550 resultados para F-DWARF


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We present time-resolved optical spectrophotometry of the pulsating hydrogen atmosphere (DA) white dwarf G 117-B15A. We find three periodicities in the pulsation spectrum (215 s, 272 s, and 304 s) all of which have been found in earlier studies. By comparing the fractional wavelength dependence of the pulsation amplitudes ( chromatic amplitudes) with models, we confirm a previous report that the strongest mode, at 215 s, has l = 1. The chromatic amplitude for the 272 s mode is very puzzling, showing an increase in fractional amplitude with wavelength that cannot be reproduced by the models for any ` at optical wavelengths. Based on archival HST data, we show that while the behaviour of the 215 s mode at ultra-violet wavelengths is as expected from models, the weird behaviour of the 272 s periodicity is not restricted to optical wavelengths in that it fails to show the expected increase in fractional amplitude towards shorter wavelengths. We discuss possible causes for the discrepancies found for the 272 s variation, but find that all are lacking, and conclude that the nature of this periodicity remains unclear.


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We present a detailed analysis of time-resolved optical spectra of the ZZ Ceti white dwarf, HS 0507+0434B. Using the wavelength dependence of observed mode amplitudes, we deduce the spherical degree, l, of the modes, most of which have l = 1. The presence of a large number of combination frequencies (linear sums or differences of the real modes) enabled us not only to test theoretical predictions but also to indirectly infer spherical and azimuthal degrees of real modes that had no observed splittings. In addition to the above, we measure line-of-sight velocities from our spectra. We find only marginal evidence for periodic modulation associated with the pulsation modes: at the frequency of the strongest mode in the lightcurve, we measure an amplitude of 2.6 +/- 1.0 kms(-1), which has a probability of 2% of being due to chance; for the other modes, we find lower values. Our velocity amplitudes and upper limits are smaller by a factor of two compared to the amplitudes found in ZZ Psc. We find that this is consistent with expectations based on the position of HS 0507+0434B in the instability strip. Combining all the available information from data such as ours is a first step towards constraining atmospheric properties in a convectionally unstable environment from an observational perspective.


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We report the discovery of a 61-Jupiter-mass brown dwarf (BD), which transits its F8V host star, WASP-30, every 4.16 days. From a range of age indicators we estimate the system age to be 1-2 Gyr. We derive a radius (0.89 ± 0.02 R Jup) for the companion that is consistent with that predicted (0.914 R Jup) by a model of a 1 Gyr old, non-irradiated BD with a dusty atmosphere. The location of WASP-30b in the minimum of the mass-radius relation is consistent with the quantitative prediction of Chabrier & Baraffe, thus confirming the theory.


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We report the discovery of a new transiting planet in the southern hemisphere. It was found by the WASP-south transit survey and confirmed photometrically and spectroscopically by the 1.2 m Swiss Euler telescope, LCOGT 2m Faulkes South Telescope, the 60 cm TRAPPIST telescope, and the ESO 3.6 m telescope. The orbital period of the planet is 2.94 days. We find that it is a gas giant with a mass of 0.88 ± 0.10 MJ and an estimated radius of 0.96 ± 0.05 RJ. We obtained spectra during transit with the HARPS spectrograph and detect the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect despite its small amplitude. Because of the low signal-to-noise ratio of the effect and a small impact parameter, we cannot place a strong constraint on the projected spin-orbit angle. We find two conflicting values for the stellar rotation. We find, via spectral line broadening, that v sin I = 2.2 ± 0.3 km s-1, while applying another method, based on the activity level using the index log R'_HK, gives an equatorial rotation velocity of only v = 1.35 ± 0.20 km s-1. Using these as priors in our analysis, the planet might be either misaligned or aligned. This result raises doubts about the use of such priors. There is evidence of neither eccentricity nor any radial velocity drift with time. Using WASP-South photometric observations confirmed with LCOGT Faulkes South Telescope, the 60 cm TRAPPIST telescope, the CORALIE spectrograph and the camera from the Swiss 1.2 m Euler Telescope placed at La Silla, Chile, as well as with the HARPS spectrograph, mounted on the ESO 3.6 m, also at La Silla, under proposal 084.C-0185. The data is publicly available at the CDS Strasbourg and on demand to the main author.RV data is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/531/A24Appendix is available in electronic form at http://www.aanda.org


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We report the discovery of the low-density, transiting giant planet WASP-31b. The planet is 0.48 Jupiter masses and 1.55 Jupiter radii. It is in a 3.4-day orbit around a metal-poor, late-F-type, V = 11.7 dwarf star, which is a member of a common proper motion pair. In terms of its low density, WASP-31b is second only to WASP-17b, which is a more highly irradiated planet of similar mass. Based in part on observations made with the HARPS spectrograph on the 3.6-m ESO telescope (proposal 085.C-0393) and with the CORALIE spectrograph and the Euler camera on the 1.2-m Euler Swiss telescope, both at the ESO La Silla Observatory, Chile.The photometric time-series and radial-velocity data used in this work are available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/531/A60


