994 resultados para Equations, Multiple.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The code STATFLUX, implementing a new and simple statistical procedure for the calculation of transfer coefficients in radionuclide transport to animals and plants, is proposed. The method is based on the general multiple-compartment model, which uses a system of linear equations involving geometrical volume considerations. Flow parameters were estimated by employing two different least-squares procedures: Derivative and Gauss-Marquardt methods, with the available experimental data of radionuclide concentrations as the input functions of time. The solution of the inverse problem, which relates a given set of flow parameter with the time evolution of concentration functions, is achieved via a Monte Carlo Simulation procedure.Program summaryTitle of program: STATFLUXCatalogue identifier: ADYS_v1_0Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADYS_v1_0Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: noneComputer for which the program is designed and others on which it has been tested: Micro-computer with Intel Pentium III, 3.0 GHzInstallation: Laboratory of Linear Accelerator, Department of Experimental Physics, University of São Paulo, BrazilOperating system: Windows 2000 and Windows XPProgramming language used: Fortran-77 as implemented in Microsoft Fortran 4.0. NOTE: Microsoft Fortran includes non-standard features which are used in this program. Standard Fortran compilers such as, g77, f77, ifort and NAG95, are not able to compile the code and therefore it has not been possible for the CPC Program Library to test the program.Memory, required to execute with typical data: 8 Mbytes of RAM memory and 100 MB of Hard disk memoryNo. of bits in a word: 16No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 6912No. of bytes in distributed Program, including test data, etc.: 229 541Distribution format: tar.gzNature of the physical problem: the investigation of transport mechanisms for radioactive substances, through environmental pathways, is very important for radiological protection of populations. One such pathway, associated with the food chain, is the grass-animal-man sequence. The distribution of trace elements in humans and laboratory animals has been intensively studied over the past 60 years [R.C. Pendlenton, C.W. Mays, R.D. Lloyd, A.L. Brooks, Differential accumulation of iodine-131 from local fallout in people and milk, Health Phys. 9 (1963) 1253-1262]. In addition, investigations on the incidence of cancer in humans, and a possible causal relationship to radioactive fallout, have been undertaken [E.S. Weiss, M.L. Rallison, W.T. London, W.T. Carlyle Thompson, Thyroid nodularity in southwestern Utah school children exposed to fallout radiation, Amer. J. Public Health 61 (1971) 241-249; M.L. Rallison, B.M. Dobyns, F.R. Keating, J.E. Rall, F.H. Tyler, Thyroid diseases in children, Amer. J. Med. 56 (1974) 457-463; J.L. Lyon, M.R. Klauber, J.W. Gardner, K.S. Udall, Childhood leukemia associated with fallout from nuclear testing, N. Engl. J. Med. 300 (1979) 397-402]. From the pathways of entry of radionuclides in the human (or animal) body, ingestion is the most important because it is closely related to life-long alimentary (or dietary) habits. Those radionuclides which are able to enter the living cells by either metabolic or other processes give rise to localized doses which can be very high. The evaluation of these internally localized doses is of paramount importance for the assessment of radiobiological risks and radiological protection. The time behavior of trace concentration in organs is the principal input for prediction of internal doses after acute or chronic exposure. The General Multiple-Compartment Model (GMCM) is the powerful and more accepted method for biokinetical studies, which allows the calculation of concentration of trace elements in organs as a function of time, when the flow parameters of the model are known. However, few biokinetics data exist in the literature, and the determination of flow and transfer parameters by statistical fitting for each system is an open problem.Restriction on the complexity of the problem: This version of the code works with the constant volume approximation, which is valid for many situations where the biological half-live of a trace is lower than the volume rise time. Another restriction is related to the central flux model. The model considered in the code assumes that exist one central compartment (e.g., blood), that connect the flow with all compartments, and the flow between other compartments is not included.Typical running time: Depends on the choice for calculations. Using the Derivative Method the time is very short (a few minutes) for any number of compartments considered. When the Gauss-Marquardt iterative method is used the calculation time can be approximately 5-6 hours when similar to 15 compartments are considered. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the Boussinesq equation from the point of view of a multiple-time reductive perturbation method. As a consequence of the elimination of the secular producing terms through the use of the Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy, we show that the solitary-wave of the Boussinesq equation is a solitary-wave satisfying simultaneously all equations of the Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy, each one in an appropriate slow time variable. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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By considering the long-wavelength limit of the regularized long wave (RLW) equation, we study its multiple-time higher-order evolution equations. As a first result, the equations of the Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy are shown to play a crucial role in providing a secularity-free perturbation theory in the specific case of a solitary-wave solution. Then, as a consequence, we show that the related perturbative series can be summed and gives exactly the solitary-wave solution of the RLW equation. Finally, some comments and considerations are made on the N-soliton solution, as well as on the limitations of applicability of the multiple-scale method in obtaining uniform perturbative series.


