959 resultados para Equity Portfolio with Equal Weights


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Free-radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate and styrene using conventional organic initiators in the room temperature ionic liquid, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([ C(4)mim][PF6]) is rapid and produces polymers with molecular weights up to 10x higher than from benzene; both polymerization and isolation of products were achieved without using VOCs, offering economic as well as environmental advantages.


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Fibre-Reinforced Plastics (FRPs) have been used in civil aerospace vehicles for decades. The current state-of-the-art in airframe design and manufacture results in approximately half the airframe mass attributable to FRP materials. The continual increase in the use of FRP materials over metallic alloys is attributable to the material's superior specific strength and stiffness, fatigue performance and corrosion resistance. However, the full potential of these materials has yet to be exploited as analysis methods to predict physical failure with equal accuracy and robustness are not yet available. The result is a conservative approach to design, but one that can bring benefit via increased inspection intervals and reduced cost over the vehicle life. The challenge is that the methods used in practice are based on empirical tests and real relationships and drivers are difficult to see in this complex process and so the trade-off decision is challenging and uncertain. The aim of this feasibility study was to scope a viable process which could help develop some rules and relationships based on the fundamental mechanics of composite material and the economics of production and operation, which would enhance understanding of the role and impact of design allowables across the life of a composite structure.


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Knowledge is an important component in many intelligent systems.
Since items of knowledge in a knowledge base can be conflicting, especially if
there are multiple sources contributing to the knowledge in this base, significant
research efforts have been made on developing inconsistency measures for
knowledge bases and on developing merging approaches. Most of these efforts
start with flat knowledge bases. However, in many real-world applications, items
of knowledge are not perceived with equal importance, rather, weights (which
can be used to indicate the importance or priority) are associated with items of
knowledge. Therefore, measuring the inconsistency of a knowledge base with
weighted formulae as well as their merging is an important but difficult task. In
this paper, we derive a numerical characteristic function from each knowledge
base with weighted formulae, based on the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence.
Using these functions, we are able to measure the inconsistency of the knowledge
base in a convenient and rational way, and are able to merge multiple knowledge
bases with weighted formulae, even if knowledge in these bases may be
inconsistent. Furthermore, by examining whether multiple knowledge bases are
dependent or independent, they can be combined in different ways using their
characteristic functions, which cannot be handled (or at least have never been
considered) in classic knowledge based merging approaches in the literature.


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Background: Lung clearance index (LCI) derived from sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) multiple breath washout (MBW) is a sensitive measure of lung disease in people with cystic fibrosis (CF). However, it can be time-consuming, limiting its use clinically. Aim: To compare the repeatability, sensitivity and test duration of LCI derived from washout to 1/30th (LCI1/30), 1/20th (LCI1/20) and 1/10th (LCI1/10) to ‘standard’ LCI derived from washout to 1/40th initial concentration (LCI1/40). Methods: Triplicate MBW test results from 30 clinically stable people with CF and 30 healthy controls were analysed retrospectively. MBW tests were performed using 0.2% SF6 and a modified Innocor device. All LCI end points were calculated using SimpleWashout software. Repeatability was assessed using coefficient of variation (CV%). The proportion of people with CF with and without abnormal LCI and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) % predicted was compared. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve statistics were calculated. Test duration of all LCI end points was compared using paired t tests. Results: In people with CF, LCI1/40 CV% (p=0.16), LCI1/30 CV%, (p=0.53), LCI1/20 CV% (p=0.14) and LCI1/10 CV% (p=0.25) was not significantly different to controls. The sensitivity of LCI1/40, LCI1/30 and LCI1/20 to the presence of CF was equal (67%). The sensitivity of LCI1/10 and FEV1% predicted was lower (53% and 47% respectively). Area under the ROC curve (95% CI) for LCI1/40, LCI1/30, LCI1/20, LCI1/10 and FEV1% predicted was 0.89 (0.80 to 0.97), 0.87 (0.77 to 0.96), 0.87 (0.78 to 0.96), 0.83 (0.72 to 0.94) and 0.73 (0.60 to 0.86), respectively. Test duration of LCI1/30, LCI1/20 and LCI1/10 was significantly shorter compared with the test duration of LCI1/40 in people with CF (p<0.0001) equating to a 5%, 9% and 15% time saving, respectively. Conclusions: In this study, LCI1/20 was a repeatable and sensitive measure with equal diagnostic performance to LCI1/40. LCI1/20 was shorter, potentially offering a more feasible research and clinical measure.


