135 resultados para Extraversion


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The relationship between pet-keeping and owner personality has attracted considerable attention. Little focus, however, has been directed towards the personality of pet owners in relation to the type of pet owned. This study therefore explored the personality of pet owners in relation to the type of dog breed owned, focusing specifically on owners of breeds widely considered to be “aggressive” versus those more generally perceived as “non-aggressive”. One hundred and forty seven owners of “aggressive” (German shepherd dogs, Rottweilers) or “non-aggressive” (Labrador retrievers, Golden retrievers) dog breeds completed the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire short scale. Breed of dog owned was significantly related to owners’ psychoticism scores, with people who kept “aggressive” dogs having significantly higher scores on this trait than owners of “non-aggressive” dogs. Dog breed ownership was not significantly related to neuroticism, extraversion or lie scale scores, although male owners of “aggressive” dogs were found to be significantly less neurotic than women who kept “aggressive” or “non-aggressive” dogs. Overall, findings suggest that there is a significant relationship between dog breed ownership and specific personality traits, with owners of breeds widely considered to be “aggressive” harbouring more psychotic tendencies than people who choose to keep dogs with a reputedly less aggressive temperament.


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What are the personality differences between individuals who commit crime and those who refrain from crime? The HEXACO model of personality combines facets of honesty and humility with those of emotionality, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness to experience within a unifying framework of personality. We applied the HEXACO model to examine differences in personality between offenders and nonoffenders. Criminal offenders differed from nonoffenders on five of the six dimensions of personality proposed by the HEXACO model. Compared to nonoffenders, offenders exhibited stronger tendencies toward greed and unfairness, but were also more anxious and fearful. Conversely, the offenders scored lower than nonoffenders on a number of facets of sociability, liveliness, and social boldness. The present findings indicate that offenders may in part be characterized by increased negative emotions but decreased sociability and liveliness. The HEXACO model of personality provides a valuable tool for studying this unique and important population. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Two studies investigated the role of personality factors in the amelioration of outgroup attitudes via intergroup contact. In study 1, the effect of extraversion on outgroup attitude operated via an increase in cross-group friendship, whereas openness to experience and agreeableness had a direct effect on outgroup attitude. In study 2, we included intergroup anxiety as a mediator explaining these relationships, and we ruled out ingroup friendship as a potential confound. We found that the relationships between openness to experience and agreeableness on the one hand and outgroup attitude on the other were mediated by reduced intergroup anxiety. In addition, the effect of extraversion on outgroup attitude operated via an increase in cross-group friendship that was in turn associated with lower levels of intergroup anxiety. Across both studies, the friendship–attitude relationship was stronger among those low in agreeableness and extraversion. We discuss the importance of integrating personality and situational approaches to prejudice reduction in optimizing the impact of contact-based interventions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Aim: This paper is a report of a study to examine the role of personality and self-efficacy in predicting academic performance and attrition in nursing students.

Background: Despite a considerable amount of research investigating attrition in nursing students and new nurses, concerns remain. This particular issue highlights the need for a more effective selection process whereby those selected are more likely to complete their preregistration programme successfully, and remain employed as Registered Nurses.

Method: A longitudinal design was adopted. A questionnaire, which included measures of personality and occupational and academic self-efficacy, was administered to 384 students early in the first year of the study. At the end of the programme, final marks and attrition rates were obtained from university records for a total of 350 students. The data were collected from 1999 to 2002.

Findings: Individuals who scored higher on a psychoticism scale were more likely to withdraw from the programme. Occupational self-efficacy was revealed to be a statistically significant predictor of final mark obtained, in that those with higher self-efficacy beliefs were more likely to achieve better final marks. Extraversion was also shown to negatively predict academic performance in that those with higher extraversion scores were more likely to achieve lower marks.

Conclusion: More research is needed to explore the attributes of successful nursing students and the potential contribution of psychological profiling to a more effective selection process.


