996 resultados para Essential genes


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Apoptosis is a normal physiological cell suicide process which is essential for tissue homeostasis and normal development of metazoans. Misregulation of apoptosis is associated with many developmental defects and human diseases. The genes involved in the regulation and execution of apoptosis are highly conserved in humans and flies. Caspases are the executioners of cell suicide. Because of the unavailability of specific fly mutants, the developmental function of many caspase genes and genetic relationship between caspases and apoptotic components were undefined in Drosophila. We isolated several mutant alleles of the initiator caspase gene dronc, the effector casase drICE, and the Mediator component Cyclin C from the GMR-hid eyFLP/FRT screens which is designed to isolate mutants of recessive cell death genes in Drosophila melanogaster. Characterization of these mutants defined that they are essential for developmental cell death in Drosophila. dronc is required for most, but not all, cell death in Drosophila. drICE is required for apoptosis in many cells and it shares redundancy with another effector caspase gene, dcp-1, in a subset of cells in Drosophila. The genetic relationship between caspases and other apoptotic components was established through mutant analysis. We found that the pro-apoptotic protein Hid induces transcription of the initiator caspase gene dronc and the GMR-induced dronc transcripts are dependent on activated effector casapses, revealing a novel regulatory mechanism to promote caspase activity in Drosophila. Cyclin C and its kinase partner Cdk8 are required for prompt transcriptional induction of dronc in cell killing contexts. In short, we define the essential pro-apoptoic function of dronc, drICE, and Cyclin C in Drosophila and reveal a novel mechanism for regulation of dronc transcription. In the long run, these studies will help us decipher the complicated regulatory mechanism of cell death in humans. ^


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We have screened for temperature-sensitive (ts) fission yeast mutants with altered polarity (alp1–15). Genetic analysis indicates that alp2 is allelic to atb2 (one of two α-tubulin genes) and alp12 to nda3 (the single β-tubulin gene). atb2+ is nonessential, and the ts atb2 mutations we have isolated are dominant as expected. We sequenced two alleles of ts atb2 and one allele of ts nda3. In the ts atb2 mutants, the mutated residues (G246D and C356Y) are found at the longitudinal interface between α/β-heterodimers, whereas in ts nda3 the mutated residue (Y422H) is situated in the domain located on the outer surface of the microtubule. The ts nda3 mutant is highly sensitive to altered gene dosage of atb2+; overexpression of atb2+ lowers the restrictive temperature, and, conversely, deletion rescues ts. Phenotypic analysis shows that contrary to undergoing mitotic arrest with high viability via the spindle assembly checkpoint as expected, ts nda3 mutants execute cytokinesis and septation and lose viability. Therefore, it appears that the ts nda3 mutant becomes temperature lethal because of irreversible progression through the cell cycle in the absence of activating the spindle assembly checkpoint pathway.


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Kinetochores are DNA-protein structures that assemble on centromeric DNA and attach chromosomes to spindle microtubules. Because of their simplicity, the 125-bp centromeres of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are particularly amenable to molecular analysis. Budding yeast centromeres contain three sequence elements of which centromere DNA sequence element III (CDEIII) appears to be particularly important. cis-acting mutations in CDEIII and trans-acting mutations in genes encoding subunits of the CDEIII-binding complex (CBF3) prevent correct chromosome transmission. Using temperature-sensitive mutations in CBF3 subunits, we show a strong correlation between DNA-binding activity measured in vitro and kinetochore activity in vivo. We extend previous findings by Goh and Kilmartin [Goh, P.-Y. & Kilmartin, J.V. (1993) J. Cell Biol. 121, 503-512] to argue that DNA-bound CBF3 may be involved in the operation of a mitotic checkpoint but that functional CBF3 is not required for the assembly of a bipolar spindle.


