994 resultados para Essaie Microscopic Observation Drug-Susceptibility
A resistência a fármacos antituberculose tem constituído uma grande ameaça ao controle da tuberculose em âmbito mundial. A sua detecção precoce permite ao médico instituir um esquema de tratamento mais adequado ao paciente e consequentemente quebrar a cadeia de transmissão dos bacilos. Os testes de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos atuais, embora eficientes, são caros e/ou demorados e/ou trabalhosos. Com base nesta premissa, nos propusemos a desenvolver e padronizar um método fenotípico direto para determinação da sensibilidade do Mycobacterium tuberculosis a antimicrobianos de primeira linha do tratamento da tuberculose. Para o desenvolvimento deste novo teste, utilizaram-se os princípios do método das proporções e do exame de cultura pelo método de Ogawa–Kudoh. O estudo foi dividido em duas fases. A primeira, caracterizada pelo desenvolvimento e padronização do método proposto e a segunda, pela análise da concordância entre o método desenvolvido e o método do MGIT (padrão-ouro). Na primeira fase, foram realizados diversos ensaios para definir: os volumes de absorção e de liberação de líquidos de diferentes tipos de swab, o meio de cultura, as concentrações dos antimicrobianos e o tempo de leitura/interpretação das culturas. Além disso, foi verificado se a amostra deveria ou não ser diluída. Com base nos resultados destes ensaios, padronizou-se o método com: swab comercial, em meio de cultura Ogawa- Kudoh contendo separadamente 0,2 μg/mL de isoniazida, 40,0 μg/mL de rifampicina, 10,0 μg/mL de estreptomicina e 500,0 μg/mL de ácido para-nitrobenzóico. Padronizou-se ainda a inoculação da amostra de escarro de forma direta, ou seja, sem diluir e a leitura/interpretação do resultado do teste no período entre 21 e 28 dias. A análise comparativa entre este método e o teste de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos no sistema MGIT realizada na segunda fase do projeto indicou um índice kappa igual a 1,000, ou seja, uma concordância muito boa em relação ao padrão-ouro. Diante desses resultados promissores, acreditamos que o método desenvolvido apresente um grande potencial para ser utilizado em laboratórios com pouca infra-estrutura, por ser de baixo custo, fácil execução e relativamente rápido.
The conventional methods used to evaluate chitin content in fungi, such as biochemical assessment of glucosamine release after acid hydrolysis or epifluorescence microscopy, are low throughput, laborious, time-consuming, and cannot evaluate a large number of cells. We developed a flow cytometric assay, efficient, and fast, based on Calcofluor White staining to measure chitin content in yeast cells. A staining index was defined, its value was directly related to chitin amount and taking into consideration the different levels of autofluorecence. Twenty-two Candida spp. and four Cryptococcus neoformans clinical isolates with distinct susceptibility profiles to caspofungin were evaluated. Candida albicans clinical isolate SC5314, and isogenic strains with deletions in chitin synthase 3 (chs3Δ/chs3Δ) and genes encoding predicted Glycosyl Phosphatidyl Inositol (GPI)-anchored proteins (pga31Δ/Δ and pga62Δ/Δ), were used as controls. As expected, the wild-type strain displayed a significant higher chitin content (P < 0.001) than chs3Δ/chs3Δ and pga31Δ/Δ especially in the presence of caspofungin. Ca. parapsilosis, Ca. tropicalis, and Ca. albicans showed higher cell wall chitin content. Although no relationship between chitin content and antifungal drug susceptibility phenotype was found, an association was established between the paradoxical growth effect in the presence of high caspofungin concentrations and the chitin content. This novel flow cytometry protocol revealed to be a simple and reliable assay to estimate cell wall chitin content of fungi.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalences of tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis in inmates. METHODS: Observational study was carried out with inmates of a prison and a jail in the State of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, between March and December of 2008. Questionnaires were used to collect sociodemographic and epidemiological data. Tuberculin skin testing was administered (PPD-RT23-2TU/0.1 mL), and the following laboratory tests were also performed: sputum smear examination, sputum culture, identification of strains isolated and drug susceptibility testing. The variables were compared using Pearson's chi-square (Χ2) association test, Fisher's exact test and the proportion test. RESULTS: Of the 2,435 inmates interviewed, 2,237 (91.9%) agreed to submit to tuberculin skin testing and of these, 73.0% had positive reactions. The prevalence of tuberculosis was 830.6 per 100,000 inmates. The coefficients of prevalence were 1,029.5/100,000 for inmates of the prison and 525.7/100,000 for inmates of the jail. The sociodemographic characteristics of the inmates in the two groups studied were similar; most of the inmates were young and single with little schooling. The epidemiological characteristics differed between the prison units, with the number of cases of previous tuberculosis and of previous contact with the disease greater in the prison and coughing, expectoration and smoking more common in the jail. Among the 20 Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains identified, 95.0% were sensitive to anti-tuberculosis drugs, and 5.0% were resistant to streptomycin. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalences of tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis were higher in the incarcerated population than in the general population, and they were also higher in the prison than in the jail.
