979 resultados para Evolution of nonequilibrium systems


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v. 1. On the universality of the law of gravitation and on the orbits and general characteristics of binary stars.--v. 2. The capture theory of cosmical evolution, founded on dynamical principles and illustrated by phenomena observed in the spiral nebulae, the planetary system, the double and multiple stars and clusters and the star-clouds of the Milky way.


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Animal color pattern phenotypes evolve rapidly. What influences their evolution? Because color patterns are used in communication, selection for signal efficacy, relative to the intended receiver's visual system, may explain and predict the direction of evolution. We investigated this in bowerbirds, whose color patterns consist of plumage, bower structure, and ornaments and whose visual displays are presented under predictable visual conditions. We used data on avian vision, environmental conditions, color pattern properties, and an estimate of the bowerbird phylogeny to test hypotheses about evolutionary effects of visual processing. Different components of the color pattern evolve differently. Plumage sexual dimorphism increased and then decreased, while overall (plumage plus bower) visual contrast increased. The use of bowers allows relative crypsis of the bird but increased efficacy of the signal as a whole. Ornaments do not elaborate existing plumage features but instead are innovations (new color schemes) that increase signal efficacy. Isolation between species could be facilitated by plumage but not ornaments, because we observed character displacement only in plumage. Bowerbird color pattern evolution is at least partially predictable from the function of the visual system and from knowledge of different functions of different components of the color patterns. This provides clues to how more constrained visual signaling systems may evolve.


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Timing jitter is a major factor limiting the performance of any high-speed, long-haul data transmission system. It arises from a number of reasons, such as interaction with accumulated spontaneous emission, inter-symbol interference (ISI), electrostriction etc. Some effects causing timing jitter can be reduced by means of non-linear filtering, using, for example, a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) [1]. The NOLM has been shown to reduce the timing jitter by suppressing the ASE and by stabilising the pulse duration [2, 3]. In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of timing jitter in a 2R regenerated system, nonlinearly guided by NOLMs at bit rates of 10, 20, 40, and 80- Gbit/s. Transmission performance of an equivalent non-regenerated (generic) system is taken as a reference.


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A cikkben a szerzők először áttekintik a cafeteria-rendszer legfontosabb jellemzőit (célját, tipikus „stakeholdereit” és HR-stratégiai kérdéseit). Ezt követően megvizsgálják, milyen átalakuláson ment át a béren kívüli juttatások rendszere 1996-tól – az első ilyen rendszerek magyarországi megjelenésétől – napjainkig. Áttekintik azt is, milyen mozgatórugók idézték elő a főbb változásokat, és ezekhez a piaci szereplők hogyan alkalmazkodtak. Szintén vizsgálják a 2012-re vonatkozó legfőbb változásokat, és ezek lehetséges kihatásait a cégek juttatási politikájára, valamint elmutatnak néhány alternatívát az új feltételek közötti lehetőségekre és kihívásokra. Empirikus felméréseik tükrében kitérnek arra is, hogy főleg a szervezeti méret és kisebb részben a tulajdonforma szignifikánsan befolyásolja a cafeteria-rendszerek alkalmazását. _________ The authors review firstly the most important features of the cafeteria system (goals, typical “stakeholders” and strategic HR issues). Then they examine the evolution of the system of flexible benefits since 1996, the first appearance of such systems in Hungary. Authors also analyze how the main drivers caused the changes, and how the key players of the cafeteria systems adapted to these movements. The reader also can find insights about the major changes for 2012 and about the potential impact of these changes on benefit policies of Hungarian firms. The contribution shows some alternative opportunities and challenges driven by different influencing factors. They also touch upon the light of empirical surveys, that the cafeteria systems are significantly influenced to a lesser extent by the form of ownership and to a bigger extent by the organizational size.


