780 resultados para Ensino-aprendizagem de Ciências Naturais nos anos iniciais


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The play and playfulness as well as school subjects are ways that the teacher has in the classroom to mediate the relationship between knowledge and the students, providing an easier and more enjoyable learning. This paper aims to analyze how teachers in the early years of primary education, the areas of Physical Education, Education, Art and English, assesses the importance of playfulness at school, define concepts such as the playful, playing, their importance for the learning and social life. Field research through interviews with nine teachers was conducted, six Educationalists teachers, an art professor, an English and physical education teacher. The results indicated that most of these teachers mediates learning through playfulness that children have better learning when the pedagogical work occurs through play, and feel more motivated to attend school. Participants have the idea that playfulness is the play and the play and say the school should value the playful, and need support from the school staff and the community. In conclusion, the playful should be part of everyday school life and more than a teaching strategy, should be valued in the integral formation of the individual


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The Children's Literature is an invaluable tool for human formation, ethics, aesthetics and politics, as well as serves as an instrument for the formation of interdiscourse and transforms teaching procedures of text written production. Then, the investigation of how the literature is being worked in school. Therefore, in this work, constitutes the general objective, to investigate how the teaching of Children's Literature is organized in the early years of elementary school and if that organization promotes the development of literary literacy of the student, and language skills written and the reader behavior, making it critical on several topics. The question that served as a north to the research was the following one: is Teaching Children's Literature, in the early years of elementary school, organized to develop the literary literacy while acting as a catalyst tool for learning to read and write? Have been established the following objectives: a) describe how the teaching of children's literature is organized (teaching routine) in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years of elementary school ; b) identify the literary genres that have worked in each school year, describe how they are worked out, analyze whether this work is related to the teaching of writing and the nature of that relation ship; c) verify if the Children's Literature teaching procedure seeks ways to articulate literary activities with the establishment of the interdiscourse as content for writing the textual production. The methodology that was included was the field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and it had as direct data source the natural environment in which it was developed the teaching of Children's Literature. The work presents data results analyzed according to the concepts of Aesthetics of Reception (Iser, 1977; Jauss, 1977), and the functions of Literature, according to Candido (2000), Yasuda (2004), among others. From the results were extracted


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The play and playfulness as well as school subjects are ways that the teacher has in the classroom to mediate the relationship between knowledge and the students, providing an easier and more enjoyable learning. This paper aims to analyze how teachers in the early years of primary education, the areas of Physical Education, Education, Art and English, assesses the importance of playfulness at school, define concepts such as the playful, playing, their importance for the learning and social life. Field research through interviews with nine teachers was conducted, six Educationalists teachers, an art professor, an English and physical education teacher. The results indicated that most of these teachers mediates learning through playfulness that children have better learning when the pedagogical work occurs through play, and feel more motivated to attend school. Participants have the idea that playfulness is the play and the play and say the school should value the playful, and need support from the school staff and the community. In conclusion, the playful should be part of everyday school life and more than a teaching strategy, should be valued in the integral formation of the individual


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The Children's Literature is an invaluable tool for human formation, ethics, aesthetics and politics, as well as serves as an instrument for the formation of interdiscourse and transforms teaching procedures of text written production. Then, the investigation of how the literature is being worked in school. Therefore, in this work, constitutes the general objective, to investigate how the teaching of Children's Literature is organized in the early years of elementary school and if that organization promotes the development of literary literacy of the student, and language skills written and the reader behavior, making it critical on several topics. The question that served as a north to the research was the following one: is Teaching Children's Literature, in the early years of elementary school, organized to develop the literary literacy while acting as a catalyst tool for learning to read and write? Have been established the following objectives: a) describe how the teaching of children's literature is organized (teaching routine) in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years of elementary school ; b) identify the literary genres that have worked in each school year, describe how they are worked out, analyze whether this work is related to the teaching of writing and the nature of that relation ship; c) verify if the Children's Literature teaching procedure seeks ways to articulate literary activities with the establishment of the interdiscourse as content for writing the textual production. The methodology that was included was the field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and it had as direct data source the natural environment in which it was developed the teaching of Children's Literature. The work presents data results analyzed according to the concepts of Aesthetics of Reception (Iser, 1977; Jauss, 1977), and the functions of Literature, according to Candido (2000), Yasuda (2004), among others. From the results were extracted