Desde o início da utilização da imunohistoquímica em anatomia patológica, um dos objetivos tem sido detetar as quantidades mais ínfimas de antigénio, tornando-o visível ao microscópio ótico. Vários sistemas de amplificação têm sido aplicados de forma a concretizar este objetivo, tendo surgido um grupo genérico de métodos simples e que apresentam uma amplificação superior: são os denominados métodos do polímero indireto. Tendo em conta a variedade de métodos disponíveis, o autor propõe-se a comparar a qualidade de quatro sistemas de amplificação, que recorrem ao método do polímero indireto com horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Foram utilizadas lâminas de diferentes tecidos, fixados em formol e incluídos em parafina, nos quais se procedeu à identificação de 15 antigénios distintos. Na amplificação recorreu-se a quatro sistemas de polímero indireto (Dako EnVision+ System – K4006; LabVision UltraVision LP Detection System – TL-004-HD; Leica NovoLink – RE7140-k; Vector ImmPRESS Reagent Kit – MP-7402). A observação microscópica e classificação da imunomarcação obtida foram feitas com base num algoritmo que enquadra intensidade, marcação específica, marcação inespecífica e contraste, num score global que pode tomar valores entre 0 e 25. No tratamento dos dados, para além da estatística descritiva, foi utilizado o teste one-way ANOVA com posthoc de tukey (alfa=0.05). O melhor resultado obtido, em termos de par média/desvio-padrão, dos scores globais foi o do NovoLink (22,4/2,37) e o pior foi o do EnVision+ (17,43/3,86). Verificou-se ainda que existe diferença estatística entre os resultados obtidos pelo sistema NovoLink e os sistemas UltraVision (p=.004), ImmPRESS (p=.000) e EnVision+ (p=.000). Concluiu-se que o sistema que permitiu a obtenção de melhores resultados, neste estudo, foi o Leica NovoLink.
Aims: The main aims of this work were the study of cork slabs moulds colonization and the evaluation of the moulds diversity during cork processing steps, in different cork stoppers factories. Simultaneously, it was envisaged to perform an evaluation of the air quality. Methods and Results: Moulds were isolated and identified from cork slabs and cork samples in four cork stoppers factories. The identification was based on morphological characters and microscopic observation of the reproductive structures. Airborne spore dispersion was assessed using a two stage Andersen sampler. It was observed that Chrysonilia sitophila was always present on cork slabs during the maturing period, but mould diversity appeared to be associated to the different factory configurations and processing steps. Conclusions: Spatial separation of the different steps of the process, including physical separation of the maturation step, is essential to guarantee high air quality and appropriate cork slabs colonization, i.e. C. sitophila dominance. The sorting and cutting of the edges of cork slabs after boiling and before the maturing step is also recommended. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is very important for the cork stopper industry as it gives clear indications on how to keep high quality manufacturing standards and how to avoid occupational health problems.
Aims: The main aims of this work were the study of cork slabs moulds colonization and the evaluation of the moulds diversity during cork processing steps, in different cork stoppers factories. Simultaneously, it was envisaged to perform an evaluation of the air quality. Methods and Results: Moulds were isolated and identified from cork slabs and cork samples in four cork stoppers factories. The identification was based on morphological characters and microscopic observation of the reproductive structures. Airborne spore dispersion was assessed using a two stage Andersen sampler. It was observed that Chrysonilia sitophila was always present on cork slabs during the maturing period, but mould diversity appeared to be associated to the different factory configurations and processing steps. Conclusions: Spatial separation of the different steps of the process, including physical separation of the maturation step, is essential to guarantee high air quality and appropriate cork slabs colonization, i.e. C. sitophila dominance. The sorting and cutting of the edges of cork slabs after boiling and before the maturing step is also recommended. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is very important for the cork stopper industry as it gives clear indications on how to keep high quality manufacturing standards and how to avoid occupational health problems.
