1000 resultados para Escolas de Saúde Publica
Avalia os resultados da capacitação de usuários em buscas informatizadas, por meio do Curso de Acesso às Bases em cd-rom Medline e Lilacs, modalidade do Programa Educativo da Biblioteca/CIR da Faculdade de Saúde Publica da USP, oferecido a docentes e alunos da pós-graduação em saúde pública. O universo de estudo foi constituído de 92 participantes entre 1993 e 1995. Os resultados mostraram que, após a participação no Curso, 65,2% deles conseguiram autonomia no uso das bases de dados, 15,2% solicitaram buscas intermediadas pelo bibliotecário, bem como 19,6% não realizaram forma alguma de busca nas bases da Biblioteca. A intermediação dos bibliotecários foi solicitada por motivos como: pouca familiaridade com as bases, dificuldade em lidar com tecnologia, confiança na busca realizada pelo bibliotecário e falta de tempo para buscas. O egresso do curso que não realizou busca informatizada alegou não ter tido necessidade de fazê-lo no período estudado.
OBJETIVOS: Determinar o impacto financeiro do trauma em um hospital universitário em Curitiba. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo de pacientes vítimas de trauma, internados no Hospital Universitário Cajuru, divididos de acordo com o mecanismo de trauma. Foram analisados o número de dias de internamento e o custo assistencial total de cada paciente declarados na ficha de Autorização de Internação Hospitalar (AIH). A partir daí, calculou-se o custo médio, a média de dias de internamento e o custo médio paciente/dia. RESULTADOS: O custo médio de 349 pacientes estudados foi de US$ 568,22; das vítimas por ferimento por arma de fogo (FAF), US$ 692,50; das vítimas de ferimento de arma branca (FAB), US$ 676,9; das vítimas de agressão, US$ 412,3; das vítimas de queda, US$ 503,05 e das vítimas de acidente de trânsito, US$ 600,30. A média de dias de internamento da amostra total foi de 6,2; das vítimas de FAF, 7,7; das vítimas de FAB, 5,3; das vítimas de agressão, 6,7; das vítimas de queda, 7 e das vítimas de acidente de trânsito 6. O custo médio paciente/dia da amostra total foi de US$ 91,65; das vítimas de FAF, US$ 89,99; das vítimas de FAB, US$ 127,66; das vítimas de agressão, US$ 61,54; das vítimas de queda, US$ 71,86 e das vítimas de acidente de trânsito, US$ 100,05. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo, como tantos outros, mostra que o trauma é uma doença negligenciada, importante para a saúde publica por seu grande impacto social e econômico e passível de redução através de medidas de prevenção.
The oil production in Brazil has been increasing each year. Consequently, increasing volumes of water produced are generated with large quantities of contaminants, which brings many problems in disposing of these waters. The concern that the concentrations of contaminants in water produced meet existing laws for disposal of effluents, has been extremely important for the development of different techniques for treatment of water produced. The study of clay minerals as adsorbents of organic contaminants has grown considerably so in order to combine the low cost with the efficiency of environmental preservation and health issues. Thus, this study aims to understand the characteristics of vermiculite clay, sodium bentonite, calcium bentonite and diatomite and evaluate their performance as adsorbents for phenol in the water produced. Through adsorption isotherms it was possible to observe the behavior of these adsorptive clay and diatomite for adsorption of phenol, the main phenolic compound found in water produced. Different concentrations of synthetic solutions of phenol were put in touch with these adsorbents under same conditions of agitation and temperature. The adsorbents were composted adsorptive favorable, but the vermiculite and diatomite showed little capacity for absorption, being suggested for absorbs small concentrations of phenol in the balance isothermal
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as expectativas de homens e mulheres com relação ao uso do álcool e a associação dessas com o comportamento de beber com embriaguez. Foi realizado inquérito epidemiológico, domiciliar, transversal, de base populacional, com amostra probabilística estratificada por conglomerados, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram entrevistadas 2.083 pessoas de ambos os sexos utilizando-se o questionário GENACIS (Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study). Beber com embriaguez foi considerada variável dependente, e foram construídos modelos de regressão logística para cada sexo, ajustando-se os modelos para idade, escolaridade e renda. Todas as expectativas, exceto achar mais fácil falar com companheiro, associaram-se ao comportamento de beber com embriaguez. Nosso estudo mostrou que beber com embriaguez pode estar associado a expectativas com uso do álcool. Compreender essas expectativas pode contribuir para elaboração de estratégias mais efetivas de prevenção do beber excessivo.
