831 resultados para Environment impact


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Este trabalho propõe-se a mostrar a Responsabilidade Social como uma vantagem competitiva, bem como uma ferramenta estratégica vital para a sobrevivência das empresas em um cenário de rápidas e constantes mudanças. A ressaltar que, a partir do processo de globalização, com a pseudofusão das culturas, muitas empresas viram-se, de uma hora para outra, inseridas em um ambiente extremamente competitivo e aguerrido, onde velhas práticas tiveram que ser abandonadas, porque o cliente, antes jogado à própria sorte, tornou-se rei . Isto é, soberano nas suas escolhas e a razão de ser de uma empresa. Para abalizar as informações prestadas, far-se-á o estudo comparativo de caso, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa descritiva, entre a Volkswagen Brasil empresa de origem alemã, instalada há mais de 50 anos no país e que detinha a liderança absoluta do mercado até o início do século XXI mas que a perdeu para a Fiat Automóveis de origem italiana, instalada há pouco mais de 30 anos, na cidade mineira de Betim e que conseguiu reverter uma imagem negativa perante os consumidores, tendo como uma das suas ações, a Responsabilidade Social como ferramenta estratégica e motivacional do seu público interno, numa clara cultura social . Enquanto que, recentemente, a Volkswagen enfrentou um longo e desgastante processo de negociação sindical em face do processo de demissão de milhares de empregados por carta da sua unidade de São Bernardo do Campo, o que pôs em xeque as suas práticas e a sua efetiva preocupação com o social. A Pesquisa IPEA de Indicadores Sociais, na sua segunda edição, é elemento norteador do trabalho desenvolvido que traz como principais revelações: a Responsabilidade Social no Brasil ainda é incipiente, está em processo de gestação a ISO 26001, a preocupação ambiental alastra-se por todo o planeta e os gestores, antes atentos quase que exclusivamente ao lucro, passam a ser cobrados pelos possíveis impactos socioambientais de suas decisões no presente.(AU)


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Este trabalho propõe-se a mostrar a Responsabilidade Social como uma vantagem competitiva, bem como uma ferramenta estratégica vital para a sobrevivência das empresas em um cenário de rápidas e constantes mudanças. A ressaltar que, a partir do processo de globalização, com a pseudofusão das culturas, muitas empresas viram-se, de uma hora para outra, inseridas em um ambiente extremamente competitivo e aguerrido, onde velhas práticas tiveram que ser abandonadas, porque o cliente, antes jogado à própria sorte, tornou-se rei . Isto é, soberano nas suas escolhas e a razão de ser de uma empresa. Para abalizar as informações prestadas, far-se-á o estudo comparativo de caso, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa descritiva, entre a Volkswagen Brasil empresa de origem alemã, instalada há mais de 50 anos no país e que detinha a liderança absoluta do mercado até o início do século XXI mas que a perdeu para a Fiat Automóveis de origem italiana, instalada há pouco mais de 30 anos, na cidade mineira de Betim e que conseguiu reverter uma imagem negativa perante os consumidores, tendo como uma das suas ações, a Responsabilidade Social como ferramenta estratégica e motivacional do seu público interno, numa clara cultura social . Enquanto que, recentemente, a Volkswagen enfrentou um longo e desgastante processo de negociação sindical em face do processo de demissão de milhares de empregados por carta da sua unidade de São Bernardo do Campo, o que pôs em xeque as suas práticas e a sua efetiva preocupação com o social. A Pesquisa IPEA de Indicadores Sociais, na sua segunda edição, é elemento norteador do trabalho desenvolvido que traz como principais revelações: a Responsabilidade Social no Brasil ainda é incipiente, está em processo de gestação a ISO 26001, a preocupação ambiental alastra-se por todo o planeta e os gestores, antes atentos quase que exclusivamente ao lucro, passam a ser cobrados pelos possíveis impactos socioambientais de suas decisões no presente.(AU)


