954 resultados para Equivalent circuits


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In recent decades, full electric and hybrid electric vehicles have emerged as an alternative to conventional cars due to a range of factors, including environmental and economic aspects. These vehicles are the result of considerable efforts to seek ways of reducing the use of fossil fuel for vehicle propulsion. Sophisticated technologies such as hybrid and electric powertrains require careful study and optimization. Mathematical models play a key role at this point. Currently, many advanced mathematical analysis tools, as well as computer applications have been built for vehicle simulation purposes. Given the great interest of hybrid and electric powertrains, along with the increasing importance of reliable computer-based models, the author decided to integrate both aspects in the research purpose of this work. Furthermore, this is one of the first final degree projects held at the ETSII (Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers) that covers the study of hybrid and electric propulsion systems. The present project is based on MBS3D 2.0, a specialized software for the dynamic simulation of multibody systems developed at the UPM Institute of Automobile Research (INSIA). Automobiles are a clear example of complex multibody systems, which are present in nearly every field of engineering. The work presented here benefits from the availability of MBS3D software. This program has proven to be a very efficient tool, with a highly developed underlying mathematical formulation. On this basis, the focus of this project is the extension of MBS3D features in order to be able to perform dynamic simulations of hybrid and electric vehicle models. This requires the joint simulation of the mechanical model of the vehicle, together with the model of the hybrid or electric powertrain. These sub-models belong to completely different physical domains. In fact the powertrain consists of energy storage systems, electrical machines and power electronics, connected to purely mechanical components (wheels, suspension, transmission, clutch…). The challenge today is to create a global vehicle model that is valid for computer simulation. Therefore, the main goal of this project is to apply co-simulation methodologies to a comprehensive model of an electric vehicle, where sub-models from different areas of engineering are coupled. The created electric vehicle (EV) model consists of a separately excited DC electric motor, a Li-ion battery pack, a DC/DC chopper converter and a multibody vehicle model. Co-simulation techniques allow car designers to simulate complex vehicle architectures and behaviors, which are usually difficult to implement in a real environment due to safety and/or economic reasons. In addition, multi-domain computational models help to detect the effects of different driving patterns and parameters and improve the models in a fast and effective way. Automotive designers can greatly benefit from a multidisciplinary approach of new hybrid and electric vehicles. In this case, the global electric vehicle model includes an electrical subsystem and a mechanical subsystem. The electrical subsystem consists of three basic components: electric motor, battery pack and power converter. A modular representation is used for building the dynamic model of the vehicle drivetrain. This means that every component of the drivetrain (submodule) is modeled separately and has its own general dynamic model, with clearly defined inputs and outputs. Then, all the particular submodules are assembled according to the drivetrain configuration and, in this way, the power flow across the components is completely determined. Dynamic models of electrical components are often based on equivalent circuits, where Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws are applied to draw the algebraic and differential equations. Here, Randles circuit is used for dynamic modeling of the battery and the electric motor is modeled through the analysis of the equivalent circuit of a separately excited DC motor, where the power converter is included. The mechanical subsystem is defined by MBS3D equations. These equations consider the position, velocity and acceleration of all the bodies comprising the vehicle multibody system. MBS3D 2.0 is entirely written in MATLAB and the structure of the program has been thoroughly studied and understood by the author. MBS3D software is adapted according to the requirements of the applied co-simulation method. Some of the core functions are modified, such as integrator and graphics, and several auxiliary functions are added in order to compute the mathematical model of the electrical components. By coupling and co-simulating both subsystems, it is possible to evaluate the dynamic interaction among all the components of the drivetrain. ‘Tight-coupling’ method is used to cosimulate the sub-models. This approach integrates all subsystems simultaneously and the results of the integration are exchanged by function-call. This means that the integration is done jointly for the mechanical and the electrical subsystem, under a single integrator and then, the speed of integration is determined by the slower subsystem. Simulations are then used to show the performance of the developed EV model. However, this project focuses more on the validation of the computational and mathematical tool for electric and hybrid vehicle simulation. For