964 resultados para Experimental procedure


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Abstract Image

A new experimental procedure based on attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy has been developed to investigate surface species under liquid phase reaction conditions. The technique has been tested by investigating the enhanced selectivity in the hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated aldehyde citral over a 5% Pt/SiO2 catalyst toward unsaturated alcohols geraniol/nerol, which occurs when citronellal is added to the reaction. The change in selectivity is proposed to be the result of a change in the citral adsorption mode in the presence of citronellal. Short time on stream attenuated total internal reflection infrared spectroscopy has allowed identification of the adsorption modes of citral. With no citronellal, citral adsorbs through both the C═C and C═O groups; however, in the presence of citronellal, citral adsorption occurs through the C═O group only, which is proposed to be the cause of the altered reaction selectivity.


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Many kinetic models have appeared in literature in past decades using two main approaches: the traditional global kinetics approach, or the more complex micro-kinetics approach. Whether global or micro-kinetics, kinetic models have been based on experimental data obtained at the end of the monolith. The experimental procedure using end pipe analysis may give an accurate overview of the reaction mechanisms that occur; however, the lack of information from within the catalyst can ultimately lead to inaccuracies in the kinetic model and parameters used.

Using SpaciMS, a spatially resolved experimental technique developed at the Queen's University Belfast, information from within the catalyst can be obtained. This minimally invasive technique provides detailed information of the gas concentration and temperature profile from inside the catalytic monolith. This paper presents a kinetic model and simulations validated against experimental data obtained from three positions inside the catalyst monolith at 2, 14, and 26 mm in, using data from the SpaciMS. Also, simulations of end pipe analysis, using a commercial reactor, for the CO oxidation are presented and analyzed. The simulations presented are for varying concentrations of both CO and O2 (0.5 % and 1 % CO, 0.5 % and 2 % O2) for both the global and micro-kinetic approach.


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A complete review of the published data on the mixing enthalpies of mixtures containing ionic liquids, measured directly using calorimetric techniques, is presented in this paper. The field of ionic liquids is very active and a number of research groups in the world are dealing with different applications of these fluids in the fields of chemistry, chemical engineering, energy, gas storage and separation or materials science. In all these fields, the knowledge of the energetics of mixing is capital both to understand the interactions between these fluids and the different substrates and also to establish the energy and environmental cost of possible applications. Due to the relative novelty of the field, the published data is sometimes controversial and recent reviews are fragmentary and do not represent a set of reliable data. This fact can be attributed to different reasons: (i) difficulties in controlling the purity and stability of the ionic liquid samples; (ii) availability of accurate experimental techniques, appropriate for the measurement of viscous, charged, complex fluids; and (iii) choice of an appropriate clear thermodynamic formalism to be used by an interdisciplinary scientific community. In this paper, we address all these points and propose a critical review of the published data, advise on the most appropriate apparatus and experimental procedure to measure this type of physical-chemical data in ionic liquids as well as the way to treat the information obtained by an appropriate thermodynamic formalism.


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Esta tese investiga a caracterização (e modelação) de dispositivos que realizam o interface entre os domínios digital e analógico, tal como os buffers de saída dos circuitos integrados (CI). Os terminais sem fios da atualidade estão a ser desenvolvidos tendo em vista o conceito de rádio-definido-por-software introduzido por Mitola. Idealmente esta arquitetura tira partido de poderosos processadores e estende a operação dos blocos digitais o mais próximo possível da antena. Neste sentido, não é de estranhar que haja uma crescente preocupação, no seio da comunidade científica, relativamente à caracterização dos blocos que fazem o interface entre os domínios analógico e digital, sendo os conversores digital-analógico e analógico-digital dois bons exemplos destes circuitos. Dentro dos circuitos digitais de alta velocidade, tais como as memórias Flash, um papel semelhante é desempenhado pelos buffers de saída. Estes realizam o interface entre o domínio digital (núcleo lógico) e o domínio analógico (encapsulamento dos CI e parasitas associados às linhas de transmissão), determinando a integridade do sinal transmitido. Por forma a acelerar a análise de integridade do sinal, aquando do projeto de um CI, é fundamental ter modelos que são simultaneamente eficientes (em termos computacionais) e precisos. Tipicamente a extração/validação dos modelos para buffers de saída é feita usando dados obtidos da simulação de um modelo detalhado (ao nível do transístor) ou a partir de resultados experimentais. A última abordagem não envolve problemas de propriedade intelectual; contudo é raramente mencionada na literatura referente à caracterização de buffers de saída. Neste sentido, esta tese de Doutoramento foca-se no desenvolvimento de uma nova configuração de medição para a caracterização e modelação de buffers de saída de alta velocidade, com a natural extensão aos dispositivos amplificadores comutados RF-CMOS. Tendo por base um procedimento experimental bem definido, um modelo estado-da-arte é extraído e validado. A configuração de medição desenvolvida aborda não apenas a integridade dos sinais de saída mas também do barramento de alimentação. Por forma a determinar a sensibilidade das quantias estimadas (tensão e corrente) aos erros presentes nas diversas variáveis associadas ao procedimento experimental, uma análise de incerteza é também apresentada.


