1000 resultados para Envolvimento dos professores


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A investigação sobre o bullying reconhece que este fenómeno está disseminado nas relações estabelecidas pelos alunos com o grupo de pares no ambiente escolar e o entendimento dos mecanismos subjacentes ao desenvolvimento das ações de bullying deve integrar uma perspetiva sistémica. Um aluno está a ser vítima de bullying quando este encontra-se exposto, repetidamente e ao longo do tempo a ações negativas realizadas por um ou mais estudantes causando dor e sofrimento na vítima. O envolvimento parental na escola pode beneficiar os alunos, os professores e as famílias correlacionando-se positivamente com o desempenho académico dos alunos. A finalidade do currículo escolar consiste na aquisição de competências e conhecimento fundamentais para o desenvolvimento das dimensões cognitivas, emocionais e sociais dos discentes. O presente estudo pretende analisar a relação entre os comportamentos de bullying na escola, o envolvimento parental na escola e o percurso curricular dos alunos de uma escola pública da Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM). A amostra é constituída por 270 alunos do 3º ciclo do ensino básico, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 18 anos. Para a avaliação dos fenómenos foram utilizados métodos mistos de investigação. Para a recolha de dados foram utilizados o Questionário para o Estudo da Violência entre os Pares de Freire, Simão, e Ferreira (2006) e as Escalas de Sucesso Escolar de Gouveia (2008). Na análise dos dados foram utilizadas as correlações, a regressão múltipla, e a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a prevalência do bullying na escola é relativamente baixa e que os rapazes são maioritariamente as vítimas e os agressores. Os resultados indicam que os alunos com um maior envolvimento em comportamentos de bullying apresentam perceções elevadas de envolvimento educativo parental e apenas os alunos agressores apresentam perceções reduzidas de apoio parental emocional. Verificou-se também que o envolvimento parental pode ser considerado um preditor do envolvimento dos alunos em comportamentos de bullying assim como as retenções escolares não predizem o envolvimento dos alunos neste tipo de comportamentos. Os resultados deste estudo fornecem pistas relevantes para a intervenção no fenómeno do bullying na escola integrando as escolas, as famílias, os alunos e as comunidades.


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This study focuses on processes of learning and professional development experienced by elementary school teachers who have students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Cases and case methods can be used as methodological resource to articulate the continued training of teachers in an inclusive perspective. This research-intervention adopted a constructive-collaborative model for continued teachers formation. The main objective was to investigate the possible contributions of teaching cases, while investigative and formative strategies, for the processes of learning and professional development of teachers who work in the regular school. The data were collected by means of analytical activities, drafting collective discussion and teaching cases, having eight teachers as participants in a regular public school, located in the municipality of Natal/RN, Brasil. The theoretical reference covers the inclusive education, teaching learning, teachers professional development, the knowledge base for teaching and teaching cases as a resource for continued teachers formation in an inclusive perspective. The results indicated that teaching cases allowed description and analysis of educational practices developed by regular education teachers and adoption of reflective processes about situations reported and on their own pedagogical actuation, achieving indications of changes. It also indicates the contribution of cases for the clarification, systematization and extension of professional knowledge about inclusive education process as well as for involvement by the teachers of the study in a pedagogical thinking process. The lessons learned are related mainly to own role as teachers of regular education, to the role of professional support and specialized institutions faced to school inclusion. The analyses showed the methodological option was suitable to develop a schoolcentric training process, allowing teachers to seek in their actual environment alternatives for construction of a new logic of teaching that encloses diversity. The conclusion is that the cases, while bringing educational situations closer to the reality experienced by teachers in their daily professional role, causes relevant improvement on teachers education, because it offers training in conjunction with the experience and knowledge that teachers already have


