970 resultados para Excitation wavelengths


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Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements in the solid state of the bis complex of tris(1-pyrazolyl)-methane with Fe(II), [Fe(tpm)2](ClO4)2, suggest the existence of singlet-quintet spin crossover with the singlet isomer largely favored at room temperature. In acetonitrile solution, measurement of the absorption spectrum as a function of temperature reveals a spin equilibrium with the quintet population varying from ca. 6% at 233 K to ca. 30% at 295 K. When the complex in solution is irradiated with a laser pulse at wavelengths within the ligand field absorption band of the singlet isomer, ground-state depletion occurs within the pulse duration followed by fast recovery to the original absorbance level with a time constant of 25 +/- 5ns. The recovery time is virtually independent of temperature over the range +23 to -43-degrees-C, but the signal:noise ratio of the transient signals increases with decreasing temperature. The effect was observable at several monitoring wavelengths spanning the LF and MLCT absorption regions of the complex but only when the irradiation wavelength fell within the LF absorption region. Irradiation within the MLCT band produced no effect other than that of laser pulse scatter. The observations are interpreted in terms of photoperturbation of the singlet-quintet spin state equilibrium, which in this case occurs solely through excitation in the ligand field absorption region of the complex and is the first reported instance of this type for a spin-crossover complex in solution.


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1,8-dicarboximides 1, N-
1,8-dicarboximides 3 and N,N'-bis(aminoalkyl)-
4 show good fluorescent off ±
on switching in aqueous alcoholic solution
with protons as required for fluorescent
PET sensor design. The excitation
wavelengths lie in the ultraviolet
(lmaxˆ345 and 351 nm) for 1 and 3 and
in the blue-green (lmaxˆ528, 492 and
461 nm) for 4; the emission wavelengths
lie in the violet (lmaxˆ408 nm) for 1, in
the blue (lmaxˆ474 nm) for 3 and in the
yellow-orange (lmaxˆ543 and 583 nm)
for 4. Compound 4b shows substantial
fluorescence enhancement with protons
when immobilized in a poly(vinylchloride)
matrix, provided that 2-nitrophenyloctyl
ether plasticizer and potassium
tetrakis(4-chlorophenyl)borate additive
are present to prevent dye crystallization
and to facilitate proton diffusion
into the membrane, respectively.


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Astrophysics is driven by observations, and in the present era there are a wealth of state-of-the-art ground-based and satellite facilities. The astrophysical spectra emerging from these are of exceptional quality and quantity and cover a broad wavelength range. To meaningfully interpret these spectra, astronomers employ highly complex modelling codes to simulate the astrophysical observations. Important input to these codes include atomic data such as excitation rates, photoionization cross sections, oscillator strengths, transition probabilities and energy levels/line wavelengths. Due to the relatively low temperatures associated with many astrophysical plasmas, the accurate determination of electron-impact excitation rates in the low energy region is essential in generating a reliable spectral synthesis. Hence it is these atomic data, and the main computational methods used to evaluate them, which we focus on in this publication. We consider in particular the complicated open d- shell structures of the Fe-peak ions in low ionization stages. While some of these data can be obtained experimentally, they are usually of insufficient accuracy or limited to a small number of transitions.


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This study was conducted to identify the concentration dependence of the operating wavelengths and the relative intensities in which a dye mixture doped polymer optical fibre can operate. A comparative study of the radiative and Forster type energy transfer processes in Coumarin 540:Rhodamine 6G, Coumarin 540:Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 6G:Rhodamine B in methyl methacrylate (MMA) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was done by fabricating a series of dye mixture doped polymer rods which have two emission peaks with varying relative intensities. These rods can be used as preforms for the fabrication of polymer optical fibre amplifiers operating in the multi-wavelength regime. The 445 nm line from an Nd:YAG pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO) was used as the excitation source for the first two dye pairs and a frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser emitting at 532 nm was used to excite the Rh 6G:Rh B pair. The fluorescence lifetimes of the donor molecule in pure form as well as in the mixtures were experimentally measured in both monomer and polymer matrices by time-correlated single photon counting technique. The energy transfer rate constants and transfer efficiencies were calculated and their dependence on the acceptor concentration was analysed. It was found that radiative energy transfer mechanisms are more efficient in all the three dye pairs in liquid and solid matrices.