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Os coeficientes de difusão (D 12) são propriedades fundamentais na investigação e na indústria, mas a falta de dados experimentais e a inexistência de equações que os estimem com precisão e confiança em fases comprimidas ou condensadas constituem limitações importantes. Os objetivos principais deste trabalho compreendem: i) a compilação de uma grande base de dados para valores de D 12 de sistemas gasosos, líquidos e supercríticos; ii) o desenvolvimento e validação de novos modelos de coeficientes de difusão a diluição infinita, aplicáveis em amplas gamas de temperatura e densidade, para sistemas contendo componentes muito distintos em termos de polaridade, tamanho e simetria; iii) a montagem e teste de uma instalação experimental para medir coeficientes de difusão em líquidos e fluidos supercríticos. Relativamente à modelação, uma nova expressão para coeficientes de difusão a diluição infinita de esferas rígidas foi desenvolvida e validada usando dados de dinâmica molecular (desvio relativo absoluto médio, AARD = 4.44%) Foram também estudados os coeficientes de difusão binários de sistemas reais. Para tal, foi compilada uma extensa base de dados de difusividades de sistemas reais em gases e solventes densos (622 sistemas binários num total de 9407 pontos experimentais e 358 moléculas) e a mesma foi usada na validação dos novos modelos desenvolvidos nesta tese. Um conjunto de novos modelos foi proposto para o cálculo de coeficientes de difusão a diluição infinita usando diferentes abordagens: i) dois modelos de base molecular com um parâmetro específico para cada sistema, aplicáveis em sistemas gasosos, líquidos e supercríticos, em que natureza do solvente se encontra limitada a apolar ou fracamente polar (AARDs globais na gama 4.26-4.40%); ii) dois modelos de base molecular biparamétricos, aplicáveis em todos os estados físicos, para qualquer tipo de soluto diluído em qualquer solvente (apolar, fracamente polar e polar). Ambos os modelos dão origem a erros globais entre 2.74% e 3.65%; iii) uma correlação com um parâmetro, específica para coeficientes de difusão em dióxido de carbono supercrítico (SC-CO2) e água líquida (AARD = 3.56%); iv) nove correlações empíricas e semi-empíricas que envolvem dois parâmetros, dependentes apenas da temperatura e/ou densidade do solvente e/ou viscosidade do solvente. Estes últimos modelos são muito simples e exibem excelentes resultados (AARDs entre 2.78% e 4.44%) em sistemas líquidos e supercríticos; e v) duas equações preditivas para difusividades de solutos em SC-CO2, em que os erros globais de ambas são inferiores a 6.80%. No global, deve realçar-se o facto de os novos modelos abrangerem a grande variedade de sistemas e moléculas geralmente encontrados. Os resultados obtidos são consistentemente melhores do que os obtidos com os modelos e abordagens encontrados na literatura. No caso das correlações com um ou dois parâmetros, mostrou-se que estes mesmos parâmetros podem ser ajustados usando um conjunto muito pequeno de dados, e posteriormente serem utilizados na previsão de valores de D 12 longe do conjunto original de pontos. Uma nova instalação experimental para medir coeficientes de difusão binários por técnicas cromatográficas foi montada e testada. O equipamento, o procedimento experimental e os cálculos analíticos necessários à obtenção dos valores de D 12 pelo método de abertura do pico cromatográfico, foram avaliados através da medição de difusividades de tolueno e acetona em SC-CO2. Seguidamente, foram medidos coeficientes de difusão de eucaliptol em SC-CO2 nas gamas de 202 – 252 bar e 313.15 – 333.15 K. Os resultados experimentais foram analisados através de correlações e modelos preditivos para D12.


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In this work, a comparative study on different drill point geometries and feed rate for composite laminates drilling is presented. For this goal, thrust force monitoring during drilling, hole wall roughness measurement and delamination extension assessment after drilling is accomplished. Delamination is evaluated using enhanced radiography combined with a dedicated computational platform that integrates algorithms of image processing and analysis. An experimental procedure was planned and consequences were evaluated. Results show that a cautious combination of the factors involved, like drill tip geometry or feed rate, can promote the reduction of delamination damage.