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We have developed a system to transcribe the yeast 5S rRNA gene in the absence of the transcription factor TFIIIA. A long transcript was synthesized both in vitro and in vivo from a hybrid gene in which the tRNA-like promoter sequence of the RPR1 gene was fused to the yeast 5S RNA gene. No internal initiation directed by the endogenous 5S rDNA promoter or any processing of the hybrid transcript was observed in vitro. Yeast cells devoid of transcription factor TFIIIA, which, therefore, could not synthesize any 5S rRNA from the endogenous chromosomal copies of 5S rDNA, could survive if they carried the hybrid RPR1-5S construct on a multicopy plasmid. In this case, the only source of 5S rRNA was the precursor RPR1-5S transcript that gave rise to two RNA species slightly larger than wild-type 5S rRNA. This establishes that the only essential function of TFIIIA is to promote the synthesis of 5S rRNA. However, cells devoid of TFIIIA and surviving with these two RNAs grew more slowly at 30 degrees C compared with wild-type cells and were thermosensitive at 37 degrees C.


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This thesis explored the role of essential Rhoptry-proteins (RAPs) in parasites that cause malaria. Utilising genetic engineering approaches, this work provides the first formal proof that RAPs are not involved in the invasion of host erythrocytes and instead presents evidence supporting a post-invasion role. This changes the existing notion of RAPs as potential vaccine-candidates to being potential drug-targets.


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Essential hypertension (EH) is a common, multifactorial disorder likely to be influenced by multiple genes of modest effect. The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene C677T mutation is functionally important, being strongly associated with reduced enzyme activity and increased plasma levels of homocysteine. Mild hyperhomocysteinemia is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and hypothesised also to be involved in hypertension pathophysiology. The present study was performed to determine the prevalence of the 677T mutation in Australian Caucasian patients diagnosed with EH and to test whether the C677T variant is associated with the disorder. A case-control cohort, consisting of 250 EH patients and 250 age, sex and racially matched normotensive controls, were used for the association study. Comparison of C677T allele frequencies revealed a higher proportion of the mutant allele (T) in the EH group (40%) compared to unaffected controls (34%) (p=0.07). Furthermore, genotypic results indicated that the prevalence of the homozygous mutant genotype (T/T) in the affected group was higher than that of controls (14%:10%) (p=0.17). Interestingly, conditional logistic regression showed that the MTHFR C677T mutation conferred a mild, yet significant increase in risk of essential hypertension after adjusting for body mass index (odds ratio=1.57, 95% confidence interval: 1.04-2.37, p=0.03). These findings require further investigation in large independent samples, but suggest that essential hypertension, like CVD, may be mildly influenced by the MTHFR C677T variant.


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Essential hypertension is a common multifactorial trait that results in a significantly increased risk for heart attack and stroke. The condition has a genetic basis, although at present the number of genes is unknown. In order to identify such genes, we are utilising a linkage scanning approach using microsatellite markers and affected sibships. Here we provide evidence for the location of at least one hypertension susceptibility locus on chromosome 17. Analysis of 177 affected sibpairs gave evidence for significant excess allele sharing to D17S949 (SPLINK: P=0.0029; MAPMAKER SIBS: P=0.0033; ASPEX: P=0.0061; GENEHUNTER: P=0.0096; ANALYZE (SIBPAIR): P=0.0025) on 17q22–24, with significant allele sharing also indicated for an additional marker, D17S799 (SPLINK: P=0.025; MAPMAKER SIBS: P= 0.025) located close to the centromere. Since these two genomic regions are well separated, our results indicate that there may be more than one chromosome 17 locus affecting human blood pressure. Moreover, further investigation of this chromosome, utilizing a polymorphism within the promoter of the iNOS candidate gene, NOS2A, revealed both increased allele sharing among sibpairs (SPLINK: P=0.02; ASPEX: P=0.00004) and positive association (P= 0.034) of NOS2A to essential hypertension. Hence these results indicate that chromosome 17 and, more specifically, the NOS2A gene may play a role in human essential hypertension.