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Für diese Studie wurden 38 Führungskräfte der mittleren und der oberen Managementebene sowie 36 Studierende der Betriebwirtschaftslehre und der Wirtschaftsinformatik zu Persönlichkeitsdimensionen, der Fähigkeit zu wirtschaftlichem Denken sowie zum Karriereverlauf befragt. Die Führungskräfte sind tendenziell emotional stabiler und weisen signifikant höhere Werte in der verbalen Intelligenz auf als die Studierenden. In den Persönlichkeitsdimensionen Emotionale Stabilität, Extraversion, Verträglichkeit, Offenheit für Neues und Gewissenhaftigkeit unterscheiden sich Führungskräfte und Studierende hingegen nicht signifikant. Auch in der Persönlichkeitsdimension Psychopathie unterscheiden sich beide Gruppen nicht signifikant. Psychopathie wird in dieser Untersuchung als Persönlichkeitsdimension operationalisiert, nicht als psychopathologische Kategorie mit Krankheitswert. Ein substantieller Zusammenhang zwischen Psychopathiewerten und der Fähigkeit zu wirtschaftlichem Denken wurde nicht festgestellt. Es wird vermutet, dass der fehlende Zusammenhang auf die unzureichende Operationalisierung von wirtschaftlichem Denken zurückzuführen ist. In den Folgeuntersuchungen wird wirtschaftliches Denken umfassender operationalisiert werden.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde (Desenvolvimento Humano e Social), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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L'objectif de cette étude est de vérifier la validité interne de la version française du questionnaire d'impulsivité d'Eysenck (I7), traduite par Dupont et al., sur un échantillon d'étudiants suisses (n = 220). Dans leur questionnaire, Eysenck et Eysenck proposent trois échelles : les deux premières évaluant deux composantes distinctes de l'impulsivité (l'Impulsivité caractérisant les individus qui agissent sans penser, sans être conscients des risques associés à leurs actions, et la Recherche d'aventure caractérisant les individus qui agissent en étant conscients, et en tenant compte des risques associés à leurs actions), et la troisième servant de « distracteur » (l'Empathie caractérisant les individus qui ont la faculté de s'identifier à l'autre). La structure à trois facteurs de l'instrument a été confirmée par notre analyse factorielle en composantes principales. La solution factorielle retenue n'explique toutefois qu'une faible proportion de la variance (21.9 %). L'homogénéité interne des échelles, mesurée à l'aide d'alphas de Cronbach, est acceptable pour l'échelle d'Impulsivité (.78) et de Recherche d'aventure (.71), mais elle est, en revanche, faible pour l'échelle d'Empathie (.62). Les échelles de l'I7 d'Eysenck entretiennent des corrélations cohérentes avec les cinq grandes dimensions de la personnalité mesurées par le NEO PI-R. L'Impulsivité est associée négativement à la dimension Conscience (r = - .32), alors que la Recherche d'aventures est associée positivement à la dimension Extraversion (r = .33). Le sexe a un impact sur les échelles Recherche d'aventure et Empathie. Les qualités métrologiques de la version française du questionnaire d'impulsivité d'Eysenck (I7) sont satisfaisantes, mais l'estimation d'autres indices de validité, comme la fidélité test-retest et la validité convergente, devrait être réalisée.


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BACKGROUND: The presence of cognitive and structural deficits in euthymic elderly depressed patients remains a matter of debate. Integrative aetiological models assessing concomitantly these parameters as well as markers of psychological vulnerability such as persistent personality traits, are still lacking for this age group. METHODS: Cross-sectional comparisons of 38 elderly remitted patients with early-onset depression (EOD) and 62 healthy controls included detailed neuropsychological assessment, estimates of brain volumes in limbic areas and white matter hyperintensities, as well as evaluation of the Five-Factor personality dimensions. RESULTS: Both cognitive performances and brain volumes were preserved in euthymic EOD patients. No significant group differences were observed in white matter hyperintensity scores between the two groups. In contrast, EOD was associated with significant increase of Neuroticism and decrease of Extraversion facet scores. LIMITATIONS: Results concern the restricted portion of EOD patients without psychiatric and physical comorbidities. Future longitudinal studies are necessary to determine the temporal relationship between the occurrence of depression and personality dimensions. CONCLUSIONS: After remission from acute depressive symptoms, cognitive performances remain intact in elderly patients with EOD. In contrast to previous observations, these patients display neither significant brain volume loss in limbic areas nor increased vascular burden compared to healthy controls. Further clinical investigations on EOD patterns of vulnerability in old age will gain from focusing on psychological features such as personality traits rather than neurocognitive clues.