A cross-sectional study was performed to analyze obstetric and neonatal results of planned home births assisted by obstetric nurses in the city of Florianepolis, Southern Brazil. Data collected from the medical records of 100 parturient women cared for between 2005 and 2009 indicated 11 hospital transfers, nine of which underwent a Cesarean section. The majority of women who had a home birth showed normal fetal heart beat (94.0%) and progress on the partogram (61.0%), vertical water delivery was the position most frequently chosen (71.9%), newborns had an Apgar score >= 7 at five minutes (98.9%), episiotomy was performed in 1.0%, and 49.4% did not need perineal suturing. Outcomes indicated that planned home birth is safe.
Descreve-se a inovação pedagógica de dois casos na graduação médica: uma matéria denominada Saúde Coletiva III, com (Administração, Ciências Sociais, Epidemiologia, Ética e Nutrição em Saúde Publica) e a disciplina de Semiologia Pediátrica. Para descrição e avaliação dos casos, utilizaram-se métodos qualitativos. A Saúde Coletiva III foi organizada por núcleos temáticos: Problemas em Saúde Publica; Nutrição em Saúde Publica; Planejamento em Saúde. O modelo de ensino centrou-se na problematização de situações vivenciadas na prática da Saúde Publica, trabalhando-se em centros, serviços e organizações de saúde. A Semiologia Pediátrica privilegiou a atenção integral à saúde da criança. O modelo de ensino centrou-se na aprendizagem baseada em problemas e no aprendizado prático da semiologia pediátrica em diferentes cenários, enfatizando-se o ensino ambulatorial. Privilegiou-se o trabalho em pequenos grupos, com a orientação docente. A principal missão voltou-se à utilização de estratégias que valorizassem o ensino centrado no estudante e sua capacidade de construir conhecimento com autonomia. No caso da Pediatria, avançou-se rumo a Medicina Integral, com enfoque amplo do modelo de atenção à criança. A Saúde Coletiva aproximou-se da Medicina Comunitária problematizando situações concretas no SUS e na atenção primária. O estudo mostra a possibilidade de inovação no ensino, e podendo contribuir para a mudança institucional.
OBJECTIVE: As a result of overall growing population's life expectancy, it has become increasingly important to ensure not only that the elderly have greater longevity but also happiness and life satisfaction. The objective of the study was to describe factors associated with life satisfaction among elderly people.METHODS: Three hundred and sixty-five older persons, selected by means of random stratified proportional sampling, were interviewed in 2003. The instrument used was a combination of Flanagan and Nahas questionnaires and WHOQOL-100. There were added questions concerning physical activity extracted from International Physical Activity Questionnaire, questions regarding reported morbidity and emotional assessment, sociodemographic condition and an open question. The level of life satisfaction was measured using a scale from one to seven by means of visual recognition. Hierarchical logistic regression analysis was performed including life satisfaction as a dependent variable and those included the final questionnaire, in blocks, as independent variables.RESULTS: Most elderly were generally rather satisfied with life as well as with specific aspects. The level of life satisfaction was associated with: comfort at home (OR=11.82; 95% Cl: 3.27; 42.63); appraising leisure as quality of life (OR=3.82; 95% Cl: 2.28; 6.39); waking up feeling well in the morning (OR=2.80; 95% Cl: 1.47; 5.36); not reporting loneliness (OR=2.68; 95% Cl: 1.54; 4.65); having three or more daily meals (OR=2.63; 95% Cl: 1.75; 5.90) and not reporting Diabetes Mellitus (OR-2.63; 95% Cl: 1.3 1; 5.27).CONCLUSIONS: Most elderly in the study were satisfied with life and their satisfaction was associated with situations related to being well and not being diabetic.