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In this thesis we consider Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with Fourier symbols in the class of almost periodic, semi-almost periodic and piecewise almost periodic functions. In the first place, we consider Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between L2 Lebesgue spaces with possibly different Fourier matrix symbols in the Wiener-Hopf and in the Hankel operators. In the second place, we consider these operators with equal Fourier symbols and acting between weighted Lebesgue spaces Lp(R;w), where 1 < p < 1 and w belongs to a subclass of Muckenhoupt weights. In addition, singular integral operators with Carleman shift and almost periodic coefficients are also object of study. The main purpose of this thesis is to obtain regularity properties characterizations of those classes of operators. By regularity properties we mean those that depend on the kernel and cokernel of the operator. The main techniques used are the equivalence relations between operators and the factorization theory. An invertibility characterization for the Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with symbols belonging to the Wiener subclass of almost periodic functions APW is obtained, assuming that a particular matrix function admits a numerical range bounded away from zero and based on the values of a certain mean motion. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between L2-spaces and with possibly different AP symbols, criteria for the semi-Fredholm property and for one-sided and both-sided invertibility are obtained and the inverses for all possible cases are exhibited. For such results, a new type of AP factorization is introduced. Singular integral operators with Carleman shift and scalar almost periodic coefficients are also studied. Considering an auxiliar and simpler operator, and using appropriate factorizations, the dimensions of the kernels and cokernels of those operators are obtained. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with (possibly different) SAP and PAP matrix symbols and acting between L2-spaces, criteria for the Fredholm property are presented as well as the sum of the Fredholm indices of the Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel and Wiener-Hopf minus Hankel operators. By studying dependencies between different matrix Fourier symbols of Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel operators acting between L2-spaces, results about the kernel and cokernel of those operators are derived. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between weighted Lebesgue spaces, Lp(R;w), a study is made considering equal scalar Fourier symbols in the Wiener-Hopf and in the Hankel operators and belonging to the classes of APp;w, SAPp;w and PAPp;w. It is obtained an invertibility characterization for Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel operators with APp;w symbols. In the cases for which the Fourier symbols of the operators belong to SAPp;w and PAPp;w, it is obtained semi-Fredholm criteria for Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators as well as formulas for the Fredholm indices of those operators.


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Il y a plusieurs manières de classer les fonds mutuels éthiques. L'une d'elles est de porter l'emphase sur le genre de croyances organisationnelles que nous pouvons retrouver dans ces fonds. Il y a des fonds mutuels éthiques dans lesquels nous pouvons identifier des croyances à orientation financière qui tentent d'expliquer ou de justifier les choix faits par les gestionnaires de ces fonds. Certains autres fonds mutuels éthiques sont plutôt caractérisés par leurs croyances à orientation sociale qui justifient leurs critères sociaux. Dans certains cas, les fonds mutuels éthiques ont les deux genres de croyances. Nous avons analysé ici trois fonds mutuels éthiques (Parnassus Equity Income Fund, Calvert Social Investment Fund Portfolio", "Domini Social Equity Fund") afin de voir si les fonds mutuels éthiques ayant des croyances à orientation financière et/ou sociale auraient une meilleure performance financière que le S & P 500. Nous avons trouvé que le fonds ayant la meilleure performance financière par rapport au S & P 500 était un fonds mutuel éthique ayant des croyances à orientation financière. Les deux autres fonds ayant des croyances à orientation sociale avaient une performance financière plus basse par rapport au S & P 500.