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Numerous studies have documented subtle but consistent sex differences in self-reports and observer-ratings of five-factor personality traits, and such effects were found to show well- defined developmental trajectories and remarkable similarity across nations. In contrast, very little is known about perceived gender differences in five-factor traits in spite of their potential implications for gender biases at the interpersonal and societal level. In particular, it is not clear how perceived gender differences in five-factor personality vary across age groups and national contexts and to what extent they accurately reflect assessed sex differences in personality. To address these questions, we analyzed responses from 3,323 individuals across 26 nations (mean age = 22.3 years, 31% male) who were asked to rate the five-factor personality traits of typical men or women in three age groups (adolescent, adult, and older adult) in their respective nations. Raters perceived women as slightly higher in openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness as well as some aspects of extraversion and neuroticism. Perceived gender differences were fairly consistent across nations and target age groups and mapped closely onto assessed sex differences in self- and observer-rated personality. Associations between the average size of perceived gender differences and national variations in sociodemographic characteristics, value systems, or gender equality did not reach statistical significance. Findings contribute to our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of gender stereotypes of personality and suggest that perceptions of actual sex differences may play a more important role than culturally based gender roles and socialization processes.


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Recent literature evidences differential associations of personal and general just-world beliefs with constructs in the interpersonal domain. In line with this research, we examine the respective relationships of each just-world belief with the Five-Factor and the HEXACO models of personality in one representative sample of the working population of Switzerland and one sample of the general US population, respectively. One suppressor effect was observed in both samples: Neuroticism and emotionality was positively associated with general just-world belief, but only after controlling for personal just-world belief. In addition, agreeableness was positively and honesty-humility negatively associated with general just-world belief but unrelated to personal just-world belief. Conscientiousness was consistently unrelated to any of the just-world belief and extraversion and openness to experience revealed unstable coefficients across studies. We discuss these points in light of just-world theory and their implications for future research taking both dimensions into account.


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This study deals with personality and situational variables that influence forgiveness. The relations between empathy and forgiveness were studied, followed by the examination of the relation of these two variables to the Big Five personality traits, as well as honesty, absorption, the propensity to mystical experiences, and dissociation. Empathy was then tested as a mediating variable between the personality variables and forgiveness. Empathy and forgiveness were then studied in relation to childhood maltreatment. Finally, the effects of six different motivations to forgive were examined in relation to the personality variables. Participants were 142 undergraduate students recruited from the ftrst year psychology class at Brock University; 75% were either 18 or 19 years of age, and 84% were female. All of the variables were measured using self-report questionnaires. The relation between empathy and forgiveness was only partially replicated. In terms of personality, forgiveness was found to be related to honesty, emotionality, and agreeableness. Empathy at least partially mediated the relations between forgiveness and agreeableness, honesty and emotionality. Childhood maltreatment was negatively related to forgiveness, and positively related to openness to experience, absorption, and dissociation from reality, but not to the propensity for mystical experiences. Six different motivations for forgiveness emerged from an exploratory factor analysis. Out of these, Forgiveness to Promote Reconciliation was related to emotionality and dispositional empathy. Religious Forgiveness was related to honesty, emotionality, and mystical experiences. Forgiveness to Feel Better was related to honesty, emotionality, agreeableness, conscientiousness, absorption, mystical experiences, and empathy. Forgiveness to Assert Moral Superiority over the Injurer was negatively related to honesty, empathy, and positively related to extraversion. Forgiveness out of Fear was related to agreeableness. Finally, Altruistic Forgiveness was related to honesty, emotionality, and agreeableness, absorption and the propensity to mystical experiences. Altruistic Forgiveness correlated most highly with all the measures of forgiveness, followed by Forgiveness to Feel better. Altruistic forgiveness was also the motivation for forgiveness that correlated the highest with absorption.