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O transporte de cargas é uma tarefa comum para crianças, adolescentes e adultos, pela necessidade de transferência diária de objetos pessoais, livros e artigos de papelaria para os locais de trabalho ou escolas. Diversos autores apontam que o peso carregado durante transporte de material é o principal responsável pelo aparecimento de dor lombar. Deste modo é importante o constante estudo da temática para a definição recomendações e limites. O presente estudo teve como principais objetivos a caraterização da problemática associada à utilização de mochilas e a determinação do Peso Máximo Aceitável (PMA) e do Índice de Esforço Percebido (IEP) para a tarefa de transporte de mochilas, através da abordagem psicofísica. O estudo foi desenvolvido com estudantes do 7º, 8º e 9º ano de escolaridade e, foi dividido em duas fases. Na 1ª fase foram aplicados questionários para a análise da problemática associada à utilização de diferentes tipos de mochilas escolares. Nesta fase, foram incluídos aspetos associados à identificação do tipo de mochila mais utilizada, as rotinas e hábitos dos estudantes e as características da mochila utilizada. Verificou-se que os estudantes utilizam, maioritariamente, a mochila de duas alças para transporte de material escolar. Posteriormente foram efetuadas medições de peso da mochila, altura e peso aos 131 estudantes que constituíram a amostra da 1º fase. O principal objetivo deste ponto foi identificar o tipo de mochila habitualmente utilizada pelos estudantes assim como, o peso transportado nas mochilas. Na 2ª fase foi efetuado um estudo para a determinação do PMA e do IEP, através da abordagem psicofísica, para a tarefa de transporte de mochila, considerando-se uma amostra constituída por 10 estudantes. Para este estudo, apenas foi considerada a mochila mais frequentemente utilizada, identificada na 1º fase. A tarefa consistiu no transporte da mochila nos dois ombros e com as alças devidamente ajustadas ao corpo, num percurso pré-definido, de acordo com o procedimento experimental. Os resultados indicaram que nem todos os estudantes transportam mochilas com pesos dentro das recomendações da Organização Mundial de Saúde. O PMA determinado pelos estudantes foi de 6.8 kg para a mochila de duas alças e a região dos ombros foi identificada durante todo o estudo como sendo a que apresentava maior intensidade de dor durante o transporte da mochila.


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Lung transplantation has evolved from an experimental procedure to a viable therapeutic option in many countries. In Switzerland, the first lung transplant was performed in November 1992, more than ten years after the first successful procedure world-wide. Thenceforward, a prospective national lung transplant registry was established, principally to enable quality control. The data of all patients transplanted in the two Swiss Lung Transplant centres Zurich University Hospital and Centre de Romandie (Geneva-Lausanne) were analysed. In 10 years 242 lung transplants have been performed. Underlying lung diseases were cystic fibrosis including bronchiectasis (32%), emphysema (32%), parenchymal disorders (19%), pulmonary hypertension (11%) and lymphangioleiomyomatosis (3%). There were only 3% redo procedures. The 1, 5 and 9 year survival rates were 77% (95% CI 72-82), 64% (95% CI 57-71) and 56% (95% CI 45-67), respectively. The 5 year survival rate of patients transplanted since 1998 was 72% (95% CI 64-80). Multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that survival was significantly better in this group compared to those transplanted before 1998 (HR 0.44, 0.26-0.75). Patients aged 60 years and older (HR 5.67, 95% CI 2.50-12.89) and those with pulmonary hypertension (HR 2.01, 95% CI 1.10-3.65) had a significantly worse prognosis The most frequent causes of death were infections (29%), bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (25%) and multiple organ failure (14%). The 10-year Swiss experience of lung transplantation compares favourably with the international data. The best results are obtained in cystic fibrosis, pulmonary emphysema and parenchymal disorders.