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La perforación del apéndice es una complicación temprana de la apendicitis aguda, demoras en el diagnóstico o tratamiento incrementan la tasa de perforación. Se desconoce si la perforación dl apéndice es un reflejo de inequidades sociales. Se pretendió determinar la asociación de la apendicitis aguda perforada en adultos y la equidad en acceso a salud. Estudio tipo cohorte retrospectivo documental, de historias clínicas de pacientes con apendicitis aguda; el análisis se realizó con Stata 11.1 y Epi-info. Los resultados se presentaron en tablas y figuras. Se incluyeron 540 casos (292 hombre y 248 mujeres), el grupo de edad que aporto más datos fue el de 18 a 49 años (391 pacientes); el tiempo medio de síntomas a consulta fue de 37,45 horas, y de 5,3 horas para el paso a cirugía desde el ingreso, fueron solicitadas 76 ecografías y 53 tomografías, 50 interconsultas a urología y 10 a ginecología hasta el diagnostico. El grupo de mayores de 49 años, el estrato socioeconómico tres y la tomografía fueron factores de riesgo independientes para perforación del apéndice. El análisis multivariado mostró asociación lineal entre el estrato socioeconómico y tiempo de síntomas al ingreso, tiempo para paso a cirugía, solicitud de ayudas diagnósticas e interconsultas, con buena significación estadística. La apendicitis aguda perforada en adultos, podría ser un indicador de inequidad en salud. Se requiere de estudios multi-céntricos, con mayor tiempo de evaluación y muestra para demostrar si el apéndice perforado es un trazador de inequidades en salud en Colombia.


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Aims:To analyze the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with adult polycystic kidney disease admitted to hemodialysis services in Northwestern Paraná state,Brazil. Methods: This was an observational, descriptive and retrospective longitudinal study. Medical records of patients with polycystic kidneys who initiated hemodialysis between 1995 and 2012, in four centers that treat patients of the coverage area of the 15th Regional Health Region of Paraná state where analyzed. Results:We found that 10.3% of hemodialysis patients had polycystic kidney disease as a leading cause of stage 5 of chronic kidney disease. The mean age of patients was 54.9±9.4 years (ranging between 27 and 74 years), with equal gender distribution and Caucasian predominance (72.9%). The average age of dialysis initiation was 50±10.2 years. The most common comorbidity was systemic hypertension (66.7%). Liver cyst was the main extra-renal manifestation (10.4%). Twenty-five percent of the patients required renal transplantation, and (22.9%) undergone nephrectomy. The most widely used classes of antihypertensive drugs were β-blockers (41.7%) and drugs that act on the renin-angiotensin system (31.3%), while 56.3% of patients were treated with recombinant human erythropoietin. Conclusions:This is a pioneering epidemiological study in Northwestern Paraná state. We found in this population a sociodemographic and clinical profile of adult polycystic kidney disease similar to that of North America and Europe, probably because the ethnic constitution of the sample was predominantly of Euro-descendants.


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The “case for real estate” in the mixed-asset portfolio is a topic of continuing interest to practitioners and academics. The argument is typically made by comparing efficient frontiers of portfolio with real estate to those that exclude real estate. However, most investors will have held inefficient portfolios. Thus, when analysing the real estate’s place in the mixed-asset portfolio it seems illogical to do so by comparing the difference in risk-adjusted performance between efficient portfolios, which few if any investor would have held. The approach adopted here, therefore, is to compare the risk-adjusted performance of a number of mixed-asset portfolios without real estate (which may or not be efficient) with a very large number of mixed-asset portfolios that include real estate (which again may or may not be efficient), to see the proportion of the time when there is an increase in risk-adjusted performance, significant or otherwise using appraisal-based and de-smoothed annual data from 1952-2003. So to the question how often does the addition of private real estate lead to increases the risk-adjusted performance compared with mixed-asset portfolios without real estate the answer is almost all the time. However, significant increases are harder to find. Additionally, a significant increase in risk-adjusted performance can come from either reductions in portfolio risk or increases in return depending on the investors’ initial portfolio structure. In other words, simply adding real estate to a mixed-asset portfolio is not enough to ensure significant increases in performance as the results are dependent on the percentage added and the proper reallocation of the initial portfolio mix in the expanded portfolio.


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The evaluation of investment fund performance has been one of the main developments of modern portfolio theory. Most studies employ the technique developed by Jensen (1968) that compares a particular fund's returns to a benchmark portfolio of equal risk. However, the standard measures of fund manager performance are known to suffer from a number of problems in practice. In particular previous studies implicitly assume that the risk level of the portfolio is stationary through the evaluation period. That is unconditional measures of performance do not account for the fact that risk and expected returns may vary with the state of the economy. Therefore many of the problems encountered in previous performance studies reflect the inability of traditional measures to handle the dynamic behaviour of returns. As a consequence Ferson and Schadt (1996) suggest an approach to performance evaluation called conditional performance evaluation which is designed to address this problem. This paper utilises such a conditional measure of performance on a sample of 27 UK property funds, over the period 1987-1998. The results of which suggest that once the time varying nature of the funds beta is corrected for, by the addition of the market indicators, the average fund performance show an improvement over that of the traditional methods of analysis.


