922 resultados para Eye Drops
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aim of the research: to develop a prototype of homogeneous high-throughput screening (HTS) for identification of novel integrin antagonists for the treatment of ocular allergy and to better understand the mechanisms of action of integrin-mediated levocabastine antiallergic action. Results: This thesis provides evidence that adopting scintillation proximity assay (SPA) levocabastine (IC50=406 mM), but not the first-generation antihistamine chlorpheniramine, displaces [125I]fibronectin (FN) binding to human a4b1 integrin. This result is supported by flow cytometry analysis, where levocabastine antagonizes the binding of a primary antibody to integrin a4 expressed in Jurkat E6.1 cells. Levocabastine, but not chlorpheniramine, binds to a4b1 integrin and prevents eosinophil adhesion to VCAM-1, FN or human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) cultured in vitro. Similarly, levocabastine affects aLb2/ICAM-1-mediated adhesion of Jurkat E6.1 cells. Analyzing the supernatant of TNF-a-treated (24h) eosinophilic cells (EoL-1), we report that levocabastine reduces the TNF-a-induced release of the cytokines IL-12p40, IL-8 and VEGF. Finally, in a model of allergic conjunctivitis, levocastine eye drops (0.05%) reduced the clinical aspects of the early and late phase reactions and the conjunctival expression of a4b1 integrin by reducing infiltrated eosinophils. Conclusions: SPA is a highly efficient, amenable to automation and robust binding assay to screen novel integrin antagonists in a HTS setting. We propose that blockade of integrinmediated cell adhesion might be a target of the anti-allergic action of levocabastine and may play a role in preventing eosinophil adhesion and infiltration in allergic conjunctivitis.
To document the rate of self-reported compliance and glaucoma-related knowledge in Swiss patients and to identify risk factors for their poor compliance. This was an observational study, including a total of 200 consecutive patients already under glaucoma medication in two Swiss tertiary glaucoma clinics (Geneva and Bern). Personal characteristics, presence of systemic disease, compliance with glaucoma medication, attitude to the ophthalmologist, and glaucoma-related attitudes were ascertained by means of a predetermined questionnaire with 40 questions. Patients were subsequently assessed for the ability to correctly instil placebo eye drops. Non-compliance with glaucoma medication was defined as omitting more than two doses a week as reported by the patient. Logistic regression was used to evaluate how patient characteristics and knowledge about the disease were related to compliance. Overall, 81% (n = 162) of patients reported to be compliant. Forgetfulness was the most frequently cited reason for non-compliance with dosing regimen (63%). Although 90.5% (n = 181) of patients believed glaucoma medication to be efficient, only 28% (n = 56) could correctly define glaucoma. Factors positively associated with compliance were 'knowledge of glaucoma' [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 4.77 (95% CI 1.36-16.70)] and 'getting help for administration of drops' [OR 2.95 (1.25-6.94)]. These findings indicate that despite the comparatively high compliance rate among glaucoma patients, knowledge of glaucoma remains poor in long-term glaucoma sufferers. Improving knowledge about the disease is important since it is positively associated with compliance in our study.
BACKGROUND: Ibopamine is a non-selective dopamine- and adrenalin-receptor agonist that has been shown to cause pupillary dilation and an increase in aqueous humour secretion. This novel drug can be used as a mydriatic agent, as a provocative test in open-angle glaucoma, and for the treatment of persisting ocular hypotony. HISTORY AND SIGNS: This 47-year-old man had a history of uveitis associated with Crohn's disease. Six years after deep sclerectomy for uveitic secondary glaucoma, he developed severe hypotony in his left eye with drop of visual acuity (VA). The hypotony did not respond to topical steroid treatment. 2 % Ibopamine solution was ordered t. i. d. concomitant to 1 % prednisolone acetate. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Intraocular pressure (IOP) began to rise after 3 weeks of Ibopamine treatment and returned to normal (12 mmHg) with continuous recovery of VA after 8 weeks. Ibopamine was discontinued at an IOP of 16 mmHg after a course of 12 weeks. IOP and VA remained stable during the 12-month follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: Ibopamine 2 % eye drops in combination with topical steroids are a therapeutic option in uveitis-associated ocular hypotony.
