968 resultados para Excited electronic state


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The quenching of fluorescence of the free-base tetraphenylporphyrin, H2TPP, and its metal derivatives, MgTPP and ZnTPP by diverse iron(III) complexes, [Fe(CN)6]3−, Fe(acac)3, [Fe(mnt)2]−, Fe(Salen)Cl, [Fe4S4(SPh)4]2−·, FeTPPCl and [Fe(Cp)2]+ has been studied both in homogeneous medium (CH3CN) and micellar media, SDS., CTAB and Triton X-100. The quenching efficiencies are analysed in terms of diffusional encounters and it has been possible to separate static quenching components. The quenching constants are dependent on the nature of the ligating atoms around iron(III) and also on the extent of π-conjugation of the ligands. The quenching mechanism has been investigated using steady-state irradiation experiments. Evidence for oxidative quenching by iron(III) complexes was obtained, though the spin multiplicities of the excited electronic states of iron(III) complexes permit both energy and electron transfer mechanisms for quenching of the singlet excited state of the porphyrins.


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The electronic state in ultrathin gold nanowires is tuned by careful engineering of the device architecture via a chemical methodology. The electrons are localized to an insulating state (showing variable range hopping transport) by simply bringing them close to the substrate, while the insertion of an interlayer leads to a Tomonaga Luttinger liquid state.


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Engineering the position of the lowest triplet state (T-1) relative to the first excited singlet state (S-1) is of great importance in improving the efficiencies of organic light emitting diodes and organic photovoltaic cells. We have carried out model exact calculations of substituted polyene chains to understand the factors that affect the energy gap between S-1 and T-1. The factors studied are backbone dimerisation, different donor-acceptor substitutions, and twisted geometry. The largest system studied is an 18 carbon polyene which spans a Hilbert space of about 991 x 10(6). We show that for reverse intersystem crossing process, the best system involves substituting all carbon sites on one half of the polyene with donors and the other half with acceptors. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We theoretically explore quench dynamics in a finite-sized topological fermionic p-wave superconducting wire with the goal of demonstrating that topological order can have marked effects on such non-equilibrium dynamics. In the case studied here, topological order is reflected in the presence of two (nearly) isolated Majorana fermionic end bound modes together forming an electronic state that can be occupied or not, leading to two (nearly) degenerate ground states characterized by fermion parity. Our study begins with a characterization of the static properties of the finite-sized wire, including the behavior of the Majorana end modes and the form of the tunnel coupling between them; a transfer matrix approach to analytically determine the locations of the zero energy contours where this coupling vanishes; and a Pfaffian approach to map the ground state parity in the associated phase diagram. We next study the quench dynamics resulting from initializing the system in a topological ground state and then dynamically tuning one of the parameters of the Hamiltonian. For this, we develop a dynamic quantum many-body technique that invokes a Wick's theorem for Majorana fermions, vastly reducing the numerical effort given the exponentially large Hilbert space. We investigate the salient and detailed features of two dynamic quantities-the overlap between the time-evolved state and the instantaneous ground state (adiabatic fidelity) and the residual energy. When the parity of the instantaneous ground state flips successively with time, we find that the time-evolved state can dramatically switch back and forth between this state and an excited state even when the quenching is very slow, a phenomenon that we term `parity blocking'. This parity blocking becomes prominently manifest as non-analytic jumps as a function of time in both dynamic quantities.


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I. Introductory Remarks

A brief discussion of the overall organization of the thesis is presented along with a discussion of the relationship between this thesis and previous work on the spectroscopic properties of benzene.

II. Radiationless Transitions and Line broadening

Radiationless rates have been calculated for the 3B1u→1A1g transitions of benzene and perdeuterobenzene as well as for the 1B2u→1A1g transition of benzene. The rates were calculated using a model that considers the radiationless transition as a tunneling process between two multi-demensional potential surfaces and assuming both harmonic and anharmonic vibrational potentials. Whenever possible experimental parameters were used in the calculation. To this end we have obtained experimental values for the anharmonicities of the carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen vibrations and the size of the lowest triplet state of benzene. The use of the breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation in describing radiationless transitions is critically examined and it is concluded that Herzberg-Teller vibronic coupling is 100 times more efficient at inducing radiationless transitions.

The results of the radiationless transition rate calculation are used to calculate line broadening in several of the excited electronic states of benzene. The calculated line broadening in all cases is in qualitative agreement with experimental line widths.

