681 resultados para Eosinophilic granuloma


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The induction of granuloma formation by soluble egg antigens (SEA) of Schistosoma mansoni is accompanied by T cell-mediated lymphokine production that regulates the intensity of the response. In the present study we have examined the ability of SDS-PAGE fractioned SEA proteins to elicit granulomas and lymphokine production in infected and egg-immunized mice. At the acute stage of infection SEA fractions (<21, 25-30, 32-38, 60-66, 70-90, 93-125, and > 200 kD) that elicited pulmonary granulomas also elicited IL-2, IL-4 lymphokine production. At the chronic stage a diminished number of fractions (60-66, 70-90, 93-125, and > 200 kD) were able to elicit granulomas with an overall decrease in IL-2, IL-4 production. Granulomas were elicited by larval-egg crossreactive and egg-specific fractions at both the acute and chronic stage of the infection. Examination of lymphokine production from egg-immunized mice demonstrated that as early as 4 days IL-2 was produced by spleen cells stimulated with <21, 32-38, 40-46, 93-125, and >200 kD fractions. By 16 days, IL-2production was envoked by 8 of 9 fractions. IL-4 production at 4 days in response to all fractions was minimal while at 16 days IL-4 was elicited with the < 21, 25-30, 50-56, 93-125, and > 200 kD fractions. The present study reveals differences in the range of SEA fractions able to elicit granulomas and IL-2, IL-4 production between acute and chronic stages of infection. Additionally, this study demonstrates sequential (IL-2 followed by IL-4) lymphokine production during the primary egg antigen response.


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Background and Aims: The international EEsAI study group is currently developing the first activity index specific for Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). None of the existing dysphagia questionnaires takes into account the consistency of the ingested food that considerably impacts the symptom presentation. Goal: To develop an EoE-specific questionnaire assessing dysphagia associated with different food consistencies. Methods: Based on patient chart reviews, an expert panel (EEsAI study group) identified internationally standardized food prototypes typically associated with EoE-related dysphagia. Food consistencies were correlated with EoE-related dysphagia, also considering potential food avoidance. This Visual Dysphagia Questionnaire (VDQ) was then tested, as a pilot, in 10 EoE patients. Results: The following 9 food consistency prototypes were identified: water, soft foods (pudding, jelly), grits, toast bread, French fries, dry rice, ground meat, raw fibrous foods (eg. apple, carrot), solid meat. Dysphagia was ranked on a 5-point Likert scale (0=no difficulties, 5=very severe difficulties, food will not pass). Severity of dysphagia in the 10 EoE patients was related to the eosinophil load and presence of esophageal strictures. Conclusions: The VDQ will be the first EoE-specific tool for assessing dysphagia related to internationally defined food consistencies. It performed well in a pilot study and will now be further evaluated in a cohort study including 100 adult and 100 pediatric EoE patients.


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Infection with Schistosoma mansoni induces humoral and T cell mediated responses and leads to delayed hipersensitivity that results in granulomatous inflamatory disease around the parasite eggs. Regulation of these responses resulting in a reduction in this anti-egg inflamatory disease is appsrently determined by idiotypic repertoires of the patient, associated with genetic background and multiple external factors. We have previously reported on idiotype/anti-idiotype-receptor transactions in clinical human schistosomiasis. These findings support a hypothesis that anti-SEA cross-reactive idiotypes develop in some patients during the course of a chronic infection and participate in regulation of anti-SEA cellular immune responses. We repport here on experiments wich extend those observations to the regulation of granulomatous hypersensitivity measured by an in vitro granuloma model. T cells from chronic intestinal schistosomiasis patients were stimulated in vitro with anti-SEA idiotypes and assayed in an autologous in vitro granuloma assay for modulation of granuloma formation. These anti-SEA idiotype reactive T cells were capable of regulating autologous in vitro granuloma formation. This regulatory activity, initiated with stimulatory anti-SEA idiotypic antibodies, was antigenically specific and was dependent on the present of intact (F(ab')2 immunoglobulin molecules. The ability to elicit this regulatory activity appears to be dose dependent and is more easily demonstrated in chronically infected intestinal patients or SEA sensitized individuals. These data support the hypothesis that anti-SEA cross reactive idiotypes are important in regulating granulomatous hypersensitivy in chronic intestinal schistosomiasis patients and these cross-reactive idiotypes appear to play a major role in cell-cell interactions which result in the regulation of anti-SEA cellular immune responses.