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This study focuses on processes of learning and professional development experienced by elementary school teachers who have students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Cases and case methods can be used as methodological resource to articulate the continued training of teachers in an inclusive perspective. This research-intervention adopted a constructive-collaborative model for continued teachers formation. The main objective was to investigate the possible contributions of teaching cases, while investigative and formative strategies, for the processes of learning and professional development of teachers who work in the regular school. The data were collected by means of analytical activities, drafting collective discussion and teaching cases, having eight teachers as participants in a regular public school, located in the municipality of Natal/RN, Brasil. The theoretical reference covers the inclusive education, teaching learning, teachers professional development, the knowledge base for teaching and teaching cases as a resource for continued teachers formation in an inclusive perspective. The results indicated that teaching cases allowed description and analysis of educational practices developed by regular education teachers and adoption of reflective processes about situations reported and on their own pedagogical actuation, achieving indications of changes. It also indicates the contribution of cases for the clarification, systematization and extension of professional knowledge about inclusive education process as well as for involvement by the teachers of the study in a pedagogical thinking process. The lessons learned are related mainly to own role as teachers of regular education, to the role of professional support and specialized institutions faced to school inclusion. The analyses showed the methodological option was suitable to develop a schoolcentric training process, allowing teachers to seek in their actual environment alternatives for construction of a new logic of teaching that encloses diversity. The conclusion is that the cases, while bringing educational situations closer to the reality experienced by teachers in their daily professional role, causes relevant improvement on teachers education, because it offers training in conjunction with the experience and knowledge that teachers already have


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During the latest years, the art of storytelling has received special attention from those who make education, art and culture. The storyteller is a singular person who manages to seduce itself and its listeners, by involving them in an atmosphere of pleasure and complicity, dodging situations, space and time, providing delight, stimulating creativity, daydreaming and imagination. This is a study developed with storyteller teachers that takes as its starting point the need to change the landscape of education, which seeks to emphasize the affirmation of embodiment of the teacher, so that it participates in a creative self-dynamic and the context in which they live. In addition , the following purposes accompanied the study : education - liberating practice and human development ; corporality - radiant , first and main focus of educational criteria; playfulness - a human dimension ; autopoiese - as an organization of human beings that produces and continuously transforms itself; flow experience concerns the feeling of full involvement in the activity , the psychic energy toward something that is being produced or performed , something that brings us pleasure , happiness and profound sense of well being. As general objective of the study we analysed the humanescent self-formation and its ludopoiética nature in storyteller teachers from humanescent workshops developed in a state school in Natal / RN. In view of the overall objective , we developed the following specific objectives : to identify the ludopoiéticas properties of self-worth , self-connectivity , self-territoriality , autotelia and self realization present in the life of storyteller teachers and the changes in the school environment, from the development of humanescent workshops; reveal the nature of humanescent self-training in storyteller teachers lives. The investigated group had the participation of eight teachers, and had the Escola Estadual Potiguassu as environment for the research. This is a descriptive study, understood as an action-research , developed with basis in the fundamentals and ethnomethodological principles , which used eight humanescents workshops , developed in the context of humanescent experiential pedagogy in conjunction with participant observation .The analyzes were focused on the chosen categories for the study : self-worth , self-connectivity , self-territoriality , autotelia and self-, indexicality and reflexivity . In terms of conclusions, we noted that the properties of ludopoiese were unveiled in the lives of the teachers by providing changes in their ways of being and living together. The teachers have become more creative and intensely began to experience their own life, social life, as well as its meaning. The struggle for a more cheerful and happy school was another important development highlighted in the reports of the teachers, also observing that there was a significant improvement in the reduction of violence in the school environment. Thus, we emphasize that the teachers began to recognize themselves like being ludic, playing with the beauty of storytelling and life


