970 resultados para Existential suffering
The aim of this qualitative study was to analyze psychological concerns in wait-listed patients T1 and six months after transplantation T2. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and qualitative analysis performed. T1 Kidney patients maintained apparent normality, building emotional protection, and a fatalist attitude. Liver patients set physical limits, reevaluation of life values was reported. Lung patients developed physical and psychological self-protection. Modified life values, fatalism and spirituality were mentioned. Heart patients husbanded ressources and self-protection. Modified life values, fatalist attitude were reported. T2 Kidney patients described new life perspectives and increase of empathy. Liver patients underlined positive identity and life values modifications. Lack of respect of life values generated anger. Heart and lung patients set their existential priorities and underlined increase in spirituality, greater openness and more closeness to significant ones. Lack of respect of human values induced negative feelings. TX comes with physical benefits, but also with positive existential values transformations and a humanistic, altruistic attitude.
Artikkelin tekijämerkintönä virheellisesti Johan Lindqvist
AIM: The study aims to evaluate the effects of assertive community treatment (ACT) on the mental health and overall functioning of adolescents suffering from severe psychiatric disorders and who refuse any traditional child psychiatric care. There are a few studies evaluating the effects of ACT on a population of adolescents with psychiatric disorders. This short report highlights the impact of an ACT programme tailored to the needs of these patients, not only as an alternative to hospitalization, but also as a new form of intervention for patients that are difficult to engage. METHODS: The effect of ACT on 35 adolescents using the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA) as a measuring tool in pre- and post-intervention was evaluated. RESULTS: The results show that the intervention was associated with a significant improvement on the HoNOSCA overall score, with the following items showing significant amelioration: hyperactivity/focus problems, non-organic somatic symptoms, emotional symptoms, scholastic/language skills, peer relationships, family relationships and school attendance. CONCLUSION: ACT appears as a feasible intervention for hard-to-engage adolescents suffering from psychiatric disorders. The intervention seems to improve their mental health and functioning. This pilot study may serve as a basis to prepare a controlled study that will also take the costs of the intervention into account.
This book contains information on the dedication ceremony of Iowa monuments on the southern battlefields from the civil war and their final transfer made to the care of the general government. It includes history of the battles, photos and maps.
BACKGROUND: MR tissue tagging allows the noninvasive assessment of the locally and temporally resolved motion pattern of the left ventricle. Alterations in cardiac torsion and diastolic relaxation of the left ventricle were studied in patients with aortic stenosis and were compared with those of healthy control subjects and championship rowers with physiological volume-overload hypertrophy. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twelve aortic stenosis patients, 11 healthy control subjects with normal left ventricular function, and 11 world-championship rowers were investigated for systolic and diastolic heart wall motion on a basal and an apical level of the myocardium. Systolic torsion and untwisting during diastole were examined by use of a novel tagging technique (CSPAMM) that provides access to systolic and diastolic motion data. In the healthy heart, the left ventricle performs a systolic wringing motion, with a counterclockwise rotation at the apex and a clockwise rotation at the base. Apical untwisting precedes diastolic filling. In the athlete's heart, torsion and untwisting remain unchanged compared with those of the control subjects. In aortic stenosis patients, torsion is significantly increased and diastolic apical untwisting is prolonged compared with those of control subjects or athletes. CONCLUSIONS: Torsional behavior as observed in pressure- and volume-overloaded hearts is consistent with current theoretical findings. A delayed diastolic untwisting in the pressure-overloaded hearts of the patients may contribute to a tendency toward diastolic dysfunction.
During adolescence numerous of important social abilities are acquired within interactions with peers. Severe psychiatric disorders interfere with the acquisition of these social skills. For example, due to excessive shyness, adolescents with psychiatric disorders may not experiment positive social interactions. Social skills training (SKT) may help adolescents to remediate to these diffi culties. This exploratory study aims to assess the SKT's effect on assertivity, in a population of adolescents presenting psychiatric disorder and attending a day care unit for adolescents. The SKT, delivered in group, deals with different themes such as contact, conversation, problem solving, confl ict, fail, success, learning, effort, separation, breakdown, and project. In this context, 38 adolescents (19 suffering from anxiety / mood disorder and 19 suffering from psychotic disorder) rate their level of assertivity before and after a SKT with the Rathus assertivity scale. This scale allows to differentiate between inhibited, assertive and assertiveaggressive adolescents. Results showed a general improvement on assertivity after the SKT. More specifi cally, adolescents suffering from anxiety disorder and the 'inhibited' adolescents showed the higher benefi t from the SKT. Thus, two hours per week of SKT seems to enhance social abilities in a population with severe psychiatric disorders. More specifi - cally, adolescents with anxiety / mood disorders reported more benefi ts of the SKT on their assertivity. Nevertheless, adolescents with psychotic disorders did not report strong benefi ts from the SKT despite the improvement observed at a clinical level. This observation raises questions about the usefulness of self-reported questionnaire to measure such benefi t for adolescents with psychosis.