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Esta investigação, de natureza qualitativa, visou conhecer as concepções e práticas de professores dos anos iniciais sobre o ensino de ciências e promover reflexões sobre tal ensino. O trabalho teve como base o Processo de Reflexão Orientada, uma estratégia para o desenvolvimento profissional a partir do enfoque de questões da prática docente. As questões de investigação foram: Como professores dos anos iniciais concebem, refletem, planejam e realizam o ensino de Ciências? Como refletem e realizam o ensino de Ciências a partir de um Processo de Reflexão Orientada? E, como a partir de um Processo de Reflexão Orientada para professores dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental avaliam o seu próprio desenvolvimento profissional? Os dados foram obtidos a partir de questionários, entrevistas, planejamentos escritos e dedeogravações dos encontros e de aulas ministradas. Sequências de ensino foram planejadas e discutidas, novas reflexões foram realizadas e reelaborações foram propostas. As aulas desenvolvidas evidenciaram um progresso de Lívia com relação à participação dos alunos, com a proposição de uma situação-problema, da consideração das ideias prévias dos alunos, embora apresentasse ainda dificuldades em promover uma discussão orientada, que pudesse favorecer a argumentação dos alunos e a compreensão do fenômeno. Já, nas aulas de Roberta observaram-se atividades que privilegiaram a participação dos alunos. O processo de reflexão orientada mostrou ser uma estratégia importante para o desenvolvimento profissional dessas professoras, possibilitando reflexões significativas sobre a própria prática, bem como a tomada de consciência de uma nova sistematização das ações docentes.