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Biochemical reactions underlying genetic regulation are often modelled as a continuous-time, discrete-state, Markov process, and the evolution of the associated probability density is described by the so-called chemical master equation (CME). However the CME is typically difficult to solve, since the state-space involved can be very large or even countably infinite. Recently a finite state projection method (FSP) that truncates the state-space was suggested and shown to be effective in an example of a model of the Pap-pili epigenetic switch. However in this example, both the model and the final time at which the solution was computed, were relatively small. Presented here is a Krylov FSP algorithm based on a combination of state-space truncation and inexact matrix-vector product routines. This allows larger-scale models to be studied and solutions for larger final times to be computed in a realistic execution time. Additionally the new method computes the solution at intermediate times at virtually no extra cost, since it is derived from Krylov-type methods for computing matrix exponentials. For the purpose of comparison the new algorithm is applied to the model of the Pap-pili epigenetic switch, where the original FSP was first demonstrated. Also the method is applied to a more sophisticated model of regulated transcription. Numerical results indicate that the new approach is significantly faster and extendable to larger biological models.


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Recognizing the impact of reconfiguration on the QoS of running systems is especially necessary for choosing an appropriate approach to dealing with dynamic evolution of mission-critical or non-stop business systems. The rationale is that the impaired QoS caused by inappropriate use of dynamic approaches is unacceptable for such running systems. To predict in advance the impact, the challenge is two-fold. First, a unified benchmark is necessary to expose QoS problems of existing dynamic approaches. Second, an abstract representation is necessary to provide a basis for modeling and comparing the QoS of existing and new dynamic reconfiguration approaches. Our previous work [8] has successfully evaluated the QoS assurance capabilities of existing dynamic approaches and provided guidance of appropriate use of particular approaches. This paper reinvestigates our evaluations, extending them into concurrent and parallel environments by abstracting hardware and software conditions to design an evaluation context. We report the new evaluation results and conclude with updated impact analysis and guidance.


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A firm, as a dynamic, evolving, and quasi-autonomous system of knowledge production and application, develops knowledge management capability (KMC) through strategic learning in order to sustain competitive advantages in a dynamic environment. Knowledge governance mechanisms and knowledge processes connect and interact with each other forming learning mechanisms, which carry out double loop learning that drives genesis and evolution of KMC to modify operating routines that effect desired performance. This paper reports a study that was carried out within a context of construction contractors, a type of project-based firms, operating within the dynamic Hong Kong construction market. A multiple-case design was used to incorporate evidence from the literature and interviews, with the help of system dynamics modeling, to visualize the evolution of KMC. The study demonstrates the feasibility to visualize how a firm's KMC matches its operating environment over time. The findings imply that knowledge management (KM) applications can be better planned and controlled through evaluation of KM performance over time from a capability perspective.


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This chapter introduces the reader to the relational approach to information literacy, its evolution and use in contemporary research and emerging directions. It presents the relational approach, first introduced by Australian information literacy researchers, as an integration of experiential, contextual and transformational perspectives. The chapter opens with a reflection on the wider information literacy domain. It then addresses the development of the approach, its fundamental elements and characteristics, and explores the adoption of the approach in key contexts including education, workplace and community settings. The chapter explores significant studies that have contributed to its evolution and reflects on the impact of the development of the relational framework and related research. The chapter concludes with a focus on directions emerging from the relational understanding ofinformation literacy and potential implications.


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Technological system evolution is marked by the uneven evolution of constituent sub-systems. Subsequently, system evolution is hampered by the resulting state of unevenness, or reverse salience, which results from the presence of the sub-system that delivers the lowest level of performance with respect to other sub-systems, namely, the reverse salient. In this paper, we develop absolute and proportional performance gap measures of reverse salience and, in turn, derive a typology of reverse salients that distinguishes alternative dynamics of change in the evolving system. We subsequently demonstrate the applicability of the measures and the typology through an illustrative empirical study of the PC (personal computer) technological system that functions as a gaming platform. Our empirical analysis demonstrates that patterns of temporal dynamics can be distinguished with the measurement of reverse salience, and that distinct paths of technological system evolution can be identified as different types of reverse salients emerge over time.


