897 resultados para Enzymatic pre-treatment


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Pre-treatment HCV quasispecies complexity and diversity may predict response to interferon based anti-viral therapy. The objective of this study was to retrospectively (1) examine temporal changes in quasispecies prior to the start of therapy and (2) investigate extensively quasispecies evolution in a group of 10 chronically infected patients with genotype 3a, treated with pegylated alpha 2a-Interferon and ribavirin. The degree of sequence heterogeneity within the hypervariable region 1 was assessed by analyzing 20-30 individual clones in serial serum samples. Genetic parameters, including amino acid Shannon entropy, Hamming distance and genetic distance were calculated for each sample. Treatment outcome was divided into (1) sustained virological responders (SVR) and (2) treatment failure (TF).Our results indicate, (1) quasispecies complexity and diversity are lower in the SVR group, (2) quasispecies vary temporally and (3) genetic heterogeneity at baseline can be used to predict treatment outcome. We discuss the results from the perspective of replicative homeostasis. We discuss the results from the perspective of replicative homeostasis.


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In this study, the effects of helium or a helium/oxygen mixture atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on the adsorption of chitosan onto the cotton fabric were investigated. Fabrics were treated with plasma prior to a chitosan finishing process, whereby fabrics were surface coated using a pad/dry/cure method. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, surface energy analyser and contact angle measurements were used to investigate the changes on the cotton surface. Furthermore, antimicrobial activity of the cotton fabric was evaluated. The results showed that plasma pre-treatment enhanced the chitosan adsorption to the cotton surface through physical bonding and there was weak evidence of chemical bonding interactions. A combination of plasma and chitosan treatment did not show any significant differences on the antimicrobial properties compared to chitosan only treated fabric. Plasma treatment changed the fibres physically and enhanced the surface energy and thickness of chitosan distributed on the fibres.


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Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibers have exceptionally higher specific strength and stiffness compared with other high-performance fibers. However, the interfacial adhesion and compressive performance of UHMWPE fiber-reinforced polymer composites (FPCs) are extremely low. The challenges are to achieve load transfer at the interface between the fiber and matrix at a molecular level. Here, we show that plasma pre-treatment of UHMWPE fibers followed by coating with polypyrrole (PPy) results in an 848% improvement in the interfacial adhesion and 54% enhancement in compressive performance. This method takes advantage of a toughening mechanism observed in spider silk and collagen, which the hydrogen bond power the load transfer. The results showed that these improvements of interfacial adhesion and compressive strength were attributed to hydrogen-bonding interactions between the plasma pre-treated UHMWPE and PPy, which improves the fiber-matrix-fiber load transfer process. In addition, the hydrogen-bonded PPy coatings also endowed durability electrical conductivity properties of the UHMWPE fiber.


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In this study, the physico-chemical effects occasioned by the cold plasma discharge (CPD) on the photo-decolorization of Reactive Orange 16 (RO16) by 3D fabrics (spacer fabrics) loaded with ZnO:TiO2 nano-photocatalysts (nphs) were optimized via response surface methodology (RSM). CPD was employed to improve the surface characteristics of the spacer fabrics for nphs loading. Surface morphology and color variation were studied utilizing scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and CIE-Lab system, respectively. The effect of CPD on the wetting ability of the spacer fabrics was examined using dynamic adsorption measurement (DAM). Also, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) was utilized to investigate the durability of the nphs on the spacer fabrics. All the experiments were implemented in a Box-Behnken design (BBD) with three independent variables (CPD treatment time, dye concentration and irradiation time) in order to optimize the decolorization of RO16. The anticipated values of the decolorization efficiency were found to be in excellent agreement with the experimental values (R2 = 0.9996, Adjusted R2 = 0.9992). The kinetic analysis demonstrated that the photocatalytic decolorization followed the Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic model. In conclusion, this heterogeneous photocatalytic process is capable of decolorizing and mineralizing azoic reactive dye in textile wastewater. Moreover, the results confirmed that RSM based on the BBD was a suitable method to optimize the operating conditions of RO16 degradation.