Infecção experimental pelo Encephalitozoon cuniculi em camundongos imunossuprimidos com dexametasona
Objective Microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi has been recognized as an opportunistic pathogen in immunosuppressed individuals, such as AIDS patients. The objective of the study was to develop pharmacologically immunosuppressed animals as a model of the natural occurring E. cuniculi infection.Methods Distint groups of adult Balb-C mice were immunosuppressed with different doses of dexamethasone (Dx, 3 or 5 mg/kg/day, intraperitoneal route - IP) and inoculated with E. cuniculi spores by IP route intraperitoneally. Control groups (inoculated animals but non-immunosuppressed and non-inoculated animals but immunosuppressed) were also used. The spores of E. cuniculi were previously cultivated in MDCK cells. The animals were sacrificed and necropsied at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days post-inoculation. Tissue fragments were collected and processed for light microscopy studies, using Gram-chromotrope and hematoxylin-eosin staining techniques.Results In all immunosupressed and inoculated inoculated immunosuppressed mice,specially in those that received 5 mg/kg/day of dexamethasone, the most prominent necropsy findings were hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. The experimental inoculation resulted in a disseminated non-lethal infection, characterized by granulomatous lesions in several organs (liver lungs, kidneys, gut and brain) but notably in the hepatic tissue. Spores of E. cuniculi were only seen in few animals treated with 5 mg/kg/day of Dx at 35 days post-infection.Conclusions Microsporidiosis in Dx-immunosuppressed mice provides a useful model for studies of the microsporidial infection, resembling that one naturally occurring in immunodeficient individuals with AIDS.
Objective Dogs play an important role as infection source of human cryptosporidiosis. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium sp. in dogs as well as to compare two techniques of fecal analysis.Methods Four-hundred and fifty canine fecal samples from the city of São Paulo were analyzed between 2003 and 2004. Fecal samples were randomly selected from dogs housed in a university veterinary hospital (group 1, n=200) and private kennels (group 2, n=250). The detection of Cryptosporidium was performed using modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. Statistical analysis was performed using the two-tailed test of significance at 5% confidence interval (z critical=+/- 1.645).Results Only Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts were found the prevalences found by light microscopy examination and PCR techniques were 8.8% and 9.5%, respectively. Young animals showed a lower frequency (5.5%) compared to adults (10.1%). There was no statistically significant difference in Cryptosporidium prevalence between males and females.Conclusions the prevalence of C. parvum in the canine population studied was similar to that one found in the literature and affects equally males and females. The use of PCR allowed the detection of more positive cases than light microscopy.
Objective: According to the World Health Organization, medicinal drug promotion should be reliable, accurate, truthful, informative, balanced, up-to-date and capable of substantiation. The objective of the present study was to review psychoactive drug advertisements to physicians as for information consistency with the related references and accessibility of the cited references. Methods: Data was collected in the city of Araraquara, Southeastern Brazil, in 2005. There were collected and reviewed 152 drug advertisements, a total of 304 references. References were requested directly from pharmaceutical companies' customer services and searched in UNESP (Ibict, Athenas) and BIREME (SciELO, PubMed, free-access indexed journals) library network and CAPES journals. Advertisement statements were checked against references using content analysis. Results: Of all references cited in the advertisements studied, 66.7% were accessed. Of 639 promotional statements identified, 346 (54%) were analyzed. The analysis showed that 67.7% of promotional statements in the advertisements were consistent with their references, while the remaining was either partially consistent or inconsistent. Of the material analyzed, an average 2.5 (1-28) references was cited per advertisement. In the text body, there were identified 639 pieces of information clearly associated with at least one cited reference (average 3.5 pieces of information per advertisement). Conclusion: The study results evidenced difficult access to the references. Messages on efficacy, safety and cost, among others, are not always supported by scientific studies. There is a need for regulation changes and effective monitoring of drug promotional materials.