III. 3B1u1A1g Absorption Spectra

The 3B1u1A1g absorption spectra of C6H6 and C6D6 at 4.2˚K have been obtained at high resolution using the phosphorescence photoexcitation method. The spectrum exhibits very clear evidence of a pseudo-Jahn-Teller distortion of the normally hexagonal benzene molecule upon excitation to the triplet state. Factor group splitting of the 0 – 0 and 0 – 0 + v exciton bands have also been observed. The position of the mean of the 0 – 0 exciton band of C6H6 when compared to the phosphorescence origin of a C6H6 guest in a C6D6 host crystal indicates that the “static” intermolecular interactions between guest and hose are different for C6H6 and C6D6. Further investigation of this difference using the currently accepted theory of isotopic mixed crystals indicates that there is a 2cm-1 shift of the ideal mixed crystal level per hot deuterium atom. This shift is observed for both the singlet and triplet states of benzene.

IV. 3E1u1A1g, Absorption Spectra

The 3E1u1A1g absorption spectra of C6H6 and C6D6 at 4.2˚K have been obtained using the phosphorescence photoexcitation technique. In both cases the spectrum is broad and structureless as would be expected from the line broadening calculations.


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Part I

Several approximate Hartree-Fock SCF wavefunctions for the ground electronic state of the water molecule have been obtained using an increasing number of multicenter s, p, and d Slater-type atomic orbitals as basis sets. The predicted charge distribution has been extensively tested at each stage by calculating the electric dipole moment, molecular quadrupole moment, diamagnetic shielding, Hellmann-Feynman forces, and electric field gradients at both the hydrogen and the oxygen nuclei. It was found that a carefully optimized minimal basis set suffices to describe the electronic charge distribution adequately except in the vicinity of the oxygen nucleus. Our calculations indicate, for example, that the correct prediction of the field gradient at this nucleus requires a more flexible linear combination of p-orbitals centered on this nucleus than that in the minimal basis set. Theoretical values for the molecular octopole moment components are also reported.

Part II

The perturbation-variational theory of R. M. Pitzer for nuclear spin-spin coupling constants is applied to the HD molecule. The zero-order molecular orbital is described in terms of a single 1s Slater-type basis function centered on each nucleus. The first-order molecular orbital is expressed in terms of these two functions plus one singular basis function each of the types e-r/r and e-r ln r centered on one of the nuclei. The new kinds of molecular integrals were evaluated to high accuracy using numerical and analytical means. The value of the HD spin-spin coupling constant calculated with this near-minimal set of basis functions is JHD = +96.6 cps. This represents an improvement over the previous calculated value of +120 cps obtained without using the logarithmic basis function but is still considerably off in magnitude compared with the experimental measurement of JHD = +43 0 ± 0.5 cps.


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The electronic state of a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in the presence of a perpendicular uniform magnetic field and a lateral superlattice (LS) is investigated theoretically. A comparative study is made between a LS induced by a spatial electrostatic potential modulation (referred to as a PMLS) and that induced by a spatial magnetic-field modulation (referred ro asa MMLS). By utilizing a finite-temperature self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation scheme; the dependence of the electronic state on different system parameters (e.g., the modulation period, the modulation strength, the effective electron-electron interaction strength, the averaged electron density, and the system temperature) is studied in detail. The inclusion of exchange effect is found to bring qualitative changes to the electronic state of a PMLS, leading generally to a nonuniform spin splitting, and consequently the behavior of the electronic state becomes similar to that of a MMLS. The Landau-level coupling is taken into account, and is found to introduce some interesting features not observed before. It is also found that, even in the regime of intermediate modulation strength, the density dependence of the spin splitting of energy levels, either for a PMLS or a MMLS, can be qualitatively understood within the picture of a 2DES in a perpendicular magnetic field with the modulation viewed as a perturbation. [S0163-1829(97)02248-0].


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, electron affinities, ionization potentials, dissociation energies, and dipole moments of the title molecules in neutral, positively, and negatively charged ions were studied using density functional method. Ground electronic state was assigned for each molecule. The bonding patterns were analyzed and compared with both the available data and across the series. It was found that, besides ionic component, covalent bonds are formed between the metal s, d orbitals, and the p orbital of S, Se, and Te. For neutral and cationic molecules, the covalent character increases from ScX to CrX and from FeX to CuX with an exception of decrease at MnX and ZnX, while for anionic molecules, the trend is not obvious. For both neutral and charged molecules, the sulfides have the shortest bond distance and largest vibrational frequency, while tellurides have the largest bond distance and smallest vibrational frequency. For neutral and anionic molecules, the dissociation energy of sulfides is the largest, that of tellurides is the smallest, while this only remains true for cationic molecules from ScX+ to FeX+.