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In this study we analyzed the development of a teaching experience, involving students with a bachelor s degree in mathematics from UFRN, based on the history of mathematics and mathematical investigations with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the teaching-learning of mathematics. The historical investigation tasks were planned and applied in the classroom, focusing on functional thought. The results obtained during the experience were described and evaluated based on authors who support the assumption of investigation and history as an alternative to the learning of mathematics. We emphasize that the material of analysis consisted of a work diary, audio recordings, questionnaires with testimony of the students involved, and, in addition, the assessment of the teacher of that subject. With regard to the mathematical content, the study was restricted to the concept of function, forms of representation and notation. It was evident that students showed great improvement with regard to the necessary formalization of the mathematical contents which were focused on, and to the active involvement of the students at different stages of the study. We can affirm that the completed study certainly represents significant contributions to an approach in the teaching-learning of functional thought


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A current worry in the teaching process at the university these days is text production process and genres produced there, especially those kind of writing that is concerned to course conclusion such as monograph, dissertation and thesis. From this perspective and considering our aims at understanding discursive process involved in the production of monograph genre at the university we want to analyze teachers and students discourses about the productive process of monograph in Letras Course, considering the guide, writing and specific aspects of that genre. To get the aims, we took as background theory the studies by Bakhtin linked to Utterance Linguistics with foundation concepts in Discourse Text Analysis by Adam (2010), and finally the studies developed about text production at college. This way, this work is based on a qualitative research and in data ethnographic procedures, they are: the observation in locus, as well as the application of questionnaires with opened questions to ten students and six teachers from Letras Course. The discourse analysis from the subjects reveal us that: i) the monograph production and the guidance are form of act by language, that need take into account in its development: students free chose as a principle in writing monograph, as well as a wide involvement between the teacher and the student in a sense to turn the writing better, among other aspects; (ii) there is a need to articulate monograph project and the text produced, considering that the guide process comes from a project written before; (iii) there are a number of role to discourses by teachers and students to the function of student and guide teacher, in a way that both can see the same assumptions in teachers and students discourses; (iv) teacher s and students discourses show that they assume the utterance responsibilities by the content of utterances proposed, they also show the voice from methodology guidebooks to monograph texts. So, we conclude that this research has some contributions to teach writing production at the university, especially to monograph in the ending of the courses. It can also be helpful in developing research in this area, mainly at the question about guide final works at college


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The school is the social place which should provide the formation of critical readers. In this context, the role of the teacher is crucial when it comes to teaching reading. Thus, this doctoral research aims to explicit the reading practices evidenced from social voices of teachers and Fundamental School students from state public schools at RN that have successful results, according to IDEB 2009. Moreover, we seek to explicit, through the positions of teachers, the conceptions of reading underlying their reading activities, as well as elucidate the social voices related to teaching of reading that are present in the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School and in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of the educational institutions investigated. In order to accomplish this goal, we carried out observations in the classroom, applied questionnaires with teachers and students in the 9th grade of Fundamental School, in classes of Portuguese Language, and also performed dialogical meetings with the management and pedagogics schools teams. The theoretical foundation that guides the research comes from bakhtinian thinking (2009, 2010), which addresses the dialogical perspective of language and active responsive comprehension. Furthermore, this work is anchored in theoretical reflections of Antunes (2005, 2009) and Geraldi (2003, 2006, 2010) about the reading and writing in the country, which contribute to the resizing of the teaching and learning process of Portuguese Language. This study belongs to the field of Applied Linguistics, which investigates language as social practice in the context of learning mother language or in contexts where relevant questions about the use of language are evidenced. The parameters of qualitative research in a social-historic perspective are adopted seeking to understand the school context by the subjects involved in research. The research corpus is composed of: (i) information constructed through the use of questionnaires with teachers and students; (ii) information constructed from the observed lesson and dialogue with management and pedagogical teams; (iii) a set of selected information, i.e., empiricism built through documentary analysis of the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School (CONSELHO NACIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO, 2010) and the Political- Pedagogical Projects of the investigated schools. The analysis of the sayings of teachers and students suggest reading practices from various texts, in particular, from the literary sphere, in activities involving discussions, reading and reading comprehension exercises, interviews, songs, seminars organizations, concerts, dramatizations, literary weeks, among other practices. Furthermore, these analyses reveal that teach Portuguese Language requires commitment, responsibility and satisfaction, as well as more grounded theoretical principles, which make teaching practice more efficient. The research also reveals that the success of the teaching-learning process occurs by virtue of the involvement of school s segments in the educational process, creating therefore a network of responsibilities. In this sense, this research may contribute to the production of knowledge that can guide and enrich the teaching and learning of reading, envisioning a pedagogical practice constructed from the relationship with the other, i.e., from the dialogism which provides formation of young people that exercise their citizenship