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Le brossage des dents, la mastication des aliments et toutes autres activités orales quotidiennes peuvent provoquer une bactériémie transitoire. Cette bactériémie transitoire a le potentiel de causer une endocardite infectieuse en présence de certains facteurs de risque. Les cardiopathies congénitales chez les enfants font partie de ces facteurs de risque. Le contrôle de la plaque dentaire et une bonne santé buccodentaire permettent de réduire le risque d’endocardite infectieuse. Les objectifs du présent projet de recherche visent à évaluer les connaissances des parents d’enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales sur l’endocardite infectieuse et son lien avec la santé buccodentaire et de connaître les habitudes d’hygiène orale personnelles et professionnelles adoptées par les enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales. Le projet de recherche vise également à évaluer l’efficacité de deux méthodes d’enseignement d’hygiène orale chez les enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales. La procédure expérimentale implique que tous les parents ou gardiens légaux d’enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales, âgés entre 6 et 12 ans qui visitent le service de cardiologie du CHU Sainte-Justine sont sollicités à participer au projet de recherche. Un formulaire d’information et de consentement ainsi qu’un questionnaire sont remis aux parents. Le questionnaire vise à évaluer la connaissance des parents d’enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales sur ce qu’est l’endocardite infectieuse et son lien avec la santé buccodentaire ainsi que de connaître les habitudes d’hygiène orale personnelles et professionnelles des enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales. L’examen clinique nécessaire au projet de recherche implique le prélèvement d’un indice de plaque Quigley & Hein, Turesky modifié avant et après que l’enfant participant au projet de recherche ait appliqué les instructions d’hygiène orale reçues. L’enfant est assigné à l’une des deux méthodes d’instructions d’hygiène orale avec l’aide d’une table de randomisation. La méthode d’instructions d’hygiène orale du groupe 1 correspond à des instructions transmises par le cardiologue tandis que la méthode d’instructions d’hygiène orale du groupe 2 correspond aux instructions transmises par l’intermédiaire d’un document audio visuel. Des analyses chi-carré et des tests de T pairé ainsi que des analyses de variance univariée (one-way ANOVA) et des analyses de corrélation de Pearson entre le questionnaire et les données cliniques ont été effectuées pour analyser les données recueillies. Les résultats démontrent que les parents d’enfants « à risque élevé » d’effet adverse d’une endocardite infectieuse ne connaissent pas davantage le risque d’endocardite infectieuse d’origine buccodentaire que les parents d’enfants « de moindre risque » (p=0,104). Les résultats démontrent toutefois que les parents d’enfants atteints de cardiopathies congénitales qui connaissent le risque d’endocardite infectieuse et son lien avec la santé buccodentaire adhèrent à des comportements dans le but de maintenir une bonne santé buccodentaire chez leur enfant. Les résultats qui proviennent de l’examen clinique démontrent que l’application des instructions d’hygiène orale faites par le cardiologue et par l’intermédiaire d’un document audio visuel permettent d’observer une différence statistiquement significative (p=0,000) au niveau du contrôle de la plaque dans chacun de ces groupes. Toutefois, aucune différence statistiquement significative (p=0,668) n’a pu être démontrée entre les deux méthodes d’instructions d’hygiène orale. Les parents qui connaissent le lien entre la santé buccodentaire et le risque d’endocardite infectieuse pour leur enfant atteint de cardiopathie congénitale adoptent un comportement pour optimiser la santé buccodentaire de leur enfant. Les instructions d’hygiène orale par l’intermédiaire d’un document audio visuel sont équivalentes aux instructions d’hygiène orale prodiguées par le cardiologue.


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The objective of this research is to study the feasibility of bioremediating the oily sludge from a refinery site. Three different methods of waste treatment were tried i.e. phytoremediation, land farming and microbial enhanced oil separation in laboratory scale treatment systems. A multiprocess approach by combination of phytoremediation, biostimulation and microbial enhanced oil separation is also presented. The methods of analysis, experimental procedure, and results are incorporated into five chapters of this thesis entitled "Bioremediation of petroleum sludge through phytoremediation, land farming and microbial enhanced oil separation.


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The thesis entitled Study on Accelerators in Rubber Vulcanization with Special Reference to the Binary Systems Containing Substituted Dithiobiurets. It includes a detailed study on the binary accelerator systems containing substituted dithiobiurets in natural rubber and NR latex and dithiobiurets in SBR and NR-SBR blends vulcanization systems. It deals with the experimental procedure adopted for the preparation of DTB-II and DTB-III; the procedure for compounding and vulcanization and determination of physical properties like modulus, tensile strength, elongation at break, hardness, compression set, heat build up etc. The results indicate that there is efficient acceleration activity of the dithiobiurets in the vulcanization of natural rubber latex containing TMT. The study of dithiobiurets in natural rubber and NR latex reveal that they are having definite accelerating effect in SBR vulcanization systems.