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The effect of microwave pre-treatment on the levels of total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins and individual major compounds as well as the total antioxidant activity of the dried lemon pomace was investigated. The results showed that microwave pre-treatment significantly affected all the examined parameters. The total phenolic content, total flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, as well as the total antioxidant activity significantly increased as the microwave radiation time and power increased (e.g., 2.5 folds for phenolics, 1.4 folds for flavonoids and 5.5 folds for proanthocyanidins), however irradiation more than 480 W for 5 min resulted in the decrease of these parameters. These findings indicate that microwave irradiation time and power may enhance higher levels of the phenolic compounds as well as the antioxidant capacity of the dried lemon pomace powder. However, higher and longer irradiation may lead to a degradation of phenolic compounds and lower the antioxidant capacity of the dried lemon pomace.


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Neste trabalho estudou-se a extracção supercrítica do óleo de grainha de uva, usando dióxido de carbono, e combinou-se este processo com um prétratamento enzimático da semente para aumentar o rendimento global da extracção. A qualidade dos extractos obtidos foi avaliada pelo seu conteúdo em triacilglicerídeos, perfil de ácidos gordos e capacidade antioxidante. Realizaram-se também alguns estudos exploratórios sobre a aplicação de um pré-tratamento de alta pressão (HPP) à grainha da uva. Adicionalmente, efectuou-se o estudo da extracção, fraccionamento e caracterização estrutural das procianidinas da grainha da uva, bem como a avaliação da sua capacidade antioxidante. A extracção de procianidinas da grainha da uva foi efectuada sequencialmente com metanol e acetona/água, tendo sido posteriormente fraccionadas por adição sucessiva de misturas metanol/clorofórmio progressivamente mais concentradas em clorofórmio. A caracterização das procianidinas foi feita por HPLC-UV e LC–MS, antes e depois de sujeitar as amostras a uma tiólise, e também por ESI-MS e ESI-MS/MS. Este estudo permitiu reportar, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de procianidinas do tipo-A galoiladas na grainha da uva. Os resultados de HPLC-UV permitiram determinar o grau médio de polimerização das procianidinas e a sua composição monomérica em (+)- catequina, (-)-epicatequina e (-)-epicatequina-O-galato. Mostrou-se que a (+)- catequina é o flavan-3-ol terminal mais abundante e a (-)-epicatequina predomina largamente como unidade de extensão. No caso de procianidinas do tipo A, a ligação interflavânica C2-C7 encontra-se essencialmente nas unidades terminais. O grau médio de polimerização das diversas fracções varia entre 1.0 e 10.8. A sua capacidade antioxidante, medida pelo método espectrofotométrico de DPPH•, mostrou-se ser equivalente à de uma amostra comercial de (+)-catequina usada como referência. A partir dos graus médios de polimerização experimentais e das análises de FTIR das fracções correspondentes foi possível obter um modelo preditivo O-PLS com apenas uma variável latente. O pré-tratamento enzimático justificou-se pelo conhecimento existente acerca do uso de enzimas específicas que destroem parcialmente as paredes celulares. Atendendo à composição das paredes celulares da grainha da uva preparou-se uma suspensão contendo protease, xilanase, pectinase e celulase. Para determinar as condições experimentais do pré-tratamento que maximizam o rendimento da extracção, estudou-se o efeito do tempo de reacção, temperatura, pH, diâmetro médio das partículas de grainha moída e a concentração das enzimas. Os incrementos do rendimento da extracção de óleo observados atingiram 163.2%. O estudo da extracção supercrítica (SFE) do óleo da grainha de uva tratada e não-tratada permitiu obter as curvas de extracção correspondentes, bem com analisar a influência das condições operatórias sobre o seu andamento. Montou-se uma instalação laboratorial onde se realizaram experiências com dióxido de carbono a 160, 180, 200 e 220 bar e temperaturas de 313.15 e 323.15 K. Os rendimentos obtidos por SFE foram semelhantes aos de Soxhlet com n-hexano. As curvas de extracção medidas compreendem um primeiro período de extracção, onde se remove cerca de 92-97% do óleo disponível, e um segundo período, essencialmente difusional, com pouco impacto no rendimento final. Os vários extractos recolhidos e o óleo global obtido foram caracterizados para avaliar a sua qualidade e relacioná-la com as condições operatórias de SFE. Determinaram-se o conteúdo total em triacilglicerídeos, o seu perfil de ácidos gordos e a capacidade antioxidante (AOC). Os resultados mostraram que a AOC aumenta com a elevação da pressão e, acentuadamente, com o acréscimo da temperatura. Ao longo da curva de extracção, a AOC é mais pronunciada nos extractos iniciais, nomeadamente nos primeiros 30 a 40% da extracção. A modelação efectuada considerou que o óleo extractável se reparte entre células rompidas, predominantes na periferia da semente, e células intactas, mais interiores. Admitiu-se que o transporte de massa ocorre em série, i.e. das células intactas para as rompidas e destas para o solvente; mostrou-se que a dispersão axial era desprezável. Os balanços materiais à fase fluida e aos volumes de células rompidas e intactas, combinados com os fluxos interno, externo e a relação de equilíbrio foram resolvidos numericamente pelo método das linhas combinado com diferenças finitas atrasadas. O modelo reproduziu bem as curvas experimentais e permitiu simular curvas de eluição e os três perfis de concentração no leito.