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None of the genes responsible for essential hypertension has been identified. Recent work in genetically hypertensive rats has shown linkage of blood pressure with alleles of the renin gene. Since the renin gene is a member of a conserved synteny group that in humans spans chromosome 1q21.3-32.3 and includes the gene for antithrombin III (AT3), we used linkage studies to examine the relationship between alleles of AT3 and hypertension in a family having 10 affected members. From the lod score obtained at a recombination fraction of zero the odds for linkage of AT3 and hypertension in this family were calculated as 6:1 in favour of linkage. This result provides grounds for further examination of the possible role of the 1q23 locus in the aetiology of essential hypertension.


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1. Essential hypertension occurs in people with an underlying genetic predisposition who subject themselves to adverse environmental influences. The number of genes involved is unknown, as is the extent to which each contributes to final blood pressure and the severity of the disease. 2. In the past, studies of potential candidate genes have been performed by association (case-control) analysis of unrelated individuals or linkage (pedigree or sibpair) analysis of families. These studies have resulted in several positive findings but, as one may expect, also an enormous number of negative results. 3. In order to uncover the major genetic loci for essential hypertension, it is proposed that scanning the genome systematically in 100- 200 affected sibships should prove successful. 4. This involves genotyping sets of hypertensive sibships to determine their complement of several hundred microsatellite polymorphisms. Those that are highly informative, by having a high heterozygosity, are most suitable. Also, the markers need to be spaced sufficiently evenly across the genome so as to ensure adequate coverage. 5. Tests are performed to determine increased segregation of alleles of each marker with hypertension. The analytical tools involve specialized statistical programs that can detect such differences. Non- parametric multipoint analysis is an appropriate approach. 6. In this way, loci for essential hypertension are beginning to emerge.


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The present study examined polymorphisms of genes that might be involved in the onset of essential hypertension (HT). These included the (i) growth hormone gene (GH1), whose locus has recently been linked to elevated blood pressure (BP) in the stroke-prone SHR, although recent sib-pair analysis of a polymorphism near the human chorionic somatomammotropin gene (a member of the GH cluster) was unable to show linkage with HT; (ii) renal kallikrein gene (KLK1); and (iii) atrial natriuretic factor gene (ANF), where a primary defect in production or activity of kallikrein or ANF could cause NaCl retention and vasoconstriction. Association analyses were conducted to compare restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of each gene in 85 HT and 95 normotensive (NT) Caucasian subjects whose parents had a similar BP status at age ≥50 years. The frequency of the minor allele of (i) a RsaI RFLP in the promoter of GH1, amplified from leukocyte DNA by the polymerase chain reaction, was 0.15 in the HT group and 0.14 in the NT group (χ1=0.34, P=0.55); (ii) a TaqI RFLP for KLK1 was 0.035 in the HT group and 0.015 in the NT group (χ2=1.5, P=0.21); and (iii) a XhoI RFLP for ANF was 0.50 in HTs and 0.46 in NTs (χ2=0.20, P=0.65). Studies of HT pedigrees found one family in which the ANF locus and HT were not linked, owing to an obligate recombinant. The present data thus provide no evidence for involvement of the growth hormone, renal kallikrein, nor ANF gene in the causation of essential hypertension.


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Escherichia coli is the most important etiological agent of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Unlike uropathogenic E. coli, which causes symptomatic infections, asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) E. coli strains typically lack essential virulence factors and colonize the bladder in the absence of symptoms. While ABU E. coli can persist in the bladder for long periods of time, little is known about the genetic determinants required for its growth and fitness in urine. To identify such genes, we have employed a transposon mutagenesis approach using the prototypic ABU E. coli strain 83972 and the clinical ABU E. coli strain VR89. Six genes involved in the biosynthesis of various amino acids and nucleobases were identified (carB, argE, argC, purA, metE, and ilvC), and site-specific mutants were subsequently constructed in E. coli 83972 and E. coli VR89 for each of these genes. In all cases, these mutants exhibited reduced growth rates and final cell densities in human urine. The growth defects could be complemented in trans as well as by supplementation with the appropriate amino acid or nucleobase. When assessed in vivo in a mouse model, E. coli 83972carAB and 83972argC showed a significantly reduced competitive advantage in the bladder and/or kidney during coinoculation experiments with the parent strain, whereas 83972metE and 83972ilvC did not. Taken together, our data have identified several biosynthesis pathways as new important fitness factors associated with the growth of ABU E. coli in human urine.