this purpose, a detailed study and comparison of different integrators within the MATLAB environment is done. Consequently, the main efforts are directed towards the implementation of co-simulation techniques in MBS3D software. In this regard, it is not intended to create an extremely precise EV model in terms of real vehicle performance, although an acceptable level of accuracy is achieved. The gap between the EV model and the real system is filled, in a way, by introducing the gas and brake pedals input, which reflects the actual driver behavior. This input is included directly in the differential equations of the model, and determines the amount of current provided to the electric motor. For a separately excited DC motor, the rotor current is proportional to the traction torque delivered to the car wheels. Therefore, as it occurs in the case of real vehicle models, the propulsion torque in the mathematical model is controlled through acceleration and brake pedal commands. The designed transmission system also includes a reduction gear that adapts the torque coming for the motor drive and transfers it. The main contribution of this project is, therefore, the implementation of a new calculation path for the wheel torques, based on performance characteristics and outputs of the electric powertrain model. Originally, the wheel traction and braking torques were input to MBS3D through a vector directly computed by the user in a MATLAB script. Now, they are calculated as a function of the motor current which, in turn, depends on the current provided by the battery pack across the DC/DC chopper converter. The motor and battery currents and voltages are the solutions of the electrical ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) system coupled to the multibody system. Simultaneously, the outputs of MBS3D model are the position, velocity and acceleration of the vehicle at all times. The motor shaft speed is computed from the output vehicle speed considering the wheel radius, the gear reduction ratio and the transmission efficiency. This motor shaft speed, somehow available from MBS3D model, is then introduced in the differential equations corresponding to the electrical subsystem. In this way, MBS3D and the electrical powertrain model are interconnected and both subsystems exchange values resulting as expected with tight-coupling approach.When programming mathematical models of complex systems, code optimization is a key step in the process. A way to improve the overall performance of the integration, making use of C/C++ as an alternative programming language, is described and implemented. Although this entails a higher computational burden, it leads to important advantages regarding cosimulation speed and stability. In order to do this, it is necessary to integrate MATLAB with another integrated development environment (IDE), where C/C++ code can be generated and executed. In this project, C/C++ files are programmed in Microsoft Visual Studio and the interface between both IDEs is created by building C/C++ MEX file functions. These programs contain functions or subroutines that can be dynamically linked and executed from MATLAB. This process achieves reductions in simulation time up to two orders of magnitude. The tests performed with different integrators, also reveal the stiff character of the differential equations corresponding to the electrical subsystem, and allow the improvement of the cosimulation process. When varying the parameters of the integration and/or the initial conditions of the problem, the solutions of the system of equations show better dynamic response and stability, depending on the integrator used. Several integrators, with variable and non-variable step-size, and for stiff and non-stiff problems are applied to the coupled ODE system. Then, the results are analyzed, compared and discussed. From all the above, the project can be divided into four main parts: 1. Creation of the equation-based electric vehicle model; 2. Programming, simulation and adjustment of the electric vehicle model; 3. Application of co-simulation methodologies to MBS3D and the electric powertrain subsystem; and 4. Code optimization and study of different integrators. Additionally, in order to deeply understand the context of the project, the first chapters include an introduction to basic vehicle dynamics, current classification of hybrid and electric vehicles and an explanation of the involved technologies such as brake energy regeneration, electric and non-electric propulsion systems for EVs and HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles) and their control strategies. Later, the problem of dynamic modeling of hybrid and electric vehicles is discussed. The integrated development environment and the simulation tool are also briefly described. The core chapters include an explanation of the major co-simulation methodologies and how they have been programmed and applied to the electric powertrain model together with the multibody system dynamic model. Finally, the last chapters summarize the main results and conclusions of the project and propose further research topics. In conclusion, co-simulation methodologies are applicable within the integrated development environments MATLAB and Visual Studio, and the simulation tool MBS3D 2.0, where equation-based models of multidisciplinary subsystems, consisting of mechanical and electrical components, are coupled and integrated in a very efficient way.