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Equilibrium geometries, vibrational frequencies, and dissociation energies of the transition metal carbonyls MCO (M = Nb, Ta, Rh, Ir, Pd, Pt) were studied by use of diverse density functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3P86, B3PW91, BHLYP, BP86, and PBE1PBE. It was found that the ground electronic state is (6)Sigma(+) for NbCO and TaCO, (2)Sigma(+) for RhCO,(2)Delta for IrCO, and (1)Sigma(+) for PdCO and PtCO, in agreement with previous theoretical studies. The calculated properties are highly dependent on the functionals employed, in particular for the dissociation energy. For most of the molecules, the predicted bond distance is in agreement with experiments and previous theoretical results. BHLYP is the worst method in reproducing the experimental results compared with the other density functional methods for the title molecules.


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In view of the growing interest in endohedral lanthanide fullerenes, Ce, as a typical +4 oxidation state lanthanide element, has been systematically studied. The synthesis, extraction and electronic structure of Ce@C-2n are investigated. Soot containing Ce@C-2n was synthesized in high yield by carbonizing CeO2-containing graphite rods and are back-burning the CeC2-enriched cathode deposit in a DC are plasma apparatus. Ce@C-2n, dominated by Ce@C-82, can be efficiently extracted from the insoluble part of the soot after toluene Soxhlet extraction by pyridine at high temperature and high pressure in a closed vessel. About 60% Ce@C-2n (2n = 82,80,78,76) and 35% Ce@C-82 can be enriched in the pyridine extract. This fact is identified by desorption electron impact mass spectrometry (DEI MS). The electronic structure of Ce@C-2n is analyzed by using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) of pyridine-free film. It is suggested that the encapsulated Ce atom is in a charge state close to +3 and was effectively protected from reaction with water and oxygen by the enclosing fullerene cage. Unlike theoretical expectation, the electronic state of Ce@C-82 is formally described as Ce+3@C-82(3-). (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Quantum dashes are elongated quantum dots. Polarized edge-photovoltage and spontaneous emission spectroscopy are used to study the anisotropy of optical properties in 1.5μm InGaAsP and AlGaInAs-based quantum dash lasers. Strain, which causes TM-polarized transitions to be suppressed at the band edge, coupled with carrier confinement and dash shape leads to an enhancement of the optical properties for light polarized along the dash long axis, in excellent agreement with theoretical results. An analysis of the integrated facet and spontaneous emission rate with total current and temperature reveals that, in both undoped and p-doped InGaAsP-based quantum dash lasers at room temperature, the threshold current and its temperature dependence remain dominated by Auger recombination. We also identify two processes which can limit the output power and propose that the effects of the dopant in p-doped InGaAsP-based lasers dominate at low temperature but decrease with increasing temperature. A high threshold current density in undoped AlGaInAs-based quantum dash laser samples studied, which degrade rapidly at low temperature, is not due to intrinsic carrier recombination processes. 1.3μm GaAs-based quantum dots lasers have been widely studied, but there remains issues as to the nature of the electronic structure. Polarized edge-photovoltage spectroscopy is used to investigate the energy distribution and nature of the energy states in InAs/GaAs quantum dot material. A non-negligible TM-polarized transition, which is often neglected in calculations and analyses, is measured close to the main TE-polarized ground state transition. Theory is in very good agreement with the experimental results and indicates that the measured low-energy TM-polarized transition is due to the strong spatial overlap between the ground state electron and the light-hole component of a low-lying excited hole state. Further calculations suggest that the TM-polarized transition reduces at the band edge as the quantum dot aspect ratio decreases.


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Accurate ab initio intermolecular potential energy surfaces (IPES) have been obtained for the first time for the ground electronic state of the C 2H2-Kr and C2H2-Xe van der Waals complexes. Extensive tests, including complete basis set and all-electron scalar relativistic results, support their calculation at the CCSD(T) level of theory, using small-core relativistic pseudopotentials for the rare-gas atoms and aug-cc-pVQZ basis sets extended with a set of 3s3p2d1f1g mid-bond functions. All results are corrected for the basis set superposition error. The importance of the scalar relativistic and rare-gas outer-core (n.1)d correlation effects is investigated. The calculated IPES, adjusted to analytical functions, are characterized by global minima corresponding to skew T-shaped geometries, in which the Jacobi vector positioning the rare-gas atom with respect to the center of mass of the C2H2 moiety corresponds to distances of 4.064 and 4.229Å, and angles of 65.22° and 68.67° for C 2H2-Kr and C2H2-Xe, respectively. The interaction energy of both complexes is estimated to be -151.88 (1.817 kJ mol-1) and -182.76 cm-1 (2.186 kJ mol-1), respectively. The evolution of the topology of the IPES as a function of the rare-gas atom, from He to Xe, is also discussed. © 2012 Taylor and Francis.