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Este trabalho propõe-se a mostrar a Responsabilidade Social como uma vantagem competitiva, bem como uma ferramenta estratégica vital para a sobrevivência das empresas em um cenário de rápidas e constantes mudanças. A ressaltar que, a partir do processo de globalização, com a pseudofusão das culturas, muitas empresas viram-se, de uma hora para outra, inseridas em um ambiente extremamente competitivo e aguerrido, onde velhas práticas tiveram que ser abandonadas, porque o cliente, antes jogado à própria sorte, tornou-se rei . Isto é, soberano nas suas escolhas e a razão de ser de uma empresa. Para abalizar as informações prestadas, far-se-á o estudo comparativo de caso, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa descritiva, entre a Volkswagen Brasil empresa de origem alemã, instalada há mais de 50 anos no país e que detinha a liderança absoluta do mercado até o início do século XXI mas que a perdeu para a Fiat Automóveis de origem italiana, instalada há pouco mais de 30 anos, na cidade mineira de Betim e que conseguiu reverter uma imagem negativa perante os consumidores, tendo como uma das suas ações, a Responsabilidade Social como ferramenta estratégica e motivacional do seu público interno, numa clara cultura social . Enquanto que, recentemente, a Volkswagen enfrentou um longo e desgastante processo de negociação sindical em face do processo de demissão de milhares de empregados por carta da sua unidade de São Bernardo do Campo, o que pôs em xeque as suas práticas e a sua efetiva preocupação com o social. A Pesquisa IPEA de Indicadores Sociais, na sua segunda edição, é elemento norteador do trabalho desenvolvido que traz como principais revelações: a Responsabilidade Social no Brasil ainda é incipiente, está em processo de gestação a ISO 26001, a preocupação ambiental alastra-se por todo o planeta e os gestores, antes atentos quase que exclusivamente ao lucro, passam a ser cobrados pelos possíveis impactos socioambientais de suas decisões no presente.(AU)


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Ce travail de thèse présente deux grands axes. Le premier axe, touche les traitements du bois dans le but principal de réduire les variations dimensionnelles et d’améliorer la résistance à l’attaque des champignons lignivores. Le second axe quant à lui, touche l’aspect environnemental du traitement acide citrique-glycérol. Ce dernier a pour but principal de démontrer que le prolongement de la durée de vie en service du produit lambris traité, compense les impacts environnementaux causés par ce traitement. Dans le premier axe, deux traitements ont été réalisés sur deux essences de pin (Pinus strobus L. et Pinus contorta D.). Un traitement à l’anhydride maléique et un autre traitement avec une solution d’acide citrique – glycérol brute (AC-G). Dans le premier cas, les effets de deux paramètres (la durée de séchage et la température d’estérification) sur les résultats des essais de stabilité dimensionnelle, de résistance à la dégradation fongique et de vieillissement accéléré ont été évalués. Trois niveaux de durée de séchage après imprégnation (12 h, 18 h et 24 h) et trois niveaux de température d’estérification (140 °C, 160 °C et 180 °C) ont été considérés. Dans le second cas, après identification du meilleur catalyseur (HCl) et du meilleur ratio acide citrique – glycérol (3/1) pendant les essais préliminaires, les performances de ce traitement sur la stabilité dimensionnelle, la résistance à la pourriture fongique, la dureté de surface et l’adhérence des couches de revêtement de peinture sur la surface du substrat bois ont été analysées. Les résultats obtenus ont été appuyés par une suite d’analyses qualitatives et quantitatives pour mieux comprendre et expliquer. Les analyses qualitatives sont : (i) la spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (IRTF) et (ii) la microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) tandis que la quantitative, l’analyse par perte de masse a été faite par pesée. Dans le second axe, une analyse des impacts environnementaux du traitement AC-G a été effectuée par le biais du logiciel SimaPro v8. La base de données Ecoinvent v3 et la méthode d’analyse d’impact Impact 2002+ ont été utilisées dans cette partie du travail de thèse. Sur la base des résultats du second traitement (AC-G) et des travaux disponibles dans la littérature, nous avons estimé, une durée de vie en service des lambris traités. Les différents scénarios de la durée de vie du lambris traité mis sur pied par rapport à celle offerte aujourd’hui par l’industrie, nous permettent de modéliser les impacts environnementaux du traitement. A cette fin, l’analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) a été utilisée comme outil de conception. En conclusion, les paramètres, durée de séchage et température d’estérification influencent les résultats obtenus dans le cas du traitement du bois à l’anhydride maléique. La combinaison 24 h de séchage et 180 °C, température d’estérification, représente les paramètres qui offrent les meilleurs résultats de stabilité dimensionnelle, de résistance à la dégradation fongique et de vieillissement accéléré. Le traitement AC-G améliore la stabilité dimensionnelle, la résistance à la dégradation fongique et la dureté de surface des échantillons. Cependant, le traitement réduit l’adhérence des couches de peinture. Les impacts environnementaux produits par le traitement AC-G sont majoritairement liés à la consommation de la ressource énergie (électricité). Le traitement prolonge la durée de vie en service du lambris traité et il a été mis en évidence que le scénario de durée de vie qui permettrait que le lambris traité puisse se présenter comme un produit à faible impact environnemental par rapport au lambris non traité est celui d’une durée de vie de 55 ans.