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We revalidate the theraphosid genus Pterinopelma Pocock 1901, describe the female of P. vitiosum for first time and Pterinopelma sazimai sp. nov. from Brazil. These two species were included in a matrix with 35 characters and 32 taxa and were analyzed both with all characters having same weight and with implied weights. Searches considering all characters non-additive or some additive were also carried out. The preferred tree, obtained with implied weights, concavity 6 and all characters non-additive shows that Pterinopelma is a monophyletic genus sister to the clade Lasiodora (Vitalius + Nhandu). The presence of denticles on the prolateral inferior male palpal bulb keel is a synapomorphy of the genus.


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The genus Candida includes different species that have the potential to invade and colonize the human body and C. albicans is the most common cause of skin, nail and mucous infections. The increasing resistance against antifungal drugs has renewed the search for new treatment procedures and antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation (PDI) is a propitious candidate. Hypericin (HY) has several wanted properties to be used as a photosensitizer in this technique including a high quantum yield of singlet oxygen generation, a high extinction coefficient near 600 nm, and a relatively low dark toxicity. Although the phototoxicity of HY on several tumor cells has been reported, the data concerning its photoactivity on microorganisms are scarce. The aim of this study was to obtain the experimental parameters to achieve an acceptable selective hypericinphotoinactivation of two species of Candida comparing with fibroblasts and epithelial cells which are the constituents of some potential host tissues, such mucosas, skin and cavities. Microorganisms and cells were incubated with the same HY concentrations and short incubation time followed by irradiation with equal dose of light. The best conditions to kill just Candida were very low HY concentration (0.1-0.4 mu g ml(-1)) incubated by 10 min and irradiated with LED 590 nm with 6 J cm(-2).


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In this paper we use the modified and integrated version of the balloon model in the analysis of fMRI data. We propose a new state space model realization for this balloon model and represent it with the standard A,B,C and D matrices widely used in system theory. A second order Padé approximation with equal numerator and denominator degree is used for the time delay approximation in the modeling of the cerebral blood flow. The results obtained through numerical solutions showed that the new state space model realization is in close agreement to the actual modified and integrated version of the balloon model. This new system theoretic formulation is likely to open doors to a novel way of analyzing fMRI data with real time robust estimators. With further development and validation, the new model has the potential to devise a generalized measure to make a significant contribution to improve the diagnosis and treatment of clinical scenarios where the brain functioning get altered. Concepts from system theory can readily be used in the analysis of fMRI data and the subsequent synthesis of filters and estimators.


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This paper examines and analyzes different aggregation algorithms to improve accuracy of forecasts obtained using neural network (NN) ensembles. These algorithms include equal-weights combination of Best NN models, combination of trimmed forecasts, and Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). The predictive performance of these algorithms are evaluated using Australian electricity demand data. The output of the aggregation algorithms of NN ensembles are compared with a Naive approach. Mean absolute percentage error is applied as the performance index for assessing the quality of aggregated forecasts. Through comprehensive simulations, it is found that the aggregation algorithms can significantly improve the forecasting accuracies. The BMA algorithm also demonstrates the best performance amongst aggregation algorithms investigated in this study.


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Neural network (NN) is a popular artificial intelligence technique for solving complicated problems due to their inherent capabilities. However generalization in NN can be harmed by a number of factors including parameter's initialization, inappropriate network topology and setting parameters of the training process itself. Forecast combinations of NN models have the potential for improved generalization and lower training time. A weighted averaging based on Variance-Covariance method that assigns greater weight to the forecasts producing lower error, instead of equal weights is practiced in this paper. While implementing the method, combination of forecasts is done with all candidate models in one experiment and with the best selected models in another experiment. It is observed during the empirical analysis that forecasting accuracy is improved by combining the best individual NN models. Another finding of this study is that reducing the number of NN models increases the diversity and, hence, accuracy.