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We investigated the effects of photodynamic therapy (PDT) outcome when combining three laser systems that produce light in three different wavelengths (600, 630, and 660 nm). Cooperative as well as independent effects can be observed. We compared the results of the combined wavelengths of light with the effect of single laser for the excitation of the photosensitizer. In the current experiment, the used photosensitizer was Photogem (R) (1.5 mg/kg). Combining two wavelengths for PDT, their cumulative dose and different penetrability may change the overall effect of the fluence of light, which can be effective for increasing the depth of necrosis. This evaluation was performed by comparing the depth and specific aspect of necrosis obtained by using single and dual wavelengths for irradiation of healthy liver of male Wistar rats. We used 15 animals and divided them in five groups of three animals. First, Photogem (R) was administered; follow by measurement of the fluorescence spectrum of the liver before PDT to confirm the level of accumulation of photosensitizer in the tissue. After that, an area of 1 cm(2) of the liver was illuminated using different laser combinations. Qualitative analysis of the necrosis was carried out through histological and morphological study. [GRAPHICS] (a) - microscopic images of rat liver cells, (b) - superficial necrosis caused by PDT using dual-wavelength illumination, (c) - neutrophilic infiltration around the vessel inside the necrosis, and (d) - neutrophilic infiltration around the vessel between necrosis and live tissue (C) 2011 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA


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Intrinsic, three-dimensionally resolved, microscopic imaging of dynamical structures and biochemical processes in living preparations has been realized by nonlinear laser scanning fluorescence microscopy. The search for useful two-photon and three-photon excitation spectra, motivated by the emergence of nonlinear microscopy as a powerful biophysical instrument, has now discovered a virtual artist's palette of chemical indicators, fluorescent markers, and native biological fluorophores, including NADH, flavins, and green fluorescent proteins, that are applicable to living biological preparations. More than 25 two-photon excitation spectra of ultraviolet and visible absorbing molecules reveal useful cross sections, some conveniently blue-shifted, for near-infrared absorption. Measurements of three-photon fluorophore excitation spectra now define alternative windows at relatively benign wavelengths to excite deeper ultraviolet fluorophores. The inherent optical sectioning capability of nonlinear excitation provides three-dimensional resolution for imaging and avoids out-of-focus background and photodamage. Here, the measured nonlinear excitation spectra and their photophysical characteristics that empower nonlinear laser microscopy for biological imaging are described.


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Previously reported excitation spectra for eumelanin are sparse and inconsistent. Moreover, these studies have failed to account for probe beam attenuation and emission reabsorption within the samples, making them qualitative at best. We report for the first time quantitative excitation spectra for synthetic eumelanin, acquired for a range of solution concentrations and emission wavelengths. Our data indicate that probe beam attenuation and emission reabsorption significantly affect the spectra even in low-concentration eumelanin solutions and that previously published data do not reflect the true excitation profile. We apply a correction procedure (previously applied to emission spectra) to account for these effects. Application of this procedure reconstructs the expected relationship of signal intensity with concentration, and the normalized spectra show a similarity in form to the absorption profiles. These spectra reveal valuable information regarding the photophysics and photochemistry of eumelanin. Most notably, an excitation peak at 365 urn (3.40 eV), whose position is independent of emission wavelength, is possibly attributable to a 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) component singly linked to a polymeric structure.