BACKGROUND: Ibopamine is an alpha-adrenergic agent and causes an elevation of intraocular pressure in eyes with increased outflow resistance. It has been proposed as a test substance for the detection of early ocular hydrodynamic disorders. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 64 normal-tension glaucoma suspect eyes without anti-hypertensive treatment were enrolled. A daily pressure curve was registered with measurements at 7:00 am, 8:00 am, 12:00 am, 17:00 pm using an applanation tonometer and a contour tonometer followed by instillation of ibopamine 2% in both eyes. Tonometry was performed every 15 minutes during the following hour. An IOP increase of > 2.0 mmHg was considered positive. RESULTS: The positive test group showed a significant pressure increase from 18.04 to 22.06 mmHg. Ocular pulse amplitude increased from 2.96 to 3.97 mmHg and was positively correlated with the pressure. Intraocular pressure was unchanged in the negative test group. Central corneal thickness was not significantly different in the two groups (p = 0.32). CONCLUSIONS: Ibopamine 2% eye drops have a positive pressure effect in 50% of suspected normal-tension glaucoma eyes and may differentiate between eyes with normal trabecular outflow capacity and eyes with increased resistance in the trabecular meshwork that are prone to pressure peaks and deterioration to glaucoma.
Lymphocyte stimulation tests (LST) were performed in five dogs sensitised with ovalbumin (OVA) and seven healthy dogs. In addition, all five OVA-sensitised and two control dogs were tested after two in vivo provocations with OVA-containing eye drops. The isolated cells were suspended in culture media containing OVA and were cultured for up to 12 days. Proliferation was measured as reduction in 5,6-carboxylfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) intensity by flow cytometry on days 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12. A cell proliferation index (CPI) for each day and the area under the curve (AUC) of the CPI was calculated for each dog. All OVA-sensitised dogs demonstrated increased erythema after conjunctival OVA application. The presence of OVA-specific lymphocytes was demonstrated in 2/5 OVA-sensitised dogs before and 4/5 after in vivo provocation. Using the AUC, the difference between OVA-sensitised and control dogs was significant in all three LST before in vivo provocation (P<0.05) and borderline significant (P=0.053) in 2/3 LST after provocation. The most significant difference in CPI was observed after 9 days of culture (P=0.001). This pilot study indicates that the LST allows detection of rare antigen specific memory T-cells in dogs previously sensitised to, but not concurrently undergoing challenge by a specific antigen.
Purpose To investigate the effect of topical glucose on visual parameters in individuals with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). Design Double-blind, randomized, crossover study. Participants Nondiabetic pseudophakic patients with definite POAG were recruited; 29 eyes of 16 individuals participated in study 1. A follow-up study (study 2) included 14 eyes of 7 individuals. Intervention Eyes were randomly allocated to receive 50% glucose or saline eye drops every 5 minutes for 60 minutes. Main Outcome Measures The contrast sensitivity and best-corrected logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR). Results The 50% glucose reached the vitreous in pseudophakic but not phakic individuals. Glucose significantly improved the mean contrast sensitivity at 12 cycles/degree compared with 0.9% saline by 0.26 log units (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.13–0.38; P < 0.001) and 0.40 log units (95% CI, 0.17–0.60; P < 0.001) in the follow-up study. The intraocular pressure, refraction, and central corneal thickness were not affected by glucose; age was not a significant predictor of the response. Conclusions Topical glucose temporarily improves psychophysical visual parameters in some individuals with POAG, suggesting that neuronal energy substrate delivery to the vitreous reservoir may recover function of “sick” retinal neurons.
Roman seals associated with collyria (Latin expression for eye drops /washes and lotions for eye maintenance) provide valuable information about eye care in the antiquity. These small, usually stone-made pieces bore engravings with the names of eye doctors and also the collyria used to treat an eye disease. The collyria seals have been found all over the Roman empire and Celtic territories in particular and were usually associated with military camps. In Hispania (Iberian Peninsula), only three collyria seals have been found. These findings speak about eye care in this ancient Roman province as well as about of the life of the time. This article takes a look at the utility and social significance of the collyria seals and seeks to give an insight in the ophthalmological practice of in the Roman Empire.
