average power at 1036 nm directly from a passively mode-locked Yb-doped fibre laser with a nonlinear optical loop mirror for mode-locking and pairs of diffraction gratings for intracavity dispersion compensation. These results imply a 4-fold reduction in pulse duration over previously reported figure-of-eight cavity passively mode-locked Yb-doped fibre lasers. Stable pulse trains are produced at the fundamental repetition rate of the resonator, 24.0MHz. On the other hand, this laser offers a cleaner spectrum and greater stability and is completely self-starting.


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Many organic molecules have strong absorption bands which can be accessed by ultraviolet short pulse lasers to produce efficient ionization. This resonant multiphoton ionization scheme has already been exploited as an ionization source in time-of-flight mass spectrometers used for environmental trace analysis. In the present work we quantify the ultimate potential of this technique by measuring absolute ion yields produced from the interaction of 267 nm femtosecond laser pulses with the organic molecules indole and toluene, and gases Xe, N2 and O2. Using multiphoton ionization cross sections extracted from these results, we show that the laser pulse parameters required for real-time detection of aromatic molecules at concentrations of one part per trillion in air and a limit of detection of a few attomoles are achievable with presently available commercial laser systems. The potential applications for the analysis of human breath, blood and tissue samples are discussed.


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A simple method to enhance ion generation with femtosecond ultraintense lasers is demonstrated experimentally by defocusing laser beams on target surface. When the laser is optimally defocused, we find that the population of medium and low energy protons from ultra-thin foils is increased significantly while the proton cutoff energy is almost unchanged. In this way, the total proton yield can be enhanced by more than 1 order, even though the peak laser intensity drops. The depression of the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) effect and the population increase of moderate-energy electrons are believed to be the main reasons for the effective enhancement. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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Many nonlinear optical microscopy techniques based on the high-intensity nonlinear phenomena were developed recent years. A new technique based on the minimal-invasive in-situ analysis of the specific bound elements in biological samples is described in the present work. The imaging-mode Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is proposed as a combination of LIBS, femtosecond laser material processing and microscopy. The Calcium distribution in the peripheral cell wall of the sunflower seedling (Helianthus Annuus L.) stem is studied as a first application of the imaging-mode LIBS. At first, several nonlinear optical microscopy techniques are overviewed. The spatial resolution of the imaging-mode LIBS microscope is discussed basing on the Point-Spread Function (PSF) concept. The primary processes of the Laser-Induced Breakdown (LIB) are overviewed. We consider ionization, breakdown, plasma formation and ablation processes. Water with defined Calcium salt concentration is used as a model of the biological object in the preliminary experiments. The transient LIB spectra are measured and analysed for both nanosecond and femtosecond laser excitation. The experiment on the local Calcium concentration measurements in the peripheral cell wall of the sunflower seedling stem employing nanosecond LIBS shows, that nanosecond laser is not a suitable excitation source for the biological applications. In case of the nanosecond laser the ablation craters have random shape and depth over 20 µm. The analysis of the femtosecond laser ablation craters shows the reproducible circle form. At 3.5 µJ laser pulse energy the diameter of the crater is 4 µm and depth 140 nm for single laser pulse, which results in 1 femtoliter analytical volume. The experimental result of the 2 dimensional and surface sectioning of the bound Calcium concentrations is presented in the work.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a therapeutic technique mainly applied to the treatment of malignant and pre-malignant lesions, which induces cell death by the combined effect of a photosensitizer, irradiation in a proper wavelength, and molecular oxygen. One of the main limitations of PDT using 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is the superficial volume of treatment, mainly due to the limited penetration of topical photosensitization. In this context, the present study investigates if a laser micromachining producing microchannels on the tissue surface could improve ALA penetration and result in an increase in the treatment depth. The laser micromachining under femtosecond regime was performed on the tissue surface of rat livers. Conventional PDT was applied and the induced depth of necrosis with or without laser micromachining was compared. The results showed an increase of more than 20% in the depth of necrosis when the femtosecond laser micromachining was performed before the treatment with the PDT.


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One of the clinical limitations of the photodynamic therapy (PDT) is the reduced light penetration into biological tissues. Pulsed lasers may present advantages concerning photodynamic response when compared to continuous wave (CW) lasers operating under the same average power conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate PDT-induced response when using femtosecond laser (FSL) and a first-generation photosensitizer (Photogem) to evaluate the induced depth of necrosis. The in vitro photodegradation of the sensitizer was monitored during illumination either with CWor an FSL as an indirect measurement of the PDT response. Healthy liver of Wistar rats was used to evaluate the tissue response. The photosensitizer was endovenously injected and 30 min after, an energy dose of 150 Jcm-2 was delivered to the liver surface. We observed that the photodegradation rate evaluated via fluorescence spectroscopy was higher for the FSL illumination. The FSL-PDT produced a necrosis nearly twice as deep when compared to the CW-PDT. An increase of the tissue temperature during the application was measured and was not higher than 2.5 °C for the CW laser and not higher than 4.5 °C for the pulsed laser. FSL should be considered as an alternative in PDT applications for improving the results in the treatment of bulky tumors where higher light penetration is required.