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Luminescent excitation spectra were measured for the F and M centers in KCl; in particular, for the F band, M band, and the M2 transition. In all 3 cases, the spectra were nearly double-Gaussian in shape, and the efficiency for luminescence was nearly independent of the wavelength of the exciting light. A comparison of the absorption spectrum with the excitation spectrum of the F-band region of crystals with M centers present and oriented provided further evidence for the existence of the M2 transition of van Doorn and Haven and of Okamoto, and against the energy transfer theory of Lambe and Compton. The efficiency for luminescence of the M center upon M-band excitation was equal to the efficiency for F centers in pulse-annealed crystals of low F-center concentrations. The ratio of the efficiencies of the Ml to M2 transitions was 1.2 ± .25. The oscillator strengths of 3 of the M-center transitions in KCl relative to the oscillator strength for the F center were found to be in better agreement with the results reported by Okamoto, than with the results reported by Delbecq. The polarization of luminescence of M centers in KCl was measured at right angles to the exciting light, and was found to agree with the predictions of the van Doorn-Haven model of the M center. In NaF crystals having no absorption bands to the red side of the M band, the absorption and excitation spectra of the M band were accurately double-Gaussian over a wide range of wavelengths; the efficiency of luminescence of the M center was independent of the wavelength of the exciting light in that range; and the polarization of luminescence upon M-band excitation agreed well with the calculations based on the van DoornHaven model of the M center, In crystals in which the F band was bleached sufficiently to make it smaller in absorption height than the M band, several new color centers appeared on the red side of the M band, in contrast to the results reported by Blum; in these crystals, the polarization of luminescence of the M center upon M-band excitation disagreed strongly with theory, even though the absorptions for the new color centers were small compared to the M-band absorption.


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We report numerical analysis and experimental observation of strongly localized plasmons guided by triangular metal wedges and pay special attention to the effect of smooth (nonzero radius) tips. Dispersion, dissipation, and field structure of such wedge plasmons are analyzed using the compact two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain algorithm. Experimental observation is conducted by the end-fire excitation and near-field scanning optical microscope detection of the predicted plasmons on 40°silver nanowedges with the wedge tip radii of 20, 85, and 125 nm that were fabricated by the focused-ion beam method. The effect of smoothing wedge tips is shown to be similar to that of increasing wedge angle. Increasing wedge angle or wedge tip radius results in increasing propagation distance at the same time as decreasing field localization (decreasing wave number). Quantitative differences between the theoretical and experimental propagation distances are suggested to be due to a contribution of scattered bulk and surface waves near the excitation region as well as the addition of losses due to surface roughness. The theoretical and measured propagation distances are several plasmon wavelengths and are useful for a range of nano-optical applications


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Particulate pollution has been widely recognised as an important risk factor to human health. In addition to increases in respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity associated with exposure to particulate matter (PM), WHO estimates that urban PM causes 0.8 million premature deaths globally and that 1.5 million people die prematurely from exposure to indoor smoke generated from the combustion of solid fuels. Despite the availability of a huge body of research, the underlying toxicological mechanisms by which particles induce adverse health effects are not yet entirely understood. Oxidative stress caused by generation of free radicals and related reactive oxygen species (ROS) at the sites of deposition has been proposed as a mechanism for many of the adverse health outcomes associated with exposure to PM. In addition to particle-induced generation of ROS in lung tissue cells, several recent studies have shown that particles may also contain ROS. As such, they present a direct cause of oxidative stress and related adverse health effects. Cellular responses to oxidative stress have been widely investigated using various cell exposure assays. However, for a rapid screening of the oxidative potential of PM, less time-consuming and less expensive, cell-free assays are needed. The main aim of this research project was to investigate the application of a novel profluorescent nitroxide probe, synthesised at QUT, as a rapid screening assay in assessing the oxidative potential of PM. Considering that this was the first time that a profluorescent nitroxide probe was applied in investigating the oxidative stress potential of PM, the proof of concept regarding the detection of PM–derived ROS by using such probes needed to be demonstrated and a sampling methodology needed to be developed. Sampling through an impinger containing profluorescent nitroxide solution was chosen as a means of particle collection as it allowed particles to react with the profluorescent nitroxide probe during sampling, avoiding in that way any possible chemical changes resulting from delays between the sampling and the analysis of the PM. Among several profluorescent nitroxide probes available at QUT, bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene-nitroxide (BPEAnit) was found to be the most suitable probe, mainly due to relatively long excitation and emission wavelengths (λex= 430 nm; λem= 485 and 513 nm). These wavelengths are long enough to avoid overlap with the background fluorescence coming from light absorbing compounds which may be present in PM (e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives). Given that combustion, in general, is one of the major sources of ambient PM, this project aimed at getting an insight into the oxidative stress potential of combustion-generated PM, namely cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and wood smoke PM. During the course of this research project, it was demonstrated that the BPEAnit probe based assay is sufficiently sensitive and robust enough to be applied as a rapid screening test for PM-derived ROS detection. Considering that for all three aerosol sources (i.e. cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and wood smoke) the same assay was applied, the results presented in this thesis allow direct comparison of the oxidative potential measured for all three sources of PM. In summary, it was found that there was a substantial difference between the amounts of ROS per unit of PM mass (ROS concentration) for particles emitted by different combustion sources. For example, particles from cigarette smoke were found to have up to 80 times less ROS per unit of mass than particles produced during logwood combustion. For both diesel and wood combustion it has been demonstrated that the type of fuel significantly affects the oxidative potential of the particles emitted. Similarly, the operating conditions of the combustion source were also found to affect the oxidative potential of particulate emissions. Moreover, this project has demonstrated a strong link between semivolatile (i.e. organic) species and ROS and therefore, clearly highlights the importance of semivolatile species in particle-induced toxicity.