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We report the discovery and initial characterization of Qatar-1b, a hot Jupiter-orbiting metal-rich K dwarf star, the first planet discovered by the Qatar Exoplanet Survey. We describe the strategy used to select candidate transiting planets from photometry generated by the Qatar Exoplanet Survey camera array. We examine the rate of astrophysical and other false positives found during the spectroscopic reconnaissance of the initial batch of candidates. A simultaneous fit to the follow-up radial velocities and photometry of Qatar-1b yields a planetary mass of 1.09 ± 0.08 MJ and a radius of 1.16 ± 0.05 RJ. The orbital period and separation are 1.420 033 ± 0.000 016 d and 0.023 43 ± 0.000 26 au for an orbit assumed to be circular. The stellar density, effective temperature and rotation rate indicate an age greater than 4 Gyr for the system.


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Aims. The aim of this paper is to discuss the nature of two type Ic supernovae SN 2007bg and SN 2007bi and their host galaxies. Both supernovae were discovered in wide-field, non-targeted surveys and are found to be associated with sub-luminous blue dwarf galaxies identified in SDSS images.


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The chemical composition of two stars in WLM has been determined from high-quality Ultraviolet-Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) data obtained at the VLT-UT2. The model atmospheres analysis shows that they have the same metallicity, [Fe/H] = - 0.38 +/- 0.20 (+/- 0.29). Reliable magnesium abundances are determined from several lines of two ionization states in both stars resulting in [Mg/Fe] = - 0.24 +/- 0.16 (+/- 0.28). This result suggests that the [alpha(Mg)/Fe] ratio in WLM may be suppressed relative to solar abundances ( also supported by differential abundances relative to similar stars in NGC 6822 and the Small Magellanic Cloud [SMC]). The absolute Mg abundance, [Mg/H] = -0.62, is high relative to what is expected from the nebulae though, where two independent spectroscopic analyses of the H II regions in WLM yield [O/H] = - 0.89. Intriguingly, the oxygen abundance determined from the O I lambda6158 feature in one WLM star is [O/H] = - 0.21 +/- 0.10 (+/- 0.05), corresponding to 5 times higher than the nebular oxygen abundance. This is the first time that a significant difference between stellar and nebular oxygen abundances has been found, and currently, there is no simple explanation for this difference. The two stars are massive supergiants with distances that clearly place them in WLM. They are young ( less than or equal to 10 Myr) and should have a similar composition to the ISM. Additionally, differential abundances suggest that the O/Fe ratio in the WLM star is consistent with similar stars in NGC 6822 and the SMC, galaxies where the average stellar oxygen abundances are in excellent agreement with the nebular results. If the stellar abundances reflect the true composition of WLM, then this galaxy lies well above the metallicity-luminosity relationship for dwarf irregular galaxies. It also suggests that WLM is more chemically evolved than currently interpreted from its color-magnitude diagram. The similarities between the stars in WLM and NGC 6822 suggest that these two galaxies may have had similar star formation histories.


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White dwarfs are the remnant cores of stars that initially had masses of less than 8 solar masses. They cool gradually over billions of years, and have been suggested(1,2) to make up much of the 'dark matter' in the halo of the Milky way. But extremely cool white dwarfs have proved difficult to detect, owing to both their faintness and their anticipated similarity in colour to other classes of dwarf stars. Recent improved models(3-5) indicate that white dwarfs are much more blue than previously supposed, suggesting that the earlier searches may have been looking for the wrong kinds of objects. Here we report an infrared spectrum of an extremely cool white dwarf that is consistent with the new models. We determine the star's temperature to be 3,500 +/- 200 K, making it the coolest known white dwarf. The kinematics of this star indicate that it is in the halo of the Milky Way, and the density of such objects implied by the serendipitous discovery of this star is consistent with white dwarfs dominating the dark matter in the halo.


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We present a parallax measurement for the very cool degenerate WD 0346+246, the serendipitous discovery of which was reported by Hambly et al, We find an absolute parallax of 36 +/- 5 mas, yielding a distance estimate of 28 +/- 4pc. The resulting absolute visual magnitude of the object is M-V = 16.8 +/- 0.3, making it the second-lowest luminosity white dwarf currently known. We use the distance estimate and measured proper motion to show that the object has kinematics consistent with membership of the Galactic halo. WD 0346+246 is therefore by far the coolest and least luminous of only a handful of plausible halo white dwarf candidates. As such, the object has relevance to the ongoing debate concerning the results of microlensing experiments and the nature of any baryonic dark matter component to the Galactic halo residing in stellar remnants.