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A kinetic study of the cells present in the spleen of BALB/c mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni was carried out. The lymphocytes were evaluated phenotypically with monoclonal antibodies and the effect of splenectomy on the modulation of periovular granuloma was also investigated. The infected mice had proportional increases in the numbers of neutophils, plasma cells, macrophages and eosinophils in the spleen. The largest number of neutrophil, plasma cells and macrophage were found between the 8th and the 12th week of infection, while the amount of eosinophils were higher later on, around the 20th week. The lymphocytes phenotipically characterized as Thy 1.2, Lyt 1.2 (CD4) increased mildly in proportional numbers. However, the percentage of lymphocytes with the Lyt 2.2 (CD8) phenotype, which is characteristic of supressor and cytotoxic T cells, increased significantly with the progress of the disease. The numbers of B lymphocytes, which comprise 50% of the mononuclear cells present in the spleen, increased significantly till the 16th week they began to decrease. The mean diameters of periovular granulomas were comparatively similar in both experimental groups (splenectomized and non-splenectomized mice). However, the evolutive types of granuloma (exudative, intermediate and fibrous) in splenectomized mice were proprtionally different from those of non splenectomized mice in the 16th and 24th week of infection. It is inferred that lymphonodes or other secondary lymphoide organs, in the abscence of the spleen, assume a modulating action on periovular granulomas, although the evolution of the granulomas is somehow delayed in splenectomized mice.


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Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a clinicopathologic condition of increasing recognition and prevalence. In 2007, a consensus recommendation provided clinical and histopathologic guidance for the diagnosis and treatment of EoE; however, only a minority of physicians use the 2007 guidelines, which require fulfillment of both histologic and clinical features. Since 2007, the number of EoE publications has doubled, providing new disease insight. Accordingly, a panel of 33 physicians with expertise in pediatric and adult allergy/immunology, gastroenterology, and pathology conducted a systematic review of the EoE literature (since September 2006) using electronic databases. Based on the literature review and expertise of the panel, information and recommendations were provided in each of the following areas of EoE: diagnostics, genetics, allergy testing, therapeutics, and disease complications. Because accumulating animal and human data have provided evidence that EoE appears to be an antigen-driven immunologic process that involves multiple pathogenic pathways, a new conceptual definition is proposed highlighting that EoE represents a chronic, immune/antigen-mediated disease characterized clinically by symptoms related to esophageal dysfunction and histologically by eosinophil-predominant inflammation. The diagnostic guidelines continue to define EoE as an isolated chronic disorder of the esophagus diagnosed by the need of both clinical and pathologic features. Patients commonly have high rates of concurrent allergic diatheses, especially food sensitization, compared with the general population. Proved therapeutic options include chronic dietary elimination, topical corticosteroids, and esophageal dilation. Important additions since 2007 include genetic underpinnings that implicate EoE susceptibility caused by polymorphisms in the thymic stromal lymphopoietin protein gene and the description of a new potential disease phenotype, proton pump inhibitor-responsive esophageal eosinophila. Further advances and controversies regarding diagnostic methods, surrogate disease markers, allergy testing, and treatment approaches are discussed.


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Schistosomiasis is a disease whose pathology is strongly related to the granulomatous reaction formed around parasite eggs trapped in host tissues. Studies have shown that the chronic intestinal form (INT) of this infection is associated with a variety of immunoregulatory mechanisms which lead to a diminished granulomatous reaction. Using an in vitro model of granuloma reaction, we show that immune complexes (IC) isolated from sera of INT patients are able to reduce granulomatous reaction developed by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from acute (AC), INT and hepatosplenic (HE) patients to soluble egg antigen (SEA)-conjugated polyacrylamide beads (PB-SEA). This inhibitory activity is also observed in cell proliferation assay of PBMC from INT and HE patients stimulated with SEA and adult worm antigen (SWAP). Furthermore, IC isolated from sera of patients with different clinical forms of the disease are also able to suppress INT patients PBMC reactivity. Therefore, our results show that circulating IC present in sera of patients with different clinical forms of schistosomiasis may down-regulate PBMC reactivity to parasite antigens resulting in a diminished granuloma reaction to parasite eggs


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Granuloma size is the variable most frequently used to evaluate the immunopathogenesis of schistosome infections. However, hepatic fibrosis is at the least an equally relevant variable. Hepatic fibrosis and the size of circumoval granulomas are frequently dissociated in experimental murine Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum infections. Virtually nothing is known of the immunoregulation of schistosomal hepatic fibrosis. This review notes many of the studies which have found discrepancies in granuloma volume and hepatic fibrosis, attempts to put them in perspective and to evaluate different methods of calculating changes in collagen synthesis or content


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Allergen-induced bone marrow responses are observable in human allergic asthmatics, involving specific increases in eosinophil-basophil progenitors (Eo/B-CFU), measured either by hemopoietic assays or by flow cytometric analyses of CD34-positive, IL-3Ralpha-positive, and/or IL-5-responsive cell populations. The results are consistent with the upregulation of an IL-5-sensitive population of progenitors in allergen-induced late phase asthmatic responses. Studies in vitro on the phenotype of developing eosinophils and basophils suggest that the early acquisition of IL-5Ralpha, as well as the capacity to produce cytokines such as GM-CSF and IL-5, are features of the differentiation process. These observations are consistent with findings in animal models, indicating that allergen-induced increases in bone marrow progenitor formation depend on hemopoietic factor(s) released post-allergen. The possibility that there is constitutive marrow upregulation of eosinophilopoiesis in allergic airways disease is also an area for future investigation.