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We study, in two dimensions, the effect of misfit anisotropy on microstructural evolution during precipitation of an ordered beta phase from a disordered alpha matrix; these phases have, respectively, 2- and 6-fold rotation symmetries. Thus, precipitation produces three orientational variants of beta phase particles, and they have an anisotropic (and crystallographically equivalent) misfit strain with the matrix. The anisotropy in misfit is characterized using a parameter t = epsilon(yy)/epsilon(xx), where epsilon(xx) and epsilon(yy) are the principal components of the misfit strain tensor. Our phase field, simulations show that the morphology of beta phase particles is significantly influenced by 1, the level of misfit anisotropy. Particles are circular in systems with dilatational misfit (t = 1), elongated along the direction of lower principal misfit when 0 < t < 1 and elongated along the invariant direction when - 1 <= t <= 0. In the special case of a pure shear misfit strain (t = - 1), the microstructure exhibits star, wedge and checkerboard patterns; these microstructural features are in agreement with those in Ti-Al-Nb alloys.


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To remain competitive, many agricultural systems are now being run along business lines. Systems methodologies are being incorporated, and here evolutionary computation is a valuable tool for identifying more profitable or sustainable solutions. However, agricultural models typically pose some of the more challenging problems for optimisation. This chapter outlines these problems, and then presents a series of three case studies demonstrating how they can be overcome in practice. Firstly, increasingly complex models of Australian livestock enterprises show that evolutionary computation is the only viable optimisation method for these large and difficult problems. On-going research is taking a notably efficient and robust variant, differential evolution, out into real-world systems. Next, models of cropping systems in Australia demonstrate the challenge of dealing with competing objectives, namely maximising farm profit whilst minimising resource degradation. Pareto methods are used to illustrate this trade-off, and these results have proved to be most useful for farm managers in this industry. Finally, land-use planning in the Netherlands demonstrates the size and spatial complexity of real-world problems. Here, GIS-based optimisation techniques are integrated with Pareto methods, producing better solutions which were acceptable to the competing organizations. These three studies all show that evolutionary computation remains the only feasible method for the optimisation of large, complex agricultural problems. An extra benefit is that the resultant population of candidate solutions illustrates trade-offs, and this leads to more informed discussions and better education of the industry decision-makers.