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The moisture content and its spatial distribution has a great influence on the durability properties of concrete structures. Several non-destructive techniques have been used for the determination of the total water content, but moisture distribution is difficult to determine. In this paper impedance spectroscopy is used to study the water distribution in concrete samples with controlled and homogeneously distributed moisture contents. The technique is suitable for the determination of water distribution inside the sample, using the appropriate equivalent circuits. It is shown that using the selected drying procedures there is no change in the solid phase of the samples, although the technique can only be used for the qualitative study of variations in the solid phase when samples are too thick. The results of this work show that for a wide range of concrete percentages of saturation, from full to 18 % saturation, practically all the pores keep at least a thin layer of electrolyte covering their walls, since the capacitance measurement results are practically independent of the saturation degree.


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Conventional bioimpedance spectrometers measure resistance and reactance over a range of frequencies and, by application of a mathematical model for an equivalent circuit (the Cole model), estimate resistance at zero and infinite frequencies. Fitting of the experimental data to the model is accomplished by iterative, nonlinear curve fitting. An alternative fitting method is described that uses only the magnitude of the measured impedances at four selected frequencies. The two methods showed excellent agreement when compared using data obtained both from measurements of equivalent circuits and of humans. These results suggest that operational equivalence to a technically complex, frequency-scanning, phase-sensitive BIS analyser could be achieved from a simple four-frequency, impedance-only analyser.


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This paper reports the results of employing an artificial bee colony search algorithm for synthesizing a mutually coupled lumped-parameter ladder-network representation of a transformer winding, starting from its measured magnitude frequency response. The existing bee colony algorithm is suitably adopted by appropriately defining constraints, inequalities, and bounds to restrict the search space and thereby ensure synthesis of a nearly unique ladder network corresponding to each frequency response. Ensuring near-uniqueness while constructing the reference circuit (i.e., representation of healthy winding) is the objective. Furthermore, the synthesized circuits must exhibit physical realizability. The proposed method is easy to implement, time efficient, and problems associated with the supply of initial guess in existing methods are circumvented. Experimental results are reported on two types of actual, single, and isolated transformer windings (continuous disc and interleaved disc).


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This paper reports the results of employing an artificial bee colony search algorithm for synthesizing a mutually coupled lumped-parameter ladder-network representation of a transformer winding, starting from its measured magnitude frequency response. The existing bee colony algorithm is suitably adopted by appropriately defining constraints, inequalities, and bounds to restrict the search space and thereby ensure synthesis of a nearly unique ladder network corresponding to each frequency response. Ensuring near-uniqueness while constructing the reference circuit (i.e., representation of healthy winding) is the objective. Furthermore, the synthesized circuits must exhibit physical realizability. The proposed method is easy to implement, time efficient, and problems associated with the supply of initial guess in existing methods are circumvented. Experimental results are reported on two types of actual, single, and isolated transformer windings (continuous disc and interleaved disc).


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In this paper we report, to the best of our knowledge, the first experimental realization of distributed feedback (DFB) semiconductor lasers based on reconstruction-equivalent-chirp (REC) technology. Lasers with different lasing wavelengths are achieved simultaneously on one chip, which shows a potential for the REC technology in combination with the photonic integrated circuits (PIC) technology to be a possible method for monolithic integration, in that its fabrication is as powerful as electron beam technology and the cost and time-consuming are almost the same as standard holographic technology. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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Small signal equivalent circuit model of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL's) is given in this paper. The modulation properties of VCSEL are simulated using this model in Pspice program. The simulation results are good agree with experiment data. Experiment is performed to testify the circuit model.


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The principle aspects of passive intermodulation (PIM) characterisation in distributed printed circuits with cascaded lumped nonlinearities are presented. Mechanisms of PIM generations have been investigated experimentally and modelled using the formalism of X-parameters. The devised equivalent circuit models are applied to the analysis of microstrip lines with distributed and cascaded lumped sources of nonlinearity. The dynamic measurements have revealed that PIM generation rates in straight and meandered microstrip lines differ and significantly deviate from those expected for the respective discrete sources of nonlinearity. The obtained results indicate that multiple physical sources of nonlinearity contribute to PIM generation in printed circuits. Finally, it is demonstrated that the electrical discontinuities can have significant effect on the overall PIM response of the distributed passive circuits and cause PIM product leakage and parasitic coupling between isolated circuit elements.