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A formação é necessária a todos os profissionais da educação, visto que o ser humano nunca está pronto ou acabado. No contexto das constantes transformações sociais, a formação continuada ganha nova força na atual conjuntura social, cultural e econômica do país e a escola passa a ser entendida como um locus privilegiado para essa formação. Contudo, para que essa formação ocorra no sentido proposto por Vera Candau, a escola necessita ser de fato um lugar de reflexão, capaz de identificar os problemas, discuti-los e, coletivamente, resolvê-los. Paralelamente à discussão sobre formação continuada, nos deparamos com os resultados da avaliação nacional, que insistem em evidenciar os baixos desempenhos dos estudantes das escolas públicas. A Prova Brasil, em especial, tem divulgado os resultados para cada escola com o objetivo de envolver os professores e demais funcionários na reflexão sobre a qualidade da educação e da aprendizagem de seus alunos. Com a finalidade de buscar compreender como a escola interpreta os resultados da Prova Brasil, favorecendo a formação continuada de seus docentes, foi feita a análise das ações de uma escola pública situada no município de Nova Iguaçu, que atende alunos do primeiro segmento do Ensino Fundamental. A pesquisa, portanto, é de natureza qualitativa, envolvendo observações participantes, questionários com os sujeitos escolhidos: professores, coordenação pedagógica, direção e coleta de dados na Secretaria Municipal de Educação. O referencial teórico desta discussão está embasado nas discussões acerca da valorização da escola e da importância desta como locus privilegiado de formação continuada. Assim, autores como Candau, Imbernón, dentre outros, são fundamentais. Os resultados dos levantamentos educacionais podem ser excelentes instrumentos para fomentar a discussão sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem dos estudantes na escola.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral compreender o processo de aprendizagem da matemática de estudantes durante o ciclo de alfabetização na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Para isso, fez-se uso dos dados de uma pesquisa longitudinal, denominada Estudo Longitudinal da Geração Escolar 2005 GERES 2005. Esta Pesquisa consistiu em um estudo de painel que acompanhou ao longo de quatro anos consecutivos (de 2005 a 2008) uma amostra de estudantes do primeiro segmento do Ensino Fundamental (1 à 4 série e/ou 2 ao 5 ano) em cinco cidades brasileiras - Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Campinas, Campo Grande e Salvador, por meio de testes de Matemática e Leitura aplicados aos estudantes e de questionários contextuais aplicados a seus professores, aos diretores das escolas, e aos pais. Especificamente o estudo concentrou-se sobre os dados referentes à rede municipal do Rio de Janeiro e mais especificamente ao período correspondente ao ciclo de alfabetização. Foram analisados os resultados médios em matemática dos estudantes nas três primeiras Ondas de avaliação e o percentual de acertos nos itens comuns a essas Ondas, com o intuito de verificar a evolução da aprendizagem em matemática ao longo do início da escolarização nos anos iniciais. Dentre os principais resultados da pesquisa foi possível perceber certa fragilidade na construção dos conceitos matemáticos básico dos anos iniciais, evidenciando que possivelmente a construção da linguagem matemática encontra-se aquém do esperado para os estudantes no início de sua formação matemática. Possivelmente, estes resultados reflitam uma prática comum nas escolas em que a ênfase do processo de aprendizagem esteja centrada em processos individuais, em contextos pouco familiares à criança, além da proposição de atividades que pouco exploram o raciocínio lógico e dedutivo do aluno, ou seja, o pensar sobre de forma lúdica e criativa. Tudo isso tem contribuído para aumentar a distância entre estudantes de diferentes classes sociais ou diferentes redes de ensino.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Didática das Ciências), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, História e Filosofia das Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Inúmeras pesquisas estão sendo desenvolvidas sobre a importância da formação continuada dos professores para a prática educativa, a fim de melhorar o entendimento sobre as variáveis necessárias para assegurar que os alunos possam obter o aprendizado almejado. Afirma-se ainda que a maioria desses estudos considere que o professor reflexivo possui melhores oportunidades de crescimento profissional e pedagógico, disponibilizando aos seus alunos melhores estratégias didáticas. Para tanto, o objetivo deste estudo é Analisar se a formação continuada de professores, aplicada pelo “Programa Escola que Vale”, tem contribuído para as mudanças das práticas docentes dos professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental I, e como a formação continuada, desenvolvida por este Programa, tem contribuído para as mudanças das práticas docente dos professores dos anos iniciais. Assim, a metodologia deste estudo foi realizada através de uma pesquisa exploratória de caráter bibliográfica e uma pesquisa de campo com docentes, supervisores e orientadores do município de Ourilândia do Norte. Os resultados desta análise nos mostraram que a formação continuada de professores do Programa Escola que Vale, contribuiu muito propiciando melhorias ao desenvolvimento da ação pedagógica, que o profissional torna-se motivado para continuar aprendendo e melhorando sua ação docente, sobretudo utilizando de meios que possibilitam envolvimentos de toda comunidade educativa em prol de uma educação de qualidade.


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O presente estudo tem como objeto a prática pedagógica na mediação dos Cadernos de Ensino e Aprendizagem da área de Ciências Naturais nas classes multisseriadas, partindo do conceito de inovação pedagógica. Simultaneamente, elabora uma discussão densa acerca do ensinar/aprender ciências; dos Cadernos de Ensino e Aprendizagem; das classes multisseriadas e enfatiza a possibilidade de inter-relação com a inovação pedagógica, ao mesmo tempo em que reflete, explicita e analisa uma experiência pedagógica na qual a educadora compreende o sentido social da sua prática e se institui como organizadora de situações educativas, o que contribui para ratificar o caráter inovador do ensinar/aprender ciências numa classe multisseriada a partir do uso dos cadernos. Para investigar a mediação no uso dos cadernos da área de ciências, optámos pela pesquisa qualitativa, inspirando-nos na etnografia e seus dispositivos de investigação. Durante seis meses, vivenciamos o cotidiano da prática pedagógica da Escola Municipal Leovigildo Ribeiro dos Santos, localizada na zona rural do município de Feira de Santana-Bahia. Para investigar o objeto de pesquisa, utilizámos, dentre outros recursos metodológicos, a entrevista, a observação participante e a filmagem. A pesquisa realizada consubstancia-se numa experiência ímpar ao considerarmos que as mudanças implementadas na prática, de forma intencional e planejada, no sentido de romper com os mecanismos apresentados pelos cadernos apresentam uma nova possibilidade de ensinar/aprender ciências nas classes multisseriadas.