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Dynamical properties for a beam light inside a sinusoidally corrugated waveguide are discussed in this paper. The beam is confined inside two-mirrors: one is flat and the other one is sinusoidally corrugated. The evolution of the system is described by the use of a two-dimensional and nonlinear mapping. The phase space of the system is of mixed type therefore exhibiting a large chaotic sea, periodic islands and invariant KAM curves. A careful discussion of the numerical method to solve the transcendental equations of the mapping is given. We characterize the probability of observing successive reflections of the light by the corrugated mirror and show that it is scaling invariant with respect to the amplitude of the corrugation. Average properties of the chaotic sea are also described by the use of scaling arguments.


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Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit besch¨aftige ich mich mit Differentialgleichungen von Feynman– Integralen. Ein Feynman–Integral h¨angt von einem Dimensionsparameter D ab und kann f¨ur ganzzahlige Dimension als projektives Integral dargestellt werden. Dies ist die sogenannte Feynman–Parameter Darstellung. In Abh¨angigkeit der Dimension kann ein solches Integral divergieren. Als Funktion in D erh¨alt man eine meromorphe Funktion auf ganz C. Ein divergentes Integral kann also durch eine Laurent–Reihe ersetzt werden und dessen Koeffizienten r¨ucken in das Zentrum des Interesses. Diese Vorgehensweise wird als dimensionale Regularisierung bezeichnet. Alle Terme einer solchen Laurent–Reihe eines Feynman–Integrals sind Perioden im Sinne von Kontsevich und Zagier. Ich beschreibe eine neue Methode zur Berechnung von Differentialgleichungen von Feynman– Integralen. ¨ Ublicherweise verwendet man hierzu die sogenannten ”integration by parts” (IBP)– Identit¨aten. Die neue Methode verwendet die Theorie der Picard–Fuchs–Differentialgleichungen. Im Falle projektiver oder quasi–projektiver Variet¨aten basiert die Berechnung einer solchen Differentialgleichung auf der sogenannten Griffiths–Dwork–Reduktion. Zun¨achst beschreibe ich die Methode f¨ur feste, ganzzahlige Dimension. Nach geeigneter Verschiebung der Dimension erh¨alt man direkt eine Periode und somit eine Picard–Fuchs–Differentialgleichung. Diese ist inhomogen, da das Integrationsgebiet einen Rand besitzt und daher nur einen relativen Zykel darstellt. Mit Hilfe von dimensionalen Rekurrenzrelationen, die auf Tarasov zur¨uckgehen, kann in einem zweiten Schritt die L¨osung in der urspr¨unglichen Dimension bestimmt werden. Ich beschreibe außerdem eine Methode, die auf der Griffiths–Dwork–Reduktion basiert, um die Differentialgleichung direkt f¨ur beliebige Dimension zu berechnen. Diese Methode ist allgemein g¨ultig und erspart Dimensionswechsel. Ein Erfolg der Methode h¨angt von der M¨oglichkeit ab, große Systeme von linearen Gleichungen zu l¨osen. Ich gebe Beispiele von Integralen von Graphen mit zwei und drei Schleifen. Tarasov gibt eine Basis von Integralen an, die Graphen mit zwei Schleifen und zwei externen Kanten bestimmen. Ich bestimme Differentialgleichungen der Integrale dieser Basis. Als wichtigstes Beispiel berechne ich die Differentialgleichung des sogenannten Sunrise–Graphen mit zwei Schleifen im allgemeinen Fall beliebiger Massen. Diese ist f¨ur spezielle Werte von D eine inhomogene Picard–Fuchs–Gleichung einer Familie elliptischer Kurven. Der Sunrise–Graph ist besonders interessant, weil eine analytische L¨osung erst mit dieser Methode gefunden werden konnte, und weil dies der einfachste Graph ist, dessen Master–Integrale nicht durch Polylogarithmen gegeben sind. Ich gebe außerdem ein Beispiel eines Graphen mit drei Schleifen. Hier taucht die Picard–Fuchs–Gleichung einer Familie von K3–Fl¨achen auf.