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Nowadays the acquisition of sustainable elements and concepts in construction has been increasingly discussed, improved and incorporated to buildings, since the sector directly interferes in the urban space and environment, representing environmental impact. In order to make a sustainable building (Green Building) it is vital to incorporate less damaging constructive practice, starting from the project until the operation of the enterprise, that means to consider an integrated process of conception, implementation, construction and operation. The more effective sustainable principles participation in architecture happens at the projecting step through minimal environment impact solutions. Among the issues varieties that goes with sustainability proposal of the buildings project, there were added to this work the elements that are directly attached to bioclimatic architecture, more specifically the climate variation, ventilation, lighting and sunlight, that directly affect the project conception. It is important to put in evidence that architecture role goes far beyond the simple activity of building spaces; it is the sequence of political, economic, social and cultural elements, having the users as the main apparatus to its materialization. Thereby this professional dissertation consists of an architecture draft for a professional and technological school in the Rio Grande do Norte State, this dissertation is based on the analysis of previous experience and the bioclimatic principles that implicate in building on hot and dry, hot and humid climates, and the use of strategic solutions that aim the optimization of natural light and ventilation


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Nowadays the acquisition of sustainable elements and concepts in construction has been increasingly discussed, improved and incorporated to buildings, since the sector directly interferes in the urban space and environment, representing environmental impact. In order to make a sustainable building (Green Building) it is vital to incorporate less damaging constructive practice, starting from the project until the operation of the enterprise, that means to consider an integrated process of conception, implementation, construction and operation. The more effective sustainable principles participation in architecture happens at the projecting step through minimal environment impact solutions. Among the issues varieties that goes with sustainability proposal of the buildings project, there were added to this work the elements that are directly attached to bioclimatic architecture, more specifically the climate variation, ventilation, lighting and sunlight, that directly affect the project conception. It is important to put in evidence that architecture role goes far beyond the simple activity of building spaces; it is the sequence of political, economic, social and cultural elements, having the users as the main apparatus to its materialization. Thereby this professional dissertation consists of an architecture draft for a professional and technological school in the Rio Grande do Norte State, this dissertation is based on the analysis of previous experience and the bioclimatic principles that implicate in building on hot and dry, hot and humid climates, and the use of strategic solutions that aim the optimization of natural light and ventilation


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The dynamic interaction between building systems and external climate is extremely complex, involving a large number of difficult-to-predict variables. In order to study the impact of global warming on the built environment, the use of building simulation techniques together with forecast weather data are often necessary. Since all building simulation programs require hourly meteorological input data for their thermal comfort and energy evaluation, the provision of suitable weather data becomes critical. Based on a review of the existing weather data generation models, this paper presents an effective method to generate approximate future hourly weather data suitable for the study of the impact of global warming. Depending on the level of information available for the prediction of future weather condition, it is shown that either the method of retaining to current level, constant offset method or diurnal modelling method may be used to generate the future hourly variation of an individual weather parameter. An example of the application of this method to the different global warming scenarios in Australia is presented. Since there is no reliable projection of possible change in air humidity, solar radiation or wind characters, as a first approximation, these parameters have been assumed to remain at the current level. A sensitivity test of their impact on the building energy performance shows that there is generally a good linear relationship between building cooling load and the changes of weather variables of solar radiation, relative humidity or wind speed.