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O principal resíduo da indústria de café solúvel é a borra de café, gerada após a extração de sólidos solúveis com água, sendo usualmente queimada em caldeiras para geração de energia para a própria indústria. Entretanto, este co-produto pode conter de 15 a 20 % de óleo, componente de grande interesse na indústria alimentícia. Em paralelo, na indústria de produção de óleos vegetais o solvente frequentemente utilizado é o hexano. Contudo, por este ser um derivado de combustíveis fósseis, alternativas para sua substituição por solventes mais amigáveis ao meio ambiente, que podem ser obtidos por via biotecnológica, estão sendo estudadas. Deste modo, o objetivo principal desta dissertação de mestrado foi a viabilização técnica do emprego de solventes alcoólicos no processo de extração de óleo de borra de café proveniente da indústria de processamento de café solúvel. Foram realizadas extrações sólido-líquido em um estágio para estudar a influência das variáveis de processo temperatura (60 a 90 °C), tipo de solvente (etanol, ET ou isopropanol, IPA) e a hidratação do solvente (absoluto ou azeotrópico) nas características das fases extrato e rafinado, em termos de rendimento de extração de óleo, de ácidos clorogênicos (ACG), de carboidratos totais, teor de proteínas e índice de solubilidade de nitrogênio (ISN) da fase rafinado. Pré-tratamento enzimático ao processo de extração também foi realizado para investigar a sua atuação sobre o rendimento de extração de óleo e ACG, além do ISN das fases rafinado obtidas na temperatura de 70 °C. De forma geral, pode-se inferir que a temperatura favorece a extração de compostos lipídicos, mas a hidratação do solvente prejudica a extração destes compostos pelo aumento da polaridade do solvente. Do mesmo modo, como o ET é mais polar que o IPA, o primeiro solvente proporcionou a obtenção de menores rendimentos de extração de óleo. A temperatura de processo também influenciou a extração de ACG, a qual foi beneficiada a temperaturas mais baixas pelo aumento da polaridade dos solventes utilizados. De tal forma, que a 60 °C, nos experimentos utilizando etanol azeotrópico obteve-se os menores rendimentos de extração de óleo, porém maior rendimento de extração de ACG. O pré-tratamento enzimático apresentou diferenças significativas nas características das fases extrato e rafinado. No entanto, somente os experimentos com etanol absoluto resultaram em rendimentos de extração de óleo economicamente viáveis. De fato, será relevante um estudo mais aprofundado das variáveis de pré-tratamento enzimático para obter resultados mais expressivos em relação à extração de compostos lipídicos. Diante dos dados experimentais obtidos, conclui-se que é tecnicamente viável o emprego de solventes alcoólicos no processo de extração de óleo de borra de café. Entretanto, nota-se que as condições de processo devem ser avaliadas minuciosamente com o objetivo de se obter altos rendimentos de extração de óleo com maior teor de ACG.