Variability in response to atypical antipsychotic drugs is due to genetic and environmental factors. Cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms are implicated in the metabolism of drugs, while the P-glycoprotein transporter (P-gp), encoded by the ABCB1 gene, may influence both the blood and brain drug concentrations. This study aimed to identify the possible associations of CYP and ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms with quetiapine and norquetiapine plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations and with response to treatment. Twenty-two patients with schizophrenia receiving 600 mg of quetiapine daily were genotyped for four CYP isoforms and ABCB1 polymorphisms. Quetiapine and norquetiapine peak plasma and CSF concentrations were measured after 4 weeks of treatment. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that ABCB1 3435C > T (rs1045642), 2677G > T (rs2032582) and 1236C > T (rs1128503) polymorphisms predicted plasma quetiapine concentrations, explaining 41% of the variability (p = 0.001). Furthermore, the ABCB1 polymorphisms predicted 48% (p = 0.024) of the variability of the Δ PANSS total score, with the non-carriers of the 3435TT showing higher changes in the score. These results suggest that ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms may be a predictive marker of quetiapine treatment in schizophrenia.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the oxygen saturation in patients with inherited diseases of the retina. Methods: Fundus oximetry images were taken using a retinal vessel analyser (IMEDOS Systems UG, Jena, Germany). Retinal vessel oximetry was performed in 53 eyes of 27 patients suffering from inherited retinal diseases and compared to 22 eyes of 11 healthy controls. The oxygen saturation in all four major retinal arterioles (A-SO2) and venules (V-SO2) were measured and their difference (A - V SO2) was calculated. The data were compared within groups and to controls. Results: Based on V-SO2 values, the rod-cone dystrophy group (66.46 %; SD, ± 5.09) could well be differentiated from controls 54.02 % (SD, ± 3.04), from cone-rod dystrophies 57.56 % (SD, ± 5.66), as well as from inherited maculopathies 58.42% (SD, ± 4.74). The mean A-SO2 in the rod-cone dystrophy group was increased to 98.96 % (SD, ± 6.06, p < 0.014), while in the cone-rod group and in the maculopathy group it was 92.75 % (SD, ± 3.75), respectively 94.44 % (SD ± 4.85), closer to the normal values (92.68 %; SD, ± 3.53, p > 0.05). The A - V SO2 difference, as an indirect indicator for retinal oxygen use, was reduced in the rod-cone patients, however only when the controls were taken into account (p = 0.01). Conclusion: This is to our knowledge the first study which proposes the retinal vessel oximetry to be a sensitive measure for differentiating rod-cone dystrophy patients not only from controls, but also from patients with other inherited retinal dystrophies.
The rapid evolution of revascularization techniques has allowed an improvement in quality of life of patients with peripheral artery disease. The angiological follow-up aims to insure durable results of revascularization, to diminish risk of amputation and to limit progression of atheroma plaques. The patient history and physical examination are essential in evaluating impact of peripheral artery disease upon quality of life and insuring the appropriate control of cardiovascular risk factors.
This paper describes a one-month-old girl presenting with respiratory and growth failure due to diaphragmatic paralysis associated with left brachial plexus palsy after forceps delivery. Despite continuous positive pressure ventilation and nasogastric feeding, the situation did not improve and a laparoscopic diaphragmatic plication had to be performed. When dealing with a child born with brachial plexus palsy, one must think of this possible association and if necessary proceed to the complementary radiological examinations. The treatment must avoid complications like feeding difficulties and failure to thrive, respiratory infections or atelectasis. It includes intensive support and a good evaluation of the prognosis of the lesion to decide the best moment for a surgical therapy.
BACKGROUND: Informal caregivers of palliative patients took part in existential behavioral therapy (EBT), a group intervention comprising mindfulness exercises to reduce psychological distress and improve quality of life. OBJECTIVES: This study examined what the participants perceived as helpful to cope with their loss during the first year of bereavement, particularly with regard to the EBT intervention. DESIGN: Sixteen problem-centered, semi-structured interviews were evaluated with content analysis. RESULTS: Two main categories were found: social support and self-regulation. Social support includes sense of belonging as well as emotional, cognitive, and practical help experienced from others. Mindfulness and acceptance, a clear focus on the positive, and orientation toward the future were helpful strategies of self-regulation; these were also part of the EBT intervention. Mindfulness was understood as permitting emotions and acceptance of one's inner processes, even if they were not pleasant, and was found to be helpful to stop ruminative thinking. CONCLUSIONS: The categories considered as being helpful parallel core elements of EBT and recent grief theories. The intervention was found to be supportive and met the needs of the participants. The interviewees appreciated the continuity of EBT support from palliative care into bereavement.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy with patients suffering from somatic diseases is based on general principles of psychodynamic understanding, such as the influence of development and biographical elements on patient.s adaptation to illness or the role of defense mechanisms when facing existential threat. However, differences exist, such as the adaptation of the therapeutic setting, which thus loses some of its diagnostic and therapeutic power, or the early emergence of powerful transference, which cannot always be interpreted by the therapist. In addition, psychodynamic psychotherapy in the medically ill has some specificities, which differentiate it from classical psychoanalytic theory. The specificities concern, for example, transference of the medically ill, which is more adequately conceived by concepts of the existential analysis (Daseinsanalyse), or the patient.s loss of a sense of continuity, which needs an understanding beyond psychological theory taking into account philosophical (e.g. phenomenology), anthropological and ethical concepts.
Rehabilitation programs represent an important and valuable tool for patients suffering various diseases. Supervised exercise programs for patients with peripheral arterial diseases have been shown to be efficacious in ameliorating walking performances and quality of life of such patients. With this regards the angiology service of the CHUV in Lausanne has established a multidisciplinary supervised program of vascular rehabilitation. This article describes organisation and characteristics of such a program.