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We love the automobile and the independence that it gives us. We are more mobile than we have ever been before in recorded history. In Australia 80% of journeys are by private motor vehicle. But it is becoming increasingly obvious that this era has a very limited lifespan. Fuel prices have skyrocketed recently with no end in sight. In spite of massive amounts of road construction, our cities are becoming increasingly congested. We desperately need to address climate change and the automobile is a major contributor. Carbon trading schemes will put even more upward pressure on fuel prices. At some point in the near future, most of us will need to reconsider our automobile usage whether we like it or not. The time to plan for the future is now. But what will happen to our mobility when access to cheap and available petroleum becomes a thing of the past? Will we start driving electric/hydrogen/ethanol vehicles? Or will we flock to public transport? Will our public transport systems cope with a massive increase in demand? Will thousands of people take to alternatives such as bicycles? If so, where do we put them? How do we change our roads to cope? How do we change our buildings to suit? Will we need recharging stations in our car park for example? Some countries are less reliant on the car than others e.g. Holland and Germany. How can the rest of the world learn from them? This paper discusses many of the likely outcomes of the inevitable shift away from society’s reliance on petroleum and examines the expected impact on the built environment. It also looks at ways in which the built environment can be planned to help ease the transition to a fossil free world. 1.


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Isolating the impact of a colour, or a combination of colours, is extremely difficult to achieve because it is difficult to remove other environmental elements such as sound, odours, light, and occasion from the experience of being in a place. In order to ascertain the impact of colour on how we interpret the world in day to day situations, the current study records participant responses to achromatic scenes of the built environment prior to viewing the same scene in colour. A number of environments were photographed in colour or copied from design books; and copies of the images saved as both colour and black/grey/white. An overview of the study will be introduced by firstly providing examples of studies which have linked colour to meaning and emotions. For example, yellow is said to be connected to happiness1 ; or red evokes feelings of anger2 or passion. A link between colour and the way we understand and/or feel is established however, there is a further need for knowledge of colour in context. In response to this need, the current achromatic/chromatic environmental study will be described and discussed in light of the findings. Finally, suggestions for future research are posed. Based on previous research the authors hypothesised that a shift in environmental perception by participants would occur. It was found that the impact of colour includes a shift in perception of aspects such as its atmosphere and youthfulness. Through studio-class discussions it was also noted that the predicted age of the place, the function, and in association, the potential users when colour was added (or deleted) were often challenged. It is posited that the ability of a designer (for example, interior designer, architect, or landscape architect) to design for a particular target group—user and/or clients will be enhanced through more targeted studies relating colour in situ. The importance of noting the perceptual shift for the participants in our study, who were young designers, is the realisation that colour potentially holds the power to impact on the identity of an architectural form, an interior space, and/or particular elements such as doorways, furniture settings, and the like.