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Resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy has been used to probe the interaction between dipyridophenazine (dppz) complexes of ruthenium(II), [Ru(L)(2)(dppz)](2+) (L = 1,10-phenanthroline (1) and 2,2-bipyridyl (2)), and calf-thymus DNA. Ground electronic state RR spectra at selected probe wavelengths reveal enhancement patterns which reflect perturbation of the dppz-centered electronic transitions in the UV-vis spectra in the presence of DNA. Comparison of the RR spectra recorded of the short-lived MLCT excited states of both complexes in aqueous solution with those of the longer-lived states of the complexes in the DNA environment reveals changes to excited state modes, suggesting perturbation of electronic transitions of the dppz ligand in the excited state as a result of intercalation. The most prominent feature, at 1526 cm(-1), appears in the spectra of both 1 and 2 and is a convenient marker band for intercalation. For 1, the excited state studies have been extended to the A and A enantiomers. The marker band appears at the same frequency for both but with different relative intensities. This is interpreted as reflecting the distinctive response of the enantiomers to the chiral environment of the DNA binding sites. The results, together with some analogous data for other potentially intercalating complexes, are considered in relation to the more general application of time-resolved RR spectroscopy for investigation of intercalative interactions of photoexcited metal complexes with DNA.


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Raman spectroelectrochemical and X-ray crystallographic studies have been made for the binuclear copper(I) complex, [(Ph(3)P)(2)Cu(dpq)Cu(PPh(3))(2)][BF4](2), where dpq is the bridging ligand 2,3-di(2-pyridyl)quinoxaline. The X-ray data show that the pyridine rings are twisted out of plane with respect to the quinoxaline ring which is itself non-planar. The UV/VIS spectra of the metal-to-ligand charge-transfer excited state and those of the electrochemically reduced complex are similar. The resonance-Raman spectrum of the latter species exhibits little change in the frequency of the pyridinylquinoxaline inter-ring C-C bond stretching mode, compared to the ground electronic state. This suggests minimum change in the inter-ring C-C bond order in the electrochemically or charge-transfer generated radical anion. Semiempirical molecular-orbital calculations on both the neutral dpq and radical anion show two near-degenerate lowest unoccupied orbitals in the neutral species. One is strongly bonding across the inter-ring C-C bond while the other is almost nun-bonding. The Raman data suggest that it is this latter orbital which is populated in the transient and electrochemical experiments.


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The resonance Raman spectra of the ground state and the lowest excited tripler state of free-base tetraphenylporphyrin and six of its isotopomers have been obtained using two-color time-resolved techniques. Ground-state spectra were recorded using low-energy 447 nm probe laser pulses, and triplet-state spectra were probed, with similar pulses, 30 ns after high-energy excitation with 532 nm pump pulses. Polarization data on both the ground and triplet states are also reported. The resonance Raman spectrum of the triplet is very different from that of the ground state but the combination of extensive isotope substitution with polarization data allows bands in the ground state to be assigned and corresponding bands in the tripler state to be located. Isotope shifts of the same bands in the S-0 and T-1 states are similar, implying that the compositions of the vibrational modes do not change significantly on excitation. Two of the strongest bands in the T-1 spectra are associated with phenyl ring substituents; these are shifted less than 5 cm(-1) between the S-0 and T-1 states so that bonding in the phenyl substituents is barely affected by excitation to the T-1 state. The changes in position of the porphyrin ring bands are larger, but still only tens of cm(-1) or less, the main changes in the spectra being due to differences in relative band intensities in the two states. The relatively small shifts in the porphyrin ring band positions which are observed show that the excitation energy is not localized on a single small region of the molecule but is delocalized over the entire porphyrin skeleton. This picture of an excited species with high chemical reactivity, but with individual bonds only slightly perturbed from the ground state, is contrasted with molecules, such as benzophenone, where excitation causes a large perturbation in the bonding within a single functional group.