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During the last decades magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) has attracted much interest and evolved into various experimental methods for the investigation of magnetic thin films. For example, synchrotron-based X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) displays the absolute values of spin and orbital magnetic moments. It thereby benefits from large asymmetry values of more than 30% due to the excitation of atomic core-levels. Similarly large values are also expected for threshold photoemission magnetic circular dichroism (TPMCD). Using lasers with photon energies in the range of the sample work function this method gives access to the occupied electronic structure close to the Fermi level. However, except for the case of Ni(001) there exist only few studies on TPMCD moreover revealing much smaller asymmetries than XMCD-measurements. Also the basic physical mechanisms of TPMCD are not satisfactorily understood. In this work we therefore investigate TPMCD in one- and two-photon photoemission (1PPE and 2PPE) for ferromagnetic Heusler alloys and ultrathin Co films using ultrashort pulsed laser light. The observed dichroism is explained by a non-conventional photoemission model using spin-resolved band-structure calculations and linear response theory. For the two Heusler alloys Ni2MnGa and Co2FeSi we give first evidence of TPMCD in the regime of two-photon photoemission. Systematic investigations concerning general properties of TPMCD in 1PPE and 2PPE are carried out at ultrathin Co films grown on Pt(111). Here, photon-energy dependent measurements reveal asymmetries of 1.9% in 1PPE and 11.7% in 2PPE. TPMCD measurements at decreased work function even yield larger asymmetries of 6.2% (1PPE) and 17% (2PPE), respectively. This demonstrates that enlarged asymmetries are also attainable for the TPMCD effect on Co(111). Furthermore, we find that the TPMCD asymmetry is bulk-sensitive for 1PPE and 2PPE. This means that the basic mechanism leading to the observed dichroism must be connected to Co bulk properties; surface effects do not play a crucial role. Finally, the enhanced TPMCD asymmetries in 2PPE compared to the 1PPE case are traced back to the dominant influence of the first excitation step and the existence of a real intermediate state. The observed TPMCD asymmetries cannot be interpreted by conventional photoemission theory which only considers direct interband transitions in the direction of observation (Γ-L). For Co(111), these transitions lead to evanescent final states. The excitation to such states, however, is incompatible with the measured bulk-sensitivity of the asymmetry. Therefore, we generalize this model by proposing the TPMCD signal to arise mostly from direct interband transitions in crystallographic directions other than (Γ-L). The necessary additional momentum transfer to the excited electrons is most probably provided by electron-phonon or -magnon scattering processes. Corresponding calculations on the basis of this model are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results so that this approach represents a promising tool for a quantitative description of the TPMCD effect. The present findings encourage an implementation of our experimental technique to time- and spatially-resolved photoemission electron microscopy, thereby enabling a real time imaging of magnetization dynamics of single excited states in a ferromagnetic material on a femtosecond timescale.


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Single- and multi-core passive and active germanate and tellurite glass fibers represent a new class of fiber host for in-fiber photonics devices and applications in mid-IR wavelength range, which are in increasing demand. Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) structures have been proven as one of the most functional in-fiber devices and have been mass-produced in silicate fibers by UV-inscription for almost countless laser and sensor applications. However, because of the strong UV absorption in germanate and tellurite fibers, FBG structures cannot be produced by UVinscription. In recent years femtosecond (fs) lasers have been developed for laser machining and microstructuring in a variety of glass fibers and planar substrates. A number of papers have been reported on fabrication of FBGs and long-period gratings in optical fibers and also on the photosensitivity mechanism using 800nm fs lasers. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time the fabrication of FBG structures created in passive and active single- and three-core germanate and tellurite glass fibers by using 800nm fs-inscription and phase mask technique. With a fs peak power intensity in the order of 1011W/cm2, the FBG spectra with 2nd and 3rd order resonances at 1540nm and 1033nm in a single-core germanate glass fiber and 2nd order resonances between ~1694nm and ~1677nm with strengths up to 14dB in all three cores of three-core passive and active tellurite fibers were observed. Thermal and strain properties of the FBGs made in these mid-IR glass fibers were characterized, showing an average temperature responsivity of ~20pm/°C and a strain sensitivity of 1.219±0.003pm/µe.


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In this work, a point by point method for the inscription of fibre Bragg gratings using a tightly focused infrared femtosecond laser is implemented for the first time. Fibre Bragg gratings are wavelength-selective, retro-reflectors which have become a key component in optical communications as well as offering great potential as a sensing tool. Standard methods of fabrication are based on UV inscription in fibre with a photosensitive core. Despite the high quality of the gratings, a number of disadvantages are associated with UV inscription, in particular, the requirements of a photosensitive fibre, the low thermal stability and the need to remove the protective coating prior to inscription. By combining the great flexibility offered by the point by point method with the advantages inherent to inscription by an infrared femtosecond laser, the previous disadvantages are overcome. The method here introduced, allows a fast inscription process at a rate of ~1mm/s, gratings of lengths between 1cm and 2cm exhibiting reflections in excess of 99%. Physical dimensions of these gratings differ significantly from those inscribed by other methods, in this case the grating is confined to a fraction of the cross section of the core, leading to strong and controllable birefringence and polarisation dependent loss. Finally, an investigation of the potential for their exploitation towards novel applications is carried out, devices such as directional bend sensors inscribed in single-mode fibre, superimposed but non-overlapping gratings, and single-mode, single-polarisation fibre lasers, were designed, fabricated and characterised based on point by point femtosecond inscription.