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This study brings new insights into the magmatic evolution of natural F-enriched peraluminous granitic systems. The Artjärvi, Sääskjärvi and Kymi granite stocks within the 1.64 Ga Wiborg rapakivi granite batholith have been investigated by petrographic, geochemical, experimental and melt inclusion methods. These stocks represent late-stage leucocratic and weakly peraluminous intrusive phases typical of rapakivi granites worldwide. The Artjärvi and Sääskjärvi stocks are multiphase intrusions in which the most evolved phase is topaz granite. The Kymi stock contains topaz throughout and has a well-developed zoned structure, from the rim to the center: stockscheider pegmatite equigranular topaz granite porphyritic topaz granite. Geochemically the topaz granites are enriched in F, Li, Be, Ga, Rb, Sn and Nb and depleted in Mg, Fe, Ti, Ba, Sr, Zr and Eu. The anomalous geochemistry and mineralogy of the topaz granites are essentially magmatic in origin; postmagmatic reactions have only slightly modified the compositions. The Kymi equigranular topaz granite shows the most evolved character, and the topaz granites at Artjärvi and Sääskjärvi resemble the less evolved porphyritic topaz granite of the Kymi stock. Stockscheiders are found at the roof contacts of the Artjärvi and Kymi stocks. The stockscheider at Artjärvi is composed of biotite-rich schlieren and pegmatite layers parallel to the contact. The schlieren layering is considered to have formed by velocity-gradient sorting mechanism parallel to the flow, which led to the accumulation of mafic minerals along the upper contact of the topaz granite. Cooling and contraction of the topaz granite formed fractures parallel to the roof contact and residual pegmatite magmas were injected along the fractures and formed the pegmatite layers. The zoned structure of the Kymi stock is the result of intrusion of highly evolved residual melt from deeper parts of the magma chamber along the fractured contact between the porphyritic granite crystal mush and country rock. The equigranular topaz granite and marginal pegmatite (stockscheider) crystallized from this evolved melt. Phase relations of the Kymi equigranular topaz granite have been investigated utilizing crystallization experiments at 100 to 500 MPa as a function of water activity and F content. Fluorite and topaz can crystallize as liquidus phases in F-rich peraluminous systems, but the F content of the melt should exceed 2.5 - 3.0 wt % to facilitate crystallization of topaz. In peraluminous F-bearing melts containing more than 1 wt % F, topaz and muscovite are expected to be the first F-bearing phases to crystallize at high pressure, whereas fluorite and topaz should crystallize first at low pressure. Overall, the saturation of fluorite and topaz follows the reaction: CaAl2Si2O8 (plagioclase) + 2[AlF3]melt = CaF2 (fluorite) + 2Al2SiO4F2 (topaz). The obtained partition coefficient for F between biotite and glass D(F)Bt/glass is 1.89 to 0.80 (average 1.29) and can be used as an empirical fluormeter to determine the F content of coexisting melts. In order to study the magmatic evolution of the Kymi stock, crystallized melt inclusions in quartz and topaz grains in the porphyritic and the equigranular topaz granites and the marginal pegmatite were rehomogenized and analyzed. The homogenization conditions for the melt inclusions from the granites were 700 °C, 300 MPa, and 24 h, and for melt inclusions from the pegmatite, 700 °C, 100 MPa, and 24/96 h. The majority of the melt inclusions is chemically similar to the bulk rocks (excluding H2O content), but a few melt inclusions in the equigranular granite show clearly higher F and low K2O contents (on average 11.6 wt % F, 0.65 wt % K2O). The melt inclusion compositions indicate coexistence of two melt fractions, a prevailing peraluminous and a very volatile-rich, possibly peralkaline. Combined petrological, experimental and melt inclusion studies of the Kymi equigranular topaz granite indicate that plagioclase was the liquidus phase at nearly water-saturated (fluid-saturated) conditions and that the F content of the melt was at least 2 wt %. The early crystallization of biotite and the presence of muscovite in crystallization experiments at 200 MPa contrasts with the late-stage crystallization of biotite and the absence of muscovite in the equigranular granite, indicating that crystallization pressure may have been lower than 200 MPa for the granite.


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Purpose: This paper seeks to address the issue of how are graduate skills developed. The focus is not on which skills, but rather what type of learning environments is required within Higher Education to support the development of skills valued and demanded by SMEs within Australia. Approach: This paper takes a step back to consider the underlying issue of how an individual student's habits of thought are altered. In doing so, the past works of Morgan, Dewey, Whitehead, and Tyler are synthesized with the modern work of Baxter Magolda, Heath, and Biggs. Findings: It is argued that that without the development of a student-centred learning environment, most graduates will not develop the types of skills demanded by SMEs in a meaningfully way. That the failure to treat knowledge and skills as equal drivers of curriculum design will result in an imbalance that relegates skill development to a secondary learning outcome. Practical Implications: By removing the distraction of what skills should be developed, a clearer focus is possible regarding how educators should assist students to develop a broad array of generic graduate skills. From this perspective, skills can be viewed as an essential element of the educational process, rather than a new element that must be squeezed in between content. Value of Paper: This paper extends recent discussion of skills development through the use of an evolutionary perspective. Viewed as a process of creating social change, education becomes increasingly connected to a world that lays beyond institutional boundaries, thus promoting the notion of developing graduates for the world that awaits them.