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Previous research has shown the association between stress and crash involvement. The impact of stress on road safety may also be mediated by behaviours including cognitive lapses, errors, and intentional traffic violations. This study aimed to provide a further understanding of the impact that stress from different sources may have upon driving behaviour and road safety. It is asserted that both stress extraneous to the driving environment and stress directly elicited by driving must be considered part of a dynamic system that may have a negative impact on driving behaviours. Two hundred and forty-seven public sector employees from Queensland, Australia, completed self-report measures examining demographics, subjective work-related stress, daily hassles, and aspects of general mental health. Additionally, the Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) and the Driver Stress Inventory (DSI) were administered. All participants drove for work purposes regularly, however the study did not specifically focus on full-time professional drivers. Confirmatory factor analysis of the predictor variables revealed three factors: DSI negative affect; DSI risk taking; and extraneous influences (daily hassles, work-related stress, and general mental health). Moderate intercorrelations were found between each of these factors confirming the ‘spillover’ effect. That is, driver stress is reciprocally related to stress in other domains including work and domestic life. Structural equation modelling (SEM) showed that the DSI negative affect factor influenced both lapses and errors, whereas the DSI risk-taking factor was the strongest influence on violations. The SEMs also confirmed that daily hassles extraneous to the driving environment may influence DBQ lapses and violations independently. Accordingly, interventions may be developed to increase driver awareness of the dangers of excessive emotional responses to both driving events and daily hassles (e.g. driving fast to ‘blow off steam’ after an argument). They may also train more effective strategies for self-regulation of emotion and coping when encountering stressful situations on the road.


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Nightclubs are businesses. Their business is pleasure; however pleasure has its price. People have become increasingly concerned about the problems of violence in society but why do higher levels of violence occur in nightclubs despite the established patterns of behaviour that dictates how we socialise and act? In response, researchers have focused on identifying social and situational factors that may contribute to violence from a government perspective, focusing on a variety of specific issues ranging from financial standpoints with effective target marketing strategies to legal obligations of supplying alcohol and abiding regulatory conditions. There is little research into specific design properties that can determine design standards to ensure/improve the physical design of nightclub environments to reduce patron violence. To address this gap, this current article aims to understand how people experience and respond to the physical environment of nightclubs and how these spaces influence their behaviour. The first section of this paper examines the background on nightclubs and theories concerning the influence of pleasure. The second section of this paper details the findings of existing studies that have examined the nightlife context and the various factors that influence patron violence. The main finding of this paper is that although alcohol likely plays a contributing role in aggressive patron behaviour, there is evidence that the relationship is moderated by a number of significant factors relating to the characteristics of the drinking environment such as: physical comfort; the degree of overall 'permissiveness‘ in the establishment; crowding; and physical environmental elements most influenced by day to-day management practices such as lighting, ventilation, cleanliness and seating arrangements. The findings from this paper have been used to develop a framework to guide exploratory research on how specific elements of the physical environment of nightclubs have an impact on elevated patron aggression and assault (Koleczko & Garcia Hansen, 2011).


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Violence in nightclubs is a serious problem that has the Australian government launching multimillion dollar drinking campaigns. Research on nightclub violence has focused on identifying contributing social and environmental factors, with many concentrating on a variety of specific issues ranging from financial standpoints with effective target marketing strategies to legal obligations of supplying alcohol and abiding regulatory conditions. Moreover, existing research suggests that there is no single factor that directly affects the rate violence in licensed venues. As detailed in the review paper of Koleczko and Garcia Hansen (2011), there is little research about the physical environment of nightclubs and which specific design properties can be used to determine design standards to ensure/improve the physical design of nightclub environments to reduce patron violence. This current study seeks to address this omission by reporting on a series of interviews with participants from management and design domains. Featured case studies are both located in Fortitude Valley, a Mecca for party-goers and the busiest nightclub district in Queensland. The results and analysis support the conclusions that a number of elements of the physical environment influence elevated patron aggression and assault.


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The extent to which students feel accepted, valued, respected and included in the school has recently surfaced as one of the most important predictors of adolescent mental health (particularly depressive symptoms). The school environment is an established predictor of school connectedness, but we set out to examine whether parental attachment predicts both adolescents' perception of the school environment and school connectedness. A study of 171 high school students from years 8 to 12 showed that parent attachment strongly predicted both. We also confirmed that the relationship between parent attachment and school connectedness is not a direct one but that parent attachment influences individual differences in the way adolescents perceive the school environment, which in turn influences school connectedness. This finding shows how multiple systems might be interlinked in influencing wellbeing in adolescents, and confirms the importance of intervening at the double level of both the family and the school system.