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Clinical and experimental investigations suggest that allergen-specific CD4+ T-cells, IgE and the cytokines IL-4 and IL-5 play central roles in initiating and sustaining an asthmatic response by regulating the recruitment and/or activation of airways mast cells and eosinophils. IL-5 plays a unique role in eosinophil development and activation and has been strongly implicated in the aetiology of asthma. The present paper summarizes our recent investigations on the role of these cytokines using cytokine knockout mice and a mouse aeroallergen model. Investigations in IL-5-/- mice indicate that this cytokine is critical for regulating aeroallergen-induced eosinophilia, the onset of lung damage and airways hyperreactivity during allergic airways inflammation. While IL-4 and allergen-specific IgE play important roles in the regulation of allergic disease, recent investigations in IL4-/- mice suggest that allergic airways inflammation can occur via pathways which operate independently of these molecules. Activation of these IL-4 independent pathways are also intimately associated with CD4+ T-cells, IL-5 signal transduction and eosinophilic inflammation. Such IL-5 regulated pathways may also play a substantive role in the aetiology of asthma. Thus, evidence is now emerging that allergic airways disease is regulated by humoral and cell mediated processes. The central role of IL-5 in both components of allergic disease highlights the requirements for highly specific therapeutic agents which inhibit the production or action of this cytokine.


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We summarize here the main characteristics of a novel model of pulmonary hypersensitivity. Mice were immunized with a subcutaneous implant of a fragment of heat solidified chicken egg white and 14 days later challenged with ovalbumin given either by aerosol or by intratracheal instillation. This procedure induces a persistent eosinophilic lung inflammation, a marked bone marrow eosinophilia, and Th2-type isotypic profile with histopathological findings that resemble human asthma. Further, this model is simple to perform, reproducible in different strains of mice, does not require adjuvants nor multiple boosters. Based on these characteristics we propose it as a suitable murine model of allergic eosinophilic lung inflammation.


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Eosinophils play a central role in the establishment and outcome of bronchial inflammation in asthma. Animal models of allergy are useful to answer questions related to mechanisms of allergic inflammation. We have used models of sensitized and boosted guinea pigs to investigate the nature of bronchial inflammation in allergic conditions. These animals develop marked bronchial infiltration composed mainly of CD4+ T-lymphocytes and eosinophils. Further provocation with antigen leads to degranulation of eosinophils and ulceration of the bronchial mucosa. Eosinophils are the first cells to increase in numbers in the mucosa after antigen challenge and depend on the expression of alpha 4 integrin to adhere to the vascular endothelium and transmigrate to the mucosa. Blockage of alpha4 integrin expression with specific antibody prevents not only the transmigration of eosinophils but also the development of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) to agonists in sensitized and challenged animals, clearly suggesting a role for this cell type in this altered functional state. Moreover, introduction of antibody against Major Basic Protein into the airways also prevents the development of BHR in similar model. BHR can also be suppressed by the use of FK506, an immunosuppressor that reduces in almost 100% the infiltration of eosinophils into the bronchi of allergic animals. These data support the concept that eosinophil is the most important pro-inflammatory factor in bronchial inflammation associated with allergy.


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The authors present morphogenetic and biomechanical approaches on the concept of the Schistosoma mansoni granulomas, considering them as organoid structures that depend on cellular adhesion and sorting, forming rearrangement into hierarchical concentric layers, creating tension-dependent structures, aiming to acquire round form, since this is the minimal energy form, in which opposing forces pull in equally from all directions and are in balance. From the morphogenetic point of view, the granulomas function as little organs, presenting maturative and involutional stages in their development with final disappearance (pre-granulomatous stages, subdivided in: weakly and/or initial reactive and exudative; granulomatous stages: exudative-productive, productive and involutional). A model for the development of granulomas was suggested, according to the following stages: encapsulating, focal histolysis, fiber production, orientation and compacting and involution and desintegration. The authors concluded that schistosomal granuloma is not a tangled web of individual cells and fibers, but an organized structure composed by host and parasite components, which is not formed to attack the miracidia, but functions as an hybrid interface between two different phylogenetic beings.


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This study was performed in order to define Schistosoma mansoni antigens able to function as modulator agents in BALB/c mice granulomatous hypersensitivity to parasite egg. The antigens P-24, P-35 and P-97 were purified by affinity chromatography from a fraction of S. mansoni adult worm antigenic preparation, denominated PIII, involved in the inhibition of granulomatous response to eggs. Immunization of mice with these antigens, in the presence of Corynebacterium parvum and Al(OH)3 as adjuvant, induced a significant protection degree against challenge infection, as observed by the decrease on worm burden recovered from portal system. In vitro blastogenesis assays revealed that purified antigens were able to induce significant proliferation of spleen cells from S. mansoni-infected mice. This protection was correlated to significant decrease in granuloma size induced by PIII. From these results, we concluded that PIII preparation contains antigens capable of mediating protective anti-parasite immunity and down-regulating granulomatous hypersensitivity to S. mansoni eggs.