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This work is located at the shield of research that defends the use of Mathematics History, based on the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities, at Mathematics classrooms, and at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. The general objective is to examine the possibility of the use of historical artifacts, at teaching activities, at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. Artifact, at this work, is comprehended as objects, documents, monuments, images and other kinds of materials that make sense to the Human actions at the past and that represent what have been said and done at the Human history. At the construction of the theoretical-methodological way of the research we have based ourselves upon the ideas of the authors that are engaged at the teachers formation; at researchers adherents to the use of Mathematics History (MH) as a methodological resource, and at studies accomplished that elucidate the role of the artifacts at the history and as a mediatory element of learning. We defend the thesis that the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities enables the increasing of the knowledge, the development of competencies and essential abilities to the teacher acting, as well as interact at different areas of the knowledge, that provides a conception of formation where the teacher improves his learning, learning-doing and learning-being. We have adopted a qualitative research approach with a theoretical and pratic study disposition about the elements that contribute to the teachers works at the classroom, emphasizing the role of the Mathematics history at the teacher s formation and as a pedagogical resource at the mathematics classroom; the knowledge, the competencies and abilities of the historical artifacts as an integrative link between the different areas of the knowledge. As result, we emphasize that the proposition of using the MH, through learning activities, at the course of teacher graduation is relevant, because it allows the investigation of ideas that originate the knowledge generated at every social context, considering the contribution of the social and cultural, political and economical aspects at this construction, making easy the dialog among the areas and inside of each one The historical artifact represents a research source that can be deciphered, comprehended, questioned, extracting from it information about knowledge of the past, trace and vestiges of the culture when it was created, consisting of a testimony of a period. These aspects grant to it consideration to be explored as a mediatory element of the learning. The artifacts incorporated at teaching activities of the graduation courses for teachers promote changes on the view about the Mathematics teaching, in view of to privilege the active participation of the student at the construction of his knowledge, at the reflection about the action that has been accomplished, promoting stimulus so the teachers can create their own artifacts, and offer, either, traces linking the Mathematics with others knowledge areas.


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This report aims to present the results of research on the possibilities and limits of Supervised Traineeship in a the course of Training of Teachers in Service of the early years of primary education conducted through an agreement between the Federal University of Piauí and the Teresina city council (PI) UFPI/PMT, offers subsidies to teaching practices that address the reality of students who live, work and/or studying in school located in rural areas. The research is based on a theoretical and methodological approach that places the object of study in the critical perspective and using procedures such as: literature (bibliographical research), documentary analysis, semi-structured interview and photographic record. We researched 10 (ten) teachers of the course promoted by UFPI graduating in 2006 and who develop teaching activities in schools located in rural areas in the city of Teresina-PI, 02 (two) teachers who are trainee supervisor of UFPI and the coordinator of the course. The analysis evidenced that the object, historically, educational policies have changed, but did not break the traditional patterns of teacher education, enough, especially in the curricular proposals in light of the changes required by the information and global society. We also note that in the supervised training, the process of critical reflection on teaching practice was made possible, in part, and raised the reconstruction of specific knowledge to make teaching in order to conduct the teaching-learning process articulating different realities of primary teaching and facing situations due to conservative practices in relation to education in rural areas. It contributed, therefore, this curricular component to resize, in part, the pedagogical action of the teachers graduated. The study also drives the research toward to similar studies in the perspective of overcoming the current model of teacher training that does not correspond to the demands of society in change and to the crisis of capital, with immeasurable consequences in the workplace. The contemporary claims for a University to form professionals capable of directing the destiny of society, where teacher training is a social and political demands on which is co-responsible