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13C-2H correlation NMR spectroscopy (13C-2H COSY) permits the identification of 13C and 2H nuclei which are connected to one another by a single chemical bond via the sizeable 1JCD coupling constant. The practical development of this technique is described using a 13C-2H COSY pulse sequence which is derived from the classical 13C-1H correlation experiment. An example is given of the application of 13C-2H COSY to the study of the biogenesis of natural products from the anti-malarial plant Artemisia annua, using a doubly-labelled precursor molecule. Although the biogenesis of artemisinin, the anti-malarial principle from this species, has been extensively studied over the past twenty years there is still no consensus as to the true biosynthetic route to this important natural product – indeed, some published experimental results are directly contradictory. One possible reason for this confusion may be the ease with which some of the metabolites from A. annua undergo spontaneous autoxidation, as exemplified by our recent in vitro studies of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid, and the application of 13C-2H COSY to this biosynthetic problem has been important in helping to mitigate against such processes. In this in vivo application of 13C-2H COSY, [15-13C2H3]-dihydroartemisinic acid (the doubly-labelled analogue of the natural product from this species which was obtained through synthesis) was fed to A. annua plants and was shown to be converted into several natural products which have been described previously, including artemisinin. It is proposed that all of these transformations occurred via a tertiary hydroperoxide intermediate, which is derived from dihyroartemisinic acid. This intermediate was observed directly in this feeding experiment by the 13C-2H COSY technique; its observation by more traditional procedures (e.g., chromatographic separation, followed by spectroscopic analysis of the purified product) would have been difficult owing to the instability of the hydroperoxide group (as had been established previously by our in vitro studies of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid). This same hydroperoxide has been reported as the initial product of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid in our previous in vitro studies. Its observation in this feeding experiment by the 13C-2H COSY technique, a procedure which requires the minimum of sample manipulation in order to achieve a reliable identification of metabolites (based on both 13C and 2H chemical shifts at the 15-position), provides the best possible evidence for its status as a genuine biosynthetic intermediate, rather than merely as an artifact of the experimental procedure.


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This work reports on a distinct experimental procedure conceived to closely approach the question of development of crystallization in lead oxyfluoroborate glasses in the presence of an electric field. After proposing earlier that this phenomenon should involve occurrence of redox-type electrochemical reactions occurring at the electrodes. it was in fact recently shown that a direct contact of the glasses with both the cathode and anode revealed essential, provided that crystallization did not develop when ions migration to these electrodes became frustrated. The present study demonstrates that. even in Pt,Ag/Glass/YSZ:PbF(2)/Ag,Pt-type electrochemical cells subjected to electric field action, where YSZ:PbF(2) represents composite-like mixtures (formed by Y(2)O(3)-doped ZrO(2) and PbF(2)) placed between the glass and anode. crystallization was observable in given cases. In summary, supported by (micro)structural and electrical characterizations, clear evidence is provided here that, besides Pb(2+) reduction at the cathode, crystallization really involves simultaneous F(-) oxidation at the anode, completing thus the whole redox electrochemical reaction so far postulated. In these cases, F(-) migration to the anode was achievable following PbF(2) percolative-like paths through the YSZ:PbF(2) mixtures. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ordered intermetallic phases of Pt with several transition metals have been prepared and their electrocatalytic properties studied. In light of these tests it is proposed that these catalysts could be used as electrodes in fuel cells, as they combine an excellent capacity to adsorb organic fuels at the Pt sites with low susceptibility to being poisoned by intermediates and reaction products at the transition-metal sites. An experimental procedure used to obtain the four intermetallic phases Pt-M (M = Mn, Pb, Sb and Sn) is described. The phases thus produced were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with surface analysis by energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry, scanning tunneling microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The data thus obtained support the conclusion that the method described here is highly effective for the preparation of Pt-M phases featuring a range of structural and electronic modifications that will allow a useful relation to be established between their physicochemical properties and predicted electrocatalytic activity. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis and self-assembly of tetragonal phase-containing L1(0)-Fe(55)Pt(45) nanorods with high coercive field is described. The experimental procedure resulted in a tetragonal/cubic phase ratio close to 1:1 for the as-synthesized nanoparticles. Using different surfactant/solvent proportions in the process allowed control of particle morphology from nanospheres to nanowires. Monodisperse nanorods with lengths of 60 +/- 5 nm and diameters of 2-3 nm were self-assembled in a perpendicular oriented array onto a substrate surface using hexadecylamine as organic spacer. Magnetic alignment and properties assigned, respectively, to the shape anisotropy and the tetragonal phase suggest that the self-assembled materials are a strong candidate to solve the problem of random magnetic alignment observed in FePt nanospheres leading to applications in ultrahigh magnetic recording (UHMR) systems capable of achieving a performance of the order of terabits/in(2).