Strains of Trypanosoma cruzi from different geographical areas have shown different levels of susceptibility to trypanocidal drugs. The susceptibility in vivo to benznidazole was investigated in eighteen strains of T. cruzi. Twelve were isolated from chronic chagasic patients from different Chagas disease endemic areas. The other six strains were isolated from the northwestern region of Paraná state; two of them from patients three from triatomines (Triatoma sordida) and one from wild reservoir (Didelphis sp.). To test drug the infected mice were divided into two groups of twenty. One group was treated with benznidazole for twenty consecutive days and the other group was used as untreated control. The treatment began after detection of the infection by direct blood examination or haemoculture. The control of cure was done through haemoculture and indirect immunofluorescence test. The drug eliminated the inflammatory lesions of the skeletal muscle of mice considered cured and from the heart of most of them. Moreover, the inflammatory lesions were reduced in treated but not cured animals. The T. cruzi strains studied showed a gradient of drug susceptibility that varied from 0% to 100%. Ten strains were considered sensitive to the treatment (61 to 100% of cure), one strain was partially sensitive (50% of cure) and seven strains were considered resistant to the treatment (0 to 40% of cure). This variation was observed both in strains of T. cruzi isolated from domestic and sylvatic cycles
O presente trabalho, efetuado na Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais do Freixo (ETAR do Freixo), decorreu durante um período de nove meses, (entre Dezembro de 2012 e Agosto de 2013), e teve como principais objetivos: - a observação microscópica e respetiva identificação dos organismos presentes nas lamas ativadas dos reatores biológicos da ETAR (incidindo nos protozoários, metazoários e bactérias filamentosas); - estabelecer a relação entre os organismos identificados/quantidade respetiva e a sedimentabilidade das lamas ativadas e sua influência no processo de depuração; - avaliar a variação das espécies identificadas com as alterações processuais. Para o efeito, a metodologia utilizada foi: - a colheita diária de amostras em vários pontos da ETAR; - a determinação dos parâmetros operacionais e caracterização das amostras recolhidas, tendo sido efetuadas 6039 análises físico-químicas, incluindo ao afluente à ETAR, ao afluente e ao conteúdo dos dois reatores biológicos, à corrente de recirculação de lamas e ao efluente; - a visualização diária microscópica ótica sem contraste de fase dos microrganismos presentes nos reatores biológicos; - a visualização microscópica ótica com contraste de fase da microfauna presente nos reatores biológicos, sendo efetuadas 16 identificações e quantificações dos protozoários presentes nas lamas ativadas dos dois reatores e 10 identificações e quantificações das bactérias filamentosas presentes nos dois reatores biológicos. O início do estudo ocorreu num período em que se começou a verificar um aumento excessivo de espumas nos decantadores secundários, resultando numa fraca sedimentabilidade das lamas e numa menor qualidade do efluente final. Na tentativa de reduzir a excessiva ascensão do manto de lamas que se verificou, foram efectuadas alterações operacionais, consistindo: - na alteração da razão de recirculação da decantação secundária para os reatores biológicos; - na introdução de um composto altamente concentrado em matéria orgânica na corrente de recirculação de lamas; - na alteração da extração de lamas biológicas. Verificou-se que as alterações processuais efetuadas foram muito eficazes na diminuição do manto de lamas da decantação secundária, bem como muito eficazes na qualidade do efluente final. Durante os meses de Fevereiro a Agosto fez-se o acompanhamento diário de todas as condições de operação de modo a manter e validar o procedimento de operação, o qual se considerou muito eficaz em termos de obtenção de uma água tratada de excelente qualidade. Durante o estudo efetuado, verificou-se que a população microbiológica existente nos dois reatores biológicos se manteve praticamente inalterada durante todo o período, sendo os móveis de fundo e os sésseis os grupos dominantes. Esta dominância traduziu-se na elevada qualidade do efluente final que se observou a partir do mês de Fevereiro, tendo dificultado o estudo de novas condições de operação, mas facilitando a validação do procedimento adotado. No que se refere às bactérias filamentosas, verificou-se que são diversas as espécies presentes nos reatores biológicos e que existem em grande abundância, sendo que o Tipo 0092 é claramente dominante. O excessivo crescimento deste tipo de bactérias mostrou ser o maior problema a nível microbiológico no processo de tratamento da instalação, tornando-se crítico no período de inverno em que a temperatura e os picos de pluviosidade se mostraram condições favoráveis ao seu desenvolvimento. Para além da temperatura outros fatores mostraram-se responsáveis pelo seu crescimento tais como a razão Alimento/Microrganismo (A/M), a idade das lamas, a carga mássica afluente e o teor de oxigénio dissolvido nos reatores biológicos. Pode-se concluir que apesar de não se trabalhar com os valores teóricos dos parâmetros microbiológicos e operacionais considerados ideais, a ETAR do Freixo, possui um tratamento bastante eficaz na remoção da carga orgânica, na remoção de nutrientes e na remoção de sólidos suspensos totais, apesar da não existência de uma etapa de afinação final como a filtração.