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Ascorbate (vitamin C) is an essential antioxidant and enzyme cofactor in both plants and animals. Ascorbate concentration is tightly regulated in plants, partly to respond to stress. Here, we demonstrate that ascorbate concentrations are determined via the posttranscriptional repression of GDP-l-galactose phosphorylase (GGP), a major control enzyme in the ascorbate biosynthesis pathway. This regulation requires a cis-acting upstream open reading frame (uORF) that represses the translation of the downstream GGP open reading frame under high ascorbate concentration. Disruption of this uORF stops the ascorbate feedback regulation of translation and results in increased ascorbate concentrations in leaves. The uORF is predicted to initiate at a noncanonical codon (ACG rather than AUG) and encode a 60- to 65-residue peptide. Analysis of ribosome protection data from Arabidopsis thaliana showed colocation of high levels of ribosomes with both the uORF and the main coding sequence of GGP. Together, our data indicate that the noncanonical uORF is translated and encodes a peptide that functions in the ascorbate inhibition of translation. This posttranslational regulation of ascorbate is likely an ancient mechanism of control as the uORF is conserved in GGP genes from mosses to angiosperms.


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Genome maintenance (GM) is an essential defense system against aging and cancer, as both are characterized by increased genome instability. Here, we compared the copy number variation and mutation rate of 518 GM-associated genes in the naked mole rat (NMR), mouse, and human genomes. GM genes appeared to be strongly conserved, with copy number variation in only four genes. Interestingly, we found NMR to have a higher copy number of CEBPG, a regulator of DNA repair, and TINF2, a protector of telomere integrity. NMR, as well as human, was also found to have a lower rate of germline nucleotide substitution than the mouse. Together, the data suggest that the long-lived NMR, as well as human, has more robust GM than mouse and identifies new targets for the analysis of the exceptional longevity of the NMR.


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The PI3-kinase pathway is the target of inactivation in achieving better cancer chemotherapy. Here, we report that p53-mediated transcription is inhibited by pharmacological inhibitors and a dominant-negative mutant of PI3-kinase, and this inhibition was relieved by a constitutively active mutant of PI3-kinase. Akt/PKB and mTOR, the downstream effectors of PI3-kinase, were also found to be essential. LY294002 (PI3-kinase inhibitor) pre-treatment altered the post-translational modifications and the sub-cellular localization of p53. Although LY294002 increased the chemosensitivity of cells to low concentrations of adriamycin (adriamycin-low), it protected the cells from cytotoxicity induced by high concentrations of adriamycin (adriamycin-high) in a p53-dependent manner. Further, we found that LY294002 completely abolished the activation of p53 target genes (particularly pro-apoptotic) under adriamycin-high conditions, whereas it only marginally repressed the p53 target genes under adriamycin-low conditions; in fact, it further activated the transcription of NOXA, HRK, APAF1 and CASP5 genes. Thus, the differential effect of PI3-kinase on p53 functions seems to be responsible for the differential regulation of DNA damage-induced cytotoxicity and cell death by PI3-kinase. Our finding becomes relevant in the light of ongoing combination chemotherapy trials with the PI3-kinase pathway inhibitors and underscores the importance of p53 status in the careful formulation of combination chemotherapies. Oncogene (2010) 29, 3605-3618; doi: 10.1038/onc.2010.123; published online 26 April 2010