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The tiger nut tuber of the Cyperus esculentus L. plant is an unusual storage system with similar amounts of starch and lipid. The extraction of its oil employing both mechanical pressing and aqueous enzymatic extraction (AEE) methods was investigated and an examination of the resulting products was carried out. The effects of particle size and moisture content of the tuber on the yield of tiger nut oil with pressing were initially studied. Smaller particles were found to enhance oil yields while a range of moisture content was observed to favour higher oil yields. When samples were first subjected to high pressures up to 700 MPa before pressing at 38 MPa there was no increase in the oil yields. Ground samples incubated with a mixture of α- Amylase, Alcalase, and Viscozyme (a mixture of cell wall degrading enzyme) as a pre-treatment, increased oil yield by pressing and 90% of oil was recovered as a result. When aqueous enzymatic extraction was carried out on ground samples, the use of α- Amylase, Alcalase, and Celluclast independently improved extraction oil yields compared to oil extraction without enzymes by 34.5, 23.4 and 14.7% respectively. A mixture of the three enzymes further augmented the oil yield and different operational factors were individually studied for their effects on the process. These include time, total mixed enzyme concentration, linear agitation speed, and solid-liquid ratio. The largest oil yields were obtained with a solid-liquid ratio of 1:6, mixed enzyme concentration of 1% (w/w) and 6 h incubation time although the longer time allowed for the formation of an emulsion. Using stationary samples during incubation surprisingly gave the highest oil yields, and this was observed to be as a result of gravity separation occurring during agitation. Furthermore, the use of high pressure processing up to 300 MPa as a pre-treatment enhanced oil yields but additional pressure increments had a detrimental effect. The quality of oils recovered from both mechanical and aqueous enzymatic extraction based on the percentage free fatty acid (% FFA) and peroxide values (PV) all reflected the good stabilities of the oils with the highest % FFA of 1.8 and PV of 1.7. The fatty acid profiles of all oils also remained unchanged. The level of tocopherols in oils were enhanced with both enzyme aided pressing (EAP) and high pressure processing before AEE. Analysis on the residual meals revealed DP 3 and DP 4 oligosaccharides present in EAP samples but these would require further assessment on their identity and quality.


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The purpose of this retrospective study was to associate the amount of keratinized gingiva present in adolescents prior to orthodontic treatment to the development of gingival recessions after the end of treatment. The sample consisted of the intra-oral photographs and orthodontic study models from 209 Caucasian patients with a mean age of 11.20 ± 1.83 years on their initial records and 14.7 ± 1.8 years on their final records. Patients were either Angle Class I or II and were submitted to non-extraction orthodontic treatment. Gingival recession was evaluated by visual inspection of the lower incisors and canines as seen in the initial and final study models and intra-oral photographs. The amount of recession was quantified using a digital caliper and the observed post-treatment gingival margin alterations were classified as unaltered, coronal migration of the gingival margin or apical migration of the gingival margin. The width of the keratinized gingiva was measured from the mucogingival line to the gingival margin on the pre-treatment photographs. The teeth that developed gingival recession and those that did not have their gingival margin position changed did not differ in relation to the initial amount of keratinized gingiva (3.00 ± 0.61 and 3.5 ± 0.86 mm, respectively). Paradoxically, teeth that presented a coronal migration of the gingival margin had a smaller initial amount of keratinized gingiva (2.26 ± 0.31 mm). The mean amount of initial keratinized gingiva did not predispose lower incisors and canines to gingival recession.