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The goal of this research is to provide a framework for vibro-acoustical analysis and design of a multiple-layer constrained damping structure. The existing research on damping and viscoelastic damping mechanism is limited to the following four mainstream approaches: modeling techniques of damping treatments/materials; control through the electrical-mechanical effect using the piezoelectric layer; optimization by adjusting the parameters of the structure to meet the design requirements; and identification of the damping material’s properties through the response of the structure. This research proposes a systematic design methodology for the multiple-layer constrained damping beam giving consideration to vibro-acoustics. A modeling technique to study the vibro-acoustics of multiple-layered viscoelastic laminated beams using the Biot damping model is presented using a hybrid numerical model. The boundary element method (BEM) is used to model the acoustical cavity whereas the Finite Element Method (FEM) is the basis for vibration analysis of the multiple-layered beam structure. Through the proposed procedure, the analysis can easily be extended to other complex geometry with arbitrary boundary conditions. The nonlinear behavior of viscoelastic damping materials is represented by the Biot damping model taking into account the effects of frequency, temperature and different damping materials for individual layers. A curve-fitting procedure used to obtain the Biot constants for different damping materials for each temperature is explained. The results from structural vibration analysis for selected beams agree with published closed-form results and results for the radiated noise for a sample beam structure obtained using a commercial BEM software is compared with the acoustical results of the same beam with using the Biot damping model. The extension of the Biot damping model is demonstrated to study MDOF (Multiple Degrees of Freedom) dynamics equations of a discrete system in order to introduce different types of viscoelastic damping materials. The mechanical properties of viscoelastic damping materials such as shear modulus and loss factor change with respect to different ambient temperatures and frequencies. The application of multiple-layer treatment increases the damping characteristic of the structure significantly and thus helps to attenuate the vibration and noise for a broad range of frequency and temperature. The main contributions of this dissertation include the following three major tasks: 1) Study of the viscoelastic damping mechanism and the dynamics equation of a multilayer damped system incorporating the Biot damping model. 2) Building the Finite Element Method (FEM) model of the multiple-layer constrained viscoelastic damping beam and conducting the vibration analysis. 3) Extending the vibration problem to the Boundary Element Method (BEM) based acoustical problem and comparing the results with commercial simulation software.


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Wording of problem 3: Isothermal plug flow reactor with multiple reactions.


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The McCabe-Thiele method is a classical approximate graphical method for the conceptual design of binary distillation columns which is still widely used, mainly for didactical purposes, though it is also valuable for quick preliminary calculations. Nevertheless, no complete description of the method has been found and situations such as different thermal feed conditions, multiple feeds, possibilities to extract by-products or to add or remove heat, are not always considered. In the present work we provide a systematic analysis of such situations by developing the generalized equations for: a) the operating lines (OL) of each sector, and b) the changeover line that provides the connection between two consecutive trays of the corresponding sectors separated by a lateral stream of feed, product, or a heat removal or addition.


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Studies have shown that increased arterial stiffening can be an indication of cardiovascular diseases like hypertension. In clinical practice, this can be detected by measuring the blood pressure (BP) using a sphygmomanometer but it cannot be used for prolonged monitoring. It has been established that pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a direct measure of arterial stiffening but its usefulness is hampered by the absence of non-invasive techniques to estimate it. Pulse transit time (PTT) is a simple and non-invasive method derived from PWV. However, limited knowledge of PTT in children is found in the present literature. The aims of this study are to identify independent variables that confound PTT measure and describe PTT regression equations for healthy children. Therefore, PTT reference values are formulated for future pathological studies. Fifty-five Caucasian children (39 male) aged 8.4 +/- 2.3 yr (range 5-12 yr) were recruited. Predictive equations for PTT were obtained by multiple regressions with age, vascular path length, BP indexes and heart rate. These derived equations were compared in their PWV equivalent against two previously reported equations and significant agreement was obtained (p < 0.05). Findings herein also suggested that PTT can be useful as a continuous surrogate BP monitor in children.


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In this paper we consider the exterior Neumann problem involving a critical Sobolev exponent. We establish the existence of two solutions having a prescribed limit at infinity.


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Implementation of a Monte Carlo simulation for the solution of population balance equations (PBEs) requires choice of initial sample number (N0), number of replicates (M), and number of bins for probability distribution reconstruction (n). It is found that Squared Hellinger Distance, H2, is a useful measurement of the accuracy of Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, and can be related directly to N0, M, and n. Asymptotic approximations of H2 are deduced and tested for both one-dimensional (1-D) and 2-D PBEs with coalescence. The central processing unit (CPU) cost, C, is found in a power-law relationship, C= aMNb0, with the CPU cost index, b, indicating the weighting of N0 in the total CPU cost. n must be chosen to balance accuracy and resolution. For fixed n, M × N0 determines the accuracy of MC prediction; if b > 1, then the optimal solution strategy uses multiple replications and small sample size. Conversely, if 0 < b < 1, one replicate and a large initial sample size is preferred. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 2394–2402, 2015


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A complex Ginzburg-Landau equation subjected to local and global time-delay feedback terms is considered. In particular, multiple oscillatory solutions and their properties are studied. We present novel results regarding the disappearance of limit cycle solutions, derive analytical criteria for frequency degeneration, amplitude degeneration, frequency extrema. Furthermore, we discuss the influence of the phase shift parameter and show analytically that the stabilization of the steady state and the decay of all oscillations (amplitude death) cannot happen for global feedback only. Finally, we explain the onset of traveling wave patterns close to the regime of amplitude death.


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2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35S05