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We report observations of the dwarf star e Eri (K2V) made with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on the Hubble Space Telescope. The high sensitivity of the STIS instrument has allowed us to detect the magnetic dipole transitions of Fe XII at 1242.00 and 1349 38 Å for the first time in a star other than the Sun. The width of the stronger line at 1242.00 Å has also been measured; such measurements are not possible for the permitted lines of Fe XII in the extreme-ultraviolet. To within the accuracy of the measurements the N v and the Fe XII lines occur at their rest wavelengths. Electron densities and linewidths have been measured from other transition region lines. Together, these can be used to investigate the non-thermal energy flux in the lower and upper transition regions, which is useful in constraining possible heating processes. The Fe XII lines are also present in archival STIS spectra of other G/K-type dwarfs.


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One of the most important questions regarding the progenitor systems of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is whether mergers of two white dwarfs can lead to explosions that reproduce observations of normal events. Here we present a fully three-dimensional simulation of a violent merger of two carbon-oxygen white dwarfs with masses of 0.9 M and 1.1 M combining very high resolution and exact initial conditions. A well-tested combination of codes is used to study the system. We start with the dynamical inspiral phase and follow the subsequent thermonuclear explosion under the plausible assumption that a detonation forms in the process of merging. We then perform detailed nucleosynthesis calculations and radiative transfer simulations to predict synthetic observables from the homologously expanding supernova ejecta. We find that synthetic color light curves of our merger, which produces about 0.62 M of Ni, show good agreement with those observed for normal SNe Ia in all wave bands from U to K. Line velocities in synthetic spectra around maximum light also agree well with observations. We conclude that violent mergers of massive white dwarfs can closely resemble normal SNe Ia. Therefore, depending on the number of such massive systems available these mergers may contribute at least a small fraction to the observed population of normal SNe Ia. © 2012 The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the brightness distribution expected for thermonuclear explosions that might result from the ignition of a detonation during the violent merger of white dwarf (WD) binaries. Violent WD mergers are a subclass of the canonical double degenerate scenario where two carbon-oxygen (CO) WDs merge when the larger WD fills its Roche lobe. Determining their brightness distribution is critical for evaluating whether such an explosion model could be responsible for a significant fraction of the observed population of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). We argue that the brightness of an explosion realized via the violent merger model is mainly determined by the mass of Ni produced in the detonation of the primary COWD. To quantify this link, we use a set of sub-Chandrasekhar mass WD detonation models to derive a relationship between primary WD mass (m) and expected peak bolometric brightness (M). We use this m-M relationship to convert the masses of merging primary WDs from binary population models to a predicted distribution of explosion brightness. We also investigate the sensitivity of our results to assumptions about the conditions required to realize a detonation during violent mergers ofWDs. We find a striking similarity between the shape of our theoretical peak-magnitude distribution and that observed for SNe Ia: our model produces a M distribution that roughly covers the range and matches the shape of the one observed for SNe Ia. However, this agreement hinges on a particular phase of mass accretion during binary evolution: the primary WD gains ~0.15-0.35M? from a slightly evolved helium star companion. In our standard binary evolution model, such an accretion phase is predicted to occur for about 43 per cent of all binary systems that ultimately give rise to binary CO WD mergers. We also find that with high probability, violent WD mergers involving the most massive primaries (?1.3M?, which should produce bright SNe) have delay times ?500 Myr. © 2012 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.


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We present the results of an extensive high-resolution imaging survey of M-dwarf multiplicity using the Lucky Imaging technique. The survey made use of the AstraLux Norte camera at the Calar Alto 2.2m telescope and the AstraLux Sur camera at the ESO New Technology Telescope in order to cover nearly the full sky. In total, 761 stars were observed (701M-type and 60 late K-type), among which 182 new and 37 previously known companions were detected in 205 systems. Most of the targets have been observed during two or more epochs, and could be confirmed as physical companions through common proper motion, often with orbital motion being confirmed in addition. After accounting for various bias effects, we find a total M-dwarf multiplicity fraction of 27% ± 3% within the AstraLux detection range of 008-6? (semimajor axes of ~3-227 AU at a median distance of 30pc). We examine various statistical multiplicity properties within the sample, such as the trend of multiplicity fraction with stellar mass and the semimajor axis distribution. The results indicate that M-dwarfs are largely consistent with constituting an intermediate step in a continuous distribution from higher-mass stars down to brown dwarfs. Along with other observational results in the literature, this provides further indications that stars and brown dwarfs may share a common formation mechanism, rather than being distinct populations. © 2012. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


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GD 552 is a cataclysmic binary which was previously believed to be composed of an M-star and a white dwarf, the latter having an extreme mass of 1.4 solar masses. In a recent paper we showed that this is not compatible with new observational evidence and presented an alternative model in which the white dwarf has a typical mass and the companion is a brown dwarf, making the system a likely member of the elusive group of CVs which have already evolved through minimum orbital period. Here we present additional spectroscopical evidence supporting this conclusion by means of skew mapping.