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Sugarcane bagasse was pretreated with ozone to increase lignocellulosic material digestibility. Bagasse was ozonated in a fixed bed reactor at room temperature, and the effect of the two major parameters, ozone concentration and sample moisture, was studied. Acid insoluble and total lignin decreased whereas acid soluble lignin increased in all experiments. Pretreatment barely attacked carbohydrates, with cellulose and xylan recovery rates being >92%. Ozonolysis increased fermentable carbohydrate release considerably during enzymatic hydrolysis. Glucose and xylose yields increased from 6.64% and 2.05%, for raw bagasse, to 41.79% and 52.44% under the best experimental conditions. Only xylitol, lactic, formic and acetic acid degradation compounds were found, with neither furfural nor HMF (5-hydroxymethylfurfural) being detected. Washing detoxification provided inhibitor removal percentages above 85%, increasing glucose hydrolysis, but decreasing xylose yield by xylan solubilization. SEM analysis showed structural changes after ozonization and washing. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Freeze drying technology can give good quality attributes of vegetables and fruits in terms of color, nutrition, volume, rehydration kinetics, stability during storage, among others, when compared with solely air dried ones. However, published scientific works showed that treatments applied before and after air dehydration are effective in food attributes, improving its quality. Therefore, the hypothesis of the present thesis was focus in a vast research of scientific work that showed the possibility to apply a pre-treatment and a post-treatment to food products combined with conventional air drying aiming being close, or even better, to the quality that a freeze dried product can give. Such attributes are the enzymatic inactivation, stability during storage, drying and rehydration kinetics, color, nutrition, volume and texture/structure. With regard to pre-treatments, the ones studied along the present work were: water blanching, steam blanching, ultrasound, freezing, high pressure and osmotic dehydration. High electric pulsed field was also studied but the food attributes were not explained on detailed. Basically, water and steam blanching showed to be adequate to inactivate enzymes in order to prevent enzymatic browning and preserve the product quality during long storage periods. With regard to ultrasound pre-treatment the published results pointed that ultrasound is an effective pre-treatment to reduce further drying times, improve rehydration kinetics and color retention. On the other hand, studies showed that ultrasound allow sugars losses and, in some cases, can lead to cell disruption. For freezing pre-treatment an overall conclusion was difficult to draw for some food attributes, since, each fruit or vegetable is unique and freezing comprises a lot of variables. However, for the studied cases, freezing showed to be a pre-treatment able to enhance rehydration kinetics and color attributes. High pressure pre-treatment showed to inactivate enzymes improving storage stability of food and showed to have a positive performance in terms of rehydration. For other attributes, when high pressure technology was applied, the literature showed divergent results according with the crops used. Finally, osmotic dehydration has been widely used in food processing to incorporate a desired salt or sugar present in aqueous solution into the cellular structure of food matrix (improvement of nutrition attribute). Moreover, osmotic dehydration lead to shorter drying times and the impregnation of solutes during osmose allow cellular strengthens of food. In case of post-treatments, puffing and a new technology denominated as instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) were reported in the literature as treatments able to improve diverse Abstract Effect of Pre-treatments and Post-treatments on Drying Products x food attributes. Basically, both technologies are similar where the product is submitted to a high pressure step and the process can make use of different heating mediums such as CO2, steam, air and N2. However, there exist a significant difference related with the final stage of both which can comprise the quality of the final product. On the other hand, puffing and DIC are used to expand cellular tissues improving the volume of food samples, helping in rehydration kinetics as posterior procedure, among others. The effectiveness of such pre and/or post-treatments is dependent on the state of the vegetables and fruits used which are also dependent of its cellular structure, variety, origin, state (fresh, ripe, raw), harvesting conditions, etc. In conclusion, as it was seen in the open literature, the application of pre-treatments and post-treatments coupled with a conventional air dehydration aim to give dehydrated food products with similar quality of freeze dried ones. Along the present Master thesis the experimental data was removed due to confidential reasons of the company Unilever R&D Vlaardingen


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Gambling help services typically evaluate treatment outcomes using self-reported responses and measurements. However, gamblers’ conceptualisations and prioritisations with respect to these measurements may shift over time. Thus, changes in the self-reported responses may not always reflect true change in the individuals. This study investigated for response shift in self-report measures of psychological distress and impairment in 293 help-seeking problem gamblers. We used confirmatory factor analysis to model data structures from pre-treatment to post-treatment. The findings indicated that a response shift had occurred. Two items became less important and one item became more important in measuring psychological distress. Measurement invariance was achieved for the complete set of items for impairment. These findings provide a more in-depth understanding of the nature of self-report outcomes in otherwise routinely collected data.


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Gambling help services typically evaluate treatment outcomes using self-reported responses and measurements. However, gamblers’ conceptualisations and prioritisations with respect to these measurements may shift over time. Thus, changes in the self-reported responses may not always reflect true change in the individuals. This study investigated for response shift in self-report measures of psychological distress and impairment in 293 help-seeking problem gamblers. We used confirmatory factor analysis to model data structures from pre-treatment to post-treatment. The findings indicated that a response shift had occurred. Two items became less important and one item became more important in measuring psychological distress. Measurement invariance was achieved for the complete set of items for impairment. These findings provide a more in-depth understanding of the nature of self-report outcomes in otherwise routinely collected data.