L’utilisation de lentilles cornéennes peut servir à améliorer le profil d’administration d’un principe actif dans les yeux. Avec une efficacité d’administration de 5% par l’utilisation de gouttes, on comprend rapidement que l’administration oculaire doit être améliorée. Cette faible administration a donné naissance à plusieurs tentatives visant à fabriquer des lentilles cornéennes médicamentées. Cependant, à cause de multiples raisons, aucune de ces tentatives n’a actuellement été mise sur le marché. Nous proposons dans cette étude, une possible amélioration des systèmes établis par le développement d’une lentille cornéenne à base de 2-(hydroxyéthyle)méthacrylate (HEMA), dans laquelle des microgels, à base de poly N-isopropylacrylamide (pNIPAM) thermosensible encapsulant un principe actif, seront incorporé. Nous avons donc débuté par développer une méthode analytique sensible par HPCL-MS/MS capable de quantifier plusieurs molécules à la fois. La méthode résultante a été validée selon les différents critères de la FDA et l’ICH en démontrant des limites de quantifications et de détections suffisamment basses, autant dans des fluides simulés que dans les tissus d’yeux de lapins. La méthode a été validée pour sept médicaments ophtalmiques : Pilocarpine, lidocaïne, proparacaïne, atropine, acétonide de triamcinolone, timolol et prednisolone. Nous avons ensuite fait la synthèse des microgels chargés négativement à base de NIPAM et d’acide méthacrylique (MAA). Nous avons encapsulé une molécule modèle dans des particules ayant une taille entre 200 et 600 nm dépendant de la composition ainsi qu’un potentiel zêta variant en fonction de la température. L’encapsulation de la rhodamine 6G (R6G) dans les microgels a été possible jusqu’à un chargement (DL%) de 38%. L’utilisation des isothermes de Langmuir a permis de montrer que l’encapsulation était principalement le résultat d’interactions électrostatiques entre les MAA et la R6G. Des cinétiques de libérations ont été effectuées à partir d’hydrogels d’acrylamide chargés en microgels encapsulant la R6G. Il a été trouvé que la libération des hydrogels chargés en microgels s’effectuait majoritairement selon l’affinité au microgel et sur une période d’environ 4-24 heures. La libération à partir de ces systèmes a été comparée à des formules d’hydrogels contenant des liposomes ou des nanogels de chitosan. Ces trois derniers (liposomes, microgels et nanogels) ont présenté des résultats prometteurs pour différentes applications avec différents profils de libérations. Enfin, nous avons transposé le modèle développé avec les gels d’acrylamide pour fabriquer des lentilles de contact de 260 à 340 µm d’épaisseur à base de pHEMA contenant les microgels avec une molécule encapsulée devant être administrée dans les yeux. Nous avons modifié la composition de l’hydrogel en incorporant un polymère linéaire, la polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). L’obtention d’hydrogels partiellement interpénétrés améliore la rétention d’eau dans les lentilles cornéennes. L’encapsulation dans les microgels chargés négativement a donné de meilleurs rendements avec la lidocaïne et cette dernière a été libérée de la lentille de pHEMA en totalité en approximativement 2 heures qu’elle soit ou non encapsulée dans des microgels. Ainsi dans cette étude pilote, l’impact des microgels n’a pas pu être déterminé et, de ce fait, nécessitera des études approfondies sur la structure et les propriétés de la lentille qui a été développée. En utilisant des modèles de libération plus représentatifs de la physiologie de l’œil, nous pourrions conclure avec plus de certitude concernant l’efficacité d’un tel système d’administration et s’il est possible de l’optimiser.
The treatment of pterygium is still quite controversial, with various treatments being advocated in the scientific literature. Unfortunately, there are very few well-conducted controlled clinical trials of treatments. However, years of anecdotal and noncontrolled studies have confirmed that some methods, such as bare scleral closure, are no longer acceptable in the treatment of pterygium and that other methods are likely to be more useful. In the future it will be important to develop a grading system, and surgeons will need to be conservative in the treatment of pterygium until such time as a single treatment provides a lower recurrence rate and complication rate.