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Les interneurones GABAergiques constituent une population mineure de cellules par rapport aux neurones glutamatergiques dans le néocortex. Cependant ils contrôlent fortement l'excitabilité neuronale, la dynamique des réseaux neuronaux et la plasticité synaptique. L'importance des circuits GABAergiques dans le processus fonctionnel et la plasticité des réseaux corticaux est soulignée par des résultats récents qui montrent que des modifications très précises et fiables des circuits GABAergiques sont associées à divers troubles du développement neurologique et à des défauts dans les fonctions cérébrales. De ce fait, la compréhension des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires impliquant le développement des circuits GABAergiques est la première étape vers une meilleure compréhension de la façon dont les anomalies de ces processus peuvent se produire. La molécule d’adhésion cellulaire neurale (NCAM) appartient à la super-famille des immunoglobulines de reconnaissance cellulaire et est impliquée dans des interactions homophiliques et hétérophiliques avec d’autres molécules. Même si plusieurs rôles de NCAM ont été démontrés dans la croissance neuronale, la fasciculation axonale, la formation et la maturation de synapses, de même que dans la plasticité cellulaire de plusieurs systèmes, le rôle de NCAM dans la formation des synapses GABAergiques reste inconnu. Ce projet visait donc à déterminer le rôle précis de NCAM dans le processus de maturation des synapses GABAergiques dans le néocortex, en modulant son expression à différentes étapes du développement. L’approche choisie a été de supprimer NCAM dans des cellules GABAergiques à paniers avant la maturation des synapses (EP12-18), pendant la maturation (EP16-24), ou durant le maintien de celles-ci (EP24-32). Les méthodes utilisées ont été le clonage moléculaire, l’imagerie confocale, la culture de coupes organotypiques et des techniques morphométriques de quantification de l’innervation GABAergique. Nos résultats montrent que l’inactivation de NCAM durant la phase de maturation des synapses périsomatiques (EP16-24) cause une réduction du nombre de synapses GABAergiques périsomatiques et du branchement de ces axones. En revanche, durant la phase de maintien (EP26-32), l’inactivation de NCAM n’a pas affecté ces paramètres des synapses GABAergiques. Or, il existe trois isoformes de NCAM (NCAM120, 140 et 180) qui pourraient jouer des rôles différents dans les divers types cellulaires ou à des stades développementaux différents. Nos données montrent que NCAM120 et 140 sont nécessaires à la maturation des synapses périsomatiques GABAergiques. Cependant, NCAM180, qui est l’isoforme la plus étudiée et caractérisée, ne semble pas être impliquée dans ce processus. De plus, l’inactivation de NCAM n’a pas affecté la densité des épines dendritiques ou leur longueur. Elle est donc spécifique aux synapses périsomatiques GABAeriques. Finalement, nos résultats suggèrent que le domaine conservé C-terminal KENESKA est essentiel à la maturation des synapses périsomatiques GABAergiques. Des expériences futures nous aiderons à mieux comprendre la mécanistique et les différentes voies de signalisation impliquées.


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The mixed-signal and analog design on a pre-diffused array is a challenging task, given that the digital array is a linear matrix arrangement of minimum-length transistors. To surmount this drawback a specific discipline for designing analog circuits over such array is required. An important novel technique proposed is the use of TAT (Trapezoidal Associations of Transistors) composite transistors on the semi-custom Sea-Of-Transistors (SOT) array. The analysis and advantages of TAT arrangement are extensively analyzed and demonstrated, with simulation and measurement comparisons to equivalent single transistors. Basic analog cells were also designed as well in full-custom and TAT versions in 1.0mm and 0.5mm digital CMOS technologies. Most of the circuits were prototyped in full-custom and TAT-based on pre-diffused SOT arrays. An innovative demonstration of the TAT technique is shown with the design and implementation of a mixed-signal analog system, i. e., a fully differential 2nd order Sigma-Delta Analog-to-Digital (A/D) modulator, fabricated in both full-custom and SOT array methodologies in 0.5mm CMOS technology from MOSIS foundry. Three test-chips were designed and fabricated in 0.5mm. Two of them are IC chips containing the full-custom and SOT array versions of a 2nd-Order Sigma-Delta A/D modulator. The third IC contains a transistors-structure (TAT and single) and analog cells placed side-by-side, block components (Comparator and Folded-cascode OTA) of the Sigma-Delta modulator.


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The objective of this paper is to present a methodology to analyze a transmission line model used in electromagnetic transitory simulators, called equivalent impedance test. Initially the definition of equivalent impedance reference test is shown. Soon after this methodology is applied to a transmission line model, the Quasi-Modes model. The studies were accomplished in a hypothetical non-transposed three-phase transmission fine of 440 kV. The line length is 500 km, and it was modeled through cascades of pi-circuits (with 50 pi's circuits, each with 10 km length).