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Neste trabalho tenho como perspectiva, contribuir para a discussão da formação continuada de professores centrada na escola, tendo como lócus de pesquisa a Escola Cidade de Emaús, em Belém/Pa. Com o objetivo de conhecer o processo de formação continuada realizado nesta escola analiso documentos primários da Instituição, que tratam de sua filosofia, do estatuto social da entidade mantenedora, do projeto político-pedagógico, dentre outros e entrevistas com 06 professoras trabalhadoras dessa experiência que passaram a participar do espaço escolar no decorrer do período considerado, nas quais se inclui autora e suas próprias memórias. Para a reconstituição do processo utilizei a pesquisa narrativa, buscando evidenciar a experiência sócio-pedagógica implantada desde a década de 1980 que se configura, desde então, como uma outra/nova proposta educacional até 2003. Foi considerado para o estudo do processo os seguintes eixos de análise: a organização de espaços e tempos escolares e as ações formativas na escola, considerado aí o trabalho coletivo, a produção de materiais didáticos, o envolvimento político-social e as atividades realizadas no/com o bairro. Discuto os avanços e limitações da formação continuada de professores centrada na escola e busco apontar caminhos para a construção do professor necessário à proposta de um projeto políticopedagógico pensado para esse espaço educativo, que procura, ainda, aliar competência técnica ao compromisso político. Essa formação deve assegurar a permanente reafirmação e avaliação da filosofia assumida pela escola, bem como toda fundamentação teórico-científica do trabalho ali desenvolvido, concretizando as ações a partir da própria vivência de um trabalho coletivo. Essa formação, portanto, adquire um caráter imprescindível dentro da comunidade escolar. Penso, inclusive, que a partir de um projeto político-pedagógico internalizado, de fato, pelos diversos segmentos de uma instituição escolar haja maior condição para que se construa um eixo central para a formação continuada de professores, que são apenas parte integrante de um corpo de pessoas que devem concorrer para a mesma finalidade. Acredito que a escola possuidora de um projeto político-pedagógico, obriga-se à necessidade de formação dos recursos humanos responsáveis por seu desenvolvimento.


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O Aprendizado Baseado em Problemas (ABP) é apontado como ferramenta importante para ensinar os alunos a aprender por si mesmos. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar de que forma a ABP pode contribuir para a formação de professores. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso dedicado a avaliar o uso da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas em Curso de Férias direcionado à redescoberta da anatomia e fisiologia de animais com estilos de vida contrastantes. Participaram do estudo alunos e professores do Ensino Médio, alunos do Ensino Superior do Curso de Licenciatura em Biologia e monitores alunos do Curso de Medicina. Foram feitas análises qualitativas e quantitativas a partir dos dados obtidos por questionários e entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas com alunos, professores e monitores. Os resultados das análises revelaram que ela contribui definitivamente para a formação do professor reflexivo assim como promove maior envolvimento e motivação dos alunos e professores com o curso assim como para a possibilidade de sua utilização imediata no ensino médio e superior na Amazônia, a despeito das restrições atuais de infraestrutura.