Generally, we like to see ageing as a process that is happening to people older than ourselves. However the process of ageing impacts on a wide range of functions within the human body. Whilst many of the outcomes of ageing can now be delayed or reduced, age-related changes in cellular, molecular and physiological functionality of tissues and organs can also influence how drugs enter, distribute and are eliminated from the body. Therefore, the changing profile of barriers to drug delivery should be considered if we are to develop more age-appropriate medicines. Changes in the drug dissolution and absorption in older patients may require the formulation of oral delivery systems that offer enhanced retention at absorption sites to improve drug delivery. Alternatively, liquid and fast-melt dosage systems may address the need of patients who have difficulties in swallowing medication. Ageing-induced changes in the lung can also result in slower drug absorption, which is further compounded by disease factors, common in an ageing population, that reduce lung capacity. In terms of barriers to drug delivery to the eye, the main consideration is the tear film, which like other barriers to drug delivery, changes with normal ageing and can impact on the bioavailability of drugs delivery using eye drops and suspensions. In contrast, whilst the skin as a barrier changes with age, no significant difference in absorption of drugs from transdermal drug delivery is observed in different age groups. However, due to the age-related pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes, dose adaptation should still be considered for drug delivery across the skin. Overall it is clear that the increasing age demographic of most populations, presents new (or should that be older) barriers to effective drug delivery. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) remains the leading cause of blindness among working-age individuals in developed countries. Current treatments for DR are indicated in advanced stages of the disease and are associated with significant adverse effects. Therefore, new pharmacological treatments for the early stages of DR are needed. DR has been classically considered to be a microcirculatory disease of the retina. However, there is growing evidence to suggest that retinal neurodegeneration is an early event in the pathogenesis of DR, which participates in the microcirculatory abnormalities that occur in DR. Therefore, the study of the underlying mechanisms that lead to neurodegeneration will be essential for identifying new therapeutic targets. From the clinical point of view, the identification of those patients in whom retinal neurodegeneration appears will be crucial for implementing early treatment based on neuroprotective drugs. When the early stages of DR are the therapeutic target, it would be inconceivable to recommend an aggressive treatment such as intravitreous injections. By contrast, topical administration of neuroprotective drugs by using eye drops is a possible option. However, clinical trials to determine the safety and effectiveness of this non-invasive route, as well as a standardisation of the methods for monitoring neurodegeneration, are needed.
The tear film, cornea and lens dictate the refractive power of the eye and the retinal image quality is principally defined by diffraction, whole eye wavefront error, scatter, and chromatic aberration. Diffraction and wave aberration are fundamentally pupil diameter dependent; however scatter can be induced by refractive surgery and in the normal ageing eye becomes an increasingly important factor defining retinal image quality. The component of visual quality most affected by the tear film, refractive surgery and multifocal contact and intraocular lenses is the wave aberration of the eye. This body of work demonstrates the effects of each of these anomalies on the visual quality of the eye. When assessing normal or borderline self-diagnosed dry eye subjects using aberrometry, combining lubricating eye drops and spray does not offer any benefit over individual products. However, subjects perceive a difference in comfort for all interventions after one hour. Total higher order aberrations increase after laser assisted sub-epithelial keratectomy performed using a solid-state laser on myopes, but this causes no significant decrease in contrast sensitivity or increase in glare disability. Mean sensitivity and reliability indices for perimetry were comparable to pre-surgery results. Multifocal contact lenses and intraocular lenses are designed to maximise vision when the patient is binocular, so any evaluation of the eyes individually is confounded by reduced individual visual acuity and visual quality. Different designs of aspheric multifocal contact lenses do not provide the same level of visual quality. Multifocal contact lenses adversely affect mean deviation values for perimetry and this should be considered when screening individuals with multifocal contact or intraocular lenses. Photographic image quality obtained through a multifocal contact or intraocular lens appears to be unchanged. Future work should evaluate the effect of these anomalies in combination; with the aim of providing the best visual quality possible and supplying normative data for screening purposes.
Eye drops are convenient for patients, but achieving therapeutic doses and maintaining sustained drug release without frequent re-application to treat diseases of the retina has been largely unsuccessful. Topical administration of drugs is hindered by the anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry of the eye and its highly effective defence mechanisms. Advances in nanotechnology have led to the experimental use of topical permeation-enhancing liposomes, emulsions, and microspheres to enhance absorption and penetration of drugs across membranes; allow controlled release of the drug; and to target drugs at distinct tissues to allow sufficient local bioavailability. In the near future it is hoped that improved technologies may provide means of sustained topical drug delivery for retinal therapy, with improved side-effect profiles and reduced cost compared with currently available clinical treatments.