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The aim of this paper is to present a simple method for determining the high frequency parameters of a three-phase induction motor to be used in studies involving variable speed drives with PWM three-phase inverters, in which it is necessary to check the effects caused to the motor by the electromagnetic interference, (EMI) in the differential mode, as well as in the common mode. The motor parameters determination is generally performed in adequate laboratories using accurate instruments, such as very expensive RLC bridges. The method proposed here consists in the identification of the motor equivalent electrical circuit parameters in rated frequency and in high frequency through characteristic tests in the laboratory, together with the use of characteristic equations and curves, shown in the references to be mentioned for determining the motor high frequency parasite capacitances and also through system simulations using dedicated software, like Pspice, determining the characteristic waveforms involved in the differential and common mode phenomena, comparing and validating the procedure through published papers [01].


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This paper describes a computational model based on lumped elements for the mutual coupling between phases in transmission lines without the explicit use of modal transformation matrices. The self and mutual parameters and the coupling between phases are modeled using modal transformation techniques. The modal representation is developed from the intrinsic consideration of the modal transformation matrix and the resulting system of time-domain differential equations is described as state equations. Thus, a detailed profile ofthe currents and the voltages through the line can be easily calculated using numerical or analytical integration methods. However, the original contribution of the article is the proposal of a time-domain model without the successive phase/mode transformations and a practical implementation based on conventional electrical circuits, without the use of electromagnetic theory to model the coupling between phases. © 2003-2012 IEEE.


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Computer aided design of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs) depends critically on active device models that are accurate, computationally efficient, and easily extracted from measurements or device simulators. Empirical models of active electron devices, which are based on actual device measurements, do not provide a detailed description of the electron device physics. However they are numerically efficient and quite accurate. These characteristics make them very suitable for MMIC design in the framework of commercially available CAD tools. In the empirical model formulation it is very important to separate linear memory effects (parasitic effects) from the nonlinear effects (intrinsic effects). Thus an empirical active device model is generally described by an extrinsic linear part which accounts for the parasitic passive structures connecting the nonlinear intrinsic electron device to the external world. An important task circuit designers deal with is evaluating the ultimate potential of a device for specific applications. In fact once the technology has been selected, the designer would choose the best device for the particular application and the best device for the different blocks composing the overall MMIC. Thus in order to accurately reproducing the behaviour of different-in-size devices, good scalability properties of the model are necessarily required. Another important aspect of empirical modelling of electron devices is the mathematical (or equivalent circuit) description of the nonlinearities inherently associated with the intrinsic device. Once the model has been defined, the proper measurements for the characterization of the device are performed in order to identify the model. Hence, the correct measurement of the device nonlinear characteristics (in the device characterization phase) and their reconstruction (in the identification or even simulation phase) are two of the more important aspects of empirical modelling. This thesis presents an original contribution to nonlinear electron device empirical modelling treating the issues of model scalability and reconstruction of the device nonlinear characteristics. The scalability of an empirical model strictly depends on the scalability of the linear extrinsic parasitic network, which should possibly maintain the link between technological process parameters and the corresponding device electrical response. Since lumped parasitic networks, together with simple linear scaling rules, cannot provide accurate scalable models, either complicate technology-dependent scaling rules or computationally inefficient distributed models are available in literature. This thesis shows how the above mentioned problems can be avoided through the use of commercially available electromagnetic (EM) simulators. They enable the actual device geometry and material stratification, as well as losses in the dielectrics and electrodes, to be taken into account for any given device structure and size, providing an accurate description of the parasitic effects which occur in the device passive structure. It is shown how the electron device behaviour can be described as an equivalent two-port intrinsic nonlinear block connected to a linear distributed four-port passive parasitic network, which is identified by means of the EM simulation of the device layout, allowing for better frequency extrapolation and scalability properties than conventional empirical models. Concerning the issue of the reconstruction of the nonlinear electron device characteristics, a data approximation algorithm has been developed for the exploitation in the framework of empirical table look-up nonlinear models. Such an approach is based on the strong analogy between timedomain signal reconstruction from a set of samples and the continuous approximation of device nonlinear characteristics on the basis of a finite grid of measurements. According to this criterion, nonlinear empirical device modelling can be carried out by using, in the sampled voltage domain, typical methods of the time-domain sampling theory.