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Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa na modalidade narrativa, que se baseia nas experiências de formação de professores de Ciências e Matemática a distância na Amazônia, vividas no contexto de um curso via Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA). Objetivo investigar em que termos essa experiência formativa é catalisadora de reflexões docentes sobre o contexto amazônico de ensino de Ciências e Matemática e que outras aprendizagens resultantes dessa formação repercutem em percepções diferenciadas da prática docente desta área específica no ensino fundamental. Foram nove os sujeitos envolvidos na investigação, os quais foram selecionados segundo os critérios: serem professores-alunos, oriundos do curso de Especialização em Educação em Ciências e Matemática do Programa EDUCIMAT, que ensinam/ensinaram Ciências e Matemática; mantiveram um elevado nível de envolvimento nas interações ocorridas no AVA; expressaram ideias completas de modo reflexivo. Como instrumento investigativo, optei por ouvir depoimentos dos sujeitos por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, que foram gravadas em áudio e, posteriormente, transcritas. Além das entrevistas, lancei mão de meu diário de campo como fonte de informação, que foi construído ao longo da pesquisa por meio de percepções sobre os sujeitos e seus contextos, além dos registros de ocorrências diversas no âmbito da pesquisa. Buscando produzir novas compreensões das narrativas investigadas, aproprio-me da Análise Textual Discursiva como metodologia de análise do material empírico. Assim, ao sistematizar as manifestações dos sujeitos, levando em consideração as recorrências e as singularidades, tais análises deram forma a três eixos temáticos, que trato nesta investigação, assumindo os seguintes títulos: i) Formar-se no contexto amazônico: obstáculos e enfrentamentos; ii) Tecnologias e AVA: sentido(s) da experiência formativa; e iii) As repercussões da experiência nas percepções da prática e da formação docente. A análise dos resultados revela as dificuldades de acesso à formação, à informação, às tecnologias e aos municípios no interior da Amazônia, além do fator custo, como enfrentamentos para formar-se nesse contexto. Além disso, os sujeitos revelam que, ao trocarem, experimentarem e interagirem no AVA, atribuíram sentidos de autoconhecimento apontando indicativos para a (re)invenção de si, de constituição docente num mundo marcado pelos avanços tecnológicos e de superação no uso das tecnologias que surpreendem e (trans)formam. Ainda como resultado das análises, os sujeitos anunciam conhecimentos elaborados por meio da experiência formativa que incidem em outras/novas percepções de suas práticas educativas: a utilização de tecnologias de informação e comunicação como possíveis ferramentas pedagógicas, além da interatividade, troca de experiências e diálogo em situações de ensino. O AVA, sendo percebido pelos sujeitos como um dos recursos incorporados pela formação docente a distância, apresenta-se como oportunidade de contínua formação tecida pela diversidade de ideias e como forma de aproximar-se das tecnologias educacionais frente às dificuldades na região, expressas pelos próprios sujeitos.


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Tendo como objeto de investigação o saber docente, foi desenvolvida a presente pesquisa, que buscando relações entre o envolvimento do professor com experiências de Modelagem Matemática e seu respectivo desenvolvimento profissional, focalizou as percepções do professor sobre as repercussões desse envolvimento nas ações docentes. Participaram dessa pesquisa nove professores que se envolveram com experiências de Modelagem para o ensino da Matemática, a partir de cursos de formação continuada e do estágio da graduação. Os dados referentes à pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e inspiração fenomenológica foram originados e construídos a partir das descrições dos professores acerca de como percebem as mudanças ocorridas em suas práticas de sala de aula, após envolvimento com Modelagem. A análise dos dados por meio das relações entre o quadro teórico da Modelagem, dos Saberes Docentes de Tardif e Gauthier e da sociologia fenomenológica de Schütz revelou que os professores percebem as repercussões de seu envolvimento com experiências de Modelagem Matemática em seus saberes docentes, que se resumem na incorporação de características desse processo em situações de ensino na prática cotidiana. O professor ao questionar o ensino tradicional da Matemática e perceber as repercussões do processo de Modelagem nas atitudes dos alunos, cria as condições favoráveis ao movimento das experiências docentes com Modelagem Matemática para as práticas de sala de aula.