Erythromycin, a reversal agent in multidrug-resistant cancer, was assayed in chloroquine resistance modulation. The in vitro microtechnique for drug susceptibility was employed using two freshly isolates of Plasmodium falciparum from North of Brazil. The antimalarial effect of the drug was confirmed, with an IC50 estimates near the usual antimicrobial therapy concentration, and a significant statistical modulating action was observed for one isolate.
Verapamil, was assayed to record its modulating effect upon Brazilian Plasmodium falciparum isolates resistant to chloroquine. Other cardiovascular drugs known to be modulating agents in resistant malaria and/or multidrug-resistant neoplasias, including nifedipine, nitrendipine, diltiazem and propranolol, were also evaluated. Concentrations similar to those for cardiovascular therapy were used in the in vitro microtechnique for antimalarial drug susceptibility. Intrinsic antiplasmodial activity was observed from the lowest concentrations without a significant modulating action. Other reported modulating agents, such as the antipsychotic drug trifluoperazine and the antidepressants desipramine and imipramine, demonstrated similar responses under the same experimental conditions. Results suggest a much higher susceptibility of Brazilian strains, as well as an indifferent behaviour in relation to modulating agents.
INTRODUCTION: Tuberculosis (TB) control is linked to the availability of qualified methods for microbiological diagnostics; however, microscopy with limited sensitivity is the only method available in many locations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the introduction of culture, drug susceptibility testing (DST), and genotyping in the routine of a Municipal Program of Tuberculosis Control. METHODS: Direct microscopy of sputum and culture in Ogawa-Kudoh were performed on 1,636 samples from 787 patients. DST of positive cultures was performed by resazurin microtiter assay and genotyping by mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units-variable number tandem repeat. RESULTS: A total 91 patients with TB were identified. The culture increased case detection by 32% compared with the microscopy; acquired resistance was 3.3% and the genotyping showed high genetic diversity. CONCLUSIONS: Ogawa-Kudoh contributed significantly to the increase in case detection and is suitable for implementation in poor-resource locations. The acquired resistance rate was lower than that reported in a recent Brazilian survey. The high genetic diversity is possibly related to the high TB prevalence in the population, as well as to early detection and suitable treatment of patients. The interaction between research and health care is important for reorienting the practice, transferring technology, and improving TB control.
Publicado em "Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Vol. 8, suppl. s1 (2014)
This paper deals with the macroscopic and microscopic observation of the growth ringe in two disks from the crossing section of wood stem of Tecoma chrysothrica and also deals with statistical analysis of the size of fiber and vessel member in different grow rings of secondary xilem. By statistical analyses of variance the authors verified the following: first, the fiber reaches its utmost length at the 11 th and 12 th grow rings; second, the vessel member reaches its utmost width in the same region as the fiber length. This point out there is certain correlation between the width of vesses member with the fiber length at the same growth rings. There was no statistical signification in the variation of the vessel length and the fiber width.
The diagnosis of tick-borne diseases such as babesiosis still depends on observing the parasite in the infected erythrocyte. Microscopic observation is tedious and often problematic in both early and carrier infections. Better diagnostic methods are needed to prevent clinical disease, especially when susceptible cattle are being moved into disease enzootic areas. This study evaluates two techniques for early diagnosis of Babesia bovis infections in cattle, DNA probes specific for the organism and fluorescent probes specific nucleic acid. The radioisotopically labeled DNA probes are used in slot blot hybridizations whith lysed blood samples, not purified DNA. Thusfar, the probe is specific for B. bovis and can detect as few as 1000 B. bovis parasites in 10µl of blood. The specificity of the fluorescent probe depends on the characteristic morphology of the babesia in whole blood samples, as determined microscopically. The fluorescent probe detects as afew as 10,000 B. bovis parasites in 10*l as blood. The application of each method for alboratory and field use is discussed.