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Analytical and closed form solutions are presented in this paper for the vibration response of an L-shaped plate under a point force or a moment excitation. Inter-relationships between wave components of the source and the receiving plates are clearly defined. Explicit expressions are given for the quadratic quantities such as input power, energy flow and kinetic energy distributions of the L-shaped plate. Applications of statistical energy analysis (SEA) formulation in the prediction of the vibration response of finite coupled plate structures under a single deterministic forcing are examined and quantified. It is found that the SEA method can be employed to predict the frequency averaged vibration response and energy flow of coupled plate structures under a deterministic force or moment excitation when the structural system satisfies the following conditions: (1) the coupling loss factors of the coupled subsystems are known; (2) the source location is more than a quarter of the plate bending wavelength away from the source plate edges in the point force excitation case, or is more than a quarter wavelength away from the pair of source plate edges perpendicular to the moment axis in the moment excitation case due to the directional characteristic of moment excitations. SEA overestimates the response of the L-shaped plate when the source location is less than a quarter bending wavelength away from the respective plate edges owing to wave coherence effect at the plate boundary


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Spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) study of a ZnO nanonail, having thin shank, tapered neck, and hexagonal head sections, is reported. Monochromatic imaging and line scan profiling indicate that the wave guiding and leaking from growth imperfections in addition to the oxygen deficiency variation determine the spatial contrast of CL emissions. Occurrence of resonance peaks at identical wavelengths regardless of CL-excitation spots is inconsistent with the whispering-gallery mode (WGM) resonances of a two-dimensional cavity in the finite difference time domain simulation. However, three dimensioanl cavity simulation produced WGM peaks that are consistent with the experimental spectra, including transverse-electric resonances that are comparable to transverse-magnetic ones.


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This paper presents the ultrasonic velocity measurement method which investigates the possible effects of high voltage high frequency pulsed power on cortical bone material elasticity. Before applying a pulsed power signal on a live bone, it is essential to determine the safe parameters of pulsed power applied on bone non-destructively. Therefore, the possible changes in cortical bone material elasticity due to a specified pulsed power excitation have been investigated. A controllable positive buck-boost converter with adjustable output voltage and frequency has been used to generate high voltage pulses (500V magnitude at 10 KHz frequency). To determine bone elasticity, an ultrasonic velocity measurement has been conducted on two groups of control (unexposed to pulse power but in the same environmental condition) and cortical bone samples exposed to pulsed power. Young’s modulus of cortical bone samples have been determined and compared before and after applying the pulsed power signal. After applying the high voltage pulses, no significant variation in elastic property of cortical bone specimens was found compared to the control. The result shows that pulsed power with nominated parameters can be applied on cortical bone tissue without any considerable negative effect on elasticity of bone material.


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Under seismic loads neither the response of the pile nor the response of ground are independent of each other, contrary what is normally assumed. In seismic design of buildings, dynamic response of a structure is determined by assuming a fixed base on sub-grade and neglecting the physical interaction between foundation and soil profile in which it is embedded. However, the seismic response of pile foundations in vibration sensitive soil profiles is significantly affected by the behaviour of supporting soil. This research uses validated Finite Element techniques to simulate the seismic behaviour of pile foundations embedded in multilayered vibration sensitive soils.