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The increasing variety and complexity of video games allows players to choose how to behave and represent themselves within these virtual environments. The focus of this dissertation was to examine the connections between the personality traits (specifically, HEXACO traits and psychopathic traits) of video game players and player-created and controlled game-characters (i.e., avatars), and the link between traits and behavior in video games. In Study 1 (n = 198), the connections between player personality traits and behavior in a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game (World of Warcraft) were examined. Six behavior components were found (i.e., Player-versus-Player, Social Player-versus-Environment, Working, Helping, Immersion, and Core Content), and each was related to relevant personality traits. For example, Player-versus-Player behaviors were negatively related to Honesty-Humility and positively related to psychopathic traits, and Immersion behaviors (i.e., exploring, role-playing) were positively related to Openness to Experience. In Study 2 (n = 219), the connections between player personality traits and in-game behavior in video games were examined in university students. Four behavior components were found (i.e., Aggressing, Winning, Creating, and Helping), and each was related to at least one personality trait. For example, Aggressing was negatively related to Honesty-Humility and positively related to psychopathic traits. In Study 3 (n = 90), the connections between player personality traits and avatar personality traits were examined in World of Warcraft. Positive player-avatar correlations were observed for all personality traits except Extraversion. Significant mean differences between players and avatars were observed for all traits except Conscientiousness; avatars had higher mean scores on Extraversion and psychopathic traits, but lower mean scores on the remaining traits. In Study 4, the connections between player personality traits, avatar traits, and observed behaviors in a life-simulation video game (The Sims 3) were examined in university students (n = 93). Participants created two avatars and used these avatars to play The Sims 3. Results showed that the selection of certain avatar traits was related to relevant player personality traits (e.g., participants who chose the Friendly avatar trait were higher in Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, and Agreeableness, and lower in psychopathic traits). Selection of certain character-interaction behaviors was related to relevant player personality traits (e.g., participants with higher levels of psychopathic traits used more Mean and fewer Friendly interactions). Together, the results of the four studies suggest that individuals generally behave and represent themselves in video games in ways that are consistent with their real-world tendencies.


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Le décrochage scolaire des adolescents est un phénomène alarmant qui occasionne de multiples conséquences négatives, tant pour le jeune que pour la société. Des recherches empiriques ont soulevé l’importance de considérer les décrocheurs comme un groupe aux profils hétérogènes. En conséquence, quelques chercheurs ont proposé des typologies des décrocheurs scolaires à l’adolescence, dont Janosz (1994; Janosz, Le Blanc, Boulerice, & Tremblay 2000). À partir de trois indicateurs de l’adaptation scolaire des adolescents (engagement scolaire, indiscipline scolaire et performance scolaire), Janosz et ses collègues ont identifié quatre types de décrocheurs scolaires potentiels, soient les Discrets, les Désengagés, les Sous-performants et les Inadaptés. Les études prédictives conduites jusqu’à maintenant ont permis de déterminer que les différents types proposés par cette typologie se distinguent sur différents facteurs de risque du décrochage d’ordre individuel et environnemental. Toutefois, il n’est pas connu si ces types de décrocheurs potentiels se distinguent des adolescents non à risque de décrocher sur un facteur important, soit les traits de personnalité. Cette étude visait donc à évaluer si les traits de personnalité des adolescents (Ouverture, Extraversion, Contrôle, Amabilité et Stabilité émotionnelle) permettaient de prédire l’appartenance aux quatre types de décrocheurs potentiels proposés par Janosz et ses collègues (2000), en contrôlant l’effet de plusieurs autres facteurs de risque classique du décrochage. Les données provenaient de l’étude Stratégie d’Intervention Agir Autrement (SIAA), qui compte plus de 40 000 adolescents provenant de 69 écoles secondaires au Québec. L’échantillon qui a été utilisé dans cette étude (N = 4980) était composé d’élèves de 14 à 16 ans évalués en 2006-2007. Les adolescents ont rempli des questionnaires en groupe durant une période de classe. Différents modèles de régression logistique multinomiale contrôlant pour la nature hiérarchique des données ont confirmé que les traits de personnalité ont prédit l’appartenance à différents types de décrocheurs, et ce, au-delà de l’effet de plusieurs facteurs de risque classiques du décrochage scolaire. Ces résultats suggèrent que les théories du décrochage scolaire pourraient intégrer les traits de personnalité et que ces derniers pourraient être utilisés pour le dépistage des adolescents à risque de décrochage.


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L’objectif principal de la présente thèse est d’étudier la nature multifactorielle des difficultés attentionnelles que présentent les personnes ayant subi un traumatisme craniocérébral léger (TCCL). Plus spécifiquement, nous avons voulu cerner l’impact des symptômes de douleur, ainsi que de facteurs émotifs et de personnalité, sur le fonctionnement attentionnel de personnes ayant eu un TCCL. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, cette thèse présente trois articles. Dans le premier article, l’impact cognitif/neuropsychologique de la douleur chronique (DC) et de ses variables psychologiques concomitantes a été examiné par le biais d’une recension des écrits. Le deuxième article présente une étude expérimentale portant sur les relations entre des variables liées à la douleur et à l’affectivité, et le fonctionnement attentionnel de personnes ayant subi un TCCL étant à différents stades de récupération, comparativement à un groupe témoin normal. Enfin, un troisième article décrit une étude expérimentale qui a été menée afin d’explorer les associations entre certains facteurs de personnalité (neuroticisme, extraversion) et l’efficacité attentionnelle chez des participants normaux, ainsi que chez des personnes ayant subi un TCCL. Les résultats des articles présentés dans cette thèse démontrent que le TCCL en soi peut nuire au fonctionnement attentionnel, puisque des déficits de l’attention peuvent être observés sur des tâches neuropsychologiques qui mesurent les temps de réaction avec précision. Des variables concomitantes au TCCL peuvent aussi avoir un impact négatif sur l’attention sélective; la présence de symptômes de douleur nuit à la performance sur des tâches d’attention et certains traits de personnalité sont associés à l’efficacité attentionnelle ou aux symptômes post-commotionnels. Cette thèse montre donc que divers facteurs peuvent contribuer aux difficultés d’attention des personnes ayant subi un TCCL. Le neuropsychologue devrait utiliser des tâches sensibles aux atteintes, parfois plus subtiles, que présentent les personnes ayant eu un TCCL lorsqu’il tente de comprendre les difficultés attentionnelles de cette clientèle. De plus, les variables associées à la douleur et certains traits de personnalité devraient être systématiquement évalués lors de l’examen neuropsychologique post-TCCL.


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La dernière décennie fut marquée par l’avènement des sites de réseautage social ouvrant la voie à une nouvelle façon de communiquer. Avec 900 millions d’utilisateurs, Facebook est de loin le plus populaire de ces sites (Facebook, 2013). Les caractéristiques propres à cette plateforme, telles que l’information présente en ligne de même que la nature publique des interactions, imposent une réflexion sur son potentiel social. Nombre d’auteurs suggèrent que l’utilisation de Facebook pourrait mener à une augmentation du capital social et plus précisément du capital social de type bridging. Basée sur cette théorisation du réseau social établie par Putnam (2001), cette recherche s’est interrogée sur la participation de Facebook à la restructuration du réseau social chez les jeunes universitaires. Ainsi, 176 étudiants nouvellement arrivés à l’Université de Montréal furent interrogés à l’aide d’un questionnaire et d’entrevues. Cette façon de procéder permit de comparer les interactions que les étudiants ont en ligne aux interactions qu’ils ont en face-à-face. Il ressort de cette recherche que Facebook permet de fixer les liens sociaux naissants et facilite la formation de groupes dans un nouvel environnement. De plus, l’utilisation de cette plateforme accompagne le jeune tout au long de son parcours social et s’inscrit ainsi dans un processus évolutif.